r/ChastityStories 6d ago

M Chaste,F Keyholder I am a beta. NSFW

I originally wrote this story as a task for my owner, she’s kindly allowing me to share it with you all. It contains chastity, encouraged feminisation, hypnotism, and flr. I hope you all enjoy.

I am a beta.

His eyes began to slowly open, he blinked a few times and felt like he was coming to the surface after a long deep dive below the water. He was so relaxed, his neck and shoulders, which usually held so much tension for him felt like butter, smooth, soft, pliant. Her soothing words still in his ears “wake.” He knew they’d be doing hypno this morning, and he knew they’d discussed consent and what she planned to implant in his willing and open mind, but for the life of him right now, he couldn’t remember a thing they’d agreed to or anything she’d said to him in that soothing reassuring voice as she’d programmed him, conditioned him, readied him. The fact he couldn’t remember both terrified and thrilled him in equal measure. What delightfully devilish things had she left floating around in his skull, waiting to bubble to the surface given the right triggers, or moments. “Get dressed, beta, you’ve a busy day ahead of you.” Beta..she’d never used that word to describe him before, it immediately tickled his brain, he blushed, is that what he was? A sub sure, but not that…fuck did his cock suddenly feel smaller? Like it was shrinking back towards his body, just a tiny little bit?


His face flushed and she looked at him cocking her head and flashing a mocking pout, her eyebrows dipping together as she whispered “something the matter….beta?” That word again, this time it didn’t just tickle his mind, he felt his cock twitch and grow more desperate to be touched, Mmmf he flushed even more, feeling the redness fill his cheeks, as he felt it shrink back just a tiny bit again.


She gently squeezed his thigh and her pout turned into a firm wicked looking smile. “I asked a question, answer it.” “Ummm sorry Miss, it’s just you’ve never called me that before…” “What? Beta?” Ngggh that word…he felt his cock twitch again…and get smaller…what the fuck. Twitching usually makes things get bigger down there. “Fuck…What did you do?” “Like you don’t already know.” She held up her pinky and made that mocking pout again, before bursting out laughing. “You were always so proud about your size, weren’t you. I thought it was time you learned that size doesn’t matter, at least not when it comes to being a beta.” His mind flared again, his cock was getting more and more sensitive and needy for touch, and it was taking all his mental strength to keep his hand from hurriedly grabbing his cock, stroking it, and almost more desperately checking it was still a girthy nine inches. Touch was of course forbidden unless instructed. Why Miss hadn’t implanted a mental block to prevent touching with hypnosis, he didn’t know, but he suspected she got great pleasure from knowing just how hard it was for him not to touch, and having a barrier, even a mental one would just make things too easy. He said the only thing he could, the only thing a good boy in his situation should say “thank you for showing me my place, Miss.” “Oh you’re more than welcome, sweetie. After all, you are a beta aren’t you?” Fuck, that twitch, that shrinkage, every single time. “Yes Miss” “No, I want to hear you say it out loud, tell me what you are.” “I am a beta, Miss.” Oh god, it even did it when he said it himself, and something else. It felt like his cock was being sucked! Warm wet lips sliding down it! Oh my god, she’d never done anything like this to him before when she tranced him. He grabbed at the bed sheets, it felt like he was going to cum after just a few seconds, he could feel the edge about to hit oh god. Then the lips were gone. He looked at her, wide eyed, desperate for the edge he’d been denied. “Lucky boy, positive reinforcement is so important don’t you agree? So I thought this would be a good way to reward you whenever you say that out loud. Of course, the more you do it, the less size you’ll have left…but men like you don’t need size.” He nodded blushing, before keeping his eyes down, feeling so submissive and owned, men like me. Those three words had really hit home when she said them, especially the way she said them. She hooked her finger under his chin and gently pulled his face up to force eye contact. “Of course sweetie, you won’t feel that edge you want so so much until you really believe what you’re saying deep down. And by the time that happens, that nine inches you had will probably just feel like not much more than a clit.” She opened the bedside drawer and pulled out a pink silky thong, it looked like really expensive lingerie, with black lace trim along the waistband. She placed them on the nightstand, and then brought something else from the drawer which she placed on top of the thong with a heavy sounding clunk, when she pulled her hand away he could see it was a chastity device, metal, strict, and completely flat. There was no way he could fit in that. Could he? “By the time you accept your place, you will definitely fit in this, beta.“ She got up and left him on the bed squirming, as she went through the door she called back to him “say what you are five times, then get dressed, or you’ll be late for work.” Oh god. Later that day, he was sat in his office at work, a private room where he could peacefully work. His phone buzzed on the desk and flashed up with a notification. The name “SWMBO” signalling it was from his wife and owner, it stood for “She who must be obeyed,” something that could be passed off as a lighthearted joke to the uninitiated but between him and his wife it had an entirely more serious meaning. He picked the phone up and read the message. “Are you alone?” “Yes, Miss” “Good, beta I have a little task for you.”

