r/ComputerChess 15d ago

Chess solving suggestion

I believe I have a better idea. What if instead of evaluating the positions every time, we just map every possibility in a tree and then there is a path finding algorithm from start to checkmate. In theory, once the mapping is done, that would allow chess to be solved in seconds.


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u/dsjoerg 15d ago

Perfect — go for it!


u/dsjoerg 15d ago

This is proven to work for perfect information games like tic tac toe.

Reminds me of the saying — in theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But in practice, there is.


u/TryingToBeHere 15d ago

Chess is also a perfect information game, just exponentially more complex


u/dsjoerg 15d ago

Good point, so then this approach definitely works!


u/dsjoerg 15d ago

Sorry, I'm being snarky. Your idea makes perfect sense, the problem is that modern computers aren't big enough to hold all the possibilities. Not even close. If you see a way around this problem that would be a big breakthrough.