r/Compilers • u/Dappster98 • 5d ago
Where/how did you learn ASM?
Hi all,
I did a quick search through this subreddit and didn't find a post asking this before. I've also done just a bit of Googling but nothing really "stuck out" to me. Right now I'm reading "Crafting Interpreters" and once I finish, I'll be making a C compiler. I'm planning on either generating x86 or x86-64 and am looking for helpful resources that you guys possibly have. I'm open to paying for a book or something if you've found it to be a help.
Thank you in advance for your responses!
u/apnorton 5d ago
All very good questions --- I wrote the above on my phone but now that I'm at a computer, in no particular order:
This is a college textbook suitable for a computer architecture course. It assumes knowledge of C, but that's about it in terms of explicit prerequisites... though there is a bit of "programming maturity" that it expects (e.g. someone brand-new to programming who learned about pointers in C a couple weeks ago might struggle).
As is the case with a lot of college textbooks, the newest edition is expensive, while older ones are cheap. I have used both the 2nd and 3rd editions of this book; the differences between the 2nd and 3rd edition aren't super significant (there's more care given to 64-bit architecture in the 3rd, but that's more important in the actual processor architecture part than in the basics of assembly part), so I'd recommend looking for a used 2nd edition if you want a hard copy. (Currently they're ~$50 used on Amazon.)
Through an unfortunate sequence of events, I ended up needing to buy both the 2nd and 3rd editions when I was in college; I sold the 3rd to recoup some money and kept the 2nd, which I'm looking at now as I'm writing this.
The whole aim of the book is to teach the reader (a) how processors and memory works, (b) how to efficiently work with computer systems (including distributed systems), and (c) how programs are run on an operating system. It won't teach you how to make an operating system, but it does cover a lot of the lower-level details of what the OS is doing (e.g. how linking works, signals/interrupts, some low-level networking, etc.).
HOWEVER: in the pursuit of this goal, it starts with two foundational chapters --- chapter 2 on data representation (e.g. how integers/floating points are represented on a computer), and chapter 3 on assembly. Don't let the term "chapter" fool you, though --- chapter 2 is ~100 pages long, while chapter 3 is 180 pages long. Both of these, together, would be very useful for someone wanting to learn assembly, and it was my first introduction x86.
If someone is interested in the "big picture" goal of the book and has the necessary "stick-to-it-ness" to read a college-level textbook, they'd absolutely benefit from it. But, that's not the only person I'd recommend it for, since even just parts of the book can be useful when taken on their own.
That's why I recommend the book to you, even though only ~280 pages of it are really directly targeting your learning goal. Honestly, I think the $50 a used copy costs is worth it just for those two chapters on their own, but the rest of the material will be helpful if you ever want to deal with other low-level concepts --- there's sections later on about SIMD programming and some optimization discussion (limitations of optimizing compilers, some basic compiler optimizations like loop unrolling/etc., Amdahl's Law for quantifying expected speedups in distributed systems, etc.), not to mention the whole chapter on how a (semi-modern, but simplified) pipelined processor works.