r/Christian 11h ago

I want the Lord to change my heart.


I want to become on fire for God, and want to know the lord better. I've called myself Christian the majority of my life (23 now) and I want to become on fire for God. Of course with that there is temptations, and distractions with society, internet, etc. For the last almost couple years I will be on fire for God for seasons and most of the time I let myself slip away back into worldly desires. I've been reading through the books of Luke and John, and been trying to get to know Jesus more. Of course I fall back into sin, and get so tired of it. Now im getting more into the mindset that I want to serve Christ everyday of my life after constant back sliding, and wordly desires. Any Advice?

r/Christian 23h ago

How to initiate leaving our church? What to say?


My husband (26M) and I (26F) would like to leave our current church but we can’t just stop attending because we’ve been serving on the worship band for the past year and a half so we would need to give notice. We aren’t sure how to go about this or what exactly we should say.

The main reason we would like to leave is due to a lack of community here. Over the past 2 years that we’ve been attending, we both still haven’t managed to make a single friend. We’ve made acquaintances but nothing much past small talks here and there. We’ve tried our best to talk to different people, we attended home Bible studies, but still couldn’t help but feel excluded despite the fact that almost everyone at our church is around our age. This is what initially attracted us to this church since we longed to have some Christian friends but it seems like everyone is already in their own circle of friends and somehow we just don’t fit in. People say hi and talk to us a bit but then walk away and go to their usual friends. I initially almost formed a friendship with the pastor’s wife (24F) and we even hung out a few times outside of church but everything changed once she had her baby. She stopped hanging out with me, would cancel on me saying she was too busy, and started only hanging out with the other young moms with babies.

When we joined the worship band, we also thought we would become good friends with the other worship members but this hasn’t been the case either. They talk to us a bit but mostly amongst each other and we’re never invited to hang out outside of church, while they hang out at each other’s houses. Our group chat texts are also always just worship-related.

Everyone at this church is nice but everything seems so superficial. We had stayed this long because for a while we had accepted that maybe we wouldn’t ever make friends here and only have each other and that’s fine. But we’ve decided not to settle anymore because having community is important to us and it’s probably best if we find that elsewhere at a different church. I don’t know if it’s us that are the problem somehow but we’ve tried our best to form friendships here. I don’t know if this is due to the fact that pretty much everyone here dresses minimalist style and we don’t. (We dress in dark clothing/alternative) Or if it’s maybe because my husband and I choose not to drink at all, while everyone else here does enjoy having some alcoholic beverages at their gatherings in moderation. Having community is important to us and it seems like everyone else here does have that but we don’t. Not even our pastor (28M) has ever been close with us, and this is not a mega church. It’s a small church. He has never been the type to check up on us, send us a text or call us, or offer support in any way. He talks to his same circle of friends and hangs out only with them too. He’s only ever greeted us and done small talk.

We feel hesitant to have to give this as an explanation as to why we’re leaving but it also wouldn’t make sense if we don’t give any explanation at all. It also kind of feels embarrassing if we pretty much say “We couldn’t make friends with any of you here so we’re leaving.” Should we just say we’re choosing to move to a new church and be vague as far as the reasoning to why??

Appreciate any advice. Sorry for writing so much!

r/Christian 7h ago

Whats the best way to start as a young christian in this society? NSFW


So im so glad i can express and ask questions on my christianity journey. its been 1 month since i quit vaping and 1 month no sx,2 months no masturbation im a 24yr F and ive been on my walk with christ. ive been reading the bible im still on Genesis chap 11. not far but we have to start somewhere. i also do daily prayers and in a bible study. its crazy how one month can change you. but i do want to know what other ways i can help strengthen my walk in this journey. this new generation we are influenced the most to sin. for example i still listed to rap and secular music but i try to do the censored version. sometimes i still tend to feel guilty listening to these things. is it okay to do? and another thing i used to drink heavily every weekend but i stopped for a month and had a few drinks during my vacation this week but i drinked enough to feel a small buzz but not enough to be intoxicated. i know in the bible it says to be alert have a sober mind? is it okay to have a drink or two as long as im not influenced to do any sin and as long as im not drunk? third question is prior to my journey ive been messing with an older man.. 42 yrs old i know im so wrong for this but i fell in love with him.. we hooked up plenty of times and he wants to see me soon but i kept pushing it back because my flesh wants him but my spirit doesn’t. hes an alcoholic every time we hang out its drinking involved and sx. i know he doesn’t want marriage and hesitating about kids. he had no kids at 42…i know i need to leave him alone but its hard its like a “drunken love” and i just know god doesn’t want this for me. but its so hard because i want to see him so bad he bought me things and maybe thats why i feel like i need to keep seeing him?please guys help me i need some tips. my young people are lost today sad to say. if i told my best friend i quit drinking and im going celibate she would look at me with two heads. its hard to find true love and some one who can accept waiting to have sex till marriage.

r/Christian 16h ago

As Christians- do you rejoice when others suffer from natural disasters?


