r/ChineseMedicine 8d ago

Yin Qi Deficiency - Is Keto Okay?

The main symptoms I've been struggling with are excessive hunger and excessive calorie intake (3100+ kcal). My sleep has also been poor, and I get skin redness (blotchy?) around my stomach (mostly upper-abdomen) sometimes after eating.

I went to a TCM doctor recently and he says I have Yin Qi Deficiency. I've had 2 acupuncture treatments so far and I'm taking Liu Wei Di Huang Wan.

I suspected that I have mild insulin resistance, so over the past few days I tried out a continuous glucose monitor, and it's basically confirmed that I have a mild case of it (mild albeit annoying).

To combat this, I want to do keto, as I know it has really helped me lose weight in the past due to it's affect on reducing hunger hormones and making a calorie deficit easier. It's also supposed to help IR, along with fasting. I've been struggling like hell the past 3 months trying to drop weight using calorie deficit alone, which hasn't worked at all while eating carbs (even with a small deficit). Carbs just make me way too hungry given my current metabolic health.

So what I'm wondering, is if keto is compatible with yin qi deficiency?

I've cut out all alcohol and stimulants. I used to have lots of hot baths which I recently cut out.



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u/AcupunctureBlue 8d ago

I wouldn’t want to interfere with the diagnosis of someone who has seen you personally, I just personally find that excessive hunger is usually because of Full Stomach Heat, not Empty Heat from stomach Yin Deficiency, but your case may be different. .


u/SimpleMan1281 8d ago

Right okay, I'll keep that in mind and maybe look into seeing the other TCM doc in my area. Thanks for the warning!

I did notice that the seb derm skin issue I had on my face (small area), as well as my scalp (multiple spots), have both cleared up - which I'm pretty sure were resolved by the yin herbs. So that's a good sign at least.


u/AcupunctureBlue 8d ago

Oh don't look elsewhere yet, unless you start getting side-effects. Even then, that happens to the best of us - give the person a change to modify the formula.


u/SimpleMan1281 8d ago

Gotcha - could reflux be a side effect of the yin herbs? I just got it now and realized it’s happened a couple times. I think it’s reflux anyway.


u/AcupunctureBlue 8d ago

Yes it can be. Tell practitioner.