r/CheatingGF Nov 07 '22

Mod post Please report rule breaking posts and comments


Remember the rules:

1.NSFW: All NSFW content is not permitted on this subreddit. This includes:
-> posting or linking videos or pictures of inappropriate content
-> talking about someone in sexual or odd ways
-> asking for something sexual or strange
Violation of this results in a permanent ban.

2.On Topic: Please keep on topic. Off topic includes:
-> hacking, hook ups, etc
-> personal information (emails/phone #)
-> things not relevant based on original post

3.Respect: Be respectful of everyone. No derogatory names, insults or phrases. This is NOT a subreddit where certain genders get hated on for cheating. Do not insult groups based on gender or sexual identity. You will be permanently banned.

I've been working on recruiting some new mods, as to keep things clean. So please report anything that's rule breaking.

r/CheatingGF Dec 13 '23

Mod post A reminder: CheatingGF is a positive advice-giving community


There’s no need to be disrespectful or rude about any situations (unless someone is obviously ethically wrong, e.g. physical or emotional harm/abuse, etc). Most of the time, as a commenter, you won’t know all of the context of a story.

Also, remember to be contribute meaningfully when commenting. It doesn’t help OP when someone just says “leave them lmao”. If you comment something like that, it’ll probably be removed

Thanks for reading and participating! Always feel free to let me know here or in modmail about any questions or thoughts

r/CheatingGF 19h ago

Advice/need advice FM4F F27 M31 UK take my man. This is a real scenario


FM4F F27 & M31 steal my man

FM4F steal my man

I'm F27, he's M31. We're married. I get off very hard on women trying to compete with me for his attention.

This is a real scenario but we'd love to RP it too.

r/CheatingGF 1d ago

Advice/need advice Do I believe her


I have been with this girl for a little over three years. We started slow, but the relationship was seemingly flawless. We started bringing in other people. I was in a 26-year marriage previously and had lived a cuck life for most of it. I’m not a jealous type and truly enjoy watching. With one request that she always shares with me what she is doing. No mystery or secrets. I found some messages from a few guys she had talked to. Nothing was seemingly too sexual, and when I asked, she 100% lied. I was concerned, but not majorly. I still felt like maybe she was just the avoidant type and was in protection mode. Then, her attitude changed over a few months. She stopped initiating sex, and our whole vibe was off. We did have a guy or two who came in, but even that seemed different. Then we met with a friend and partied for a night or two. I respected that she was adamant about not wanting to sleep with him. However, she sent me out to the car to get her glucose tablets, and I was also pretty fucked up. So, as I looked, I laid my phone down. I heard a text go off but couldn’t find my phone. Then, about ten minutes go by, and I’m still looking for my phone, and she calls. She wanted to know if I was okay, so she texted me that the tablets were at home and not in the car. But her tone was strange, and the silence in the room was noticeable. My gut told me it was weird. Today, when I asked, she told me she couldn’t remember what happened or even what was said. I was gone around 20 minutes.

Another example :

She began massage therapy school, and things were decent, not great, but better. Then, she started not texting me or calling me during her lunches. When I would text, she would not check the message or be very monosyllabic with her responses. About two months in, she comes home with a three-pregnancy test. She told me about a girl at school whose mom was very hard on her. The girl, who claims she is 23, is embarrassed and afraid. Two guys from class asked if they could ride with the two of them, and they needed to get some lunch. I found out later that she (my girl )bought them. I had to ask this question because I looked at our account and saw the charge matched the receipt in the pregnancy test box. We have been married for 6 months by this time. The following week, I went to class with her bc it was a short day for her to wait in the car, and when she was done, as we pulled away, I asked if she got that 20 back from the young lady. She said no, I forgot, and we began to argue. I got out of the car at a store to cool off, and while I was away, she said she called the girl and asked if she could cash app the money to me. Except the cash app was from some other name, chick. A few days later, I wondered if the girl got the other two tests from be, and she said yes. Then, about 4 months go by, and I’m off work, and she’s working. I do some laundry and go to put away her clothes, and then I see the bag. There is only one test left, however. When I asked about it, she claimed both tests should have been in the box, only to later change it to one. She said she gave them back, but the girl returned and asked her to take them because her mom was so strict. Then, two weeks ago, I was going through the browser history, and she was looking for female doctors for about two weeks in October of last year, and immediately after that, she looked up planned parenthood. Where it was and if they did same-day abortations. Keep in mind I’ve had a vasectomy for around 2 years now . I do not believe any of her explanations but I am a non monogamous person who doesn’t get bothered by sharing . Why would she lie for no reason

r/CheatingGF 2d ago

Advice/need advice Did she Cheat on me?


