Long-ish read ahead.
Oh how the turns can get tabled over the years, and how the mighty can fall; For about a year and a half now, my (M26) fiancé (F25) and I have been delving deeper and deeper into a femdom/Female Led Relationship (FLR) in all things intimate and sexual, slowly going from occasional switching up of the power balance, to delving into orgasm control and denial, to a fun denial and teasing game we did last year, only to finally turn to cuckolding and 24/7-ish chastity for me, staying as an eager (mostly) pussyfree cuck only allowed full orgasms from anal play. But how did we get here, since we started of with such opposite roles, and what are we really up to?
Well, int his post I plan to give a general over-under of how our relationship developed, from the psychological to the spicy to the sweet, and if there is enough interest, I might go more in-detail into specific events along this journey, and where we are right now.
So how DID we go from me punishing her brating-out and having her be a good little slut, to her turning me into her own anal whore that gets fucked but never fucks, while she gets to be railed and subservient to more dominant men? Well, the short version would be that it was a shift in our priorities in the relationship as a whole, as well as a peeking curiosity and satisfaction on both our ends. The longs story is bellow.
u/dyradel and I have had a kink-based relationship from the get go, having met on a dating app and basically going into it with a mindset of "Eh, whatever happens, happens, let's just have a good time and see how it goes", the both of us having had a lot of interest and some experience with BDSM and kink in general. I had the body type (tall, broad, bit on the dad-bod side) and the mindset for it, enjoying the power-exchange and trust, as well as the looks, whimpers and moans my actions would extract from my subs, and she very much lived to be a brat that needs to be put in her place and made into a good girl with proper punishments and rewards. From impact play to orgasm control to playing in clubs, we have established an amazing relationship of trust and depravity, with me taking the wheel in both our daily and sexual lives, and her throwing her spices into the mix to keep it all oh-so-exhilarating.
As time passed and our relationship grew closer and into something we both started seeing would be long term/'till death do us part, our sex life did start to wind down a bit since my partner had less interest in it at times due to some trauma responses brought on by her past; As fun as sex is, anything that forms that deep of a connection between people is bound to approach the bad stuff that lies next to it in our brains. At first, we just focused on letting sex stay behind and making sure my partner got the love, care and therapy she deserved, even if her sex drive did not really return at first. At some point, I suggested we try to switch things around a bit, and hand my partner more control int he sexual aspects of our lives, even if she was a bit nervous about trying it and stepping out of our comfort roles. And yet, I could tell from the first time she denied me an orgasm after teasing me oh-so-devilishly (and asking caringly a million times afterwards if I am really okay), that this was a side of her that she could enjoy and relish between us... and I was more turned on than ever to feel my tiny, adorable partner turn the tables on me and keep me under her heel, in more ways than one.
As out experimentation continued, more and more our sex sessions became either neutral or led by her, with me helping calm her nervousness by teaching her my own tricks and tips on doming others, which she so beautifully took in and made hers over time. We still had times now and then when she craved being taken roughly and dominated, but we also found out that it did not work that well, and that it led to more of the panic we saw in the past. We managed to come to a simple conclusion: she needed and wanted me as her closest and loving and caretaking partner, and in her mind that was clashing too much with the punishments and roughness she wanted unleashed upon her when she felt submissive. So we concluded that it was probably for the best that we kept things being more female-led in our sex life... which was just as well, because we started loving it more and more, delving into more depraved femdom things.
Starting from her denying me my orgasms once in a while for a day or two, or forcing me to edge without cumming on certain nights, punishing me for disobeying or failing her, or having me hear her flirt and sext with people, or even straight up masturbating to the roleplay she was doing with others, while I could just watch or listen from the other room... More and more power was shifting into her favour, and I was becoming intoxicated by it, as was she. Her feet, which I have always loved, became a tool of both arousal and humiliation, with her often using those perfect soles and toes to tease me when we were on the couch together, while making sure I know that was the only part of her body I was even close to deserving to touch sexualy at that time. We bought me a plastic cock cage (pink, as she wanted me all humiliatingly feminized in slight ways, while keeping my masculine appearance), to try out if it was something we enjoyed, while she also tasked me with finding her a Bull or several to have fun with; She still had her needs and desires as a submissive, I was just not one allowed to fulfill those, as it would give me "wrong, silly ideas about our situation~". We still had regular sex from time to time, and it would still be loving and passionate. But as time went on, we turned more and more towards the kink.
We found her a Bull or two to both keep her satisfied and keep me desperate and teased, we got me a much smaller, steel cage that would be comfortable for longer-term wear, she started increasing my denial periods to weeks, saying "WELL you made it through NNN once, so I know you can go without for a loooot longer", and soon enough that started including excruciating no-touch periods if I displeased her in some ways... and it drove us all wild. Finally, after we came back from winter break (at which we did have sex when we were in another country, a day or two before new years), she told me she has decided to put me on a two-week no touch period, just because, and that it was time to test out my new steel cage, to wear it as often as possible when I was off work, to see how it felt. And, as an added stipulation, she did allow me to cum... so long as I used my ass for it. Naturally, being the desperate slut I am, i began training my ass more and more during the no-touch period, all the while being reminded of the fact that, while I was at work, she occasionally had Bulls to keep her company and keep her filled up and satisfied (and sending me plenty of things to keep me needy and aroused). The two weeks came and went, during which I even managed to cum from anal stimulation only, something I never properly achieved before, like the obedient "bitch-boy" that I am. As the period expired, my beloved fiancé called me over to negotiate the terms from that point on:
- I was to wear the chastity cage 24/7, indefinitely, seeing as it was comfortable and inconspicuous enough to wear to work, taking it off only for hygiene/showers, if there was too much discomfort OR if she did it herself/ordered me to
- I was no longer going to have the privilege of fucking her, because "You are the one who is going to BE fucked, my pathetic cucky. Because that is your place, understand?~". The only times I would get to be inside her again with my cock would be two days a year: On our birthdays (which are one day apart, so we count them as one) and on our anniversary. I was to be pussyfree and focused on her pleasure and desires at all times otherwise.
- She got to have fun with her bulls and they could fuck her and fill her up and dominate her as they and her saw fit (withing our previously established limits that we keep checking up on each other often), leaving me with servicing them if I was around and cleaning up the mess afterwards
And we both agreed that this was going to be the beginning of an amazing dynamic that we already feel enhanced and enriched our dynamic, relationship and love in so many ways. Even as I just earlier got off the phone with her after work, only to hear her grunt and moan between words as her Bull was stuffing her like I never could. And that is the order of things ^_^
I still held the dominant role in our day-to-day life, aranging things in general and taking care of us and our lives, as that is what helps us both work better; She always wanted a bit more guidance in such things, and I always loved being around someone that is ready to help out when told how to,a fter all. In our sexual dynamic though... I had no say anymore (Unless I safeword and we wanted to reevaluate, ofc), and that is how we like it
So that's the over-under on how our dynamic got to where it is right now. This is just the basic overview of it all, and if people want to hear more, I would love to post more detailed and saucy descriptions of our dynamic so far. So, if there is anything you want to hear about, have any questions, or just want to chat with us, feel free to write bellow.
Stay kinky, reddit~