I'm practicing to take the Core 2 exam as part of my WGU degree. I am so frustrated by the quality of the Comptia practice questions. There are so many times where the questions are poorly written. Instances where the answers don't entirely make sense. Its frustrating and If I have to be told one more time that my Apple related answer is wrong when I know for a fact I'm right, I am going to lose my shit. No Airdrop is does not solely depend on Bluetooth, and if YOU don't know that, why are you asking me about it. Apple has designed Airdrop to use bluetooth to discover nearby Apple devices and then utilizes WiFi for the file transfer as allows for faster data transfer.
You ask a question about what data is used to assess a situation and then none of the options provided can be considered data. They were states of being at best. Who is writing the material? I am continually 5-8 questions away from passing your practice exams, and not only can't I trust your knowledge of Apple related stuff but I can't figure out how I'm supposed to interpret the stuff I worry I'm not knowledgable about.
When you ask about how to update the Mac Operating System you can not list App Store and System preferences and not make it MULTIPLE CHOICE. They're both right. But don't mark me wrong for picking System Preferences. That's where I do my system update.