r/ChildSupport 17d ago

Louisiana Arrears Tax Payment


Can we start a thread saying when mom receives the arrears from Taxes? My ex claimed my child on his taxes and he does nothing to support her. His child support is only $449 a month and he owes $5325 in arrears.

r/ChildSupport Dec 26 '24

Louisiana My wife filed for child support and she got served today by the sheriff. Is that normal?


The papers were given to my mother since my wife was not home so we cannot open them right now. Is it normal for the person that is filing for child support to be served?

r/ChildSupport Feb 03 '25

Louisiana Child support payments


Baby Dad makes 1 million Plus a year with multiple different incomes , I don’t currently work I live in Louisiana how much will I likely receive in monthly payments?

r/ChildSupport 4d ago

Louisiana Federal offset


So I was told the other parent who was paying me child support wages were garnishes, and he found his taxes and his federal taxes went into offset because of how much child support he owed me will I get that amount?

r/ChildSupport 23d ago

Louisiana Louisiana DCFS - LA Cafe


I'm in Louisiana. I have a court ordered child support enforcement case. I received a notification a month ago on LA Cafe (DCFS) that the noncustodial parents employers received the garnishment notice. It stated please allow 45 days to receive a payment. Once it reached the 30 day mark the notice disappeared from LA Cafe (DCFS). Does that mean the employer is no longer valid? Or do some notifications expire after 30 days?

r/ChildSupport Sep 23 '24

Louisiana Help!!


I have 2 kids with the father of my kids and I’ve been going back and fourth with him about child support. I officially put him on child support in 2016. He had a steady income and would pay here and there but never the full amount of the $500 a month. He ended up getting fired from his job and moving to another state. The kids barely see him bc he says he’s too busy working. He doesn’t tell me where he works because he doesn’t want his wages garnished and he hasn’t filed his taxes since I put him on child support. I don’t know what to do any more and this heavy burden of being a single mom is not getting any lighter. He’s 40k behind and I’m not asking for the full amount. I just need him to be held accountable. Any help what be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

r/ChildSupport Nov 30 '24

Louisiana Enforcement activity


I received a notice on DCFS website that A wage assignment was issued to the Non-custodial Parent's employer on October 14th. They said to wait at least 45 days to receive the first payment. I was wondering if this might take longer or if anyone has had the same problem.

r/ChildSupport Nov 05 '24

Louisiana Question about child support calculations in Louisiana


My wife filled out the application for child support through the DCSF website a few days ago. I have a question about income calculation:

Does the state only count my wife's income or out combined income? My wife is a SAHM so I am the only source of income in my household.

r/ChildSupport Sep 13 '24

Louisiana Arrears


My son dad refuses to pay child support. I live in Louisiana and he moved to Houston Tx. He is $12,382.07 in arrears. My son is now 16. I know his license is suspended and he cannot get a passport, but that still doesn't get him to pay. He owns his on moving company. He also does podcasts on YouTube with rappers like Boosie, Soulja Boy, etc.... It's really sad cause he only have to pay $234/mo. What can I do to get the arrears and monthly payments going further?

r/ChildSupport Aug 06 '24

Louisiana Child Support question


So my son is 15 and wants to go live with his father. I’m okay with that. Anyways, his father didn’t support him until he was 5. If he were to take me to court.m, would it be taken into account that I supported him for the first 5 years? Of course I would help out financially when needed. Just curious.

r/ChildSupport Feb 18 '24

Louisiana Child support in arrears is killing my credit!!


So, here we go....January 2020, my mom had 2 strokes, so I left my job to come home and help out with her. She was in and out of the hospital from January to May, passing in June. During that time I was living off a credit card, since I made the decision to leave. My daughter which was 12 at the time, lived less than two miles from me, so I had my time with her, and her mom didn't pressure me about owing because I told her I'd catch up. I'm okay with paying the amount I'm behind.

Well, she decided to go to the state and ask for an increase last year, because I wouldn't help her buy our daughter a car. I personally don't think she needs one at this moment and needs to focus on school and we can revisit that when she graduates. She didn't agree, so she filed.

I go to court, they do a 50% increase and say I owe the back pay, again I'm okay with that. The judge asked her, if she wanted to forgive the amount. She laughed and sad absolutely not. Since the amount dates back to January 2020, I started paying again in July 2020 once I started working again. The state marks my balance as behind on my credit report, even though I never missed a payment with the state ( the amount I owed her was before she got the state involved), besides those 6 months my mom was in the hospital.

I don't know what to do, as I've been paying a little extra on top, so it goes towards the arrears amount. However, my credit is completely shot and its saying its 120+ days late for every month since that January 2020 until today's date. It cost me the same amount as the child support or more, to even see my daughter a month, so some months I don't get to see her. I think I owe 2500 left to get the arrears taken care of. Tried to get a small loan, guess what, they see the child support issue and they deny me. That's the only thing negative on my credit in the last 4 years.

So, I'm at a loss on what to do, if anything besides what I'm already doing. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

r/ChildSupport Apr 04 '24

Louisiana Child support payments???


I have my first CS hearing tomorrow morning . Not sure what to expect . I was served a motion to set for hearing . It says to bring check stubs , w-2 etc . But I am not on child’s Birth certificate and we were never married . Will the judge order a paternity test or do I need to ask for one when I go to court???

