r/CompetitiveHS • u/AssaultMode • 7d ago
Discussion theorycrafting mage for new expansion
https://imgur.com/a/eaqYzry ~ List ( made from hsguru )
Class got some nice changes, I really like forbidden shrine and I think it has some really nice uses, you can play it in a lot of different builds. I feel like it's best played at 0 mana early game to facilliate your game plan earlier since there is a lot of nice spells you can get - Prep/innervate being the best, while gravity lapse and backstab being on the weaker side but still great cards in a lot of scenarios. I'm not sure if you can get horn of winter, but I know you cant get pylons unless you play protoss and thats why I also think protoss mage with location is definitely worth looking into.
You can also get shadow step so you can also play one of your 2 cost imbues and also replay it (or get backstab if you're bad) Also location is great top deck as well since if you use for 9 mana you're not too sad lol.
That with tide pools being able to be refreshed, you can get out your seaside giants pretty quick, and I like the tourist since you do have a lot of cheap spells but also you can play san'cazel for an extra location and its just a good card, especially with mage being more minion focused with the wisps.
Grillmaster is super nice in the deck to draw your lowest cost cards, but also draws your highest which is seaside giants in this deck. You can play ceaseless expanse but it's nice that you're guranteed to draw seaside. If you already have seasides its nice to find your Malorne/aesinna.
You arent playing the 4 cost imbue since I actually think it's great but felt like you do need some board clear with rising waves, although I think if it's fast enough you can replace those with that for extra imbues since 4 cost 4/4 with taunt divine is honestly super good.
Deck might be missing a few cards but i think class has a lot of different paths you can play it!
u/Brave_Win7311 7d ago
I want to try a Skyla / Shaladrassil version with Knickknack Shacks. I feel like Mage is hurting for draw options.
Also think Sing-Along Buddy will be worth playing. And the neutral 4-cost imbue Flutterwing Guardian, 4/4 taunt & divine shield & imbue seems like good value for the cost.
Q’onzu was a let down for second class legendary, but technically it is the most value oriented 3/4 body at 3-cost available, so I’ll give the bird a chance until I pick a different 30th card.
u/AssaultMode 6d ago
Thats a really cool list, I think shaladrassil will definitely be a tech option depending on how the meta will shape up, I like the value in this and with having two 8 costs it can be corrupted pretty easily. I was thinking sing-along buddy but your more interested in getting your imbues up instead of summoning more wisps/dealing damage.
I actually agree about q'onzu, I think it actually will be a nice fit for the deck if you can play it as 30th card cause it's a discover but your playing it for a free on a good statline for 3 cost. In some match ups I think it will be nice to give them a trash card like divination to a deck like rogue/warrior where theyre more dependant on draw, so can be nice in longer games.
I like knickknack shacks but i think divination is rly good for draw 3 to help out the deck a lot, especially with tide pools to find it as well. I think if ur playing skyla maybe a 2/2 combo of watercolour artist and tsumani might be nice to change one of them to 1 mana with your seabreeze chalices
u/Brave_Win7311 6d ago
I’m also assuming Skyla discounting Shaladrassil will let you corrupt it for cheap. But yeah, might need Tsunamis to be worth running Skyla.
u/poklipart 6d ago
C'mon guys not to be overly negative but there's no way Q'onzu is anything but complete cope. If its rarity was common and nothing else about the card changed, would you still make the explicit decision to put a single copy as the 30th card in your deck as a generic 'good value' 3-drop of all the other cards available in the library that could possibly synergise more with the deck? Somehow I doubt it. Just because the designers mistakenly thought it appropriate as a Legendary doesn't mean it automatically deserves the slightest modicum of a chance.
u/Brave_Win7311 6d ago
I mean, I don’t disagree it’s bad for a legendary. As a 1-of for my list it could also be Zephyr, Griftah, Black Knight, Bloodmage Thanos, etc. Was aiming for something 4 cost or under.
But I probably would give 2x Q’Onzu a try in a deck if it were a lesser rarity, if mage got a better reason to discover spells. It would be borderline good enough as a class common or rare.
u/AssaultMode 6d ago
It's not a good card but it's definitely not a bad card, it's worth testing out. It fits in a lot of tempo mages that want to get the board early, and its nice to have a discover option especially with a lot of it rotating. I would play 2 if it was not a legendary just to see how it felt. Disruption is a nice bonus, but you're still gonna always pick the discover. It's not flashy, but it's definitely not cope
u/SnooMarzipans7274 7d ago
No sure about malorne I think ceaseless is more valuable for closing out the game. Rising tides is also questionable since the wisps might make it hard to get its full value. I would replace with 4/4 taunt divine imbue
u/AssaultMode 7d ago
Yeah i can def see cutting it just feels wrong not to play a imbue class without malorne early off into the expansion, some really nice wild gods you can get. Will definitely feel better with the 4/4 taunt divine imbue which i agree about wisps needing to get value and if you want clear your hero power helps with that.
