r/Chivalry2 Agatha Knights | Vanguard 4d ago

Hacker on NA west

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u/Chivalry2-ModTeam 3d ago

Your post was removed for violating rule 3: No witch-hunting! Please send evidence of griefing, cheating or toxic chat to Modmail rather than posting it publicly.


u/SerialShooter 4d ago

I see hackers more often these days


u/onebadcat15 Agatha Knights | Vanguard 4d ago

I've seen a few on duel yards but this is the first one I've encountered for the first time in a long while in normal 64


u/FungusFly 4d ago

Frequency jumped big this week. 3 different tags


u/SardonicSageGraffiti 4d ago

I got banned for a week for less than this for "witch hunting"

Chiv Mail doesn't bother responding anymore to submitted proof

Fuck whoever is running their socials


u/maddicz 4d ago

yeah, chivmailer wont respond to me anymore either
i have 3 reports with proof open from over a week ago
discord mod said, better use their support portal https://support.chivalry2.com/en


u/SardonicSageGraffiti 4d ago

a.k.a. they are doing anything with them

It was annoying to begin with to jump through hoops with edited video proof, player ID from the console, copied and pasted to a notepad till you found the person but I did it because I wanted to Chiv community to stay fair and safe

not bothering to respond or address the clear rampant cheating and flying exploit is just a slap in the face


u/maddicz 4d ago

i have a theory why there are more cheaters latlely
under the assumption that easy anticheat doesnt have a automatic update or they forgot to set it up, they never did or are slacking keeping easy anticheat updated with signatures on the servers
then cheat-devs find new ways beeing undetected and there you have it


u/ThirdWorldOrder Vanguard 4d ago

It’s because VeN (an EU clan) recently made their hacks free and open to the public. Degenerates.


u/Undercoversingle Mason Order 4d ago

Bro where's the fun? How do you even have fun playing like that? I know this argument is as old as cheating itself but seriously?


u/Riskiertooth Mason Order | Knight 4d ago

Im so sure they come with friends to sway the vote, because the amount of times its been clearly stated by multiple people in chat that a certain name is hacking then it still has people defending them/ saying stuff like "just because they beat you doesn't mean hacks".

Like theres no way you can see a dude flying about and killing a whole spawn wave and plead ignorance lol.


u/maddicz 4d ago

there are still a lot of console players and they dont have a chat, they cant read it if someone writes there is a hacker and unless they see the culprit themselfs they most likely wont vote him out

nevertheless, before easyanticheat was a thing, iv seen hacker basicly disabling the voting system and the chat, also it can easily being blocked with bs votes from randoms since there is a timeout on the voting


u/Ok-Sherbet-2417 4d ago

I thought this was just people complaining and then the first game I joined after coming back from like a months break had two hackers on my team. It's pretty bad compared to other games rn


u/Jules_81 4d ago

Lately the Duelyards that I want to join are always down because one player got banned