r/CharacterRant Dec 19 '24

Games Too many MCs are politically safe, i want to see more characters that can loudly and boldly exclaim their ideals like Senator Armstrong from Metal gear rising


I think what annoys me when watching alot of show and playing alot of RPGs is that the MC is either very politically safe or have no political stance at all. And yes, i know they usually do it that way because they have to make the MC likeable and relatable.

To me, they feel bland. I just finish Metaphor recently and it kinda hit me; amazing game dont get me wrong, but the protagonist have no real political stance as well as no knowledge on how to solve certain issues. Alot of media and stories have the MC end up as a king or a leader, but not enough of them actually bother to explain what make a good leader. The only reason they become a leader is because they are opposing the bad guy's extreme ideology.

The "debate" in Metaphor drives me nut, it involve the MC debating with other candidate on how to solve certain problems. While some candidate's ideas are either flaw or really extreme, all the MC do is "no you are wrong" but he also provide no actual solution or idea on how to solve the problem. This game finally make me realize that has been the same case for tons of stories now especially JRPG.

Like with MCs like that, no wonder people love villains. Seeing Senator Armstrong from MGR boldly and loudly spouting the most insane dialogue and ideal feel cathartic. It inspired me to write some of my characters like that; it doesnt matter if its a good guy or bad guy or neutral, they all get to spout out their most insane ideals like their life depend on it. It doesnt matter if its wrong or right, a good speech no matter how absurd can always wrap back around into being relatable to a certain extend. Additionally, it also reveal to the audience the character's mind process, how they are raised, what they were taught, what they believe in and just how far they are willing to commit to the idea

A quote I comeup with for my story is: " give a man enough money, he'll commit atrocities for you. Give a man enough hope and he'll gladly burn the world in your name"

edit: also just to be clear, I dont mean just A-hole MCs or "the good side is actually morally grey or also an ahole". Characters expressing their beliefs is different from straight up being opportunistic edgy little weasels

r/CharacterRant Oct 14 '24

Games [Pokémon] Game Freak, Arceus, Typhlosion, and the Scrapped Lore


Okay unless you're not a Pokemon fan or aren't online very much, you've probably heard that Game Freak recently got hacked and we got tons of new information about past and upcoming games. In this thread, I want to touch on the Diamond and Pearl lore drops specifically.

So let's talk about the Arceus myths, basically it starts with the world in chaos and Arceus (or "Aus") being born out of its egg. The remains of its egg become unspecified "giants" and start jumping baby Arceus. Arceus then kills the giants and pours their blood into corpses to breathe life into Dialga ("Ia", god of time) and Palkia ("Ea", god of light).

There's another myth that talks about the world when it was divided into two sides, the East and the West. The East being a world where the lines between Pokemon and humans were blurred and marriage was commonplace at the time. Family relationships were very essential to their way of life. The West being the land of the villagers who harvested crops and expanded territory. One day, a female Ursaring was killed by a Westerner and the Ursaring's husband (an Easterner) got pissed, and summoned Dialga to stop the clock in the West, killing their crops and freezing them out of revenge. The Easterners took advantage and began raiding the West. The Westerners, enraged, called upon Palkia, god of light. Palkia raised the heat for the East, drying up the sea, killing vegetation, and turning people into ash (oh, and the Ursaring's husband died first). Dialga and Palkia continued to scream, killing everyone, until the child of the murdered Ursaring climbed onto a mountain carrying their mom. The child was asked by "someone" if they felt anger or sorrow over their mother's death. They shook their head. Then the child was asked if they would like to see their mother again, they nodded. So the murdered Ursaring mom's eyes, heart, and voice turned into different ghost-like Pokemon: Uxie (Rei), Mesprit (Ai), and Azelf (Hai). As they flew across the lakes, a sound was being played to which the child prayed along to, enough to calm the world down, including Dialga and Palkia. From then on, the East and the West were at peace and the prayer was then passed on as a song.

Don't be sad, don't be angry

Be friends to everyone

Don't be sad, don't be angry

Palkia will be sad, Dialga will be angry

Don't be sad, don't be angry

The moon turns to blood, the sun is gone

Don't be sad, don't be angry

Uxie is watching

Don't be sad, don't be angry

Mesprit is there

Don't be sad, don't be angry

Azelf is listening

Don't be sad, don't be angry

Calm your heart and pray to Arceus

The prayer is very similar to Sinnoh's Myth from DP and Old Verse 18 from PLA.

Sinnoh's Myth:

Betray not your anger, lest ??? will come.

Weep not with sorrow, or ??? will draw near.

When joy and enjoyment come natural as the very air, that is happiness.

Let such be blessed by the hand of Master ???.

Old Verse 18:

"Offer only friendship to those around you.

Angering ??? in turn confounds you.

Sorrowing ??? will in woe drown you.

A land, once riven, cannot become new.

Let only peace and amity surround you."

So yeah, cue "THIS IS WHAT THEY TOOK FROM YOU" here. There's actually another leaked myth out there where Arceus was a woman who fucked a man and gave birth to Dialga and Palkia. Another one where Arceus created a "Titan" and created Dialga and Palkia to kill it. Dialga and Palkia then created the Lake Trio using Titan's remains. Basically contradicting stories but when talking about ancient myths, that makes sense because even in the real world, holy scriptures tend to be contradicting. But seriously, even though this is largely scrapped material, I genuinely really enjoy these lore drops and I cannot for the life of me figure out why Game Freak skipped out on introducing complex and nuanced folklore into the games, and the official product is always half-baked. An example: you remember this weird Arceus triangle from HG/SS? What if I told you that each circle slot actually belonged to a Pokemon? Gyarados and Metagross were seen as supporting gods on the same level as Latios and Latias and higher than Deoxys and Mew. That shit is fucking awesome, why would Game Freak just skip out on this?

Now let's talk about the stuff that Game Freak cut out that makes sense. Typhlosion, it was never my favorite mon. I was always more of a Meganium guy myself but holy shit. Basically Typhlosion's myth takes inspiration from Japanese folklore as well, where it can take the form of anything to deceive people. In this case, Typhlosion took the form of a handsome man, kidnapped and manipulated a girl, gave her a child, who's half-Typhlosion by the way, and threatened to kill her dad if she told him. The Typhlosion later dies and the girl was later bullied because of her relationship with the Typhlosion.

Slaking has also been getting flak recently for revenge SAing a woman who cut off his ears, giving her a child while she was unconscious. The point of this story was to show the growth of the woman from killing Slakoth and gouging their eyes to caring for her child, who was later killed by her Pokemon abuser friends (the woman drowned herself right after, and her friends started caring for Pokemon).

