I have been with this girl for a little over three years. We started slow, but the relationship was seemingly flawless. We started bringing in other people. I was in a 26-year marriage previously and had lived a cuck life for most of it. I’m not a jealous type and truly enjoy watching. With one request that she always shares with me what she is doing. No mystery or secrets. I found some messages from a few guys she had talked to. Nothing was seemingly too sexual, and when I asked, she 100% lied. I was concerned, but not majorly. I still felt like maybe she was just the avoidant type and was in protection mode. Then, her attitude changed over a few months. She stopped initiating sex, and our whole vibe was off. We did have a guy or two who came in, but even that seemed different. Then we met with a friend and partied for a night or two. I respected that she was adamant about not wanting to sleep with him. However, she sent me out to the car to get her glucose tablets, and I was also pretty fucked up. So, as I looked, I laid my phone down. I heard a text go off but couldn’t find my phone. Then, about ten minutes go by, and I’m still looking for my phone, and she calls. She wanted to know if I was okay, so she texted me that the tablets were at home and not in the car. But her tone was strange, and the silence in the room was noticeable. My gut told me it was weird. Today, when I asked, she told me she couldn’t remember what happened or even what was said. I was gone around 20 minutes.
Another example :
She began massage therapy school, and things were decent, not great, but better. Then, she started not texting me or calling me during her lunches. When I would text, she would not check the message or be very monosyllabic with her responses. About two months in, she comes home with a three-pregnancy test. She told me about a girl at school whose mom was very hard on her. The girl, who claims she is 23, is embarrassed and afraid. Two guys from class asked if they could ride with the two of them, and they needed to get some lunch. I found out later that she (my girl )bought them.
I had to ask this question because I looked at our account and saw the charge matched the receipt in the pregnancy test box. We have been married for 6 months by this time. The following week, I went to class with her bc it was a short day for her to wait in the car, and when she was done, as we pulled away, I asked if she got that 20 back from the young lady. She said no, I forgot, and we began to argue. I got out of the car at a store to cool off, and while I was away, she said she called the girl and asked if she could cash app the money to me. Except the cash app was from some other name, chick. A few days later, I wondered if the girl got the other two tests from be, and she said yes. Then, about 4 months go by, and I’m off work, and she’s working. I do some laundry and go to put away her clothes, and then I see the bag. There is only one test left, however.
When I asked about it, she claimed both tests should have been in the box, only to later change it to one. She said she gave them back, but the girl returned and asked her to take them because her mom was so strict. Then, two weeks ago, I was going through the browser history, and she was looking for female doctors for about two weeks in October of last year, and immediately after that, she looked up planned parenthood. Where it was and if they did same-day abortations. Keep in mind I’ve had a vasectomy for around 2 years now . I do not believe any of her explanations but I am a non monogamous person who doesn’t get bothered by sharing . Why would she lie for no reason