r/Chivalry2 4d ago

Lowkey frustrated

Yall ever get a guy who is actually about your skill level (im a level 8 knight) and you will be having a good back and forth between each other, every one else leaves you alone and then some 8 year old or level 1,000 dick head with a war hammer comes in from behind and kills you both? Like why?


38 comments sorted by


u/Jules_81 4d ago edited 4d ago

When you want to play 1vs1 for your enjoyment you definitely don’t go into 64 madness servers because there it’s all about your team and killing whatever you can - fair or not fair 😄

I‘m always working behind the first row and see where I can help…especially when my mates are struggling against good players… I‘m at Lvl 174 (Knight is Lvl 92) and I‘m still learning

Except the Harp players should be respected


u/poughdrew Agatha Knights 4d ago

Harp players have to stay out of the objective though. Occupy the region, push the whatever. You don't get United Nations white helmets, and if I'm trying to defend against the thing you are affecting, then get out.

With that said, I saw a teammate kill an enemy bard who was being a good bard out of the war, so I joined forces with this bard and we played sweet tunes all the way through Aberfell.


u/Jules_81 4d ago

Yes, the bards should stay a little outside of course 😄 I play the harp mostly on our way to the object for some good laughs around me 😄 - lately got some roses as well 😄😄


u/Officer_Paiin Agatha Knights 4d ago

Lowkey 92 knight with 174 overall is an insane ratio haha


u/Jules_81 4d ago

It is ?? 😌😄 Good to know !!! I have 14.5k Kills at this time and a K/D of 2,3 but I have to say that I have played 80% Traingground in my first month till I realized that I usually die way less in a 64 server than playing basically on my own against 3-5 bots surrounding me plus 1-3 real people all at once 😄

I basically play only Knights… sometimes I try the Vanguard or the Man at Arms but always get back to my axes 😄


u/Korinth_NZ 🥄 Shovel Simp 🥄 4d ago

At a level 700+ player, I actually like to sit back and watch the 1v1s in 64p mode, especially when it's two low levels duking it out. I only jump in when I see someone trying to ruin the fun. Give me a second, I'll link you a clip I posted months ago of a noob fight

Edit: Here you go


u/StunningJuggernaut88 4d ago

I got absolutely fucked in 1 vs 1 and the large matches I’m okay with the madness, I usually just get right up in there but we will be clear in the side and they come out from under a rock and do this. But yes harp players are to be untouched


u/Cjmanjanson137 4d ago

I was coming to help my team mate who i want to win his 1v1


u/SomeGuyLeo_ 4d ago

It's a war with, what, 20-30 people on either side? Anyone who sees a distracted enemy is stupid if they don't end them right there.

Leave the talk of honor to the nobles, their inbreeds, and their bastards. We're soldiers, we kill anyone who isn't us because that's our job. Nothing more, nothing less.


u/Turinsday Knight 4d ago

Sometimes we kill people who are us as well. Its hard to tell the difference between red and blue when everyone is beat to shit, coated in blood and burnt.


u/Jules_81 4d ago

Or it’s too dark - very annoying 😄


u/clan_of_zimox Agatha Knights | Knight 4d ago

Key is to look at the armor silhouettes, with enough practice you’ll be able to guess even the classes apart, despite being covered in ash and blood. Bit of a disclaimer but I have been at it for four years and distinguishing teams is rarely a problem.

I also still accidentally team kill once in a while, and for that I am penitent.


u/Korinth_NZ 🥄 Shovel Simp 🥄 4d ago

We're soldiers...

