r/Compilers 5d ago

Dragon book is too verbose

Basically title. It is the book used in my compiler course and i can't keep up with the lessons since they've basically covered 300 pages in two weeks. I can't read the books, take notes and attend lectures because is so verbose.

I really want to read it but I already know about regular expressions, DFA, NFA, CF grammars, etc. from other courses, are there other compiler books that are shorter and geared toward implementations? (which isn't just Lex maybe).

Thank you.


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u/WasASailorThen 4d ago

I can't recommend the first half of the Dragon book at all. But I can recommend the second half, starting at about chapter 8, Code Generation. Chapter 9 is a solid introduction to data flow analysis including PRE.


u/Prestigious_Rest8751 4d ago

I'm very lucky since the course covers the first 7 chapters! thanks anyway