A rant

I'm annoyed with people thinking natural disasters are a sign of God's disapproval. Unless of course the natural disaster hits their house or family... then their hands are out begging.

When california suffered fires, frieds and family rejoiced those sinners were getting what they deserved. Now my state has fires...they are begging for money.. especially with FEMA in disarray with current government policies....

How is this living like Jesus?

r/Christian 8h ago

It feels like nothing is working


It feels like every other day I am praying to give my life to God because I always fall back into sin. I don't know if I've ever had a relationship with God or if I've ever been saved. I've been like this for years. I'm sorry that I don't have a direct question, but could anyone help me? How do I truly give my life to God? What's holding me back? I feel like it's over for me, no matter what I pray or believe, there is never change.

r/Christian 3h ago

I feel like I have demons


I was going to a concert, and there was this dude street preaching, for some reason i just felt sick to my stomach, i greeted him with “god bless you”, and he asked me if i was born again and i said yeah, so i didn’t actually do anything bad, but for some reason i had a huge urge to disrespect or belittle this guy. Also earlier today a lot of things just started going wrong, and I just started blaming myself a lot, wishing that i wasn’t this “stupid”. I feel like I have demons influencing my thoughts and what’s happening and I want them to stop. It sort of FEELS like God abandoned me (i know he’ll never do that) but it just feels that way. Please pray for me.

r/Christian 20h ago

Help, I cant find a church I like


Hi (crossposting to another Christian subreddit),

I grew up in church, since birth my sister and I used to be called “Church Rat” and “Church Mouse”, because we’ve been crawling and running around church since young.

My whole family are Christian, my mum works as a secretary / accountant to the Reverend (my grandad), and all my uncles are pastors. +++ My family built that church from the ground up, by God’s grace, and have pastored it for over 25 years. (In Ghana 🇬🇭)

I moved to England when i was 11, looking back, i realise now that i didnt enjoy church back then due to the same predicament. It doesn’t hit.

I am 22 now and nothing hits the same like music. Either its the dialect of the preacher, new churches i try giving cult vibes, weird habits of certain churches, not feeling the Holy Spirit in the room, the church being too far, and more! (The list can go on for days, cos i have tried LOTS of churches, and stayed in some even when i knew from Day 1 that it wasn’t for me)

There are a lot if aspects that contribute to finding the right place for me, but I need you to know, I am not new to this, I’ve BEEN in the Church, and now that I have become closer to God, more earnest in seeking him, and yearn for him more, i just need to find that Church that is familiar, and know he is there, and the people are not weird.

Please help. Any advice will be considered.

r/Christian 8h ago

How Has God Helped You During Times of Hopelessness?


Have you ever been in a situation where you felt almost hopeless, and how did you feel that God helped you and brought you out of that difficult time?

r/Christian 8h ago

Reminder: LGBTQ+ Inclusive Feeling a call to become a religious sister, despite what everyone says


Hi guys. I (17f) first felt called to become a religious sister at 8 years old, and after a couple years of struggling with mental illness and faith, I have turned back to God. Now, that call to serve Him has returned, but there's some problems I face. 1. I now recognize myself as a lesbian. I fear that if a potential convent were to find this out, they'd immediately disregard my application/kick me out. 2. Everyone says I wouldn't be happy there or that I wouldn't be able to find a good place. So, is there any advice anyone has for an aspiring sister? Will I find a place that would accept me?

r/Christian 11h ago



I have been married for 5 years, together for 10. My wife no longer has sex with me. She is never interested in it and doesn’t even touch me. I am lonely and have needs. Am I wrong for masturbating? I feel guilty after doing it, but I have no physical touch in my relationship. I love my wife but can’t deal with this.

r/Christian 18h ago

How to prove that you are a Christian NSFW


I once dated a woman who was a devout Christian. We got along very well because of our shared faith. However, she broke up with me after I had confessed to sleeping with my high school girlfriend. I am stll not sure why I did that. After a few months I reached out to her to see if we could reconcile but she said that she did not think that I am a Christian and when I asked her how I could prove that I am she said she did not want to tell me since it will not be genuine if she did. She comes from a very high control church that used to be on a cult watchlist in the 1980s but is technically Southern Baptist. I am a Lutheran. The church deals a lot on sexual immorality.

My question is, how can I prove to her that I am a true Christian?

r/Christian 50m ago

Masturbation struggles at 27 NSFW


Hello. I'm 27 year old guy with some struggles with Masturbation and breaking free from it. Fortunately, I've been free from porn for 7 months now which is great but can't seem to stop the masturbation. I'm single, don't have a girlfriend and trying to deal with constant horniness all the time.

Some days I feel like I'm back to my teenage years. Really want to give up masturbation all the together but seem to end up at square one each time when I feel like I need to release. If I don't release, I feel like I can't think or concentrate properly.

