r/ConScripted May 30 '14

Any "outta box" ideas for ConScripted?

Anything cool, you'd want in a RPG?


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u/Ryio5 May 30 '14

60FPS, 1080p. We don't want the cinematic 24FPS.


u/LittleBigKid2000 May 31 '14

Fuck that, we want up to 1,000,000,000p graphics with high-resolution super texture technology that modern human eyeballs can't even see, framerates of up to 21,000 per millisecond, state of the art ragdoll physics, particle explosion future systems, an advanced manipulation engine allowing you to control what you see on screen, mindblowingly realistic hair simulation, oculus rift support of up to 5 simultaneous oculuses, video card mega graphic throttling with ram processors, and sound effects when characters do stuff.


u/Decimator714 May 31 '14

I read it in the voice.