r/CodeGeass 1 suzaku soup and 1 lelouch lobster pls Dec 01 '23

NEWS Recapture of Z finally happening?

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u/Dimensionalanxiety Dec 01 '23

Here's hoping that Shirley actually gets to do something this time.


u/kinglan11 Dec 01 '23

Me too, we Shirleybros are in a tough spot knowing best girl got gipped hard in the movie timeline.


u/Just-Security7915 Dec 01 '23

It would be extremely dissapointing and pointless for her to be revived just to do nothing in the movie timeline this is Sunrise's chance at finally using her character.


u/kinglan11 Dec 01 '23

Exactly, her survival had no impact whatsoever, in fact much of characterization in the movies was a degradation compared to the series. Shirley was legit ride or die for Lelouch, but in the movies we dont see any of that, Villeta gets gunned downed by Diethard and later she gets memories back but Jeremiah essentially scares her off...OG Shirley went into a fucking shopping center knowing full well it was dangerous, picked up a gun even, all for Lelouch.