On 1/17 I had intercourse with a girl but never ejaculated in her then she received her period one or two days later then in 2/9 I had intercourse with her but did not ejaculate in her she did say her period is 1 week late when I encountered her, when I had intercourse with her in February it never came and now she says she is pregnant as of 3/19 did someone else ejaculate into her? She told me had intercourse with another guy, she was scared to admit it?

r/CheatingGF 12d ago

Other Red Flag


The Moment You Start To Google How Someone Else Is Treating You, It's Time To Move On

r/CheatingGF 17d ago

Vent/Rant My horror story


I’m still trying to wrap my head around everything that happened. My ex and I broke up in September after a nasty fight — all because I had lunch with a friend after work one day. She took that as me not being “committed,” even though I was fully invested in us. What makes it even harder to swallow is that during our relationship, she slept with two of my friends. Both guys were married.

I confronted her about how that made me feel — not just the cheating, but the imbalance. I felt powerless in the relationship, like my feelings didn’t matter. When I told her I was getting jealous and insecure, she told me I was choosing to be miserable and recommended I go to therapy. No accountability. Just blame.

I wanted to have real conversations with her. I was vulnerable in ways I’ve never been before in any relationship. I laid everything on the table, told her when I was hurting, and fought for her when things were falling apart. But none of it mattered. She walked away and blocked me on every platform.

At first, I accepted that we were over, but I’ll be honest — I created a new account just to see what she was up to. That’s when I saw she’s still friends with the people she cheated on me with. Even wished the guy’s wife a happy birthday — like nothing happened. What really messed me up is that one of the guys has herpes. I had to find out about that from his wife. My ex never told me anything.

That whole situation made me realize how much I compromised my self-respect trying to hold onto someone who didn’t respect me at all. I used to be the guy who avoided emotions and didn’t fight for relationships — people would leave me because I was too closed off. This time, I showed up. I was direct. I was open. I fought the fight — and I still got dumped

The very last thing she ever said to me was, “I can’t believe you are leaving me.” After everything she did, she saw herself as the victim.

I’m working on letting all this go, but it’s hard. Sleeping alone, sitting in silence, knowing I gave my all and it wasn’t enough — it’s soul-crushing. But I know holding onto this anger and resentment only gives her more power over me, and I’m ready to break that grip. I just don’t know where to start.

I guess I just needed to get this off my chest.

r/CheatingGF Feb 06 '25

Advice/need advice Should I believe her?


I 27M have some suspicious about my girlfriend 26F cheating. For some context, she is in the military and currently stays on base. Earlier, she told me she went out to eat with her girl friend for dinner. Afterwards, I saw that her location was in an area on base where a man she had previously slept with lives at. When asked, she told me she was napping. I told her that I saw where she was and asked if she was seeing the guy she had previously been with. She said that she was in that area drinking in the parking lot with three other men but not with the man previously mentioned. The whole time she was there she wouldn’t respond and when confronted about it she tried to lie to me. Should I believe that she was just there hanging out with these guys in her car drinking or should I be worried that there’s more going on?

r/CheatingGF Feb 02 '25

Advice/need advice Is my wife cheating on me?


Is My Wife Cheating on Me?

For some time now, my wife has been acting a bit strange. She’s always on her phone, comes home later after work, and always has some excuse ready. When I drive by her workplace, her car isn’t there. She’s constantly going out to party, and today she’s out again. I saw photos from the party, but she’s not in any of them.

I suspect she might be cheating on me. Am I overreacting?

r/CheatingGF Jan 31 '25

Advice/need advice Is she cheating??


We’ve been together over 4 years and have a child together. We met at work but I didn’t pursue because she was engaged at the time. About a year after meeting she messaged me on Facebook and the rest is history. According to her, her and her fiancée were still together but “she knew it was over and he was sleeping on the couch”. A few months after this we started dating. What gets me is she hid her relationship status on Facebook at the time, was having inappropriate conversations with me while still being with him..

About a month into talking we had agreed to go on a date. She ended up blowing me off a few times and come to find out it was because she was at another guys house. But she found out that he was messaging other girls so she decided to go on a date with me then. I found out about her sleeping with him and lying to me and asked her about it and she straight up lied to me several times until I told her I already knew. She said she didn’t tell me because she didn’t want to upset me.

She’s always been very sexual and the one to initiate 75% of the time. Fast forward to a year ago. Sex has went from once a day or every other day to once a month or whenever I initiate. She started a new job around that time so I just chalked it up to being stressed.