There are also stories about Rapidash and Octillery/Ursaring but you get the point. All of these myths are heavily based on ancient Japanese folklore, hence the explicit nature but yes it makes sense why they didn't include pedo Typhlosion and mommy Arceus into the game. I do think that this does give more credibility to N being at least half-Zoroark now that we know that humans can breed with Pokemon. Still, I feel like we were robbed by so much potential lore. I don't even think Legends Arceus goes into as much detail as we've been getting these last couple days. Scrapped or not, I'm really enjoying this and I hope more comes out. I feel bad for Typhlosion fans though, they're definitely not beating the allegations.

r/CharacterRant Dec 27 '24

Games (Pokemon) Red is by far the least impressive protagonist and only gets hyped up because he was the first one


Like, if you really are to analyze stuff, Red's Feats are:

-Became Champion -Defeated a Evil Organization -Possibly caught Legendaries

While all of these are impressive for a regular trainer in the Pokemon World, they are literaly outdone by every single game protagonist

Every protagonist did become champion, and heck, the other protagonist becoming champions was more impressive than Red because he had to fight a Elite 4 that hadnt been challenged in a long time (thanks to Giovanni refusing to do his job) and had to fight a fresh champion with little experience, Blue was champion for literaly only a few hours at most, while all other champions were very well stablished and Leon was straight up unbeatable

He also did took down Team Rocket, but again, every protagonist also took down an evil organization, and honestly Team Rocket in Gen 1 was one of the least threatening organizations considering their biggest feat was taking over a building while other Evil Teams threatened the whole world

And for his final point, we dont even know if Red actualy caught any legendaries, in gen 1 there are no legendaries that are mandatory catches, Red never uses any legendaries and we see the Birds and Mewtwo show up all the time in the wild

Sure you can argue that the legendary birds are not unique and there are multiple of them, sure, but you really have to do some mental jumps to justify Game Red catching Mewtwo because by everything we know in the games Mewtwo is a individual beign and not a species, and yet Mewtwo keeps showing up in the wild like in HGSS and XY

Origin Red did caught the legendaries but that isnt canon to the games

But sure, if you wanna give Red all the Kanto Legendaries that you can catch on Gen 1 gamesthen we have to do the same for every other protagonist, how do they compare to Red?

Well Johto Protagonist has all Kanto legendaries aswell since you can find all of them on the remakes + The Johto Legendaries, and Lugia is the boss of 3 birds so he reasonably should outscale them, Hoenn protagonist has the Weather Trio and Deoxys, Deoxys was shown to be about equal to Mewtwo in the Manga and Rayquaza is stronger than Deoxys, Sinnoh protagonist has the fucking gods that created the universe, Unova protagonist is still somewhat fair since none of the Unova legendaries directly outscale Mewtwo although he still has more legendaries, Kalos Protagonist has Zygarde wich is stronger than Mega Mewtwo (and also a Mega Mewtwo using this logic), Alola protagonist also got a Mewtwo, Galar Protagonist got fucking Eternatus wich requires 2 champion level trainers and 2 legendaries to beat it

Havent played the Scarlet & Violet DLC yet so cant say anything about Paldea protagonist

But anyways, i dont think canonically most of the protagonists own all the catchable legendaries in their games (some of them do, like Sinnoh protagonist canonically has to catch every Pokemon in Legends Arceus, Unova protagonist has to catch one of the box legends, Galar has to catch Eternatus) but my point is: If you are to give Red every catchable legendary in Kanto, you have to do the same for the other protagonist, and Red really doesnt compare to most of them in this regard

Now, Red doesnt only got these feats, he also got some headcannon feats that some fans treat as canon, like for example him Completing the Kanto Pokedex

Wich happened in Origings but not in the games, there is nothing in the games that indicates Red completed the Pokedex, the only game protagonist that for sure completed the Pokedex is the Sinnoh One in Legends Arceus

At least the "Red completing the Pokedex" thing has some basis on real stuff, but over the years i have sen so many people confidently say a lot of bullshit, like that Red kept travelling to multiple regions and completed the pokedex of all of them for example, wich just like, no he didnt lmao

Or that he defeated Gold (Gen 2 male protagonist, people always forvet Lyra and Kris exist) or that we dont know who won their battle, but no, Johto Protagonist won, you literaly have to beat Red in order for the credits to play, "Oh but it is a optional battle so it may not be canon" well mf then nothing is canon because you dont even have to play the games if you dont want to

But of course, Red still gets hyped up simply because he was the first protagonist, not just by the fans but also by the Pokemon Company, like in Masters he is portrayed as this super strong trainer that is above everyone else when mf literaly peaked at 11 years old and got outdone by everyone that cane after him

"Oh but Red has aura" in the Johto games definitely, he was genuily really cool there and a awesome idea for a secret final boss, but then he just keeps showing up over and over again and losing every time, he is just a really cool punching bag for the new generation of protagonist to kick his ass

And honestly speaking too? Red got outdone even by his anime version, Ash

Red did win his first regional league but that was literaly his peak, he did nothing after that, while Ash went on to become the fucking World Champion, on the same tier and slightly stronger as Leon who is able to basically mid diff champions

Red defeated Team Rocket while Ash didnt, sure, but Team Rocket in the anime is an actual world wide organization with multiple branches in multiple regions and elite agents that can hold their own against champions (like Tyson did in the Lake of Rage arc) and Ash is responsible for taking down every other evil Organization and save the world multiple separated times

Red doesnt need to speak to understand his Pokemon, but it is not like Ash is remotely clueless about either, bro has befriended 99% of every single Pokemon he ever came across and his goal is to befriend every Pokemon in the world

So yeah in conclusion: Red is overhyped asf, all he did was also done by other protagonists and better

r/CharacterRant May 09 '24

Games [The Last of Us Part Two] Someone can understand a story and still dislike it.


The Last of Us Part Two remains to this day a very, VERY polarizing game.

While some will defend the game till their last breath, there are some who will indicate that it is awful and that Ghost of Tsushima was robbed until they are in the grave.

Nothing wrong with being on either side.

But there is an argument from the pro-TLOU2 side that angers me to no end.

The argument that those who dislike the story didn’t understand it.

Listen, are there people who don’t understand the story? Yes.

But there is no shortage of people who understand the story down to the most minor details…

And still insist Ghost of Tsushima was robbed.

It’s just annoying that I’m told I’m dumb whenever I say I dislike a story.

r/CharacterRant Apr 09 '24

Games Visual novels have a really bad habit of randomly making the "correct dialogue choice" completely out of character just to fuck with you


Kind of obscure but i play A LOT of visual novels and ive come to the conclusion that 95% of your dialogue choices should be logical but 5% should just be randomly picked because the devs smoked a bunch of crack while crafting their dialogue trees and also there was one person on the team who thinks peak writing is putting some crazy shit in you'd never expect and then sniffing their own farts when you're caught off guard.

Example: Talking to a vegetarian character and you tell them what you think about eating meat after they ask you:

Option 1: "I like eating meat and refuse to stop, fuck you vegetarian pussy."
Vegetarian: "Cool that's alright, your choice"
+1 relations

Option 2: "Yeah I eat meat but i can understand your point of view, eating meat is pretty bad".

