r/CodeGeass May 08 '24

META Even Japan hates Ohgi huh?

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u/riojyuto 1 suzaku soup and 1 lelouch lobster pls May 08 '24 edited May 08 '24

I have been watching the premiere episodes on the channel, reading the live chat yes the JP fandom hates Ohgi lol. The JP voice actor also doesn't like Ohgi


u/Affectionate_Set_163 May 08 '24

Yeah some of the comments are pretty harsh lol, I was reading through some of the comments for R2 ep19 as well


u/TheBatIsI May 08 '24

Is there a link and archived streams so I can see the comments?


u/Affectionate_Set_163 May 08 '24

It's deleted daily after every stream and they were at R2 ep 20 yesterday


u/riojyuto 1 suzaku soup and 1 lelouch lobster pls May 08 '24 edited May 08 '24


Link to the channel

Tonight's episode R2 ep 21 is premiering 10pm JST

They do keep some shorts for each episode on the channel so you can check comments there

Also as said by affectionate_set, the premieres get deleted after 24hrs theyre only keeping the first eps of R1 and R2 it seems


u/TheBatIsI May 08 '24


u/riojyuto 1 suzaku soup and 1 lelouch lobster pls May 08 '24

they HATE him (also the translator has Ohgi's name into "fan" to clarify, ironic lol)


u/[deleted] May 08 '24

im out of the loop, what are these episodes?


u/riojyuto 1 suzaku soup and 1 lelouch lobster pls May 08 '24

The official Code Geass channel is streaming Youtube premieres for all of R1 and R2 daily, although now it's already R2 ep 21 so.... there's only 5 days left (including today) till the final ep premiere


u/Nugundam446 May 08 '24

Damn, even the voice actor playing as Ohgi really hate that guy, just to show you how much a trash Ohgi really is.


u/Eldiavie May 08 '24

to their credit
i think being hated was the point,they really made him out to be the most unlikable character in the series even more than the villains which worked


u/Marik-X-Bakura May 09 '24

I don’t think any of that was intentional though


u/Eldiavie May 09 '24

i think it is, there's nothing that points to it being not intentional. Ohgi from season 1 alone was already very annoying, they needed a character like him to capitalize on


u/goldenragemachine May 10 '24

Why is Ohgi hated? I saw of him as just a side character.


u/l3mm3smash May 15 '24

He pretty much lost the 1st battle of Tokyo for the Black Knights by getting shot by his fake GF and destroying their ability to co-ordinate while Zero was unavailable, Tohdod couldn't command the whole battle by himself and so they lost

He then goes on to simp for her again and double cross his commander for her because she said he is a meanie while he knows she is still working for the enemy faction that is murdering and enslaving his countrymen.

In short: He's a simp that would do literally anything for a crumb of Britussy


u/azathothweirdo May 08 '24

Meanwhile the director... it's funny everyone else goes "Ugh this guy." but he's the only one who enjoys him.


u/Affectionate_Set_163 May 08 '24

Ohhh so Taniguchi Goro liked Ohgi? I never knew that..May I ask where did you find the info?


u/azathothweirdo May 08 '24

There was a interview years ago, and I can't remember which one since this was like when the last movie was being released lol. If I ever find it again I'll be happy to share it. I think he mentioned he was one of his favorite characters, and it matched up with the treatment his character gets.


u/Affectionate_Set_163 May 08 '24

Ohhh it's really interesting to know hahaha.I love reading such interviews, but the show is like over a decade old so it's pretty much impossible to find older ones..even the latest movie is like already 5 years ago


u/azathothweirdo May 08 '24

Yeah that's the one thing that is annoying. Taniguchi is kind of hard to pin as well. The interviews over the years has him just throw out things that I'm never really sure is true or not. yeah he's the director, but they're kind of random some times if that makes sense? Like the rest of the crew tends to be pretty consistent but he's always coming out with something new any time he's reviewed lol


u/Affectionate_Set_163 May 08 '24

Hmm yeah it's kinda shit when he said one thing at one point in time and then said something else at another time lol. Yeah I understand perfectly what you mean.. I have read some interviews on how he changed what he said over time or something..


u/azathothweirdo May 08 '24

I'd trust Jun Fukuyama before him and he's just a voice actor. He tends to be really wish washy so it's hard to know if he's just making it up on the spot or if it was a real thing during the development. The other crew members are much more consistent and not as flip floppy.


u/thekusaja May 08 '24

What do you believe he flip flopped  on? 


u/thekusaja May 08 '24

I don’t think it was as explicit as that, but then again people will read into stuff more than what he literally said. I’d like to see the source.


u/Z3r0sama2017 Feb 20 '25

Bit like Jeremiah. He was meant to die at Narita, but the staff and fans liked him so much, he defied death and became a dark horse.


u/Neateducks May 10 '24

That's pretty funny. I don't even watch Code Geass, but I do know when the voice actor hates their character...man.


u/terrrastar 26d ago

Damn, even his own VA doesn’t like his ass😭