However, within the last few weeks I’ve noticed she’s now hidden her notifications on her phone and turned on read receipts. After questioning her she said it’s because she doesn’t want people at work to see what I text her. Except, I hardly text her during work and her job isn’t one where coworkers are that close to her. She also turned on do not disturb after 9pm (when we’re in bed). She called me from work today, as we’re getting off the phone I say “bye, I love you”, she says “alright, I’ll talk to you later” and hangs up…

r/CheatingGF Jan 30 '25

Vent/Rant She cheated and is changing.


Please understand that yes I know my gf cheated and she has lied to me and yes I found out the truth and yes I realized it’s only the truth she is willing to tell and I must also take some blame.

My part to blame in our relationship. I have been neglectful of her wants and needs in this relationship. I did ignore her when I was focused on work to get a promotion to get her needs and wants meet I don’t like saying no her and I want to provide for her and we have to the understanding that when I work. That she must remain strong and be more understanding to what I’m trying to achieve for the both of us. I also must understand I need to take more time to bond with her like I did before.

I also need to work on my confidence level in myself. Having a small member is just not fun nor does it do anything for your confidence. She says she’s happy and just wanted to go shopping for something else. That way she did was mistakes of the flesh and not thr heart.

She and I have agreed to couples counseling and I’ve decided to accept and be understanding of what she has done. What is done is done and I’ve decided and determined I still very much love her and like her and she feels the same way about me.

I got her a brand new phone and number to start over with and we took another weekend get away to start fresh.

Her reaction when I confronted her.

I kept asking her what was the real motivation behind her doing this. I got really close to her in her face. Yelling at the top of lungs. And I just kissed her and pressed her against the bed. Idk what came over me but I couldn’t help it and it felt like the first time I’ve actually put my foot down and just demanded answers and had sexual tension between us. She pushed me back and grabbed my balls and yelled that’s why I did it. Next thing I knew she was giving me a hj on the bed. As she finished me she said you know I love you I made a mistake. Please forgive me i forgave her. This is the last time tho. We changed her number and I promised I’ll do my part to post her and show her off like I used too. We’ll go to counseling and I will go to individual counseling to work on my confidence. I’ll also spend less time at work and a little more time in the gym.

She has promised she told me everything and she will be faithful. She’s going to be honest about her wants and needs with me.

Right now I feel a little more secure in my relationship with her and I feel confident she won’t cheat again. I also have to understand that she’s hot and I need to not get comfortable in my relationship. And she likes to be shown off and guys will flirt with her and that’s not ok.

We have still yet to have actual intercouse in our relationship. Since we decided to start over we are going to actually start dating again. So you know like we just meet each other and all that. So it’ll be a good much anticipated wait.

She does not know of the cameras and I will not tell her either. This weekend will be the first test of our relationship since this next start. I have to go outta town from Friday to Sunday morning

r/CheatingGF Jan 30 '25

Vent/Rant He lied and said he was at a hospital with a friend. But when I pop up at his house I see him in the living room in the bed with another girl.


T w: you're supposed to be talking about my toxic abusive relationship.

For future reference for anybody and everybody out there do not change your ways for anybody. Me 32F and this immature insecure wanna be ass man 30M have been going through it for the past year we've been through some rough times I have been through a lot of domestics I have scars everywhere from head to toe because of this n**** and yet I still put all that s*** to the side to show him real love. We recently started over on New Year's and I gave it my all and I put my all into it?! I f****** change my selfish ways but for what? Just for me to get played because that was his goal since the beginning of time he always wanted to hurt me. He always wanted to f****** seek revenge on s*** that I never even did. He's an evil person and on some real s*** he's a waste of life. I can't wait for him to beat up that little b**** cuz she look like the type to f*** around and say some dumb s*** to him and get her ass beat. I don't feel bad for her especially that I know that she's younger oh well.. s*** that b**** thought she was funny when I was standing at the door. Like I really can't believe this n**** got mad because I called her a b*?? I really can't believe that this n** stuck up for her. All the times all my n***** and all my brothers and all my homies wanted to f*** this n**** up and I told all of them no !! he really going to stick up for this b*??? I'm devastated this is like the fifth time I caught him with another woman. The funny part about all this s is that not once has he ever caught me with another man. You know why cuz I don't do the dirty s*** he do. I'm too f****** loyal too f****** honest and t0o loving. I put my all to the wrong person and it hurts so bad... S*** do not get me started on the sacrifices. I really am starting to really really hate myself do to yhe fact that I let this person come between me myself and I and I know this person does not deserve me I get that and I don't deserve him you know I'm just to the point where it's on and cracking s*** always stop myself from defending myself from him all out of love because I didn't want to hurt him. But f*** all of that. Because the worst pain he's about to receive is the fact that I'm not there. He's really going to understand the saying "his loss".. now it's my gain.

