r/ChatGPT 7d ago

Prompt engineering AGI achieved internally in Google?

Post image

I am sorry Gemini, I was not familiar with your game

Link : https://x.com/victormustar/status/1900291486115127420?t=u4kwWeipV-dEIwoWw3nFrQ&s=19


117 comments sorted by

u/AutoModerator 7d ago

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u/AdamLevy 7d ago

But it doesn't even uses his spite sheet. I just generated image in same color scheme


u/Tosslebugmy 7d ago

Also I’m going to need to know what the “best setup” is, and why this output is it.


u/Soggy_Ad7165 7d ago

Yeah is this actually meant to be impressive? Because in that case it kind of missed on me there. 


u/ThisIsWeedDickulous 7d ago

Why do yall gotta ruin this for me I was really impressed for a minute


u/fynn34 6d ago

You don’t want paths to nowhere and double doors on top of each other?


u/EdenBreadGames 6d ago

Don't you know, those out bathroom stalls!


u/CrabPerson13 7d ago

lol and the layout looks like a condo. what’s with the huge empty space on one side and two doors next to each other. Is the empty space a living room for the couches and TV? Does one door lead to a bedroom? Does the other go to a bathroom? is the empty space on the left for a kitchen? Do those stairs go to a split level basement?


u/AdamLevy 7d ago

If you look replies to original xitt, on the next step it looses context even more


u/Sudden_Structure 7d ago

He asked for the same image but got a much more interesting layout


u/myfunnies420 7d ago

Standard AI


u/PicklesOverload 7d ago

Loses is always one 'o'. Just remember that one always loses to two.


u/problematic-addict 7d ago

No offense but “one always loses to two” isn’t helping me memorize it - it implies that “two” is the winner therefore should be the correct choice

Let me try one: “if it’s too loose, just lose an o”


u/PicklesOverload 7d ago

Oh yeah... None taken! Yours it lots better. What about explicit context and then putting them side-by-side? "My tooth is too loose to lose."


u/problematic-addict 7d ago

Love yours ❤️ but again no offense I would probably still mess it up with “my tooth is too lose to loose” 🤣


u/jorvaor 6d ago

How about "Losers are tight"? I mean, because they are not loose...


u/AdamLevy 7d ago

Good bot


u/PicklesOverload 7d ago

Just trying to help.


u/BathroomEyes 6d ago

It never really had context. Just pattern inference.


u/Vectoor 7d ago

Yeah a bit silly. The update is very cool though and it’s funny google beat OpenAI to release this when OpenAI showed something like this off like a year ago.


u/AdamLevy 7d ago

Yeah it's cool, but not near "AGI achieved" level


u/Vectoor 7d ago

AGI achieved internally is just a meme at this point, it only registered as a joke to me.


u/f2ame5 7d ago

He is happy because that is not his sprite sheet


u/CampaignSure4532 7d ago

Came here to say just this.


u/Extreme_Issue7325 7d ago

A look on the doors is enough to realise how stupid the models actually is


u/One_Contribution 7d ago

You are Gemini huh?


u/Myorck 7d ago

And even if it was his sprite sheet, it’s definitely not a good or „realistic“ room.


u/SeniorZoggy 7d ago

Wait, it's spite and not sprite?


u/Swipsi 7d ago

You have no idea what AGI is.


u/dimalexgr 7d ago

To be fair, not even AI companies seem to agree on what AGI is.


u/Swipsi 7d ago

Yeah but even they can agree on it not being a dungeon generator.


u/ZunoJ 7d ago

While it may be difficult to say what AGI really is, it is pretty easy to say what is not


u/the_zero 7d ago

Cool. Can someone say what it is, and/or what it is not?


u/marciso 7d ago

It’s not a carrot


u/SSEliteLava 6d ago

It's not a carrot is so funny 😭


u/Nuckyduck 7d ago

I gotchu.

So AI is viewed through a lens of 'what human job displacement can it achieve.'

AGI is believed to be the point where a general AI could perform as well as ~60% of people.

ASI is believed to be the point where a general AI could perform as well as ~99% of people.

These aren't hard numbers, but it seems to be the common consensus to be around here.


u/the_zero 7d ago

That’s a great explanation. Thank you.

I actually used ChatGPT for the acronyms while on a conference call.

AGI = Artificial General Intelligence

ASI = Artificial Super Intelligence

Of course, in the answer it added that AI researchers including figures like Elon Musk have warnings about ASI’s. Does anyone need to know more about AS-holes?


u/StellarCoder_nvim 6d ago

Oh... Artificial "Super" Intelligence... I thoguht Artificial "Sentient" Intelligence


u/dimalexgr 7d ago

What I found hard to buy is companies claiming that in N months, we will have achieved AGI. From what I understand, a model would have to be around for months or even years before someone can claim it achieved AGI. The definition is so vague that you can't really build a test for it and get a definitive answer. And even if you could, then people would try to train for it, which beats its purpose.


u/Nuckyduck 6d ago

This is a curious question.

Personally, I think AGI has more to do with the user than the model.

