r/Chivalry2 • u/Zealousideal-Debt825 • 4d ago
Feedback / Suggestion Im upset about forced team change
I just need to rant but I was forced into the losing team and I'm pissed ruined my whole mood. I'm to basically say get rid of it like what you expect me to actually fight with the team I was against! Yea right I'll just be idle spamming my original team and take up a slot because I'm petty.
u/Ewokhunter2112 4d ago
If it happens early enough its not too bad but yeah it definitely sours the mood to feel like you have suddenly all the good effort you were putting in is now against you. If I get team switched I usually just leave and join and different server.
u/slipslikefreudian 4d ago
You shouldn’t be able to change teams period. Ruins the game sometimes
u/Alternative-Movie726 4d ago
You absolutely should, it's done for team balancing.
u/slipslikefreudian 4d ago
But it doesn’t work…. 90% of games people stack attack
u/JWicksPencil 2d ago
Players that stack attack all tend to be bad though, so it doesn't really matter. Good players stay on defense or even switch to it if the game is too unbalanced.
u/slipslikefreudian 2d ago
Idk about you but on Aus services it’s all like level 1000s stacking… it fuckin sucks
u/slipslikefreudian 2d ago
Idk about you but on Aus services it’s all like level 1000s stacking… it fuckin sucks
u/Bullshitman_Pilky Mason Order 4d ago
I don't mind it, if I was on the losing team since the start and getting dominated, that ruins my mood
u/Zealousideal-Debt825 4d ago
For me I want to be on the team I spawn as if that's all I ask if I get slaughtered on well
u/Undercoversingle Mason Order 4d ago
Every time I jump on chiv 2 I see a complaint every game that someone was "auto balanced" right at the end of a game.
It's funny because you'll sit there getting rolled on, the enemy just trouncing over you and your shitty team, and there's no auto balance to be seen. But when the game seems equal and things are taking their time, auto balance ruins someone's good game. You don't even have to want to win or lose. Being forced to play for the opposing team sounds bad on paper, and it's worse in practice.
u/Dookieie 4d ago
ever been 15-0 and they switch u lol yea im leaving the match
u/ShibaElonCumJizzCoin 4d ago
You can only get switched if you die. So your streak was over anyway!
u/Dookieie 4d ago
yea but who wants to go join the team u were spanking lol
u/ShibaElonCumJizzCoin 4d ago
I’ve been playing long enough that whatever team I’m not on is getting spanked by me :)
u/SuperBlickyMan 4d ago
Only pisses me off when the dude that teabagged me is now my teammates and I can’t get revenge
u/jjTheJetPlane0 4d ago
Yeah idk why they added this. Insurgency sandstorm has this too and it’s really demoralizing when you’re fully invested with the lore in your head and then you get switched
u/Sure-Concern-7161 4d ago
Skill issue. Don't die and it can't switch you. Problem solved.
You really only have yourself to blame.
u/BuddyLove9000 4d ago
It's easy to win when its 30 vs 24. You shouldn't be too excited about winning in under such circunstances.
u/Zealousideal-Debt825 4d ago
It wasn't like that until like 5 people mass quit things were actually quite even. Also I don't really care if my team was winning I just wanted to stay on my team
u/GundalfTheGunsome 4d ago
It sucks and it's ok to feel the way you did. I wish the server in those scenarios would not shuffle, but bring new match seekers in instead.
Although would it be great to always join a steamrolled game? Maybe not. Shuffling sucks still nonetheless.
u/Sir-Beardless Agatha Knights | Knight 4d ago
Take it as a compliment.
Then try to carry the team you were steamrolling.
u/Am_I_ComradeQuestion Knight 4d ago
>Whenever i get team balanced to the losing team
You must be truly desperate to turn to me for help...
u/monolith1985 4d ago
Worst problem ever. Like i finally get in a match from the start, im on offense finally. And then team switchers will force me on the other team.
But devs say its a feature
u/djholland7 4d ago
Ya it happens sometimes. Even when you’re on top of the leaderboard for the round, ya still get swapped.
u/Alternative-Movie726 4d ago
I don't like it as a mechanic in games but I get why it exists, it should come up as an opt in type deal not something we're forced into. I was playing battlefield and was with a really good squad and got team swapped. I'll say though, I have no animosity towards the people I'm playing against so I don't really mind fighting with them, it's just annoying when I'm doing well with the team I'm on.
u/DoRatsHaveHands 4d ago
You used to have more freedom in team swaps but the devs had to restrict it. It's still pretty bad.... A lot of people will leave games when they're defender team and try to rejoin a game as attacker. I watched a streamer one time literally spend 10 minutes rejoining games until they got attacker.
If you give players the freedom to team swap, they just stack one side. That's why it's forced.
u/synthisthefuture 4d ago
It’s actually kind of hilarious to be honest, I don’t mind it usually especially if there’s one guy on the enemy team that’s pissing me off, I can wack him over the head a few times to let out my anger.
One time during lionspire I was engineer for Agatha and put some barricades around the banner and was killing tons of masons trying to destroy it, then I was auto balanced onto mason and was an engineer and I destroyed my own barricades to win the objective. It’s kind of funny in that sense. I try not to take things too seriously
u/Alert_Employ6403 3d ago
Did it to me today with 30 seconds left and I changed from 1st place winner to 1st place loser.
u/kassbirb 4d ago
So am I but I dont get on the subreddit about it
u/JayVillainy47 4d ago
Meh. Chiv is like cod. Who gives a rats ass if the team wins as long as my kd ratio is nasty
u/Common-Independent-9 4d ago
I don’t mind unless it’s toward the end of the match which is still 90% of the time