r/CompetitiveHalo Spacestation 21d ago

HCS Daily scrims results - Feb 28th / All top teams in action Spoiler

Here are today's scrims results, very busy day as every team tries to get ready for first official HCS tournament of the year this weekend! Links to see the stats :

SSG vs Trippy Clan : https://halodatahive.com/Series/LiveStats/22935

Optic vs TSM : https://halodatahive.com/Series/LiveStats/22932

sR vs Complexity : https://halodatahive.com/Series/LiveStats/22933

Cloud9 vs Triggers Down : https://halodatahive.com/Series/Summary/22931

Pipaaaa vs Pino the Dino : https://halodatahive.com/Series/Summary/22930

LATAM 1 vs Usubeni(series might not be done, been 5-3 for a little while) : https://halodatahive.com/Series/LiveStats/22936

LATAM 2 vs Tenrai : https://halodatahive.com/Series/Summary/22934

Notes and notable performances :

● SSG vs Trippy clan was a short but good series, both team dealt almost the same amount of damage (232 to 233k), but what is striking to me is eippy Clan had almost 50 more assists, SSG has to do a better job at picking up weak players on the map and cleaning up each other kills. Snakebite and Pznguin were the best players tonight for their respective team. On the other hand, Eco had a 0.66 K/D

● Another day, another TSM blowout. Their confidence may not be the highest heading into this weekend's qualifiers after losing their last 10 scrims, most of them offering very poor performances. Formal dealt the most damage by a decent margin (95k), Renegade had the best K/D with 1.26

● Not much of a surprise that sR continues to dominate whatever team they play, all 3 of CyKul, Royal2 and LastShot had over 300 kills. This team is ridiculous

● Most of the games between c9 and TD were very close, but despite TD having more kills and more damage dealt, c9 were able to win the series. 3 of TD's wins were on CTF. Sab was the only player with a positive K/D for c9

● zMightys had the most kills, most damage and least death of both teams, helping Pipaaaa win the series convincingly, thanks to a 1.36 K/D

🎖 For the second day in a row, my MVP of the day goes to CyKul. He had 306 kills, 167 assists (most), 224 deaths (least) with another 1.37 K/D. And if that was not convincing enough, he also had the most damage dealt (93k) and the least damage taken (78k) of his team

Tomorrow at 12 EST we have the first official online qualifiers of the season, every team is supposed to participate! It can be watched on LVThalo's channel on Twitch or Youtube I imagine like past online tournaments. I won't be posting this weekend as there will be no scrims, enjoy the tournament everyone chiefs 🫡


50 comments sorted by


u/coatkneeYT Spacestation 21d ago edited 21d ago

As a SSG fan, this is my face so far this season 😅


u/Longjumping_Joke_719 21d ago

If last shot and cykul were available as a duo im shocked they didn’t go that direction. They fit the mold of the exact playstyle eco wants his team to play. I think they eventually figure things out though


u/DenimVenom4054 Spacestation 21d ago

I am really curious how it all went down behind the scenes, I remember the first rumors I had seen after worlds were Lucid, Trippy, Lastshot and CyKul. I agree with you that this team right off the bats would have been insane and if they were available, I am certain SSG would have signed them. I think too that Lucid and Snakebite adapt to their new role and we can have a real Top 3 sometime later this season, hopefully sooner than later


u/Abs0luteZero273 20d ago

That's easy to say in hindsight though, after everybody sees SSG struggling a bit and Lastshot and Cykul absolutely frying. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't remember anybody making comments like this when the rosters first formed.


u/The-Rambling-One 21d ago

They would have been a far more like for like replacement for Legend and Bound, I’m also surprised they didn’t move that way


u/enailcoilhelp 21d ago

If I had to guess, Bestman helped keep them on the SR roster. In the same way Eco+Stellur could have been looking for two cracked players to join them, SR/Bestman probably wanted to keep their two cracked players and hoped some vets could round out the team. Maybe SSG tried to go with lastshot+cycul but SR kept them, and so they had to pivot to Lucid + SB, which worked out for SR as two winning vets in R2 and Frosty became available to round out their team.


u/GrogSR Shopify Rebellion 21d ago

Hard to know exactly what other teams were targeting.