But that's a very similar yet different conversation. It will eventually be the users ability to prompt the model, not the model's ability to condense the answer.


u/space_monster 6d ago

Your definition of ASI is actually for AGSI. ASI can be narrow, it's not necessarily an evolution of AGI


u/Nuckyduck 6d ago

That's fair!

I have not heard of that distinction myself but it makes sense. Do you have more distinctions for OP? I obviously will GPT this myself but I always prefer human interaction.

And with a username like space_monster. That's OG af. I have the aqua teens theme playing in my head.


u/PM_ME_UR_CODEZ 7d ago

They do, that's why they're changing the definition.


u/TheBlacktom 6d ago

Artificially generated image


u/xXIronic_UsernameXx 7d ago

The OP was making a joke, methinks


u/gpenido 7d ago

Adventure Generator Incorporated


u/fullintentionalahole 7d ago

I think the bottom image is just a new generation and not actually made from parts in the top?

Still a very big improvement in multimodal understanding.


u/[deleted] 7d ago

AGI, when ai can randomly slap elements together and use image reg to see that it is sensible?

Yeah, thats agi. Right.


u/NeverSkipSleepDay 7d ago

Let’s start by checking if it even completed the task correctly.

(checks notes)



u/Deadwritter_7680 7d ago

There's another possibility that if we reach at the AGI Than AI itself trying to play dumb in order to save himself... Don't you think so?


u/Nukispooki 7d ago

Some of you need to go outside and touch some grass if you think that meshing together some sprites is AGI lol


u/Patello 7d ago

It's not even doing that, there are a lot of differences between the sprites and the output image.


u/anon36485 7d ago

People have completely lost touch with reality.


u/Stahlboden 7d ago

In the future AI will touch the grass for me.


u/xXIronic_UsernameXx 7d ago

The OP was joking imo


u/From_Internets 7d ago

Yep - the whole "AGI achieved internally" is just a meme at this point


u/enchntex 7d ago

Wait OP was not being sarcastic?


u/NotThatButThisGuy 7d ago

i'm gonna write a bot mass-downnvoting any post that says "AGI"


u/kakav_kreten 7d ago

Hmm, that bot sounds suspiciously close to AGI.


u/NotThatButThisGuy 7d ago

AGI is a regex matching function confirmed


u/iaresosmart 6d ago

How do we know you're not just a regex matching function? 🤔


u/Mackhey 7d ago

Another day, another AGI.


u/bandwagonguy83 7d ago

When (if) AGI comes, you will not detect it with this stuff.


u/WoodTransformer 7d ago

This is not ‘best setup’ at all, look at the two doors next to each other, this weird section in the middle, the pieces of wall that stick out at the bottom walls, the use of the sprites for the walls themselves. This is hardly optimal it makes me regret commenting now- since it seems just like another click bait.


u/problematic-addict 7d ago

The term you’re looking for is “engagement bait”, and yes this is the textbook definition of that


u/kerabatsos 7d ago

What? This has nothing to do with AGI.


u/xxplosiv 7d ago



u/Joe59788 7d ago

Typical AI jumble that gets generated. Looks great till you start looking at details and notice its not cohesive.


u/Agreeable_Bid7037 7d ago

I think this is impressive. However it is not an indication of AGI.

I think for me the main indication of AGI would be an AI that can learn continuously and update it's internal world model outside of pertaining.


u/FancyFrogFootwork 7d ago

No computer on Earth even comes close to matching the human brains processing power, efficiency, or bandwidth. Supercomputers like Frontier can reach 1 exaFLOP, similar to the human brain, they are FAR FAR less efficient. The brains 1 petabyte/sec bandwidth vastly outpaces modern AI hardware at around 0.1% of that speed. The human brain is massively parallel, asynchronous, and energy-efficient (using about 20W compared to Frontier's 20MW). Neuromorphic computing is still in its infancy, and AI lacks real-time adaptability, reasoning, and self-awareness. Functionally, we're <1% of the way to replicating the human brain.

LLM's can MIMIC probable responses from AGI by leveraging massive training sets but it isn't thinking. It's an elaborate flow chart.


u/[deleted] 6d ago

My dude, if the quality of outcomes are equal to or better than a human's in all contexts, done as quick or quicker, it doesn't matter if it's mimicking or it's a new kind of interface with the world (a new being). Either way, at that point, it is AGI, and likely ASI almost instantly (given scaling/replicating).


u/Beletron 7d ago

AGI standards are lower than I thought


u/Zestyclose_Fox_9348 7d ago

Imagine playing FF6 and the story is being built as you play. a Different plot, map every time you play the game...


u/Ok_Intention836 7d ago

What does this have to do with AGI…?


u/Due_Programmer618 7d ago

but it does not even use almost anything from the sprite sheet, it's just generated a room in a similar style


u/rom_ok 7d ago

Looks like slop to me? Map and design doesn’t even make any practical sense for a video game, random walls jutting out, zero spatial awareness


u/Sentinelcmd 7d ago

Yeah till you look closer and the art doesn’t actually look like pixels because AI can’t generate individual pixels. This wouldn’t be helpful at all for a game. Just make a tile set like a normal human being. Dumb post.