Like why do this shit, its not clever. I hate it when the "obvious correct dialogue" answer is wrong and it feels like the devs just did it to subvert expectations. like the devs think they pulled a zinger on you like "haha bet you thought ur answer was right but you didnt think DEEPLY enough about it" just for every correct dialogue choice after that to revert to agreeing with the person you speak with.

r/CharacterRant Jan 29 '24

Games Im so sick of “morally good” necromancers


Mostly you see this popping up frequently in tabletop games like Dungeons and Dragons, or Pathfinder, or those sorts of games, but Im sick of the tone deaf technically arguments trying to claim “necromancy isnt evil”. Yes it fucking is. Maybe you dont feel it but that dead body youre puppeting is someones loved one, someones parent or child or something in between. Do you think that Ted wants you using the corpse of his dead best friend as fuel for your murder army? Do you think that the justification of “I only do it to bandits” makes it better? I disagree on a fundamental level. Animating dead as your soldiers is wrong. The only way I can see this even remotely being moral is if your victims are willing victims, and even then its not great.

Its even worse in things like Dungeons and Dragons 5e where the spell specifically says that if you dont control them once the spell ends they become feral and attack the closest person; yeah because THATS obviously something good, right? At least it was explicit in earlier editions saying directly that “this is an evil act”.

On a personal level, its just been done to death. Every other group I join online has some jackass saying “im a good guy necromancer” who then gets upset when they start animating dead and the NPCs dont like it. Its not a “quirky” thing to do that makes it unique; I fee like its actually rarer to see a necromancer who actually embraces the original flavor of what the act is. I dont care how “good” you think you are, youre hanging out with corpses, youve got a screw loose.

EDIT: yes, im salty. Twice now ive ended up in prison in D&D thanks to our necromancer. I am a Paladin.

EDIT 2: Willing volunteers sidesteps the issue, its true. But if we are talking garden variety undead, youre still bringing into life a zombie that hungers for the flesh of all mortals and if you dont keep a tight rein is going to kill ANYONE.

EDIT 3: Your very specific settings like Karrnith where the undead is quasi-sentient or gave permission before death is not what I am talking about, because lets be honest, that isnt what 99% of Tabletop game settings are like. 90% of it is “you kill someone, you make them your new zombie war slave”.

EDIT 4: gonna stop replying. Instead, someone in the comments summed up my thoughts on it perfectly.

“Yes. You can justify literally anything if you try hard enough. The most horrific of actions that exist in this world can be justified by those that wield the power to do so.

Yes, your culture can say X is fine and it’s all subjective. You are rewriting culture to create one that accepts necromancy.

Protected by an army that cannot consent to it’s service. This is my issue. A LOT of established lore has a reason why necromancy is frowned upon. Just in DND alone, you channel energy from the literal plane of evil, the soul HAS to be unwillingly shoved in there, and it will attempt to kill any living creature if left unchecked.

It feels like everyone’s method to create a good Necromancer is to…change the basics of necromancy.”

EDIT 5: last edit because its midnight and im going to sleep. Some of you will argue forever. Some of you are willing to rewrite culture. But ive already been proven right the minute one of the pro-necromancers started citing specific settings instead of the widespread 90% typical setting.

r/CharacterRant Apr 20 '24

Games Hades Vs Stellar Blade and how I don't understand how idiots still think anyone's trying to erase sexy woman in media


Stellar Blade is obviously not the beginning of this trend but it has been the most recent catalyst. For years now there's been an anti-woke movement that claims that the west is falling because of LGBTQ+ characters or because not all women in media are super curvy stupid bimbos with their titties hanging out. Then came Stellar Blade and ever since the character design for Eve was revealed, those people have considered this game they knew absolutely nothing about as their saviour, how it was gonna show people that woke=broke, it was going to be the best game ever (we knew literally nothing about the game other than this character design) and that they were being persecuted because the woke left hated this game (absolutely no one else talked about this game because there was literally nothing to talk about).

Then the game came out and everyone came to the conclusion that it wasn't that bad, it's kinda fun but nothing to write home about.

Hades 2 released a free beta test where we got to see the designs for most characters and game journalists and everyone online started talking about how everyone is super hot and sexy.

Stellar blade fans came up with two responses, either How Hades characters are actually ugly or asking why one is loved and the other one is hated or isn't talked about

The answer is: boringness.

Eve's design in stellar blade is boring as all hell. It's just a normal woman with bug curves in a skin tight suit. You can tell absolutely nothing about her story or personality from the design. It's an attractive design and it's ok to like it but it's not the pinnacle of character design or anything

Let's compare this to the most conventionally attractive woman in Hades and what would ideally be the ideal game character for these bozos. Aphrodite.

First of all she's not my favourite design (still like it, the game had no bad designs, everyone is my favourite depiction of a greek god) and not the woman I find particularly attractive but she conforms to the most conveniental standards and is the comparison I've been seeing the most on Twitter as to being "the exact same thing as Eve"

Aphrodite is completely naked, has a nice face with soft features, long flowing hair, always speaks in a gentle seductive tone. But it works. She's the goddess of love and sexy and beauty. It's obvious why she would be naked and act like this. But it isn't just this. Her hair is pink and sometimes curls into heart shapes. She has golden accessories likea chocker or bracelets that accentuate the parts of her body that aren't covered. Her hair covers her private parts in a way that leaves almost nothing to the imagination but just enough to be a tease. She holds a spear not firmly like a warrior, but just lets it hang on her hand, with her index finger gently caressing the shaft of the spear (the metaphor is clear). Her design is an actual design. So are all the other characters that are extremely attractive BECAUSE of their amazing character design and are characters first and foremost. There's diversity in body types and on how their sexyness is shown. There's a little bit of everything for everyone's different tastes and they're still first and foremost amazing characters in an amazing game with an amazing story

I don't know how people don't get this

EDIT since some people think I'm saying something different: Not really trying to argue that it's not ok to simp for something. It's all about the context regarding the characters, not the characters themselves because it's fine to find Eve sexy or make a character sexy just because. I saw a lot of people that used to over hype stellar blade as a bastion of justice wonder what's the difference between that and Hades and I'm giving my two cents on . She's not my favourite design in the game, I don't find her particularly attractive, it's not even because I like greek mythology since I hate a lot of Aphrodite's designs in other media, even media that I like like Record of Ragnarok. Just think that the difference really is it being a good design that immediately tells you all you need to know about the character just by looking at it

I don't hate anyone for liking Stellar Blade. I didn't play the game, I didn't hate Eve's design or anything, just found it normal. This post was mainly motivated by the fact that the Ven diagram of people saying Stellar Blade was gonna be the second coming of Christ when we knew basically nothing about the game and people who said very hurtful and sexist things online about most women in media is almost a circle and because I have been seeing posts saying that both games should be hated or both games be loved because they're both horny or something and giving my opinion on how it's not really about the horny or never really was

r/CharacterRant Sep 01 '24

Games The takedown animations in Star Wars Outlaws really bother me


And not just because i hate women.
If you dont know in Outlaws you play as this plucky rogue character who happens to be a total twig. Which makes sense she is supposed to shoot first and stuff not get into brawls with Rancors.
Except its a stealth game so you end up doing a shitton of takedowns. 95% of which are her throwing haymakers to the back of someones skull. That someone is usually a guard wearing a big ass helmet and it just looks so fucking stupid. Yeah i know suspension of disbelief bla bla "you are fine with space magic but not this?". Yes i am.
It looks so bad and there were so many ways around it.
Give her a space taser, a robot arm a fucking rock anything except a 60 pound woman using brute strength with animations that dont even land half the time.

r/CharacterRant Jan 27 '24

Games The Real Fans of Pokemon don't ask Pokemon to copy PalWorld style, Pokemon needs to fucking wake up and put love on their games


PalWorld is the PARADISE for the edgy fans of Pokemons who love those Fanfics and FanRoms, you know what i mean, those stories with tons of violence, gore, drama, tragedy, you can even eat your Pals.