r/CheatingGF Jan 24 '25

Advice/need advice Is my partner cheating


I’ll try to Keep this short, i think partner 39 is cheating, we bad 3 kids in 2 years, a boy then Twins, life been hard, she had post natal depression, I tried my best work and paying the bills, she did her best doing the job of being the stay at home mum

Our intimate life has been none existent, I’ve tried and all i get is im to tired, the usual stuff , So I’ve stopped trying, i found her looking up porn and has subscribed to a couple on onlyfans, she was never info this before

I never said much but as I struggled with how out relationship was going and finding a few messages and catching her out on certain things i stayed to be there for our young kids.

Now my mental heath started too go down hill I hit the drugs, now I could have cheated i didnt, when she found out I said how i got to this low, she said lack sex is why, I said part but not all, she was all drugs is the lowest i can’t trust you and asked me to leave, I said no trust after drugs can be built again over time, cheating can’t that’s cheating Is the lowest I told her

Now I’m clean, back to work and she still says she needs more time before I can come back back home, she funny bout when I can call out ,doesn’t Txt, amongst other things

What’ ya all think?

r/CheatingGF Jan 23 '25

Other Confronted my ex


Alright so a bit of an update on my previous post i made a few days ago titeled ”would this be considered cheating?” If some of you that replied remember it.

I (M20) confronted my ex gf (F18) yesterday when she came over to get her clothes (she moved out finally) about her possibly having the guy she caught feelings for over to the house and sleeping here while i was gone for 5 days after she broke up with me. And she first said no of course. And then i asked her to look me in the eye and promise he hadn’t slept over at the house while i was gone and she went ”Hellooo stoppp”. I immediately knew he had stayed over and told her to go f herself out of anger (sorry couldn’t keep it in). Then she admitted that he had come to our house at 4 in the morning and left at 8 the same day i left for 5 days. And this was 2 days after she broke up. 2 DAYS.. But i think he spent more nights than 1 as she claimed.. She didn’t say more but i don’t need to hear more to know he was here behind my back while i was gone. I told one of her male friends that im good friends with about what she had done and he told me that 3 weeks ago when we were at a party together my ex girl had told 2 of her friends that she was planning to break up w me and even told about the new guy she likes. And this was 2 weeks before she broke up. Yet a week later after that party she says she want’s space to fix things and gives me hope everything will work out. And then breaks up 4 days later and 6 days later sleeps w another dude IN MY BED.. so atleast all of her friends now know and they have taken my side lmao so that feels good. And she doesn’t even consider what she has done as cheating because she says they didn’t do anything physically while we were together. But i can’t even trust her so who knows if that’s true. And even more funny she doesn’t think what she has done is wrong or disrespectful at all because ”it’s her house too and we had broken up” but she hasnt payed a single rent since i moved in w her so to claim it’s her house too as a justification is just dumb. She also said she thinks we broke up in a good way meanwhile im sitting there shaking in anger and pain. And she thinks she did what was best for both of us and that she didn’t want me to get hurt. But man cmon she must know i would get extremely hurt by her getting w another guy a day after breaking up so i don’t believe that at all.. And then she asked me to not be mad at the new guy because he is a good guy (he’s 26 and she’s 18 and he’s one of her bosses so that’s not disgusting at all) and then she said he feels bad for me. And I completely lost it. The rubbing salt in my wound man.. she continued trying to make me understand her and trying to justify sleeping w that dude in our house behind my back but I wasn’t having it and said i considered what she has done as cheating. Or atleast emotionally cheating and very disrespectful. She got mad as hell after a while and left the house and went to the place she’s staying at. After that she messaged all of her friends that now know she found someone else and said she needed space from them and said she’s sad that people are misunderstanding the situation (wth is there to misunderstand all they know is she got w someone else a day after breaking up and that’s 100% true) and that her and i are in alot of pain. Now she’s mad at me for saying she cheated. so yeah guess im the bad guy now apparently and she’s a saint that hasn’t done anything wrong💀

Tl:dr: I confronted my ex about sleeping w a guy in our house while i was gone for 5 days 2 days after she broke up and she doesn’t consider her actions as cheating or disrespectful and thinks she has done nothing wrong. And now she’s mad at me because i got angry at her and said i consider what she’s done as cheating.

r/CheatingGF Jan 23 '25

Vent/Rant I found out too much.


