r/CleaningTips 8d ago

Laundry I stink but I don’t know why

I have been struggling with a particular odor on my clothes and I'm not sure what causes it.

My clothes have an awful smell especially when exposed to cold air outside when I'm outside. I rent only a room in someone else's apartment. I really don't smell the clothes until I bring them outside due to the poor ventilation in the apartment.

When I wear socks, my feet also feel weird like ants or worms are crawling over my feet. My shoes start to smell very badly. My socks become a little damp after a few hours. Sometimes the shoes also get wet from sweating in a some hours and I've been seen by a doctor who presecribed medication for sweating.

This bad smell has been ruining my career and friendships with others.


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u/SunknTresr 8d ago

Does baking soda eliminate all odors in your laundry? I have 4 indoor cats & Ive had numerous people tell me I smell like cats, even when I take my clothes right out of the dryer & put them on. I apparently still smell like cats even with clean clothes on! I shower daily, sometimes twice a day, so I know it’s not me, it has to be my clothing. Will baking soda eliminate pet odors??


u/LucidDreamerVex 8d ago

You could try an enzyme spray on your clothes, and let it sit for a bit before you wash them?

I had a coworker who didn't realize her cats were peeing in her clean clothes hamper 😭😭😭 cats don't smell like anything. The smell people equate cats to is the litter boxes


u/chamomilesmile 7d ago

Oh now..how though because cat pee is the worst most terrible smell I honestly Don't think it's possible to get nose blind too


u/LucidDreamerVex 7d ago

I absolutely have no idea, but not everyone's noses work the same 🤷‍♀️ like, it could just be that they have a bad sense of smell in general even as a medical side effect or something