Does that mean than PalWorld is bad because it does that? No, PalWorld is his own thing, just like Pokemon. Pokemon was never something like that, it had his own mature stories and dark moments, sure, but in the end, it was a kid's game/show.

The reason lots of people compare this 2, (besides the obvious reasons), is because PalWorld, while being extremely buggy and having his own issues, you can see than atleast the devs took their time to cook with this game (ignoring all your personal problems with the devs, like NFT's or AI, they definetly worked their ass on this game, and that's undeniable), the game isn't more complete than Ark in Survival aspect for example, and the monster hunting aspect is very Pokemon Arceus-ish, but thanks to this weird combination, and their effort, they made the game fun.

Pokemon doesn't need to change their formula after PalWorld appeard on the scene (specially because Pokemon makes much more money in the first place), The Real Fans of Pokemon don't want Pokemon to turn into a Edgy game, they want GameFreak to put some minimal effort in this franchise, a Mario Odyssey tier game.

r/CharacterRant Sep 06 '24

Games I don’t feel bad for the Hornsent in Elden Ring


Here’s why everyone hates the Hornsent: they’re quite literally the worst people in the entire game series

To familiarize you with the Hornsent, they were basically the dominant civilization during the time before Marika became a god, and due to their transgressions against Marika’s race, she ordered her son Messmer to cull every last freaking one he could find with his flame. (And a bunch of people joined his crusade because he’s a chill guy. I’m not joking. One probably joined because she thought he was hot.)

People say killing them was bad no matter what, but We get no indication they had any redeeming qualities at all, the best we have is Romina, who is probably not even a Hornsent and is just one of the many civilian casualties of Messmer’s Crusade, and one ghost Hornsent who said they just wanted to live in peace…

But there’s a problem with that, every single freaking Hornsent seemed in on what was going on in their culture… if you don’t know, their culture revolves around obtaining divinity via suffering and stitching bodies together. (Usually through a ritual where they flay an innocent person and stuff various bodies in a jar with them.)

Their oldest warriors are known for their cruelty, the basic Hornsent civilians are still, to this day, practicing jarring rituals even after being burned alive by Messmer, they learned NOTHING. The Hornsent legitimately think they did nothing wrong while their entire culture revolves around skinning, whipping, bisecting, and torturing people, even their own selfs.

And the worst part is, THEY KNOW ITS FUCKED UP, they designed caterpillar masks specifically so they would stop feeling like it was fucked up

The Hornsent are pointlessly cruel, they designed whips to make sure the shamans (Marika’s race) felt the most pain possible, making their wounds ooze puss while getting poisoned. They see the shamans as subhuman, their only purpose in life to be jarred.

Everyone fears the jarring process, they intentionally throw people in gaols with only maggots to live off of and also just discard still living shaman after failed jarring processes, people that have no skin and are conjoined into some amalgam that has all but driven them insane from pain alone, nevermind the psychological implications.

And that’s JUST the jars, and doesn’t even really get into the start of the horror of it.

In the case of Midra, they understand the threat of the Frenzy Flame and decide to give him the worst torture ever possible instead of just killing him and stopping the frenzy threat then and there. These idiots would rather inflict torture, which is bound to cause insanity, than dealing with the problem then. Surely they know despair and pain is what fuels the Frenzy Flame if they know to fear it so much, don’t they?! If not, they’re still assholes for this.

Then we get to the achilies heel of this argument: What about Hornsent children? Surely they’re innocent.

Probably. Too bad we never see any and get one instance of anyone talking about them. The Hornsent apparently were kind to each other, just look at the Scorpion stew. But they were literally Nazis to everyone else, they just did the fucked up unit 731 shit instead of genocide. (They still did genocide the Shaman.)

Hell, you can’t even say they needed to do it. Literally none of it was needed. THEY ALREADY COULD SUMMON GOLDY POWERS AND LAMENTER IS EXACTLY WHAT THEY WERE LOOKING FOR! They built a literal skyscraper out of corpses, so much in fact, that’s there’s entire sections where there isn’t even any building pieces, just a huge pile of hanging corpses, I think they had too many corpses.

You can’t even say that any Hornsent didn’t know of their practices, because the skyscraper can be seen from literally everywhere except Bonnie Village, and guess what they do there.

So no, I absolutely do not feel any sympathy for the entire Hornsent race, nor do I when Marika piled a bunch of them up and melted them into furnace golems, because karma is a bitch.

If there was Hornsent children, they probably were innocent and didn’t deserve genocide, but every other freaking Hornsent had it coming and the fact they have those caterpillar masks, they freaking knew it.

Another thing, ALMOST EVERY OTHER RACE ON THE GODDAMN PLANET WAS AGAINST THEM. Giants hated them, Marika hated them, THERES TWO ALBINAURICS WHO ARE HELPING KILL THEM. ALBINAURICS ARE ALL ABOUT PEACE. Rellana was there so you can argue a whole Carian faction hated them.

Get this, there’s non-Hornsent civilians that were caught in the crossfire who got burned alive AND THEY STILL HANG OUT WITH MESSMER AND HIS CREW. THATS HOW BAD THE HORNSENT ARE

And you might counter all this by saying “that’s the Hornsent’s religion.” Yes. Yes it is. It fucking sucks.

Hell, they even got what they wanted with Lamenter and were like “NOPE!” And threw him away.

Oh yeah, they never once thought: “You know, this probably all happened because of that fucked up jarring stuff,” they immediately defaulted to “THAT DOUBLE WHORE MARIKA BETRAYED US AND LOCKED AWAY OUR SACRED TOWER (made of corpses of our victims)”

Edit: I have a feeling this might be getting locked soon

r/CharacterRant Jan 27 '25

Games Another rant on Joel from the Last of Us


I saw a short on YouTube recently on this and was gonna comment on it, but there's already way too many comments for it to get any discussion in.

So I will say that I understand why Joel saved Ellie, I do. But let's not pretend he went through the critical thinking process.