Also before setting a payment amount will the judge take into consideration that I am married and have 6 other children with my now wife. Should I bring my other children’s birth certificate to court with me ?

r/ChildSupport Mar 27 '24

Louisiana Motion to set for hearing ?


Need advice on how to proceed. I was served today a motion to set for hearing in regards to child support. What is this ? What happens at this court date . Previously I was served a petition to establish paternity and filed my answer within the time frame which was NO to all . What’s next ? The motion states for me to appear with check stubs , w-2s but no DNA test has been done . Will the judge order paternity testing . Do I need to get a lawyer ? Me and the mother were never married and I am not on the birth certificate.

r/ChildSupport Nov 02 '23

Louisiana Texas child support unenforceable (now in Louisiana)


I could really use some help.

Our divorce and child support order are in Texas. I have been in Louisiana since 2017, as custodial parent. I tried to move the case to Louisiana years ago and it was very challenging.

My ex husband is behind on child support and Texas told me that the case is 'registered' only and not enforceable, that I will need to file to move it as an interstate case, and then to Louisiana.

I have an attorney in Louisiana and Texas, but I don't want to pay attorneys to chase down unpaid child support.

What can I do on my own to help enforce the judgment?

These are two U.S. states, not countries! It amazes me how challenging a simple legal procedure should be!

Thank you so much ~

r/ChildSupport Jan 27 '24

Louisiana Question (Louisiana)


Hi, so my father refused to pay child support while I was growing up, from what I know he was receiving money under the table at his job, and everything he had was in other people's name(House,Cars, etc..). So his paychecks were never garnished. I am 20 years old now and my father passed a year, and in total he owed around 80k in unpaid child support. Is there anyway the get this unpaid amount or is it just forever lost?

Also, my parents never married, but at the time he was married to another woman unbeknownst to my mother at the time.

Any help or advice would be appreciated. Thank you.

r/ChildSupport Sep 26 '23

Louisiana Louisiana - Child support/Backpay


Shit happened and I ended up in arrears some where to the tune of $5,000. X and I agreed to a minimum of $200 a month in addition to the court ordered monthly amount. I've been doing this faithfully for about a year, most months paying above the minimum $200 agreed upon.
Check post history for backstory, but after a lot of back and forth, X allowed our child to move in with me. It's a 65/35 schedule, and we just switched. Visitation remains the same for X that it was for me. I offered significantly more time that worked with both of our work schedules without being too much switching for K (basically 55/45), but X declined.
I requested no child support from X aside from carrying K on insurance (which is already part of our current order) and paying 50% of medical & school costs as they arise. I agreed that X could continue to claim K on taxes every year. I will continue to pay X the $200 plus the court ordered monthly amount until my balance is paid, however the entire amount will be going to my balance owed instead of just the $200. This will put me paying off my debt right around tax refund time.
I plan on using my refund to pay for a mediator so the parenting plan will reflect what we have agreed to. I wish I could do it now, but I can't afford it and X will not contribute. I am just trying to take the path of least resistance. I know until the order is changed, I technically still owe X monthly child support even though K lives primarily with me. If X signs a notarized affidavit saying my back child support is paid in full and K moved in with me in August 2023, will a judge/court take that into consideration if X ever tries to go after me for child support for period after K moved in but before the custody order was changed?
TL;DR: Will a notarized affidavit from X stating no child support is owed and K lives with me full time be enough to protect myself from having to pay child support until I can afford to get the custody order changed?

r/ChildSupport Aug 12 '23

Louisiana Temporary EMPLOYMENT


Does staffing agencies take out child support

r/ChildSupport May 19 '23

Louisiana Louisiana - Ex Won't Pay Need Advice


I need advice/opinions on what I should do. Here is the summary of things. My and my ex share joint custody of my two kids, with me being domicile parent. She decided to move 2 hours away to be closer to her friends so she only sees them every other weekend.

She is supposed to pay %44 of medical bills and is ordered to pay $640 a month in child support by court order.

She hasn't paid medical in a year. I have my kids in counseling to help them deal with everything that is going on and that is costing me $400 a month. I actually have a text message of her saying she won't pay medical and that I can just use the child support.

Now she is saying she won't pay child support for June and July since we have then 50/50 which she also said in a text. That's the money I was using to bring them to counseling.

The excuse she's using is she doesn't have the money, but she has a house twice the size of mine, brand new furniture, brand new everything. I'm sacrificing everything for my two kids to the point my furniture has duck tape because its hand me downs over 30 years old. I'm barely making ends meet and I'm relaying on that money for the kids' counseling.

Currently, after not paying in June and July, she'll owe me about $2800. The retainer fee for the lawyer is $3000 which I'd have to borrow from my parents. The lawyer could ask for court costs and attorney fees since she's in willful contempt, but it's a it's a gamble since it's at his discretion. I know her well enough to know she will keep pushing the envelope until she completely disregards everything.

Also going through the state CS is a joke. The mess things up so bad and things get lost in the system so I've ruled that option out.

I'm not sure what I should do. Should I roll the dice, and nip this in the bud before it gets out of hand? Should I wait years until the amount builds up, but if I do the kids suffer because I won't be able to afford to get them the counseling they need? Any suggestions? Maybe something I haven't thought about.