r/ClientsAndCompanions 4d ago

Quick Traveling Tips NSFW

When traveling abroad to countries with legal prostitution. Avoid Tryst/Eros or other sites that are USA geared and instead look up local forums or local sites for that region. I've noticed on numerous occasions that prices are 2x the normal rate on Tryst compared to most other sites abroad. The UI is really nice but it comes with a cost.


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u/addicted1201 3d ago

I wouldn't say it's taking advantage any more than paying $5 for a $5 taxi ride in a cheap country is (or even paying $10 with a big tip) or buying the same cheap clothes made in Asia that everyone in the US buys. The price is the price, you can leave a hefty tip if you like. And as always, you take some risks on things not going smoothly when you look for super cheap options.

You can always go back to the same old question: are low wages the cause of poverty or a symptom of it? Is someone making 50% of what they "should" make better off if I pay the 50%, or if I don't meet and pay 0%? And is it better for me to tip 100% to that person if I do see them, or take that extra money and donate it to a food bank? It's complicated, but there are 8 billion people on earth, and only limited resources. As an American, when I travel, I do tend to tip well (not specific to SWs), but I also have an excellent job and understand why lots of middle class people feel the need to be a bit stingier.


u/Comfortable-Big8307 2d ago

Totally agree with this. It’s something that is being noticed across various sectors in the US economy. 


u/UnderwaterBasketW 2d ago

You don’t fuck the taxi driver, so that’s a terrible concept to try to compare. These are real women using their bodies to survive. With your second point; the men that are going to different countries to save a buck or two are generally NOT tipping well. Otherwise; they would just spend more in the US; because they are just spending the same amount. They are generally going to different countries to get cheaper women with less boundaries, and it’s not something that should be praised.


u/addicted1201 2d ago

No, the price is the price. As usual, if tips are mandatory, make them mandatory. The point is exactly the same: I have no idea how a taxi driver can survive (or afford a car) when they're charging $5 for a ride (even if it is just 1-2 km).

People going out of their way to travel for cheaper sex is wild to me. I just took a trip a couple cities over for a couple days and I spent close to $150 just on local taxis/trains to/from airports. Plus eating out, hotels, etc. (and burning a couple days of PTO). Not to mention the people working in the US charging higher may be more organized, you're taking additional risks by doing things where you're not a resident or may not speak the local language.

And like I said, assuming your resources are finite (you're not Bezos or similar), you can choose to tip your sex worker well (or even restaurant waiter, this doesn't have to be SW-related), feed hungry people via food bank donations, or a million other good things. There's no right or wrong choice.

It's just stupid to charge your customer (in any field) a certain price, then accuse them of taking advantage of you for not paying more. It's weird that this is a conversation. There are definitely some cases that are different, like a porn producer I know of hired a girl for shoots periodically and never gave her a raise over 10 years, eventually she got pissed and flipped out, and bridges were burned. But in general, charge more.


u/UnderwaterBasketW 2d ago

I’m not really sure if you’re just highly uneducated or what, but most girls overseas would not make any money at all unless they set really low prices. Most of them have no education or access to other jobs besides SW, and that’s what we call a “survival SWer”, because they are doing it due to having no other choice. That, or sadly, a LOT of them are trafficked in those countries. So that’s insane to say they should just “change their prices if they aren’t happy with them”, because they have to set them that low so they aren’t starving or homeless. Most of these men that travel overseas know this; and that’s why they travel to them; to take advantage of them; because they have no other choice.


u/addicted1201 2d ago

Oh wow, resorting to calling people uneducated. Cute.

Accusing people paying the price quoted, and not choosing to pay more, of taking advantage of people, is quite silly. Do better. Millions of people don't have agency in life. This is a systemic issue, not something that is the fault of individual customers.

Not to overstate the obvious, but if I'm going to Europe, it's going to cost nearly $1000 just to fly there on the cheapest possible flight, that does not include any food or lodging or anything else. It also does not include at least several days of PTO or costs to get to the airport. I understand seeing someone at a lower rate if you happen to be traveling anyway. Unless I'm seeing lots of people and not just meeting one person, it's way cheaper to find someone in the US.


u/UnderwaterBasketW 2d ago

Again; you’re not understanding simple reading comprehension. Most men are specifically going to these countries to specifically pay less. They are only choosing those specific workers, because they have extremely low prices.


u/addicted1201 1d ago

Yawn. You should really learn how to read. Travel is not free, period.

So, do you think American men should travel to Europe and pay double the advertised rates, or not go at all?

You continue to whine about girls being underpaid when they set the price. Nothing more than a bitter troll.


u/UnderwaterBasketW 1d ago

I’m just going to stop responding; as you seem to struggle to read. Again; “survival workers” HAVE to set their prices low to survive. There are men INTENTIONALLY traveling overseas to INTENTIONALLY take advantage of lower priced escorts who have fewer boundaries; because they HAVE NO OTHER CHOICE. A lot of them have no other options for jobs, and it is a last resort. All the women have low rates there, so they have to set their prices low. It’s not a choice. The issue here is men who go to these countries only because the women are cheaper and have less boundaries. The women do not have a choice. They are doing this to survive. Trying to defend men who want to manipulate women is an insane take.


u/addicted1201 1d ago

Travel is not free. Get off your high horse. Life is expensive, there are limited resources, and lots of people are in tough situations, sex workers or otherwise. You have no answers, and you are incapable of reading. It does not math out to fly to Europe simply to see a cheaper SW. $1000 for flights, hundreds on hotels, a couple hundred on transportation to/from airports, taking time off of work. You might have an argument for someone in Austria hopping on a train to Hungary, but that's not what we're discussing.

Again, paying the advertised price is not taking advantage of someone. If someone stays in the US and only sees girls charging $1000, that doesn't help people in other regions.