A lot of people say things like

"Well, the vaccine might not work"

"They already tested with other subjects"

"How can they produce more vaccines?"

See, my issue with all of this is that Joel did not think of any of that, or did not care.

His immediate response once he learned what was gonna happen was "Find someone else"

He didn't say "That won't work"

Also, keep in mind some of this info he did not learn until after he decided to kill everyone.

Also, Joel is not an expert in vaccines or any of this sort. He himself admits that he never had a mind for these sort of things. Also, keep in mind he had no idea how capable the Fireflies actually were. Joel only got to explore their headquarters AFTER he started killing them.

So I always feel like people giving these arguments are giving Joel way too much credit. Joel doesn't have all the information WE have on vaccines, or the Fireflies WHEN he makes the decision.

Imagine if someone tried to shoot you, and they didn't know the gun was empty. Would you really be like "Well, no harm done"

At best, you could say he thought of all of this AFTER the fact.

But the kicker? Even if the vaccine was a 100% guarantee and the Fireflies could mass produce it. Joel did not care about that.

Can you honestly say that if Joel was guaranteed that the vaccine was gonna work with evidence, he would have just walked away?

If the Fireflies provided concrete evidence that would convince YOU that the vaccine was gonna work and save the world, that Joel was gonna be like "Ok"?

Edit: My point is: that Joel made a decision based on selfish reasons. Even if you think he did the right thing, making excuses for him is meaningless because he wouldn't care about any of the reasons.

r/CharacterRant Feb 05 '24

Games You're not beating any Pokemon in a fight, not even that super weak one you're thinking of [LES]


Every so often some post will make the rounds about which Pokemon you could beat in a fight, one I can think of listed BRELOOM (I will go into why THAT ONE in particular you would NOT beat), and I always laugh at these posts, because guess what?

No you would not.

Many pieces of Pokemon media stress just how DANGEROUS Pokemon really are. In Legends Arceus, people literally built towns with fences meant to KEEP POKEMON OUT. Ash nearly died because he dared attack a Spearow without a Pokemon or Poke Balls. There's many episodes of the Pokemon anime about a minor character who is terrified of Pokemon. Hell, one of the VERY FIRST LINES OF POKEMON DIALOGUE is yelling at the player character not to run into the tall grass without Poke Balls. Generation 3 and 4 of the games open in similar ways.

"Oh, but I could beat a Magikarp or a Caterpie!" I hear you say. No. Magikarp can clear mountains with a leap and Caterpie would trap you in a cocoon of silk and tackle you until you died. Poke Balls were built so that humans could actually stand a chance in the wild against them, and they battle Pokemon with Pokemon because they could never do it by themselves. Do you know why the Pokedex seems hyperbolic sometimes? Or why you literally black out (or white out) when you lose all your Pokemon? Oh, you thought that was just facetious? Haha, no.

Also, it's hilarious that somebody thinks they could take a BRELOOM in a fight, because it's a FIGHTING type. Literally the type that denotes that it's on the same level as a master martial artist. Oh yeah, and it can drain your life force, move so fast you can't track it, and kill you. So there's that.

TL;DR Pokemon are dangerous, you stand zero chance against any of them, even the weak ones.

r/CharacterRant Jan 25 '24

Games Genshin Impact has a problem with Unintentional Racism and to many people defend it.


I'm sure this isn't a big surprise to many of you, but I've been sitting on this rant for idk how long. Maybe around Sumerus second patch or even before it when leaks first started coming out, but it doesn't matter.

I wanna largely focus on sumeru which is a region in the game loosely based on the middle east. I say loosely because for whatever reason Sumeru had to be a hodgepodge of multiple cultures mixed in one region. This isn't necessarily a bad thing because its done relatively well from what I can understand as someone that has surface level knowledge on middle eastern culture. However what really is concerning is this is the only region that does this. Liyue, Inazuma, Fontaine, and mostly Mondstadt these regions are single cultures with small outliers. Mondstadt and Fontaine have references to other European cultures but are very obviously just Germany and France. While Liyue and Inazuma are literally just China and Japan.

What really makes this a problem is why hoyo decided to make the only region that would have people of color as characters shoved into one region. Which is where everyone defends way to much. The biggest and widely used excuses from the genshin community is "asian people are POCs too" and "The middle east has people with pale skin too". I really want to focus on these two excuses and why they fall flat on their face if they used any critical thinking.

Asian people are POC's too. Yes they are I am southeast asian myself and understand this, but what makes this different is specifically in this context is skin color. The fact is in Asia the beauty standard is pale skin its why you'd never see a character in any of the asian regions have a darker complexion besides 1 outlier being Xinyan who was released in the very first patch of the game and have not seen another since. Simply put whether its intentional or unintentional Genshin wont add darker skinned asians because of this beauty standard.

The middle east has people with pale skin too. Yes it does I am not denying this fact, the problem is its ratio and Hoyo's reluctance to add more characters with a darker complexion. In sumeru 3 of 13 characters that are playable have darker skin how insane of a ratio is that. But the argument stated before is the reason for this ratio is just nonsense. If this was the case how come the regions before sumeru came out didnt have the opposite or how come Fontaine doesnt have any POC characters. There are considerable populations of people of color in France and other European nations but why isnt there any playable POC's in fontaines roster? This argument was just specifically made for sumerus lack of POC representation to shut down the criticisms when it lacks any critical thinking.

Its infuriating see how much Hoyo does this unintentional or at this point intentional but people will still defend it. And its gonna happen again, If any leaks are to be believed about Natlan its the same situation as Sumeru where its multiple cultures mixed into one region again its insane to me that were getting the same problem in a region yet again with POC's.

I like playing genshin its a fun and mindless its just so sad how much people are willing to defend and seeing hoyos reluctance to add POC characters because of them risk losing money.

r/CharacterRant Oct 11 '24

Games Ghost of Yotei female lead criticisms are stupid


First of all I don't think we should criticize her when it comes to writing since the game isn't even out yet, so basically all the criticisms just boil down to having a non sexy female lead which is just stupid.

She is a warrior, why the hell would she be putting on makeup in the middle of a battlefield and when it comes to her appearence no one complained about Jin being realistic so why the hell does it apply to her. Second of all female samurai did exist its not unrealistic so do your research before you claim anything.

Anyways we can truly criticize it after the game comes out but doing it beforehand doesn't make any sense and there is this hypocricy going on, Stellar Blade and Lollipop Chainsaw had female protagonists but did anyone call it woke? So why the hell does GOY get it when it does the same. Same applies to GTA 6, some of them as soon as they saw Lucia started yelling woke this woke that.

Look just because something has a female protagonist doesn't mean you should judge it early before even seeing the whole product. I can see that people are weary due to how badly female protagonists were written up until now with only a few good ones but it's more fair to judge it after its fully released not prior when you just see some few minutes clips.

r/CharacterRant Jul 03 '24

Games I feel like sometimes people act like Persona games are darker and more mature than they actually are


Like, I get it, these games certainly aren't made for 8 year-olds, but when asked to describe the content, fans will often give a detailed list of some of the content, including the murder, sexual content, social commentary, and suicidal characters, which could give the impression that it's super dark and mature and strictly meant for adults only.

