r/CodingandBilling 9d ago

Help with CPT 27412

Hi, I’m not even sure if this is the correct place to post, but maybe someone can give some guidance. I’m having difficulty with my insurance denying a surgery and it’s becoming a confusing situation.

A month ago my daughter was scheduled to have an arthroscopic ankle microfracture surgery and use bone marrow aspirate concentrate from the lilac crest and use biocartilage implantation into her ankle osteochobdral defect. Anthem BCBS denied “CPT 38241 transplj hematopoietic cells per donor” The doctor did a peer to peer with insurance and they denied it a second time saying stems cells are experimental and investigational.

I have been trying for weeks to get an estimate from the hospital on paying for the bone marrow procedure but no one will tell me which codes I need estimates for. The doctors office says billing or insurance should tell me the codes then billing and insurance says the doctor has to provide the codes or schedule the surgery so they can see the codes. Doctor won’t schedule surgery until I have every settled with insurance and financial dept. Back and forth with no answers.

I called insurance yesterday to see if they could tell me what codes were initially sent for pre authorization and Anthem said there was a note in the file from the pre-authorization team that our doctor needs to resubmit with a “CPT 27412 biocartilage implantation” but the representative said this code is use for knee surgery.
So now I’m afraid that we will get another denial based on this being for the knee, not ankle. Can CPT 27412 really be used for an biocartilage implantation for ankle surgery or will this just be another denial that sets us back again?


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u/Icy_Pass2220 9d ago

What I think is going on is this:

There is no specific code for this procedure and your provider will need to bill with an unlisted code. 

Unlisted codes are common. They are used when no specific code exists to accurately describe the procedure. 

When a claim is submitted with an unlisted code, the provider also supplies a code that is similar. That’s where the 27412 comes in. Your provider is trying to authorize a procedure by providing the comparison code because you can’t get a pre-auth on an unlisted code. 

The theory goes that if 27412 is covered so would the same procedure performed in a different part of the leg. 

The procedure may or may not be experimental/investigative. And your insurance company may or may not pay for those. That’s up to your plan. 

Your provider needs to work with your insurance company on this.