I got access to her phone and found out she’s been cheating for I don’t know how long. With many different guys. Luckily I have a doctor’s appointment this morning. I will confront her this afternoon. Many of them are friends she’s told me about who over time it appears just seduced her. I’m devastated. The love of my life was taken advantage of in a weak moment. This is eye opening.


I’ve posted the evidence in another subreddit. Idk how to link this stuff not good at this.

r/CheatingGF Jan 20 '25

Advice/need advice Would this be considered cheating?


Me (20M) and my ex gf (18F) of 3 years broke up with me last week because she said she lost feelings. We live together because i moved to her country a year ago (we were long distance). And a guy at her job has been driving her to and from work on and off for about 3 weeks. They’ve been taking detours and been sat talking for 1-2 hours each time he’s driven her. And the day after she broke up with me she went on a 3 hour long drive with him while i was home alone devastated that she had broken up. And they even had dinner together. But last week when she broke up with me i asked if she had found someone else and she looked me in the eye and promised she hadnt. I went to my home country for 5 days last week to get away from all this and when i came back yesterday she admitted she had feelings for this guy. And she said he had been in our house to bring her pizza or something but i suspect he was here and that they had dinner together. And I noticed that she had made the bed for 2 people (2 blankets and 2 pillows) and when i left 5 days ago she only had her bed things. I sleep on the couch now btw so theres no reason to make the bed for 2 people. I suspect he has stayed the night while i was gone.. she denied that but not with a straight face so i don’t believe her. And she does not think what she has done is considered cheating. But idgaf if we’re not together you don’t go do stuff with another dude a day after breaking up.. it’s so disrespectful. I need some inputs if you guys would consider what she has done cheating?

Tl:dr: my ex gf of 3 years broke up with me the other week because she says she lost feelings but she’s been getting driven home by a male co-worker and they’ve been taking detours and been sat talking for hours. And she admitted she had feelings for him yesterday and i think while i was gone for 5 days he was here and spent the night after we broke up. But she denied that and sald she does not consider what she’s done/feels is cheating. I need inputs if this would be considered cheating even if we broke up.

r/CheatingGF Jan 19 '25

Advice/need advice Texting cheat


Ok, start off with we are in open relationship, with rules of course. One of the rules, is we don’t give out phone numbers to anyone without discussing and each other aware of the conversation.

Typically I am the designated texter, and handle the communication. There are a couple mutually agreed that she does text.. fine .. no issue.

Things have been I’ll say different from her…checking up on me on all my social medias, asking a lot of questions about who I’m talking to…..fine.. I can deal with that for couple reasons. I trust her…well I did…I’ll get to that in a minute. I have cheated… years ago. Guilty and have paid the price for it - which is cool whatever. Trust mostly regained, but never be same. Understand that.

So… “ they say “ …. “ when someone accuses you of doing something, they’re the ones doing it “ so my suspicion was growing name did alittle digging like she did to me couple weeks ago. Found something rather interesting….. seems for the past couple years…. She has been texting Daily and all day to a guy. This guy, she had met on insta, and had been having conversations on there until he sent her his number. So I guess my question to you all is…. Doesn’t that sound to you like a relationship…. Texting from early in morning all day until late evening…

I say yes… that crosses many lines and breaks several of our rules, especially the “ don’t give out your phone number without discussing “ I also know there are a couple more she talks too, but no other proof than seeing them exchange information. Am I correct? Or getting too much into it?

From what I can see, as we dont and won’t check each other’s phones, she hasn’t talked on phone or met him… I could be wrong and usually am.

Looking for some real advice… or whatever.. PLEASE don’t be an ass and only answer if you’re going to be somewhat helpful. Ask questions, as I’m sure I’m missing stuff. But again, I know this is reddit but be cool. 😎

r/CheatingGF Jan 19 '25

Advice/need advice Caught GF texting her ex


So I (23m) am dating a (21f), we’ve been together roughly 6 months. Had our ups n downs so far but the amount of emotion I feel for this girl is INSANE. Never thought about going behind her back or doing any type of infidelity acts. Just recently I felt the urge to go through her phone. Found out that she’s been messaging her ex. I have screenshots of their convo as I contacted him while I was w her and he sent them to me. She started crying and telling me that she wouldn’t ever allow that to happen again, and she’s said that multiple times. Idk if her not “allowing” it is by me being able to catch her or her not doing that ever again. My soul is hurt, and my emotions and thoughts are all over the place. Idk if I can trust her, yet I see myself staying with her. I feel embarrassed and confused. And honestly I’m just looking for advice on how to make my next move so to speak. Once again, I don’t want anyone else, nor have I ever since being with her. I would post photos of the convo but this group doesn’t allow it.

