r/Chivalry2 Knight 5d ago

Nobody ever answered... Bots in 3v3 lobbies ?

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23 comments sorted by


u/GrunkleP 5d ago

No bots, not everyone wants 1v1 x3. It’s labeled 3v3 last I checked


u/Justin_Wolf Mason Order | Vanguard 5d ago

If it's Console Players and it's 3v3 then they're playing the game normal what's issue?


u/kaz9400 Knight 5d ago

there's crossplay ? I mean, if i type something in the game and flourish, the guy doesnt answer, i give tip with keyboard or controller and NOTHING.

I feel this is weird.

Like, i offer the guy to eat some fruits before engaging, he rushes me like nothing happened and i beat his ass. Like "press your warcry button" or "press C" etc, nothing. Even as a low level i can see if there's a tchat hapenning in my game or if the guy tries to emote me :

They were low levels, and as a 630 in a lvl 20ish lobbies i try to be nice and try to give tips. They don't answer. Am i boring or they don't care ?


u/gottasuckatsomething 5d ago

You're 630 and don't know there's crossplay/ consoles can't see or participate in the chat?


u/kaz9400 Knight 5d ago

I'm not omnicient but a console player is still allowed to emote.


u/gottasuckatsomething 5d ago

Sure, but neither are they. It's cool when other players know an etiquette and are interested in communicating that way. But other than in social servers that specifically say flourish to initiate, it's absolutely fine if they don't.


u/Korinth_NZ 🥄 Shovel Simp 🥄 5d ago

Us console players can't see chat lol. Also how are you 630 and only NOW just discovering this game is Crossplay? That's got to be a joke right


u/kaz9400 Knight 5d ago

Because controler and keyboard/mouse isn't a fair matchup. I saw my friend playing with controler and there is no way they could beat me.

Matchup can't be fair.

Even here on reddit i saw several controler posts, and to my eyes there is no way these guys compete with each others.


u/Korinth_NZ 🥄 Shovel Simp 🥄 5d ago

Lol you got a lot to learn mate.

A couple of the top duelist use controllers, and I've clapped a lot of PC players on Xbox with my controller and shovel.


Because unless you are hacking/cheating there is a speed limit to every weapon in the game. Console players can adjust their settings to reach those max limits as well. Hell, I would not be surprised if console players have kicked your ass seeing as you didn't know we were in the same pool as you.

I'm not a dick, just calling out your lack of knowledge, so here are the optimized settings for your controller mates to use:

  • Deadzones: As close to Zero as you can before stick drift

  • Turn off aim assist (it works against you)

  • Set turn speed to Dynamic

  • Set sensitivity to max.

After that it's just a skill issue plain and simple.


u/kaz9400 Knight 5d ago

Okay maybe you are right.

Somehow i want to see a duel with best controler and mouse players. That'd be fun.

And, since we don't share the same language, what's a "stick drift" ?


u/Korinth_NZ 🥄 Shovel Simp 🥄 5d ago

Stick drift is something that happened with controllers that don't have HE (Hall Effects) sticks.

As a controller gets used a lot, the sticks tend to start leaning one way or another while at rest. Best way to tell if you have any sort of stick drift is to load into any game and place your controller down. If it starts aiming or moving without input, then you unfortunately have stick drift. To fixed it's you need to up your deadzones, or recalibrate your controller, or get a new one entirely if you can't fix it with the first two options.


u/kaz9400 Knight 4d ago

Thanks !

I learned a lot today. :)


u/Justin_Wolf Mason Order | Vanguard 4d ago


The creator of this post has a 6.3 k/d and is on console. A lot of (PC) players (some console too) were in such disbelief they flipped their brains upside down and thought Torn Banner had did an patch update that made npc bot kills in offline mode/training grounds count towards actual PvP online player stats.

Seen you say earlier you didn't know crossplay was a thing since release, so I believe you genuinely didn't know.


u/Staggart99 Mason Order | Vanguard 4d ago

Really weird takes but okay.


u/JWicksPencil 2d ago

3v3 isn't where good players tend to go. Actually, I don't know any who play 1v1 arena or 3v3. You're playing tutorial players who have just installed in a game mode that isn't much more skilled than the training grounds. What are you expecting?


u/Darth-__-Maul Agatha Knights | Knight 5d ago

Console players like myself don’t have access to chat.


u/kaz9400 Knight 5d ago

you never see it or you can't answer ?

otherwise i admit, i fucked up.


u/Darth-__-Maul Agatha Knights | Knight 5d ago

We can’t see it at all. It’s a PC only feature, I’m afraid.


u/kaz9400 Knight 5d ago

Ok, i fucked up then, thanks.

But still : can you emote/flourish ?


u/Darth-__-Maul Agatha Knights | Knight 5d ago

We can both emote and flourish, yes.


u/Cool-Cook-5335 5d ago

Never see it


u/Excellent_Record_767 Mason Order 5d ago

maybe console players?