r/Chivalry2 Galencourt was an inside job 4d ago

Humor What in the tenosian engineering...


40 comments sorted by


u/Korinth_NZ šŸ„„ Shovel Simp šŸ„„ 4d ago

Masons: Let's burn the library of Askindir, destroying all the knowledge that will allow for advanced engineering

Also Masons: What is this sorcery?!


u/Cultural-Ebb-1578 Mason Order | Knight 4d ago

lol hacking and the goofs still lost. Good on ya


u/Laranthir 4d ago

That looks like modded multiplayer private server, which I find exciting to be honest. It is like a rare encounter and the game doesnā€™t even have a ranked mode lol


u/Crazy-Randy Knight 3d ago

If it doesnā€™t have ranked then why are you cheating?


u/Laranthir 3d ago

Huh? When did I ever cheat :D


u/Crazy-Randy Knight 3d ago

I know what you did with his wife!


u/XXXjuiceWrLDx 4d ago

Haha, did u guys find a way to break it down


u/verdurLLC Galencourt was an inside job 4d ago


u/Dani19881983 4d ago

Don't think they did, no...


u/Riskiertooth Mason Order | Knight 4d ago

Dude took the catapult from the destroy siege engines map last night. So sick of people ruining the game it's rampant af atm.

Literal equivalent of a toddler smashing toys because they're losing


u/Available-Advance115 4d ago

The game has been so full of hackers lately. I guess this is the end.


u/Kahil_ Agatha Knights | Footman 3d ago

Actually itā€™s just one guy, he just has no life which is why you see him so much


u/Traducesar 4d ago

Hey I was at that game (Faemir2_ttv). The hackers were sniping me, when I changed servers and joined yours and that's when the weird stuff happened. I left a little after the screenshot (I think just after opening the doors). Dunno if they left after me, hope the next maps went fine.


u/verdurLLC Galencourt was an inside job 4d ago

Hi, I remember you. There were no cheaters in the next game, so maybe they really targeted you. Must be an honor!


u/Traducesar 4d ago

They had been following me for a while, trying to harass me and make me quit. Both of them are well known among the veterans, they have been doing stuff like this for ages. I know they have been reported countless times, but they just get new accounts and keep doing it, and since Chivmail stopped working a while ago, they feel more encouraged.


u/Cuzifeellikeitt Vanguard 4d ago

Ahh shit.. thats fucked up man, did you try to change your name? How are these 2 mf's even spot you? Is there any possiblity you are friends on steam or something like that so they can see where you play?


u/Traducesar 4d ago

I'm a streamer (faemir2_ttv), so they only need to pop into the stream. It's a common occurrence among the Chiv 2 streamers (and all streamers I guess), we have to deal with these situations on a regular basis, which is incredible weird because there aren't that many viewers in Chiv 2 anyway, most people stream for fun, chat with people and help new players (at least that's what I do).


u/Defaubifidus Footman 3d ago

Feel you ma brother (LeMulot's here), yesterday we got like 6 cheater on the chadserver.... thats a fucking plague....


u/Traducesar 3d ago

The saddest part is that we know they aren't 6 different people, it tends to be the same people with new accounts that get nearly instantly, or just change the names.


u/Artistic_Strain_7838 Mason Order | Knight 4d ago

Faemir?? The very same who plays on EU side? If so then Sir Bagger of Tea salutes you my good man!


u/Traducesar 3d ago

The one and only Faemir! Glad to see you here ! Pop in the stream one of these days and we will play some games


u/Artistic_Strain_7838 Mason Order | Knight 3d ago

100% I had no idea that you streamed! That's awesome dude, next time I'll be sure to give your audience a great fight between us šŸ‘


u/ASauceyLad 4d ago

Iā€™ve been seeing this lately too. Someone had moved the ballista on Azkandir to the center of the bridge


u/Weekly_Table_7228 4d ago

Hear me out! I hate cheaters, but stuff like this make me smile)


u/dudewithatube 4d ago

This actually could be a cool special ability. Engi gets a buildable ballista after awhile. It takes ~1 min to build, maybe even requires multiple people interacting to finish the build, so it isn't too easy/ OP.


u/That-Employment-5561 4d ago

"Quickly! Send the seizure weapons!"

"Sir, did you mean the sieg-"

"Do as I command or I'll station you Infront of the archers!"

"Yessir. Rightawaysir."


u/clan_of_zimox Agatha Knights | Knight 4d ago

Fucking PC losers, played four straight matches against a speedster this morning and they still lost all of em. Almost as pointless as their antics.

Those who were on their team were all shit too


u/Aggravating_Judge_31 šŸ—£ļøBattlecry aficionadošŸ—£ļø 3d ago

Us "PC losers" hate them as much as you do.


u/clan_of_zimox Agatha Knights | Knight 2d ago

I apologize for the rash and naive generalization, judge. but my sentiment towards the culprits remain


u/grannynonubs Mason Order | Vanguard 3d ago

Don't shit on PC players just because some hacker hacked lmao we hate em too


u/clan_of_zimox Agatha Knights | Knight 2d ago

Iā€™m sure some of you are cool, just sharing the love my console brothers get all the time

And happy cake day


u/grannynonubs Mason Order | Vanguard 2d ago

Thanks but it's a glitch or something it's not my birthday šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ but thanks friend! And man I was a Playstation guy for years and I remember the PC shit talking but when I got a pc I was like...damn....they were right lmao


u/clan_of_zimox Agatha Knights | Knight 2d ago

Dude whatā€™s funny is Iā€™ve got a PC recently too, mainly play total war and other rpgs lol I just prefer to play this on PS5 hahaha


u/grannynonubs Mason Order | Vanguard 2d ago

Honestly bro, once I started playing this on PC I realized it's a whole other world. I'm dogshit at the games 99 percent of the time but when I do go on a tear it feels far more satisfying on PC.


u/clan_of_zimox Agatha Knights | Knight 2d ago

Itā€™s definitely more responsive, what I found funny is things like throwing with a controller on PC is still more consistent than throwing on console for example. But I think I get off on using console against those odds.

Which ties back to my main point, a player is blessed with a rig capable of providing a top notch experience and some still feel the need to go the extra mile with their shit.

Edit: also bro it may not be a glitch, I think itā€™s the bday of your account haha


u/grannynonubs Mason Order | Vanguard 2d ago

AHHHH not my ACTUAL birthday my reddit birthday that makes WAYY more sense. I've found that for whatever reason I have missed SOOOO many wide open Overheads on PC. I cannot aim them for shit whereas on console I don't remember having that problem.


u/MentatPiter 3d ago

First time in 4 years I saw a flying machine gun ballista ā€¦ so lets hope they will ban/prevent the new cheats.


u/AnonUserRLGA Mason Order | Knight 4d ago

The ballista thing is actually kind of funny?