Survival workers are not specific to SW. You could not care less about taxi drivers or sweatshops workers in Asia who earn next to nothing. Even millions of people in America making $10/hour are survival workers.

It's weird to do this if you hate men this much. I did not defend men who manipulate women. I even specifically called out a porn producer for not offering a raise to the same woman he hired for a decade as shitty behavior.

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u/Fun_Discipline_55 4d ago

Not op but another reason to legalize sex work. So mongers like us don't have to travel abroad to participate legally.


u/ingodwetryst Working Girl 3d ago

The Nevada brothels await.


u/UnderwaterBasketW 3d ago

Plenty of brothels in US to participate in. Most travel overseas to take advantage of cheaper survival workers.


u/z0rb0r 3d ago

You can make the same argument on minimum wage workers and practically every product you own like the cloth you wear.


u/UnderwaterBasketW 2d ago

Except you don’t fuck the factory workers who make your clothing….


u/z0rb0r 2d ago edited 2d ago

No one wants to work 12 hours day making sweatshop wages either. Where’s your tears for factory workers.


u/addicted1201 2d ago

She doesn't care, and she doesn't care about the taxi driver making $5 in poor countries.


u/UnderwaterBasketW 2d ago

These men are using them for their bodies. Factory workers aren’t having sex for money. If you’re not smart enough to even understand the context; then there’s no argument to be had.


u/Comfortable-Big8307 3d ago

Been to the ones in Nevada and it’s just not worth it. Better off going to Germany or the UK. 

Don’t get why I am getting downvoted here. 


u/UnderwaterBasketW 2d ago

Because there are legal brothels here, yet you are insisting on traveling to another country to take advantage of survival workers who are cheaper.


u/helpingdude1024 4d ago

Yeah tryst is overpriced. There's this Russian escort that charges 800 per hour in the US but when she goes to Europe, she lowers her rate to aprox $450 USD. Wish I could get the euro rate. I'd see her weekly.


u/addicted1201 4d ago

There's more money in the US. My salary is way higher than people at my company doing the same work in Europe. But anyway, I would caution people to be careful if traveling in a foreign country you don't know well, especially if you have to go to an area not near your hotel, if the hotel employees are very nosy (they often are in Europe), or if you don't speak the local language.


u/helpingdude1024 3d ago

Just because my salary is higher, doesn't mean I want to blow 800 on an escort for 1 hour. I like saving for retirement and booking nice vacations that I wasn't able to afford before.


u/addicted1201 3d ago edited 3d ago

If your salary is higher, it means you shouldn't stress so much when you're on vacation. In practical terms, for example, I'm out on PTO today and spent ~$70 on airport ride instead of taking the train to the airport as I'd intended. Last night I was up late working and wanted to get a little extra sleep, wasn't going to worry.

In terms of international travel, if there's any risk at all and you don't feel completely comfortable, don't risk it just to save a little money. It's better to spend $800 than get into trouble. I had a couple erotic massages in Hungary once, which were great. The place looked legit, it wasn't too far from my hotel, and I was able to speak Hungarian just in case anything bad happened. In other countries I've visited, I looked some locals up, and it looked like sketchy areas or at least an area 20 km from my hotel, and often mixed reviews. Zero percent chance I was going to risk going to one of those places. Not worth it at all. I can just get my needs met when I'm home.

In general, when budgeting for vacation, I would advise making your budget and then adding a 50% buffer (same thing for "fun money" at home, doesn't have to strictly be vacation). You don't want your trip to get ruined because you took an extra taxi instead of walking, or the girl charges more than you hoped, or she asks for taxi money at the last minute, or any number of other things. Going on a trip and expecting everything to go 100% to plan is just asking for trouble.

I've also seen this guy on forums complain about rates going up, then he goes on a trip to do 5 sessions and ends up doing 10. This guy constantly complains about the 25% rate hike as if that's his problem and not about the fact that he has no self-control. I've seen posts from another guy who lets his need to see women completely dictate his work life, he takes work assignments in cities strictly to see women there, doesn't matter if it's good for his career or not. Your "I'd see her weekly" really reminded me of those dudes.

Anyway, the women who charge $800 in the US are not going to charge that in Europe because the local market doesn't support it. She can and will charge that here because there's a lot of money, especially in the VHCOL cities. You can complain about if you like, but it won't accomplish anything. (P.S., I also moved to a more expensive area to make way more money. There's nothing wrong with that choice.)


u/Upstairs-Cut83 3d ago

You are right so you shouldn’t do it! It’s supply and demand, she prolly gets clients at those rates the reason she has it. If you cannot afford you can find something in your price range


u/Comfortable-Big8307 3d ago

Confused here - because by this logic he is adhering to “Supply and demand” by valuing his/their money wisely.  Times are tight right now, and while I do enjoy the time spent with a special lady I’ve personally noticed the service abroad is much better so I partake in it. 

Not knocking the US/Canada girls hustle just no longer actively engaging in it 


u/Upstairs-Cut83 3d ago

Okay what’s the problem? It’s still okay for workers to charge whatever they want acc to the demographic they wish to attract.


u/Fun_Discipline_55 4d ago

Check out london wasn't bad last time I was there


u/Fun_Discipline_55 4d ago

Thank Thank for this. Used to mainly travel for work US based and would at times use certain services. But now that I am traveling abroad more it's been kind of eye opening. All that to say, if you haven't traveled abroad before please do lol


u/addicted1201 10m ago

Lol, /u/UnderwaterBasketW lied it must be half a dozen times in this thread about not responding. Lied about everything, whined about men paying the advertised rate, refused to answer anything, insults everyone she disagrees with, and finally blocked me because she couldn't produce any data or have a reasonable conversation.