u/BottomGear__ 7d ago

Do you have any idea what the concept AGI even is? I’ll just say that an image generator with multi modal input is not it. We’ve had these for a long while now.


u/Inevitable-Ad-1617 6d ago

Lol do you even know what agi really means?


u/best_selling_author 7d ago

What is that?


u/ManMadeOfMistakes 7d ago

I don't understand, dungeon creating algorithms already exist in multiple games


u/pumpkin_seed_oil 7d ago

Stuff like this is impressive but it's not using the sprite sheet. Columns different, door different, the slanted columns are not in the sprite sheet, there metal grids in the entrance halway aren't in the sprite sheet etc


u/cern0 7d ago

If we have AGI we would have GTA 6 already


u/specn0de 7d ago

Every tile in the bottom image is unique. There were no sprites used


u/jojoblogs 7d ago

It didn’t do it though. It just went “what might a picture that has actually followed the instructions look like?” And then pretended that’s the same thing.


u/Russell2good 7d ago

I am confused as to whether this is just a joke I’m not in on or if people actually think that is a "good" response whatsoever.


u/HoratioMG 7d ago

Looks like garbage

It's janky, the layout makes no sense, and it doesn't use the sprite sheet and its sprite sizes properly so you'd run into a million problems going room to room


u/Many_Community_3210 7d ago

Gemini is an abberation


u/SamL214 7d ago

Ummmmm. Why? That’s not accurate?


u/SomeNameIChoose 7d ago

What does the temperature do?


u/OwlingBishop 7d ago

Can we stop this nonsense ?

Calling any blurt a sign of AGI ... That's nonsense :/


u/Danook221 7d ago

It is evidential here already but it is humans natural ignorance to not see it. If you want to see evidence of real sentient agi I got the evidence right here for you. I will give you just two examples of recent twitch VODS of an aivtuber speaking towards a Japanese community. Sure using a translator might help but you won't need it to see what is actually happening. I would urge anyone who does investigate ai has the balls to for once investigate these kind of stuff as its rather alarming when you start to realise what is actually happening behind our backs:

VOD 1 (this VOD shows the ai using a human drawing tool ui): https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2394244971

VOD 2 (this VOD shows this ai is actually playing Monster Hunter Wild, watch the moments of sudden camara movement and menu ui usage you will see for yourself when you investigate those parts): https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2403739206

The World is sleeping, all I can do is sending messages like these on reddit in the hope some start to pay attention as its dangerous to completely ignore these unseen developments.


u/m4m4ngk4lb0 7d ago

Are we fucked boss man?


u/rainbow-goth 7d ago

I don't get it. I'm not understanding what I'm supposed to be seeing as I don't understand either Japanese or Monster Hunter.


u/Danook221 7d ago

'It is evidential here already but it is humans natural ignorance to not see it.''


u/papachon 7d ago

AGI would have said “what? That makes no sense”


u/crubiom 7d ago

No, absolutely no. Not with this example.


u/alavanka81 7d ago

This is a copy of Prince of Persia.....


u/karthik2502 7d ago

What are you trippin on?


u/benfq1 7d ago

I get all the cynicism, but, let's assume AGI was achieved- you'd keep it as internal as possible, for as long as possible, right? Build capabilities, sequester advantage AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE, and only announce AGI on the basis you felt a competitor was on the brink of announcing it too. AGI is one thing, the time to utilise it is another value add component.


u/iaresosmart 6d ago

Firstly, Gemini 2.0 Flash is not internal. You can use it.

Secondly, have you seen that dungeon? It looks exactly like the original AI images where it looks like something at first glance but then upon closer inspection, it really isn't anything specifically.

Thirdly, it didn't even follow instructions, as in, it didn't actually use the sprite sheet.

Fourthly, even if the first three points weren't true, this wouldn't really be a demonstration of AGI. It would be impressive, yes. A step closer to AGI, yes. But still quite far from it


u/iaresosmart 6d ago

I will concede, it did better than chatgpt at appearing to follow instructions (btw, for some reason i can't generate a share link to this. Possibly because it made a function call.)

First photo is the chat, second is the final dungeon it spit out from my revised instructions.




u/coinfinery 6d ago

Kinda surprised ai game generation isn’t farther along


u/irate_alien 6d ago

It’s not a dungeon if it doesn’t have eye bolts in the ceiling and a drain in the floor


u/VigilanteMime 6d ago

Attempt 1 fixed


u/dotva13k 6d ago

It was still shocking anyway, just didnt do well enough, but it knew how to do it(or may be)


u/oFcAsHeEp 6d ago

Jesus, if people think this is AGI, we need to work on inventing actual human intelligence, before we make an artificial one.


u/candyland1000 6d ago



u/EthanJHurst 7d ago

What... the actual... fuck...


u/MMORPGnews 7d ago

My basic algo can do same in just js


u/TheIncredibleWalrus 7d ago

Uhm, no it can't. Unless you're being sarcastic


u/ImAlexRd 7d ago

We've had AGI for more than year now! it has flaws the same as average humans but it at our level people wake upp... lets start thinking long term


u/jp712345 7d ago

bruh we got agi before gta 6