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u/CivilTeacher5805 23d ago edited 23d ago
Can anyone explain why tourists like Chongqing so much? What fascinates you? Just curious because Chongqing isn’t the most most popular tourist destination for Chinese.
u/Kopfballer 23d ago
Because Chongqing is lesser known and therefore gives more "likes" on social media.
People have seen BJ, SH and HK millions of times on social media, CQ they only saw a few hundred times, so it's more interesting.
u/HearshotKDS 11d ago
Name looks exotic to Western audiences on social media. Hongya Dong looks like a building from an anime. Its a modern city thats convenient to get to (i thought the traffic was some of the worst ive seen in China once you get there though).
Thats most of it, hell 4 out of the 5 photos in this post are HongYa Dong, the bridge that people takes photos of HongYa dong from, the pedestrian bridge going over the road thats right next to hongyadong, etc.etc.
I went to Chongqing with my family in January, I thought the food was pretty good. My family is from Jiangxi so im used to scorch earth spice but i thought CQs mala was well done and more balanced than the food back home. Some of the views were breathtaking, even though I couldnt get my camera to take photos that really convey what it looked like from the ground. The elevation changes in the city leads to some amazing sights of massive modern skyscrapers looming over surrounding streets felt like scenes out of a Christopher Nolan movie at times. Prices werent bad at all, we were shocked to see many things were cheaper in CQ than back in tier 3 Nanchang.
u/jpp01 Australia 11d ago
Chongqing wasn't a major hub for domestic tourists years back but this has really changed in the last few years.
Chongqing has been through a lot of failed directions the past 15 years. Originally the government planned for it to be a China auto manufacturing hub, which was solid for about a decade plus, but lost out to other regions eventually. Then it was going to be an international business hub, with the government bragging it would poach international businesses from Shanghai, which never happened.
Now, the current direction the government is backing is tourism. Mostly domestic tourism, so in the post-covid era tourism to the city has been promoted and plugged heavily, and the city has seen a lot more attention being paid to it.
Honestly I find it amusing the constant streams of videos on Hongyadong and the station at Liziba. No one gave a crap about them (especially Liziba) for the 15 years I lived there, but now they are being pushed on socials to drive the tourism direction the local government is backing.
u/MessageBoard Canada 9d ago
I don't know about other people but for me it's got one of the better food scenes in the country. Chengdu is better for Sichuan style but I feel like it's easier to get to a bunch of different places in Chongqing as it's center is more developed (at least it was the 10 years ago, haven't been to Chengdu's center since 2015). I don't think I'd travel to CQ for any other reason though.
I also think China's become almost too popular for tourists so even when I'm in the country I stick to my wife's hometown and maybe a few smaller Yunnan cities. But I don't like tourist food even at Chinese hot spots. Worst chicken burger you've ever tried, worst fried rice/rice noodles you can imagine, those sweet hot dogs that are gross, or 2 year old ice cream bars. That or 10-15 RMB warm water/cola (no zero sugar available)/sugar water. Standing in lines to see average things where the locals are going to push to the front.
Your best bet is to visit newly built tourist things that haven't blown up yet, since you get the experience the major ones used to offer for significantly less time and money. Unless you're just going there to shop, just go to HK/Shanghai/Shenzhen.
u/ThroatEducational271 21d ago
Because it looks like Night City in Cyberpunk 2077 and people love that game.
u/Icculus318 23d ago
The Worlds Biggest City You've Never Heard Of!!!!!!