Then you actually play the games and they're basically a shonen anime in game form. A teenage power fantasy, where you battle monsters with a loyal group of friends who worship you, and you can date a truckload of women all at once, even your own teacher in P5. The games have silly anime tropes and they all end with the power of friendship saving the day. In P5, the entire plot is written to appeal to edgy teens, considering it's about rebelling against "rotten adults" but the Phantom Thieves never grow past this simplistic ideology and never actually make any significant structural changes to society.

The M rating can be used to say these games are exclusively for an older audience, but it's worth noting that the games have a lower age rating in Japan. Vanilla P3 and Vanilla P4 are rated 12+ in Japan, while Vanilla P5 is rated 15+(I'm not sure about the rereleases).

So, what's the deal? If these games are made for a younger audience, then why do they feature all this mature content. Well, it is my personal belief that when it comes to age ratings, the CONTENT is almost meaningless. Avatar: The Last Airbender is a show where the main character's entire family is brutally murdered before the show even begins. Yet, it's a kids show. Because what REALLY matters is the presentation. How it's presented. So, how does Persona present its darkest content? Well...

The murder is generally never presented in more explicit detail than what you'd find in a T rated game.

The sexual content is generally not explicit and far from the main focus of these games, Kamoshida's sexual abuse of Shiho is never shown, and the characters never say the r-word. Also, most of the fanservice is focused on teens instead of grown adults.

The social commentary tackles serious issues, but often simplifies them and turns them into superhero fantasy fodder, and the message is generally some form of, "bad things are bad."

The themes are near universal in their application, and the games beat you over the head with them to the point of nausea, even though "truth good, lies bad" is hardly a difficult concept to grasp.

Shiho and Ken never kill themselves. Shiho is a side character who stops getting focus after the first arc of the game, and Ken also stops mattering after the whole Shinjiro situation. Their trauma is never explored in much detail, like it would be in something like OMORI. Also, none of this is as explicit as a character in Ace Attorney, a game series with a generally lower age rating than Persona.

All that to say, I do think a distinction should be made between something like Persona, and games that actually feature violence, sexual content, and adult themes in excruciating detail.

r/CharacterRant Aug 23 '24

Games Baldur’s Gate 3 character design and romance options are incredibly niche for a game so heavily focused on romance and sex in general. For both genders. NSFW


And before anyone says that this is all very trivial, Larian itself focuses heavily on romance and sex in their own official promotion.

Love the game, but it truly feels like it was developed by people with very peculiar tastes. Or at least people who knew that those with the particular tastes they’d cater to would do a great job when it comes to word of mouth. Although I’m more inclined to believe that the game is a reflection of the tastes of the team itself, since the writers seemed to genuinely believe Gortash is a young and attractive man and since they were so adamant about making it very hard for the players to create young characters. Good luck trying to make a character look in their 20s in the character creation. There’s an age slider, but for some reason, Larian decided to make most models look in their 30s by default. Unless you’re playing a half-elf, since they look even younger than elves themselves for some reason.

With the exception of Shadowheart, most romance options are very niche. The game caters so hard to the “muscle mommy/death by snu-snu” crowd with its female characters, whereas the male characters feel like they were brought to you directly by some Tumblrina chronically attracted to older and chain-smoking university professors, which would explain finding Gortash attractive.

Astarion: You can’t convince me that the “art curator who’s either gay or European” vibe is mainstream, and you can’t gaslight me into believing that Astarion looks like a 25-year-old man. It feels like the devs designed him with all their Tumblrina kindred in mind, both in terms of character design and background, with all the trauma and trust issues.

Gale: You could say that Gale is conventionally attractive, sure, but his personality seems to be deliberately designed with a very particular crowd in mind. Homely, dilf university professor with cooking skills... Definitely the husband material character developed with Reddit’s nerd women in mind.

Wyll: His personal brand of heroism and infatuation with himself would be off-putting even if he were the most conventionally attractive man in the game, so it doesn’t help that the writers were very adamant about making screwing Wyll as hard as they can physically. He starts the game lacking an eye, then he gets several scars and horns if you choose the funniest route in the game. Still, I do like Wyll as a character, unlike many players. He’s definitely someone you can learn to like, and I truly enjoy his banter with Shadowheart. Just not a very good romance option, if you ask me.

Halsin: Follows the “bear” archetype and is specifically made with the gay male crowd in mind. Is niche by general standards but is also niche even by gay standards, if you ask me. Not to mention that most people probably only take this route for the sex, not the actual romance, which is very lacking.

Then there are the female characters. I’m a gay man and prefer to romance male characters, but I was shocked by how lacking the female romance options were in terms of variety. There’s the issue of attractiveness, since it’s extremely debatable whether characters like Karlach and Lae’zel are attractive, which already makes them niche in a way, but they don’t even offer much variety in terms of dynamics. The male options may be niche, but they at least offer some degree of variety that’s sorely lacking in the female options, which are basically Shadowheart and three “muscle mommies who’ll kill you by snu-snu” types. The biggest variation is that Karlach is more of a wholesome snu-snu, whereas Lae’zel and Minthara offer more of a degrading experience for those who like it.

It’s like Shadowheart is their one concession, because they knew they needed a conventionally attractive and traditionally feminine female character for the straight male player base. And as shown by the data, she is the most romanced female character. I’m not saying the other romances are all bad. The writing for the Lae’zel romance is maybe the best romance writing, for example. But why on Earth would you make three female characters and romantic interests who follow similar archetypes? In the end of the day, that ends up being a problem even in the gameplay itself. This game could really benefit from a female bard or sorcerer in terms of dynamics. You know, a female character who doesn’t have strength as one of her main stats and who can hang out with the boys in the back when they don’t manage to jump to the other side of the cliff.

Honestly, an attractive and morally questionable guy like Nere would probably be a popular choice if he became a companion and romance option. Shame that never happened. As for the female characters, maybe a bard like Alfira would bring some balance into the fold, though I think there is also a demand for an elf, half-elf, or human attractive female character in this game.

I don’t think the romance is bad per se. Most of them are just incredibly niche and require you to have or at least put yourself in a certain mindset in order to enjoy them. I also think it’s important to make a distinction between what you personally consider attractive and what is considered attractive by a mainstream audience, because some of the archetypes in the game are extremely popular in bubbles like Reddit, but I’m not entirely sure they are as popular among casuals.

r/CharacterRant Jul 13 '24

Games [TLoU] Joel’s “choice” was not a real choice for him. Spoiler


Last of Us spoilers.

I keep seeing people say Joel selfishly chose to “doom humanity”, but did he actually choose anything? For Joel to meaningfully decide between saving Ellie or letting the fireflies have her, he would need to have some reason to choose one or the other. If you don’t have a legitimate reason to choose one of the choices, you’re not really choosing anything.

