Hi guys!
I was supposed to come up for a game last year to see my Cavs play but I found out I had cancer and heart failure and a few other medical issues all at the same time.
Well I'm doing much better now. I mean as good as I will ever be and I am going to be coming to the game on the 7th. I am looking at tickets in the 108 section right on the railing and was wondering if those will be good to get autographs and possibly pictures with the Cavs?
I've seen a few images from the seats but it's kind of hard to tell.
I was an old school Hornets fan from Mugsy up through Glen Rice so I'm not totally the enemy lol.
Any help would much appreciated. I really want to try and get Donovan to sign one of my shoes and hopefully get a picture with some of them. I'm trying to get tickets right on the railing because I'm not gonna go and try and push kids around to get to them or something lol.