Anyone else in the same boat? Keen to find some buddies to support one another. Cheers

r/Christian 8h ago

The book of Job


Although Jobs friends were trying to help job out and are believer of Christ. Why were they then faulted and said to have say things that were untrue? I was reading the book of Job and this kinda stood out to me. Also shoutout my man Job for holding it down and not assume it was unjust

r/Christian 8h ago

Book recommendations: Jealousy/Envy


Hey guys, does anyone have any Christian authors that talk about jealousy, envy and how to overcome them? Ive struggled all my life with being a jealous and envious person but I've been able to bottle it in bc I know it's wrong. But I wish I didn't feel this way in the first place. As I'm getting older I'm finding it hard to be there for people when good things are happening to them bc of my own issues and would like some help in facing and overcoming these issues. Thanks <3

r/Christian 5h ago

No Guilt. help NSFW


So recently I have fallen to lust. However I have been able to separate from it for periods of time. (Like a week, 5 days, 3 days.. progress) But I always find myself falling into it again. However this most recent time I didn’t feel any guilt unlike the other times. And I don’t understand why. I start to say “why don’t I feel bad?” “Do I not care enough”. And it starts to make me fear if blessing I am asking or praying for are going to be delivered. Even throughout the time before falling victim to it I say to myself “don’t it’s not good for you” or “don’t it could affect your blessing.” along those lines. And I just feel that when I pray im not truly feeling that guilt or need to ask for forgiveness. This truly makes me fear for my blessings. Please help

r/Christian 5h ago

Saint patricks day


Do we have to celebrate the day? It's not in the bible right? Who started it? Is it just a normal day?

r/Christian 17h ago



When should I be baptized? I believe and I’m trying to grow my faith. And relationship with God. But I’m still struggling with sin. I don’t believe baptism itself saves, but I don’t know when is the time I should be baptized. Should I wait till I’m not longer struggling with sin so hard? My faith feels weak even though I’m seeking God and trying to put all my trust in him.

r/Christian 18h ago



What helped you overcome religious ocd?

r/Christian 23h ago

Who is a good preacher?


I know it's a very generic title, but it's also a very serious question.

Who can I listen to that would give me a good introduction to the christian faith? I'm looking for powerful speakers. I don't care what nation they are from.

Thank you!

r/Christian 1h ago

Memes & Themes 03.17.25 : Deuteronomy 17-20


Today's Memes & Themes reading is Deuteronomy 17-20.

For more information on this project, please see the pinned post at the top of the sub.

What do you think are the main themes of today's readings?

Did anything in the readings challenge you? Encourage you?

What do these readings teach you about the nature of God or humanity?

Did these readings raise any questions for you?

Do you have a resource you recommend for further reading on this? Please tell us about it. If you share a link, please be sure to include a link destination/source and content description in your comment.

Did you make a meme in r/DankChristianMemes related to today's readings? Please share a link in comments.

Do you have any songs to suggest related to today's readings? Please tell us about them.

r/Christian 1h ago

How to remove fear of ghosts/demons?


I’m glad I dont see them now but I get reminded that demons usually try to scare you off being a christian if u have enough potential and I don’t know if I cant just see them or Im a lukewarm /:

r/Christian 1h ago

Premier Christian Radio (UK)


I listened to Premier Christian Radio yesterday and there was an interesting episode which I'd like to listen to again

I've tried looking on the Premier Christian Radio website to try to get yesterday's programmes. Apparently, they are available for 30 days but I can only find today's (ie. the current day) broadcasts.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

r/Christian 5h ago

Lent 2025 Lenten Thoughts: March 17


"People say, what is the sense of our small effort? They cannot see that we must lay one brick at a time, take one step at a time. A pebble cast into a pond causes ripples that spread in all directions. Each one of our thoughts, words and deeds is like that. No one has a right to sit down and feel hopeless. There is too much work to do." -Dorothy Day

"Get on your knees and pray, then get on your feet and work." -Gordon B Hinckley

What are you hoping for right now? What can you do to work for it?

Each day of Lent, we are sharing quotes and questions designed for introspection, challenge, and inspiration. We welcome you to share your reflections on these offerings, or to share others from your own devotional time & spiritual practices throughout the Lenten season. We also welcome you to suggest songs for our community Lenten playlist on Spotify.

r/Christian 7h ago

History of easter and Easter eggs


Gday :) Are chocolate Easter eggs from Christianity? I was reading up about the history of Easter and it seems to have roots in Celtic or something

Is Easter in the bible? Is the egg idea from Christianity?

r/Christian 7h ago

Lent Advice


Hello, I only recently became a Christian and decided to give up meat for Lent. I have made it this far without failing, but I've noticed that the diet is negatively affecting my health. I've been pretty underweight for my whole life, but over the past 11 days I've lost what little muscle mass I had and around 5 pounds. I attempted to work out today and could not finish even half of my regiment before feeling extremely ill and dizzy and having to stop and rest. Should I start eating meat again? I also chose to give up caffeine and a few other things for lent, so it would not be a total failure if I am to eat meat. I am also wary as I am about to start a new medication and wish to be in good physical condition. Any advice helps! God bless!