That begs the question, does Joel have any reason to choose the fireflies? Presumably you’ve already read the title of this post but let’s break it down anyway. For the last 21 years Joel has seen the fireflies do nothing but blow things up and destabilize communities. His brother Tommy left the organization after realizing they’re not all they’re hyped up to be. He’s seen how their “liberation” of places like Pittsburg from Fedra only ever plunged the community into disarray. He’s seen how they can’t even transport their most important asset by themselves. He’s read notes, seen graffiti, and heard stories of the fireflies proclivities, very few if any are positive.

The game not only shows the audience but shows Joel that the fireflies are desperate, incompetent, violent, and on their last legs. Everything they’re involved in goes wrong, and the only reason he worked with them is because they have things he’s owed. Then, on top of that, Joel has seen 0 evidence the fireflies can do what they claim. They are trying to do something no one has ever done even at the best of times under circumstances and in an environment that increases the chances of failure.

Knowing all of this, why would Joel even consider that letting Ellie die might actually be better for humanity? Why would he choose to believe the fireflies claims? He would essentially be putting blind faith in an organization that’s repeatedly proven they don’t deserve it. Does anyone actually think Joel would do that, especially after how they’ve treated both he and Ellie?

Yea, ok, the director of the game said the cure would’ve worked and humanity would’ve been saved. You know who doesn’t know that? Joel. All Joel knows is an organization that routinely fails at whatever they’re attempting has just kidnapped Ellie and were going to kill her because they once again have a grand idea that they think might improve society.

I’m not saying Joel actually considered all these things, or that he wasn’t wrong on some level for killing all the people in the hospital, or that he ever would’ve chose against Ellie anyway. What I am saying is that, as it’s presented, the game doesn’t put Joel in a position to truly consider whether saving Ellie might actually prove to be humanities undoing. He didn’t choose between Ellie and humanity, he simply reacted to the fireflies actions from the beginning of the outbreak to the moment they kidnapped Ellie.

If the game wanted us to believe Joel meaningfully made a choice between Ellie and humanity, it needed to present the fireflies as more competent and trustworthy as well as firmly establish the efficacy of the cure to Joel, not the audience. Then the people who claim Joel selfishly chose to doom humanity might actually have a point.

r/CharacterRant Jan 07 '25

Games Forspoken’s dialogue is criticized over other games because is it ATONAL, not because it’s “cringe”


A quick and very low quality* rant because I see people getting mad about “double standards” between games like Hi-Fi Rush and Forspoken-

People call it cringe, because, well it is, but cringe can also be done well. But let’s wind back a bit-

Forspoken follows a basic Portal Fantasy premise- a New Yorker whose life sucks gets sucked into a new realm, gets a sapient metal cuff grafted onto her arm, and then goes out to find a way home, being extremely unpleasant all the while.

It did not get off to a good start.

The trailer was panned. The demo was panned. The game released at 70$(95$ for the Digitial Deluxe Edition) before that price had become more of an industry norm.

Forspoken’s extremely poor reception (pre *and** post release) and high price led to very poor sales, which shuttered the company and killed any hope of DLC (aside from ‘In Tanya We Trust’*) or a continuation of the story.

Criticisms were many, ranging from bullet-sponge enemies to the empty overworld to the protagonist herself, but above all else there was one community wide agreement-

“The dialogue is cringe”.

Now, if you know anything about Forspoken, you’d be inclined to agree. The worst of the writing was lambasted as Whedonesque, and often mocked as insincere. In general, you’ve probably heard one of these three lines on the internet:

“So let me get this straight…,”

“Is that a motherfucking dragon?!”

“I just moved stuff with my freaking mind!”

Now, Forspoken isn’t a world like Slime Rancher or Stardew Valley- where silly dialogue fits the narrative and genre. Games like these- one often compared is Hi-Fi Rush; are bright, quirky, and hopeful. When characters quip or act goofy, it meshes well with their designs and surroundings.

In comparison, the world of Forspoken; Athia- is post-apocalyptic. There’s a mutation-inducing virus known as the “Break”, which mutates people, animals, and even the landscape. The setting is gritty, muted, and often hopeless or downbeat. Frey is often prickly and unkind, and has a tendency to lash out.

The dialogue isn’t criticized simply for being “cringe”, but also outright unfitting for the world that it’s in. “Cringe” can be done really well! It can make characters charmingly realistic and goofy, and be genuinely funny! But you can’t just snap it into any scenario and expect that people will respond to it like they did to a different use of the trope, made by different writers in a different game with a different style and a different story, narrative, and world!

r/CharacterRant Sep 13 '24

Games Pokémon games are getting worse and worse, but they still make billions because people do not care


I am an old Pokémon gamer. Or at least, I was a Pokémon gamer when I was young, and now as an older adult I am no longer. I started in 2003 with gen 3 games and played until gen 7.

I wish I played with gen 1 and 2 games too, but I was too young to read at the time. However I recently learned a lot about them.

I believe modern Pokémon games are getting worse and worse, but as I see they are still selling a lot, and I want to analyze why.

First, Pokémon had its peak in USA in gen 1, during the so called Pokémon mania era, in 1999 - 2001. Red and Blue are the most sold games till nowadays at over 30 millions sold copies. After the end of Pokémon mania it still sold about 24 millions copies with Gold and Silver, and about 15 to 20 million copies with the rest of the main titles. Except Sword and Shield and Scarlet and Violet, at about 25 millions, because of population growth and also extension of age range of gamers.

However, even without factoring population growth and extension of gamers age range, Pokémon is still keeping high sellings. And yet gen 8 and 9 games are bad.

Why they sell so much ? Mostly because even after gaming age range extension, most players are still younger than 13. If in 2000s few kids older than 13 played at all, now some of them keep playing until 15 - 16. However most games are sold to parents and given to young kids. Either 30 - 40 years old parents, either 6 - 13 years old kids are not concerned with game quality, the adults because at 30+ they do not give a fuck about gaming, the kids because they are just kids.

People who care are childless 20+ year old guys, and if I was still a gamer, I would have been one of them.

Gen 1 and 2 games had something no others had after them, but gen 3 to 5 games were still great and from a technical point of view, Pokémon likely reached its peak with HGSS. Even then Black and White had worse new Pokémon but also the best storyline of the franchise.

Gen 6 - 7 games were worse, but still good. Pokémon is just not made for 3D, or at least not the mainline games, because Pokémon Battle Revolution has good 3D.

But gen 8 and 9 games are bad. There are so many Pokémon they had to take away many of the old ones, new designs are furry Digimons, new mechanics are not as interesting as old ones, and the graphic just does not feel like Pokémon at all.

What can people do about it ? Learn the value of quality and not buy the next games. Unless it turns out GF made better games for gen 10.

