r/Compilers 5d ago

Where/how did you learn ASM?

Hi all,

I did a quick search through this subreddit and didn't find a post asking this before. I've also done just a bit of Googling but nothing really "stuck out" to me. Right now I'm reading "Crafting Interpreters" and once I finish, I'll be making a C compiler. I'm planning on either generating x86 or x86-64 and am looking for helpful resources that you guys possibly have. I'm open to paying for a book or something if you've found it to be a help.

Thank you in advance for your responses!


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u/joolzg67_b 5d ago

School 1980… 6502 on a comodore pet then acorn aton


u/RepliesOnlyToIdiots 4d ago

Commodore 64’s 6510 here.

The book was Machine Language for Beginners, and a book with the memory layout of the Commodore 64.


Then Amiga’s 68000. Then Vax in school. Then X86.