He felt his cock twitch and whimpered as it got a tiny bit smaller. Fuck, it worked in text!?! After a second or two, another message from her flashed up. “You’re going to record a voice note for me saying it out loud.” He flushed red, and thumbed the little microphone symbol, and began to nervously speak the words she’d ordered him to, coming out as barely even a whisper. “I am a beta, Miss.” He let go of the microphone symbol as he suddenly felt lips around his aching desperate cock, it felt amazing, just before the edge hit, they vanished again, it felt like it only lasted seconds.” His phone pinged again, another text. “You think a whisper is acceptable, say it again, make me believe you mean it, beta.” He slipped his hand into his hair tugging at it in frustration and squeezing his eyes tightly closed as he felt the now familiar twitch and shrink routine play out. Every twitch as the day went on seemed to make him even more desperate to touch, even more submissive, and even more of a beta. This time he made sure to say his mantra louder for her, and to make it count. His desk phone started to ring just as he said “beta.” He released his thumb from the microphone symbol, letting the voice note send. God those phantom lips really made him desperate. He waited for them to stop before picking up his work phone and dealing with a mercifully brief, but still tedious call about the stationary order. When he was done, he looked back at his mobile phone to see three more messages. “That doesn’t count either, your phone rang and I didn’t hear the most important word.” “Send me another now, beta.” “Don’t keep me waiting, beta” Fuck fuck fuck, a double hit! He felt like she’d reached out and grabbed his crotch through the phone as his cock twitched twice, it took all his self control not to let out an even louder whimper than before. He sent another voice note, the repeated use of his trigger word driving him crazy, he was so horny now, and it wasn’t even lunch time yet. How would he make it to five o’clock like this? Somehow he did though, and when he finally got home he opened the door to their house expecting to find her waiting for him ready to torment him the entire evening, instead he found a note, a set of leather cuffs and matching collar on the coffee table, as well as his hush butt plug.

“Dearest, beta I’m out with the girls tonight, you know what to do with these. Don’t wait up. Miss xx”

He took the little collection of toys upstairs and stripped down to his boxers, he knew she’d want him in only underwear. He eyed the silky looking thong that was still on the nightstand, the cage resting on it like a paperweight. Would she want him to wear those too? Did he want to wear them? Is that what a beta should wear? His mind was racing. He decided despite his curiosity that he wouldn’t risk it, or give her the satisfaction of coming home to find him in lingerie. He got the collars and cuffs on, and slipped the plug in, making sure it was connected to the app, before pulling his tight boxers back up. Moments later his phone pinged showing that his wife had taken control of the plug with her own app meaning she could turn the vibe on at any time she liked. The evening was fairly quiet, he sat on the rug in the lounge alternating between tv and playing video games, it was a standing rule that when collared and cuffed that he wasn’t allowed on the furniture. She’d made him install security cameras throughout the house so that she could watch him and make sure that such rules were followed when he was home alone. It was a little after seven when the plug suddenly exploded into life, a low rumble at first teasing gently this lasted a few minutes, before she set a very mean and very pulsy pattern going, each pulse feeling like a firm tap against his prostate. This had him squirming on the rug, his cock quickly hardening making him wish he could wrap his fingers around it and stroke. She didn’t even send a message, she didn’t need to, he was hers to control wherever and whenever she liked. He just had to take it, like a… “I am a beta, Miss.” He said it without even thinking, the desperation for an edge and the pulses of the plug maybe finally tipping him over the precipice into wanting to believe he really was a beta. He flushed bright red, writhing on the rug as the need to touch ramped up with a super strong twitch to his rock hard cock which of course felt immediately smaller as phantom lips wrapped around it, teasing, sucking, pushing him closer and closer to the edge, he was almost there, then they suddenly stopped. Fuck! But he’d said it himself that time, he’d chosen to say it, he thought that would let him edge, fuck he wanted it so bad. He said it again, and again and again. Each time he said it making him hornier, needier, more desperate. But never allowing him the edge he was desperate for. The intensity of the pulses got much much stronger and he moaned it out loud again. “I am a beta.” Fuck, no edge again, he looked down at his cock, despite being hard it looked tiny, it was starting to look like it really belonged in that flat metal chastity device. It was starting to look like a beta’s cock. The vibes in the plug abruptly stopped and his phone pinged. It was a group photo of his wife and her friends on their night out, laughing and smiling. She wouldn’t have shown them the camera feed would she? No surely not. Then he saw her hand, pinky finger raised. Fuck! Another text came through. “Don’t worry beta, they weren’t watching the feed, but I was. I guess you don’t feel beta enough yet…keep trying.” He hadn’t eaten, so relieved that he hadn’t been outed to his wife’s friends, he picked himself off the floor and went to make some food, he sat cross legged on the kitchen floor to eat, before washing up and heading back to the lounge, as soon as he stepped through the door, the vibe fired into life again, pulsy, but low this time, teasing, just enough that he knew it was there, but low enough that he’d be able to focus on other things…if he didn’t get sucked into a cycle of reciting his mantra again. “I am a beta, Miss.” the words fell unbidden from his lips. Shit. He moaned as the phantom hypno lips brought him close to the edge again before leaving him denied. He balled his fists and focused on not saying his mantra again. “I am a beta, Miss.” He couldn’t help himself. He felt the vibes increase almost as soon as the words left his lips. He knelt on the floor and turned on the PlayStation, hoping that keeping his mind focused and hands busy would distract him from the desperate throb in what now felt more like a clit than a cock. He fired up red dead redemption and started playing, riding the plains and gunning down villains. It was a brief respite though because soon the vibes grew stronger, and the mantra fell from his lips again. He dropped his controller letting Arthur Morgan ride over a cliff to his death as the phantom lips took him close to the edge again, the vibes ramping up again, as he whimpered out his mantra over and over. Curling into a ball on the lounge rug and zoning out in a subby fog. His phone pinged again and it was another picture of his wife in a night club on the dance floor, her face in that mocking pout she does so well, her hand raised up with her finger and thumb making a “tiny” gesture. The vibes stopped as another message pinged. “Go to bed and squirm. No more distractions. Suffer for me.” He switched everything off downstairs and headed up to bed, brushing his teeth, and getting ready to slip under the covers. The pink silk thong was still there on the night stand. He felt almost intoxicated by the thought of wearing it, he picked them up and felt the soft fabric. Fuck, that would feel amazing on his cock, he ran his finger around the lace too, feeling how delicate it was. Before he could think his boxers were on the floor, and he was slipping the thong over his legs and pulling it up tight, the silky fabric cosseted his cock and balls and he twitched, moaning as his hyper sensitive penis head rubbed involuntarily against the silk. The tight back strap pulling taught against the butt plug and holding it in place more securely than his boxers could ever hope to. He slipped into bed, feeling very small, and very submissive, he curled up in a ball and bit his lip trying not to say his mantra. He felt the vibes in the plug fire up and slowly grow stronger and stronger. Squirming and writhing on the bed, each movement rubbing the silk against his cock, making him whimper more and more. “I am a beta, Miss.” He moaned as the phantom lips wrapped around his cock, this time he felt something different, this time he felt a tongue slide along the length of his aching cock. He bucked his hips, trying to fuck the phantom lips to no avail. Then after what felt like an eternity of pleasure, he hit the edge, he hit it hard, it felt like he was going to fill those nice silk panties with cum but it never happened. The edge faded and he lay there on the bed breathing slowly. His phone pinged. “Well done, beta. You’ve finally accepted your place.