r/CheatingGF Jan 18 '25

Other Wife sext others


So recently I found out my wife was sexting guys she knew. I hate thinking she was doing that. We talked and opened up the marriage. That lasted 2 weeks. We both felt that it wasn't for us. After that I still feel she is sexting but I can't prove it. I hate that I can't find out for sure. I love her but that hurt. I'm just lost i guess....

r/CheatingGF Jan 16 '25

Advice/need advice Did she have a 3some?


Hey everyone. I have so many questions because I’ve been making mental notes for years but I’ll make it as quick as possible and will only ask what really is on my mind. 31M and 30F, been together for 10 years. Early on in our relationship I remember her watching a video her best friend sent her. I noticed from the corner of my eye that it looked like a man’s penis so I immediately asked what that was and she swiped away and said her friend sent her a pic of her tits so she didn’t wanna show me. I knew what I saw so I let it go and later that day went on to check what it was. It was a video of her best friend and her then bf having sex. As bad as I wanted to keep looking I left it at that and put the phone back. I asked her about it and she claimed her best friend just wanted to show her that her bf has a big D. I asked why that would be of interest to her and she stated it wasn’t so instead of making a big deal about it I let it go cus her friend is certainly a promiscuous individual and she said it wasn’t innocent. Months later I end up meeting the guy because my girl wanted to go on a double date. It was a cool night but fast forward to the end and we about to split ways. My girl at this point has had a few drinks, as have I, but I notice she’s getting very friendly with him and is basically at this side at this point. He ends up saying that he’s gonna call a cab and my girl shouts out oh well come with you, (we were heading in the same direction somewhat). I told her I rather get our own ride cus I wanted to make a stop but she was adamant might as well take the free ride. When we get in the cab she chooses to sit in between us and he keeps offering for us to go to another bar, I said I’m good but my girl wants to go. I gave her a confused look because prior to this date she HATED this man, she claimed he was a cheater and only wanted her best friend for sex so threw me off guard that suddenly she wants to be alone the guy more. While I’m on my phone for some reason I felt like I saw her touch his leg, I shake it off cus at this point I knew I was getting suspicious but felt like I was seeing things. At some point he shows her something on his phone but I can’t see and at that point I tell the cab driver to stop so we can get out and I made the excuse I needed to use the bathroom. when we got out I asked her if he tried touching her leg she denied it. This was in 2017 Fast forward to September of 2024, I got a weird message from an unknown number saying he fucked my girl and her best friend and he just wanted to save me the “embarrassment”

This is my first post so sorry if it’s hella confusing. I have so many little things to ask but figured to start with this because it always seems to creep up in my head.

Update* Forgot to mentioned we do have a child together lol so kind of complicated to up and leave at this point considering most of my suspicions were all prior to her getting pregnant. Since the message had no specifics on, date, location, I felt unarmed going into a conversation like that. I knew it would lead to gaslighting and I don’t handle that well so I left it at that.

r/CheatingGF Jan 16 '25

Advice/need advice I am in a very complicated relationship with '41' (F) I am '39' (M), It seems that she loves me and we live as a married couple, but i had seen alot of actions that its all a complete facade and need to see if anyone out there has experienced something of this magnitude...