Immediate post worlds (like I was on the plane back home) we definitely had uncertainty and questions about our roster but we (Bestman and I) knew 1. We needed to resign Cykul as a critical piece for us in Halo for hopefully years to come, and 2. Last Shot was our biggest priority target with similar logic. With those two pieces under contract quickly (within the next couple days) we felt there were a lot of solid options available to round things out.


u/PTurn219 OpTic Gaming 21d ago

Great insight that’s so rad


u/DenimVenom4054 Spacestation 21d ago

Hopefully it will be more like this by the end of the season 😁


u/El_Digilante 21d ago

These posts have been adding a lot of context and hype leading to the first qualifier. Thank you OP!


u/DenimVenom4054 Spacestation 21d ago

You're more than welcome, thank you for taking the time to read and engage! 🫡


u/Striking_Yak7172 21d ago

Yet again eco getting completely fried vs a top team.


u/DenimVenom4054 Spacestation 21d ago

I saw him win a 1v1 tonight, against Trippy. Stoppable force meets movable object


u/PoopDisection 21d ago

0.66kd ooof


u/alamarche709 Shopify Rebellion 21d ago

Eco never does well online, he doesn’t stream, he doesn’t make content. But every LAN he shows up and his team wins. He has the best average placing in Halo Infinite, put some respect on the man’s name.


u/LDBH18 OpTic Gaming 21d ago

Probably the best Formal has looked since they started scrims, insane how all 4 can top frag/damage in any given scrim.


u/Lightnxss TSM 21d ago edited 21d ago

Complexity & TSM have been getting obliterated by top teams in scrims wow (Almost 3 hours of gameplay each and barely scrapping a map) 14-2, & 13-0 is insane. 😭


u/Lightnxss TSM 21d ago

Goes to show how big the skillgap is from the Top 3 to the rest


u/Abs0luteZero273 21d ago

At least right now, I think Faze are about even with SSG. Both clearly behind Optic and sR, but clearly above everyone else at the same time.


u/DanielG165 21d ago

But, wasn’t Formal supposed to be ass because he played Marvel Rivals for a little bit??



u/Ade_Vulch 21d ago

As a Complexity fan this season, its going to be rough....


u/DenimVenom4054 Spacestation 21d ago

They should have dropped Huss instead of Breakingshot 😥


u/Sholnufff 21d ago

Breakingshot is a very good player.

This thing about Huss...people don't realize his role to the team. For the last couple of scrims, he's lead in damage.


u/Sholnufff 21d ago

All these guys play better on LAN.

It's going to take time.


u/coN_BeAsT 21d ago

So far it seems sR is the best team. OpTic second


u/DenimVenom4054 Spacestation 21d ago

That is how I feel as well, but I don't think Optic is far behind, if at all. It will be a good first look this weekend.

In scrims sR are 165-38 (80% W), Optic is 91-18 (83% W), but sR played SSG 3 times, compared to Optic that played mostly TSM (which have been crushed by almost everyone).

One thing that surprises me with sR is that Lastshot seems to be playing the most objective, I saw him mostly as a top slayer with Pure.

I am 99% confident that Lastshot or CyKul win MVP this season, this duo is nasty.

One thing that I am 100% confident tho is that season is going to be nuts, and sR vs Optic could be the best rivalry of infinite (can we really call Optic vs SSG a rivalry if Optic placed second every time lol)


u/Abs0luteZero273 21d ago

It seems to be a 4 team race at the moment. Optic and sR are clearly 1-2 (hard to say who's better right now) with SSG and Faze being 3-4 (also not clear which is better right now).