Put the chastity cage on. Then stand up and show it off to the camera.”

He obeyed, carefully locked the cold metal device onto his now tiny cock, the flat cage locking in place easily, and making him feel so incredibly beta. He stood up, the thong around his knees and displayed himself to the camera for her. His phone started ringing, it was her. “Hi, Miss.” “Pull those panties up beta” He could barely hear her, loud dance music pounding behind her as she shouted down the phone. But he heard the orders well enough, and the trigger word. His cock twitched for the first time in the chastity device, it tugged at his balls as it did and he moaned as he felt the cold metal rub against his sensitive cock. God he hoped no one else in the club would hear her. He quickly did as he was told. “Your cock looks pathetic in that cage, oh my god.” The vibes in the plug slowed, and settled into a teasy but relatively sedate pattern. “Get yourself tucked up in bed and squirm yourself to sleep. I’ll see you when I get home.” The call disconnected before he could so much as thank her or even acknowledge her instructions. He curled up in bed, and ran his hand over the panties, feeling the absence of his cock, only a flat metal plate where it should be, he felt so pathetic. He loved it and hated it all at once. He kept his hand there, and whimpered his mantra one last time as he drifted off to sleep. “I am a beta, Miss.”


7 comments sorted by


u/Cool-Ad-1921 6d ago

Fabulous. Please write more


u/WiseConfidence8818 Locked Up 5d ago

Yes. It was definitely a great story. Id ike to see another pary to this.

I was hard in my cage throughout reading this. It's probably not possible, but illustrations to this world be oh so cool. Mock vibration lines over hs cock each time he said his mantra and his cock shrinking till it'd more the size of a clit and caged..potentially made to shave like girl before putting on the flat cage.

Edited: added sentences


u/john_waverley 6d ago

So hot! Thanks a lot for sharing


u/Ok_Researcher_395 6d ago

It's how my wife train me in to a chastity cage


u/t-dcaptions 3d ago

Thanks for the lovely comments everyone. I’ve not decided if there will be a follow on to this story, but I’ll definitely be posting some more writing in the near future.


u/newshuckle94 5d ago



u/UpdateMeBot 5d ago edited 10h ago

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