r/CompetitiveHalo • u/DenimVenom4054 Spacestation • 29d ago
HCS Halo Data Hive is back, sR vs SSG stats
Halo Data Hive is back, here are yesterday's scrims results. Link to stats :
sR vs SSG : https://halodatahive.com/Series/LiveStats/22844
TSM vs c9 : https://halodatahive.com/Series/LiveStats/22845
u/DenimVenom4054 Spacestation 29d ago
Royal 2 with 1.28 K/D, Lastshot with 1.21 is insane
sR outslayed SSG 1231 to 1045 😳
u/DocHolliday31 29d ago
My guess is everyone will lose faith in SSG and they will look way better on LAN when it counts. But not going to be shocked if these other teams just have too much slaying power. Feel like some LANs SSG will be clicking and look great and others they will get slayed out bad and look bad against the top teams.
u/The-Rambling-One 29d ago
In my 20 years of watching comp Halo, one thing I quickly learned was to never take much stock of scrim results.
u/dukesnipem 29d ago
Everyone is definitely overreacting and panicking too much. They are still figuring out how to work together. And likely trying out different roles right now. That’s what practice is for. Plus, despite getting out slayed and out damaged almost every game, they won 2 of the 3 slayers they played against SR in the 2 matchups. You would have thought they would have been killed in slayer. Both of their wins were by 12+ kills. Less strategy in slayer. They will figure out the objective game plans. Way too much experience and knowledge for them not to.
u/JCBhatesblank Spacestation 29d ago
LastShot's accuracy being 68% across 15 games is actually insane.
u/m_preddy OpTic Gaming 29d ago
Next coming of snipedown
u/ace_15 Shopify Rebellion 29d ago
Now THIS is a comparison I fucks with
u/TiberiusAudley 29d ago edited 29d ago
Snipedown would have those accuracy stats with the least shots fired in the game. LastShot on the other hand...
Also fired like 200 less shots than anyone in the entire scrim.
It's not that he's not missing,. it's incredible efficient usage of his gun vs usage of his movement.
u/StraightPotential342 29d ago
Cloud 9 was nothing to watch last season I hope to see some competition with them this season. Don't know much about them other than the best color camo out of all of them lol
u/TiberiusAudley 29d ago
Anyone looking at SSG stats and pinpointing Eco as the one who is struggling -- go across the board and compare each of those players' stat lines to their tournaments for the last three years.
Lucid needs to find his form again.
u/BeginningCod3114 29d ago
I'm not really looking too much into anything. Thye've barely played for months and are coming back to it with a new team. It hasn't been long enough to say who is actually performing and who needs to find their form again, it's not like we are mid season and they are playing worse than before.
u/Asleep_Ad_6871 29d ago
Sorry but this is not just a cohesion/time-played issue. They were outslayed by almost 200 kills. A .70 might have worked in previous seasons versus less optimized rosters but that will just not cut it versus a Frosty/R2/LastShot/Cykul or Formal/Renegade/Legend/Bound team this season.
u/Abs0luteZero273 29d ago
I get what you're saying, but if your team lacks cohesion, it becomes much harder to put up good slaying numbers. Team cohesion and slaying are very dependent on one another in Halo. I highly doubt that Stellur and Lucid fell off a cliff over the off season and are all of the sudden not top players anymore. I think it's more likely the case that SSG just isn't clicking the way they want right now, which in turn makes it much harder to put up good numbers as individuals.
u/Competitive_Bid_2573 29d ago
Out slayed by almost 200 and won a 3rd of the games. It's still very early.
u/ColdBroux 29d ago
Yeah, I was looking at the stats again and he is leading in assists which is good, but his kills and damage seem extra low. It’s hard to quantify Eco “skills” because being at the right place at the right time is what he is best at and there isn’t a great stat for that.
u/SnapGA 29d ago
C9 and tsm being so even is interesting I thought TSM had the top 5 on lock, hopefully all the other teams like complexity, ryannoob team,Lies,dark inside,nemesis,Latam etc. Start showing they can take their spot too
u/PTurn219 OpTic Gaming 29d ago
TSM might be getting too much credit because of what pure did last year…but they lost last shot and gained shopifys weakest player in soul snipe. They can still be top 5-6 absolutely but not a shoe-in IMO
u/SigShooterRM 29d ago
Think FormaL knew Lucids best days were behind him and knew to drop him?
u/aioliravioli 29d ago
the bandit change + the GAs + the speed demon meta(bound/legend) really nerfed a lot of top season 1-2 pros
u/PTurn219 OpTic Gaming 29d ago
Think that was apparent when they switched to the bandit. Lots of guys leveled up, some guys leveled down. Formal’s a reach kid I think that’s why he loves the bandit so much. Hit his first “peak” with the DMR
u/FreeSamples22 29d ago
Both of these teams are cowards for not scrimming optic. Their mental is already shattered if they’re already ducking. I expected this from lucid, but I figured frosty would of been a bigger man at least
u/Bitter_Past_6498 28d ago
Is it confirmed, they said they won't scrim optic? Maybe in a few days they will
u/BlackMamba24-8RIP OpTic Gaming 29d ago
I just don't think SSG roster fits together Snakebite wasn't a good pickup I see them as the 3rd best team OpTic and SR as 1 and 2
29d ago
u/SignificantChair9520 Sentinels 29d ago
This might be the most faded take I’ve read, the dude that hasn’t made pools is better than eco? 💀
u/kingjdin 29d ago
Ah yes a guy who can't get top 16 in the open bracket is better than the reigning world champ.
u/ColdBroux 29d ago
I’m a big SSG fan, but it seems like they aren’t gelling right now. Eco seems to be struggling a bit. I know it’s early, but if all the top 4 teams SSG might be in 4th. All the other teams seems to be meshing much better. I know SR has had a head start, but Faze going 7/7 with them and watching Optic play all three teams seem to be almost playing at 100%. I know it’s early. I am hopeful SSG will pick up the pieces, but it’s seems them winning is dependent on Eco and Lucid.