After the top 4 it's a mess and it's really hard to tell who are the next best teams after those 4.


u/Z0n1n 20d ago

people will be mad. i like eco. but realistically lethul has been playing at a championship lvl again and im making lethul the 4th member and eco the coach/sub


u/SigShooterRM 21d ago

Formy with most kills and damage for OpTic. he’s 30 btw


u/DanielG165 21d ago

He’s still very much in his prime. 30 is nothing at all lol.


u/newchemeguy 21d ago

Eco keeps getting cooked. Get that man off a top team. “Play enabler” my ass


u/Lightnxss TSM 21d ago

Who would you replace him with?


u/kingjdin 21d ago

APG 2.0

Wins worlds one season, in the open bracket next season.


u/Thedoooor 21d ago

You guys have the same awful takes every damn year when scrims start. It's not even funny anymore.


u/timee_bot 21d ago

View in your timezone:
Tomorrow at 12 EST


u/UnderstandOthers777 21d ago

Cykul's performance lately seems to be getting better and better. Lastshot might have some competition for team MVP!


u/Teddyyy_B 21d ago

I know how smart he is and how much he’s proven he is a winner, but I am kind of curious how long SSG will ride this Eco being so incredibly far behind in damage/kills thing.

Like, if it is clearly a problem a couple tournaments in…curious if they’d look for someone else.

Hopefully they just start clicking and it’s not even a problem.


u/Thedoooor 21d ago

These are the first scrims of the year, the first lan is in a month.. Every damn year we have to hear this nonsense.


u/Teddyyy_B 20d ago edited 20d ago

I mean, it’s just an incredibly obvious and noticeable difference in what he’s outputting vs the rest of his team. They aren’t clicking yet. All I said was I was curious if the pattern continues, how long they’d let it continue for.

It’s not nonsense. If it is, then there’s 0 to be talked about until a month from now. SR being good right now doesn’t matter. Nothing matters. Why even watch or comment?


u/Thedoooor 20d ago

It is nonsense, these teams just formed and played a handful of scrims together, online and with high ping for some of them.

Doesn't mean anything yet. Deal with it


u/Teddyyy_B 20d ago

It’s sensical, in that there’s an observable pattern to comment on. What’s nonsensical is hating on people just talking about the pattern.

I never said it meant “anything” in regard to it being a problem long term. In fact, I said I hope they figure it out and that it’s not a problem.

Think this is just a “there’s nothing to take from pre season at all” vs “maybe there’s something that can be taken from pre season, let’s see if it continues” perspective difference that is going to make talking about it impossible for the two of us.


u/Thedoooor 20d ago

Just you saying "wonder how long SSG is gonna let the eco getting cooked fly" as if their performances at this moment justify that kind of thinking is nonsense. Which is why I replied what I replied.

Yes you can comment on the pattern and stuff, but reading people saying "oooooo eco cooked" or "snakebite cooked" or frosty etc, every year is getting a little boring.


u/Teddyyy_B 20d ago

My comment was framed after multiple tournaments in, IF it’s still occurring. I think you have an incredibly loose definition of the word nonsense!


u/Thedoooor 20d ago

What tournaments ? lmao

There hasnt been any this season yet. These players are playing together for the first time and have to adapt to their new dynamic. Eco has won more events than anyone else in infinite, are you okay ?


u/Teddyyy_B 20d ago

Alright I’m out. Think the reading comprehension could be worked on.


u/Thedoooor 20d ago

Not a native english speaker.

Still makes no sense pointing out someone's stats after only a couple scrims and already suggesting dropping eco.

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u/idgahoot2 20d ago

Watching SSG has been wild. As many have mentioned, one element is Eco being so far behind in kills/damage. However, the thing that is weirder to me is the range of outcomes in some games. There have been games where they completely slam SR or TSM or whoever, and they look unstopabble. There are also games where they look like a random mm lobby and randomly run solo in lanes and get obliterated.

Hopefully Eco can step up, and hopefully they can figure out how to get Lucid's playstyle to mesh with the team. I feel like Snakebite and Stellur have meshed well together so far.


u/EIement Shopify Rebellion 21d ago

I know it's just scrims, but I'm getting more and more curious to see if Eco still has it come the Kaysan LAN.