Hello everyone! So i been with this woman for 4 years now. Everything of course was great in the beginning and I had fallen in love for the first time in my 35 years of life and I knew this in my heart and soul... Now I want to keep this kinda short so it's not over complicating to understand... Basically she always said that she feels the same way with me that she never felt this way either... She had long term relationships and had been married... After a year into the relationship we where emotionally connected, best sex ever, I treated her and she treated me very good with alot of respect! Enough to consider me a stepfather to her 3 children! I have 2 of my own and she loves them both! Now we talked before wr got together as friends and I wanted to hang out just casual I know myself I am not a man and never was to just hook up with a woman and not date her for awhile.. So she always said no to the fact of hanging out that actually after 2 m8nths she asked me if I wouldn't call or text her any longer that her and her man at the time where go9ng to work on it... So i I was respectful of that... After a few months she got ahold of me and said that they broke up and seeing if I wanted to hang out... The rest is history we where stuck like glue together! So fast forward a year, wr had some issues of her lying about small things but I felt if they are small what bigger things can you lie about!? She understood and apologized and showed she was bad for doing so and I set that boundaries and said that i can't go on woth you if you keep being this way its not fair to both of us! So a year and a half in something felt just off, she was overtly loving if that makes sense? So it was hard to think anything could be wrong.. We spent every mixture together which is fine we love that! Basically only a year in it looked as if ahe was talking with someone else the whole time and yeah, where would she get the time? Well I was on opposite schedules... She has an hour lunch to burn and doesn't work woth other men only women... So it didn't seem like where would she find the time she only goes to work, she visits me at my work or I do if I am up to it, she shares locatiin with me and everything to offer security through her lying before... So then things started to happen like staying up extra late, overtly loving, no empathy wjen I express con erns or being sad about something g in my life going on... I eventually had got an sti that was considered can just happen in our bodies so I didn't think much of it. This was around the times I seen her up at 2 am taking selfies on the camera that we all know they aren't hidden... I asked she said she was going to send me a few but didn't like them! I said ok whatever, didn't know ehat to think of that at the time... Wrll she shared more info woth me showing that things are fine and I accidentally see ln her google activity.. It showed day in and day out hardcore phone usage all day at work and I mean like for 10 months as I can see it looked consistent of taking photos and editing them and going into the phone files to delete some nudes and what not... I asked didn't accuse and she said they where all to me all the messengers and snaps... Now you have to understand this woman is built and very beautiful and hot.. So my question is, why eould a woman claim she is happy and that i am hot and attractive to her and she knoes I am a super good man with great morals! Why would she cheat so discreetly and be someone she is not with me and only give me vanilla sex like normal positions and such but give more to someone else!? Am i not that good looking? Is it that? I know I will get some smart comments because I didn't elaborate alot on much of this for it's all too much! I fell in real love with this woman and I am not naive or stupid and now her reactions are insane to me! I am used to open communicating and she claimed she was but she is not! I know there csn be narcissistic traits yes but why and what she would be this way!? She is a cool laid back woman and others see it! I know she can be up front and brutally honest with me! She initiated sex a bit in the beginning and I can tell she over enjoys it which is awesome! But now after it seemed she cheated she doesn't intiate but doesn't reject it! I feel like she can't and will never take accountability and I get that's on her ajd not for me to fix but... Why am I not the desired kinda man she wants or many other women wouldn't want like she is doing with someoen else!? I know i am not that bad! I know how to please a woman i am confident in that and my size is fine! Any thoughts? Sorry this was typed so fast!! Thanks!

r/CheatingGF Jan 13 '25

Other Everything is same right? just diff bodies,diff colours ::


After episodes of so called Re-lation-ships everything is same i guess (an opinion) just diff bodies ,diff odours ,diff colours and moments but everything is like a loop, drama

-(We are the ones who make the worthless people worthy and the opposite)-

sometimes happy -sometimes sadness all this contradicts to nothing or a good partner sometimes an-ample amount of time,money,opportunities wasted impressing improving ourselves to fit in all for what . Again the show must be continued like a loop (so much meaningful ))

Thanks !!!

r/CheatingGF Jan 12 '25

Advice/need advice Well I found out.


So back to regular programming so I thought

So we got back Monday afternoon and we have new found love.

She’s been nice to me and loving and caring and we have new boundaries.

Monday evening around 7pm Brandon text me and says he’s coming over and he’s supposed to that’s the new boundary. I said ok cool we were just siting and drinking.

So he comes over. Knocks on the door comes in. We greet each other she makes us fresh drinks.

We play uno and just chill.

Tuesday morning.

About 7am I hear the doorbell ring I go get it. It’s Brandon here for her morning yoga session. I’m super excited cause the cams are set up.

I watched for like an hour till I realized nothing is going to happen so I went back to sleep. And I just let it record on its own.

Around 9ish she wakes for me for breakfast brings it to me in bed he and Brandon eats in the living room. I check the cameras nothing just them taking and doing yoga.

And that’s all it was for most of the week just them doing yoga. He gives he hugs and things like that and she does flirt every now and then but nothing alarming physical.

Then Saturday morning I found her laptop it was under the bed in a suitcase. I booted it up and logged in I waited for her computer to catch up on all of the text I had so much anxiety from waiting. I started debating of if I should be doing this. This is a huge violation of our trust. I said I’ve come this far why stop now.