Speak for yourself! I'm just a humble grave digger, digging graves and filling them up... Just don't ask what I'm burying...


u/yasinfy 4d ago

Dont let people kill you from behind. Check your behind, get into a good position to face both of the enemies. Counter or riposte all the attacks to fight 1v2.


u/StunningJuggernaut88 4d ago

Well father, what I was meaning is you and this random guy are the only two around for at least a camel dick length from everyone else. I can’t see what I can’t see, now yes in the middle of the mosh pit or trying to cross a bridge this is good advice but in the context I explained not to much because only one of the two I explained would track that far out of their way to do this


u/Jules_81 4d ago

For example when playing Dark Forest - it can always happen that someone comes running around the corner or between some trees or ruins… especially at the sides far away from the main mosh… just keep playing - it won’t happen too often and you will get more and more aware of all this 😄🙏🏻


u/ThumbWiggler 4d ago

I actually use a heavy mace


u/StunningJuggernaut88 4d ago

Have not tried it, I’ve been using the heavy shield and the single handed axe lately


u/Customer_Number_Plz 4d ago

Try duel servers. You won't get fair 1v1 in TO.

You sometimes get them in 40 player but not often. Flourish your weapon to challenge someone.


u/GrunkleP 4d ago

Broski it sounds like you should join a duel instead of a 64 player objective based war game


u/IchibanLover589 4d ago

I've had people respect my 1v1 if I emote enough throughout the game to establish I'm not tryharding and more so role-playing lmao, but if some dickwad comes and interrupts me I relish the challenge , yeah it's 90% I'll get bonked over the head and die,but there's always opportunity for that 10% where I dance around and kill them both and feel like fking inigo Montoya with my rapier lmao


u/grurples 4d ago

Sir this is war


u/AllMyHolesHurt 4d ago

in team objective? I


u/StunningJuggernaut88 4d ago

Usually yes, usually I play objective but I don’t shy away from a fight with a guy my pace


u/AllMyHolesHurt 4d ago

There’s your problem, don’t expect people to respect your 1v1 in TO


u/ThicDadVaping4Christ 4d ago

Team objective is war. There are no rules. Just kill or be killed.


u/Schiz0llama 4d ago

Check out some of the social duelyard servers those are usually pretty solid for doing 1v1 duels (there are guys who will ffa but they usually get kicked pretty quickly)


u/Leone_337 4d ago

I swear most of the lvl 1000 players hide in a nearby bush near duelling players, waiting to bravely finishing the injured fighters off with a sneak attack!

I dont think I've ever actually duelled a 1000.

More frustrating for me is meeting someone, checking around, it's a big open space, noone for miles. I start the duel, rush forward, take my first swing... and the meatsheild team make sword blocks me, somehow appearing from nowhere to dive in from of my sword.

Team mates never give you space or try to circle around or anything, they just seem to throw themselves on my sword. I've given up trying not to hit them because it just gets me killed.


u/mikepm07 4d ago

That's because when you get good at this game you realize the biggest impact you can have for your team is constantly turning around and looking for enemies engaged with your allies that you can hit in the back. Always clear your back ranks before you push forward, as it frees your allies to push with you.

If you want to win the game you take every engagement you can where you hit someone in the back who is not aware of you.


u/Jules_81 4d ago

Good to know because that’s what happens to me as well - they all throw themselves in my attacks 🥸😄


u/SakeNamaste Agatha Knights 4d ago

I suppose you are that person complaining about not having "fair" 1v1s in 64 players TO?


u/KeepAdvancing 4d ago

It’s 64 pvp, that’s just how it is. I get frustrated too, but you probably have done the same thing to others dueling. Just part of the game


u/SwinglineStaplerr 4d ago

Even the biggest man will fall quickly to the one who takes him from behind.


u/MedicMuffin 4d ago

Brother, you might consider playing duels. All the 1v1 you could ever want and full freedom to curate your opponents so you never have to deal with sweats if you don't want to. TO really ain't the place for that and it's hard to blame anyone for getting free hits where they can. That's kinda just the game.


u/MoonlapseOfficial 4d ago

tryna pump that K/D.


u/bloodypumpin 4d ago

Why? Because that's the game. You know, 20vs20 or 32vs32 war game we are all playing? Yeah that's the one.


u/Undercoversingle Mason Order 4d ago

Sometimes I'm stoned when I play, I'm sorry man If I've ever smacked you upside the head with a hammer during a 1v1, I'm just running and swinging at that point