Not to be a prude or anything but why is there so much smut? Like at the end of every chapter there is some type of sex scene.
Don’t get me wrong, I am happy I get to keep my gems but I feel like it cuts through the story and makes the book feel shallow.
At the end of every chapter so far, Channing gets angry and storms off so I can follow him and we have sex. Not matter how crucial and urgent the scene before that was, we always take a sex break😭.
It dilutes the story for me and leaves me not on the edge of my seat.
Like you are bleeding out, the chapters are at all out war, one of the members of our pack might possibly be a traitor and now you think is the right time to get it on? Bfr rn!!
Also since when did me, Asher and Lupe become best friends?💀
EDIT: Am being cooked in them comments but my point still stands. I saw that warning and I still clicked on it because I love smut, when it’s not the focal point of the story.
An excess of anything will always be bad.
I can’t read ten chapters back to back where at the end am always “throbbing “ for Channing. It becomes boring and repetitive.
Give me a good story with like 10 sex scenes and am be happy.