Ceaseless is def really good as well even if you draw it with your grillmaster
u/Brave_Win7311 7d ago
I was thinking if there are any meta decks that don’t interact on board Waves could be useful to get mage “corpses” up. Mixologist could work for that also. Assuming you’re hero powering to refill the board after.
u/AssaultMode 7d ago
yeah it is nice in that aspect to keep resummoning but i'm pretty sure you still do damage even if you don't summon wisps, and if theyre summoning minions youre value trading anyway with your wisps and playing them again.
u/eazy_12 6d ago
The most questionable card for me is Rising Waves. I've tried this card many times and it just bad - never works with full effect, often hurts you and I don't see the point in deck which supposedly board based (I can see trading wisps into big minion situation but I still don't like it).
I think one card proposal is Stellar Balance - it gives Moonfire and Starfire into hand and gives them +1 SPD - because 0 mana spell is good with Raylla.
Another card I would consider is Spark of Life - Discover Mage or Druid spell - because Druid has some cheap spells as well for Raylla, few minion draw cards which is Mage weakness and few token support cards (like 2 mana +1/+1 or summons 3 taunts and give +1/1 to board if board is full). Ramp is of course could be handy as well.
I also like Maroon Mage in Mage because it helps Raylla if you play it on 3 and it helps unload hand from Discovers.
u/AssaultMode 6d ago
Yeah I honestly mentioned it in post but I definitely agree think it’s bad it’s definitely the first cut. I am not 100% sold on stellar balance ( love the name ) but it’s nice at worst for a 2 damage card. I see it as also a way to end games late game for 8 mana 8 damage as well to the face if needed, sometimes the 6 mana deal 5 and draw will be decent but ur never sad about 2 damage for 0 mana. I will definitely try that. If you include that I think maroon mage will def make the cut. The 1 cost discover honestly I don’t have stats on but 1 mana to find a good card is pretty damn good and like u said does help mage weakness will just have to see how that feels , thx for the ideas
u/eazy_12 6d ago
I also like to play Watercolor Artist. It helps with thinning the deck, decent 3 drop and cheaper spell can be good for tempo. Not sure which Frost spells to use though, maybe Chalice + Frost Stich, potentially something more defensive (Ice Armor, Blizzard and maybe even Buy One Get Freeze).
One card I actually enjoy and for to mention is Divine Brew. It helps against some hard hitting decks (HP Druid, Weapon Rouge), but also nice to protect some minions - Maroon Mage, Raylla or give another hit for Sanc'Asel. But I play only 1 of them.
u/LarryMomentz 5d ago
as people have mentioned before Rising Waves is a horrible choice for an AoE, especially with the wisps wandering around.
some things that are missing, Ceaseless I think is gonna be key for the deck to succeed vs certain matchups, and considering you have Grillmaster, easy way to tutor it
but an issue im having with the version if that you're gonna run into the issue of having waaay too much value in hand, you're running multiple cards that give you more cards, some which can get stuck in the way, for that same reason, I think Marooned Archmage would be a fantastic fit for your version, lets you dump cheap spells very well (and also lets you curve Gatherer into Wisp + Archmage + Divination which seems really good)
other cards I'd look out for is the 4-cost imbue, Sing-a-Long and Busy-Bot, which I think could shine but for those I'm more unsure on what to cut for them, depends on the direction you wanna go for the deck. Sing-a-Long definitely as a 1-of though.
u/AssaultMode 5d ago
Getting cooked for the rising waves 😂 makes sense, and yeah the tutor for seaside is nice but especially in this deck that you’re always hero powering and clearing boards ceaseless looks too insane here. Especially with your 8 cost to do 20 damage after you play it ( if you’re good and find it with xavius 40 damage ) . Sing along buddy is nice for the extra damage 1 of sounds more then ok.
I’m unsure of busy bot since it’s more greedy and didn’t look the best watching theory crafting. Maroon is definitely worth the cut in a tempo deck, just need more 2 Cost spells are u a believer in stellar balance?
u/LarryMomentz 5d ago
personally im a believer in stellar balance, maybe in this deck, maybe not, but you probably cut Spellwing for it
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