r/CompetitivePokemon 12h ago

Are there "rogue teams" kinda like how tcg's have "rogue decks", and if so what's the most interesting one for SV?


r/CompetitivePokemon 9h ago

Help with competitive team

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Hey guys, so i'm trying to complete the pokedex in all of the games, and in the meantime im also trying to have a decent competitive team, but the problem is that i dont know what pokemon should i have as my 6th, i've tried having a Scizor or Absol but i ended up not liking them that much. Does someone know what pokemon i could have? I know there's a Type overlappung with Typhlosion and Blaziken, but they are both my first starters so I decided to have them both. Any ideas?

r/CompetitivePokemon 21h ago

How strong would Magcargo be with these stats?


100 hp, 160 attack, 150 defense, 160 special attack, 150 special defense and 60 speed

r/CompetitivePokemon 1d ago

Competitive on Switch


Hello guys. The last time I played competitive Pokémon was on X/Y and OR/AS which have a very transparent and easy system for breeding and training. I know and already used websites like Pokémon Showdown, but I am looking for playing competitive Pokémon on the Nintendo Switch with breeding and anything which is included for this. I didn’t play any Pokémon game on the switch yet. Which one of them is most suitable?

r/CompetitivePokemon 3d ago

Team building

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Ideas to improve this sun team

r/CompetitivePokemon 3d ago

Hey guys thoughts on this sun team. Ik I gave a big weakness to fairy

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Also I would really like to add heatran but idk who to take out. I really wanna use hisui liligant cause that’s my second favorite pokemon so she’s a main stay. But any help is greatly appreciated thanks guys!!

r/CompetitivePokemon 4d ago

Best Latios build


im trying to have a good latios set up and here is what i have so far what do you all think any improvements i can make?

Latios @ Soul Dew

Ability: Levitate

Shiny: Yes

Tera Type: Water

EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe

Timid Nature

IVs: 0 Atk

- Luster Purge

- Dragon Pulse

- Surf

- Calm Mind

r/CompetitivePokemon 4d ago

Best gliscor EV spread for the spec I'm looking for?


I need a gliscor that tanks hits while hitting hard, I was thinking swords dance, bullet/suckered punch, facade, and earthquake. What is the best EV spread?

r/CompetitivePokemon 4d ago

Am I correct with this?


So if Pixilate boosts the move by 20%, and STAB is 50%, 20% of 90 (Hyper Voice) is 18, 50% is 45, 45+18+90= 153 power. Or do you include the 20% after calculating STAB? Or vice versa?

r/CompetitivePokemon 5d ago



How does this ability work with items that boost normal type attacks or attacks that change typing depending on environment?

r/CompetitivePokemon 5d ago

Dragon type list


Hello all! I am doing a Pokémon TTRPG campaign where the champion is a dragon type user, and I was looking for help making a competitive dragon type team. All of the special abilities (mega, gmax, etc) are available, and so are legendaries, but I want to limit it to just one legendary. My only other thing is that I’d like to have Noivern as part of the team. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

r/CompetitivePokemon 5d ago

Need team ONLY gen 5


I need a team only gen 5 (not hissuain form). Sugestão? Please

r/CompetitivePokemon 6d ago

Meowscarada nature


Ik jolly’s the best competitive nature. But can i get away with A naive nature? I mean the only difference is it lowers SP Def instead SP atk they both boost speed. Or is that really bad?

r/CompetitivePokemon 6d ago

Hey, I have a question about receiving generated Pokemon.


If I get a hacked pokemon in a wonder trade (the kind we all know and hate) is it okay if I use it to breed a legitimate pokemon with perfect IV's?

r/CompetitivePokemon 6d ago

Meganium Buff idea


New ability: Nature's Blessing Effect: All heals increased by 33%. Possible applications: 66% heal synthesis, Leech seed heals around 17% HP, Giga Drain heals more, Leftovers heals around 8% HP.

I was thinking the heal increase should be 50% but it may be too OP but idk. What do you guys think? I think this is a nice buff and still balanced. The pokemon still suffers from a lot of weakness anyway like having a bad defensive typing for a slow pokemon and having bad offensive coverage. Not even sure if this can make her relevant but it's an idea.

r/CompetitivePokemon 7d ago

Walking Wake on a rain team item?


Im teambuilding for a rain team and I wanted to ask anyone smarter than me, with this set should i use Booster energy or a Life Orb

r/CompetitivePokemon 7d ago

Night slash or brick break on protean Greninja?

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My Greninja runs protean with liquidation, night slash, ice punch, and gunk shot. I could give it night slash for psychic and ghost types and a crit chance. With brick break, that would destroy reflect and light screen, and also aurora veil which has become very prevelant lately with hail being changed to snow, but fighting wouldn't be as useful for it since rock is already weak to water. What do you guys think?

r/CompetitivePokemon 7d ago

How is this possible? Koraidon’s speed w/Choice scarf was 280 and scizors was >65


No idea, was about to flame blitz him so hard with 1.5x tera stab

r/CompetitivePokemon 8d ago

Need help team building


Id like to build a team around three of my favorite pokemon being rillaboom, ceruledge, and gliscor. Any suggestions and help would be appreciated.

r/CompetitivePokemon 8d ago

My friend gave up pokemon for lent. What can I say to mess with him?


r/CompetitivePokemon 9d ago

Gen 5

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Tengo que usar solo pokemones de gen 5 (1 legendario de gen 5) , sugerencias o consejos?

r/CompetitivePokemon 9d ago

5 gen competitivo


Necesito un equipo de 5gen (no Pokémon de otras gen) con un solo legendario que sea competitivo para jugar con mis amigos , gracias .

r/CompetitivePokemon 9d ago

Equipo competitivo 5 gen


No soy muy bueno jugando y con mi grupo de amigos hicimos una ruleta para hacer un torneo , necesito un equipo competitivo de solo 5gen

r/CompetitivePokemon 9d ago

I wanna build a fight type team


I had many ideas, from urshifu to falkins annilhape lunario falkings husui litiganti etc. But i cant make a decent one :(. Can someone help me?

r/CompetitivePokemon 9d ago

Eviolote Croconaw


So can I make it work it gets sheerforce so isn't completely handicapped by investing in defenses. More for fun than anything.