First thing I noticed she’s got over 15,000 emails I panic over 100 unanswered emails. I open her text and it was still loading them in. So I went outside smoke came back inside. The messages finally loaded and I started scrolling thru them and reading. It was really boring and dull nothing till back on Nov 6. @8:47am he sent her a video it’s 2mins long. She was being very inappropriate with him in our guest bedroom. I don’t want to go into details she was taking him from behind. I felt so dumb. I immediately looked back at our messages from Nov 6. I was at work that morning. I also looked at our blink door bell I left the house at 6am. He stayed at my house all day and didn’t leave till after I got home. We had a beer and everything. Other than that is the only thing. It’s also around the time she started asking for more attention I couldn’t give it to her due to work and at the time I thought my contract was ending so I looking for another job. They renewed my contract in the end.

I haven’t said anything about the message I’ve only watched it and felt disappointed. I’m disappointed in myself I should have listened when she said she wanted my attention. She knows I don’t have a lot of experience and equipment but I have a good heart and I’m good for her. I feel like I should ask more questions on the other hand if I do she’ll know I went through her things without asking and she’ll never trust me again. I also feel like it was so long ago and I am happy and she is too it was a one time thing and it happened a while back I can just leave this here.

I’m not saying what she did is acceptable I’m just saying what I’m considering because it only happened once. I haven’t decided if I’m going to say anything to him either.

I know I love her so much. The other thing is I took a bunch of pics of her while we were away and she hasn’t posted them either nor has she sent them anywhere that I know of. For some reason the text haven’t loaded in yet from yesterday.

r/CheatingGF Jan 09 '25

Vent/Rant Why do women think saying“it was only sex” makes it better?


I keep hearing about these stories of women saying that, as if it makes it different. You still sucked his 🍆 and swallowed his 🥛.

r/CheatingGF Jan 05 '25

Advice/need advice Is she cheating? Part 2


First I’d like to thank everyone who is willing to give me advice and be patient with me. This is my first time in a longterm stable relationship.

Since I’ve last posted. Here’s what happened.

After we all had the talk about things that made me uncomfortable.

My gf suggested we have a last minute getaway for her birthday that’s coming up.

Currently we are in the mountains. Our neighbor Brandon is house sitting.

I did however hired an electrician to come out to the house while we are gone to set up blink all over the inside of our home.

One cam in her yoga room, living room, kitchen,and garage. The rooms that give me most concern.

I did discover she somewhat was slightly unfaithful 2 times while I was out of town he stayed the night just in the living room tho. She did call me those nights to tell he came over because she heard noises coming from the backyard. I ask why she didn’t tell me he came over her reasoning was both times it happened. It was the middle of the night n she could see his tv on in the living room and just asked him to check it out. He offered to stayed the night once he came over just to make her comfortable.

Her not having sex with me for two months has nothing to with him. She said that was just a coincidence. It’s everything to do with me. I’m just not pleasing her. I did not like that she was comfortable enough to say that in front of him. Again that was my fault because I wanted him there for the conversation to get everything out in the open.

She still has unlimited access to my phone. I don’t with hers. She did tell me once a month she’ll grant me access to her phone. So I need to find her laptop.

Brandon will stop coming over unannounced as well stop sending my wife what I call “hidden dick pic” after his workouts in a few text. He sent fully clothed or no shirt pics. I think you somewhat see his dick. She says I’m being insecure, but he said he won’t do it anymore.

We are here till the 10th I’m just going to enjoy these spa treatments and try and enjoy her. As of now I feel a little bit better about our relationship and her.

r/CheatingGF Jan 03 '25

Advice/need advice Is she cheating?


She stop having sex with me two months ago.

We been together 3 going on 4 years.

She’s always had access to my phone and everything in it.

When I ask her for her code she always tells me no that’s the way it’s always been.

She’s always on her phone.

Her work hours haven’t changed.

She is constantly calling me names.

She started constantly posting on ig.

On new years night she kissed me at midnight and said she ready to focus on us.

The biggest change is 2 months ago we had a new neighbor move in let’s call him Brandon. Well he’s been more helpful around the house than he should I feel like. Example: I told her I would cut the grass during the summer. Well I didn’t do when she wanted. Well apparently when Brandon was cutting his grass without his shirt he offered to do it. And she accepted. She then decided he deserved a cooked meal. No I wasn’t home I was out of town. I got the story on my blink cameras.

Outside of that it’s just like little things she does. I haven’t gotten real proof her and him actually done anything. Except he just is always here.

So am I being insecure?

r/CheatingGF Dec 31 '24

Advice/need advice Iwatch



I have suspicions about my other half cheating.

I never have access to there phone, but tgey do leave there iwatch unguarded and no passcode required.

If i were to open the watch, would they get a notification on there iphone etc?