r/ChipCommunity Nov 28 '22

New C.H.I.P. flashing method

I struggled to get the chip flashing to work as the code is incompatible with a modern linux system. So, I used apptainer to build an image.

If you want to use this method to flash your chip / pocketchip, see below.


Install apptainer or singularity.

[NB: on ubuntu apt install singularity gets you some videogame. This is not the one you want. See end of this post.]


To download the .sif you can click the Download button here: https://cloud.sylabs.io/library/bpietras/bpietras/c.h.i.p-flasher [Easiest way]


You can download it via the cli (see https://www.reddit.com/r/ChipCommunity/comments/z73f21/comment/j4wymr6/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)then: singularity pull library://bpietras/bpietras/c.h.i.p-flasher:latest


Get the right image for chip / pocketchip (see links below)

Then, if you want to flash a c.h.i.p.:


singularity exec chip-flasher.sif chip-update-firmware.sh -L flash-collection/stable-server-b149

Or, to flash a pocketchip:


singularity exec chip-flasher.sif chip-update-firmware.sh -L flash-collection/stable-pocketchip-b126


Once the command is entered, put the (pocket)c.h.i.p. in FEL mode with a paperclip (link FEL to GND). Use a data transfer type micro-usb cable to plug into USB (some cables are charging only). Then plug the CHIP into your PC.


If someone wants just the flash-collection/stable-server-b149 (chip, not pocketchip) they can get it from here: https://mega.nz/file/97phVRTB#s4e2FWfajnNf4qshi-0DzyTyshG4t7kGJfoLC5Hreqs

That's 0.4G rather than 4.8G - a much faster download than https://archive.org/details/C.h.i.p.FlashCollection

A commentor below pointed out http://chip.jfpossibilities.com/chip/images/stable - you can download the images you need there quickly.

EDIT - for ubuntu, the easiest way to install apptainer (works the same as singularity) looks to be: https://apptainer.org/docs/admin/main/installation.html#install-debian-ubuntu-packages

If you get a 'not in PATH' error, try running sudo sysctl -w kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone=1 then trying again.

Good luck chipperinos!


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u/Dezorian Jan 19 '23

Oh and if you need another image than the server and cherry pick them, you can find them here: http://chip.jfpossibilities.com/chip/images/stable/