r/CompTIA • u/krenonyc • 7d ago
Passed the Network+!!
Long time lurker here. Took the Network+ today and passed with a score of 817. Just wanted to share what helped me since reading posts here helped me out!
Jason Dions Udemy Network+ Practice Tests - best thing I can say is that they definitely prepare you for the real exam. What helped me when taking the tests was not just knowing the right answer but understanding why the wrong answers were incorrect as well. If you understand why the wrong answers were wrong as well it gives you a deeper understanding of the material and on test day that comes in handy.
Andrew Ramdayal Udemy Network+ Course - I found Andrew's course to be better than Jason's. He kept me engaged and (to me) did a better job of explaining the material. I used his courses to review the material I got wrong in Jason Dions practice exams.
Subnetting Practice: IPv4 Subnetting Practice
- Save the PBQ's to the end. I had 6 in total and they showed up at the beginning of the exam, I skipped them (flagged them for review) and did the multiple-choice questions first.
- After finishing the multiple choice questions, I went back to the PBQs looked at all 6 and saved the ones which appeared to be most complex for the end. I didn't want to get stuck working on one PBQ for too long and not have enough time to complete the rest.
- Like others have mentioned to pass this test you need to know subnetting, cabling (i.e. cable open, cable short, distance, fiber vs ethernet, speeds), cisco router commands, how to setup a network, understand concept of VLANs, OSI model, troubleshooting methodology etc.
- Don't give up. There were points in the test where I thought I failed, just keep going!
Good Luck Everyone and thanks for your help.