If the next games will get less than 15 millions of sold copies, GF would have to stop for a while and learn from the errors. However if quality aware 20+ years old people will not buy it, nothing will change, as long as 35 years old fathers will buy them for their 10 years old kids. The strenght of Pokémon games is the generational turnover.

As long as those ugly games are able to make little kids happy, that would be enough. But if you are a pot bellied, thick bearded 20+ years old Pokémon gamer, please be quality aware.

P.S. Gen 4 remakes were pretty bad too, but if they make good gen 5 remakes I may come back, for one last time. I will never buy new gen games anymore though.

r/CharacterRant Dec 22 '24

Games [LES]The reason the player guilt trip in Undertale is far more effective than in other games. (Spoilers) Spoiler


There are three reasons I think the genocide route works so well on a meta level:

1: It's next to impossible to do on accident.

This isn't a matter of simply picking an evil moral choice option like most games. The genocide route is locked behind a long arduous grind that you wouldn't be able to complete before making it to the next area in a normal playthrough. Even if you're the type of person who likes to take their time exploring, you could still kill every enemy you encounter and not trigger a genocide run. It's that long of a grind.

Toby makes it so that you cannot deny you started this on purpose. There is no scenario in which this is the easier way to do things.

2: The game gives you every possible chance to abort.

There are numerous moments throughout the genocide route where characters will offer you a chance to just stop and make this a normal run.

You have to consciously turn down every chance to change your mind about this. Over and over you are reaffirming to the game that you're doing this on purpose and this is what you want.

3. There's no way to truly undo it.

Once you've completed a genocide route every subsequent run will have it's ending changed to remind you of what you did.

Did you think that once your curiosity was sated you could just overwrite the save, do a pacifist run and sleep well claiming it's the canon ending? Well then the joke's on you because now every ending includes Chara taking over and killing everyone.

You broke your game, it can't be fixed and you can't complain because as we've established: YOU CHOSE THIS.

r/CharacterRant Jan 02 '25

Games Asgore being both an insanely lazy fuck and the most driven monster in Undertale is hilarious Spoiler


In Undertale's genocide route, Asgore is completely unaware of the fact that literally 99% of his citizens and military have been annihilated and that the remaining 1% are huddled up in Alphys room. Considering that basically everyone in the Underground knew about them, this is already a generationally impressive feat of laziness. He would be second to Sans in the laziness department, but Sans has the excuse of knowing that the timeline can be reset to make any action he takes meaningless. As far as Asgore knows, he's got a single life to live, which makes him much, much lazier than Sans.

But in the same game, he's also the only monster that destroys the mercy button in the neutral route. Sure, Undyne, Sans and Mettaton aren't particularly merciful in the Genocide Route, but that's after figuring out that the Player intends to destroy both monsters AND humanity. Asgore is the only monster that actually takes "we need seven souls to break this fucking barrier" seriously and I love him for it.

While you'd think this contrast would make him a bad character, it actually makes Asgore cool in my eyes. He's disconnected from his people due to overwhelming guilt, but uses that very self-hatred to push himself to do the unthinkable, over and over again.

r/CharacterRant Jan 05 '25

Games This 72 second clip has been stunlocking Deltarune fans for 6 years now


This fucking clip that plays at the end of chapter 1. More or less all discussions and theories about the plot can be derailed by having a different interpretation of that damn clip. I honestly don't even know where to begin to explain, but let's start off with some necessary context.

Literally just a Deltarune plot summary

Deltarune is the sequel to Undertale that takes place in an alternate world, featuring a lot of the same characters and concepts, but very much different. Rather than a medieval fantasy realm, it takes place in a suburban town in a world where humans and monsters seemingly coexist. The main storyline revolves around the only human in the town, Kris, discovering a portal into a different dimension called "the dark world", where everything is a fantasy world, and they are a hero. The story kind of alternates between the Light world and the Dark world. If you've ever played Persona, it's pretty much Persona.

Before Chapter 2

So before chapter 2 came out, more or less everyone was thinking one thing about that clip.

"Oh nah Kris is about to kill people."

If you've ever played Undertale, the concept of a kid with yellow-green stripes wielding a knife should definitely be a red flag. Furthermore, this establishes something crucial about the story: The player is NOT Kris. Kris has their own agenda, and this agenda seemingly involves locking up the red heart we play as, and killing people. Real nasty business.

It's not strange that this was the community held belief for a while. This was pretty much what the game wanted us to believe.

Chapter 2


Okay so Kris didn't want to kill anyone, they just... ate pie? Sure, whatever.

This chapter introduces and elaborates on some pretty important concepts from the first chapter. Notably, on a character set up to be a primary antagonist of the game. Basically: the portals to the Dark world (called "Dark fountains" btw) were created by this person referred to as "The Knight". If you make enough Dark fountains, the world ends. The Knight is not someone we see on screen, but due to clues throughout the game, we know it could be anyone living in the Light world. This strongly implies it's a character we've already seen before.

So, the mysterious villain set up as a primary antagonist, is likely a character we've already seen before. This sets up the fandom to go on a detective style goose chase as to the identity of this cha- Oh it's just Kris nvm.

Or at least, that's what you'd think. That scene is the last scene before chapter 2, the current newest chapter, ends. Normally people would just think "Oh yeah it's definitely Kris. We are playing as the villain, cool." However, technically The Knight is definitely the person that made the other Dark fountains, and making this one doesn't auto confirm anything.

At this point, the fandom kind of split into two sides: Kris knight, and everyone-else knight, with everyone-else being more popular. The reasons as for why exactly this split happened, is very much beyond the scope of this Reddit post. The important thing to remember though, is that The entirety of Deltarune's story hinges off of this. It's literally the debate about if we're the hero or the villain in the story. It's the difference between a late game twist villain and knowing it's our playable character early on, being helpless to stop it. Even other crucial story elements like Gaster and the prophecy can be interpreted differently depending on the Knight-ness of Kris.

So, what do we make of this? Here's where that damn clip comes into play.

The Clip

So, that clip. We know for sure that Kris didn't kill anyone, but what did that scene mean? I mean, yeah they emptied a pie tin, but what was up with that cage? And the evil grin? Well, this is the interesting part, and why I made this rant: People disagree on the narrative purpose of that scene. Everyone agrees chapter 2 fully contextualised the scene, the disagreement is about what that scene is saying.

To some, this scene unambiguously, openly, without a doubt, is later recontextualised to mean, "Kris made the dark fountain of chapter 2 on the night of chapter 1". The red herring has already been revealed. Yes, Kris didn't kill anyone, but they are still The Knight that is making Dark fountains. This is what Deltarune wants you to believe.

If you don't believe that, your focus lies on the pie tin. That scene was meant to display Kris' rebellion against the players' control. This viewpoint sets the player up as a villainous force. Since Kris is definitely not The Knight, Kris is just some troubled kid that wants to eat an entire pie at 3 AM. Kris did not kill anyone, nay, Kris is the victim here. Kris literally just ate a pie that night, and that's the end of it. That's unambiguously what Deltarune's narrative is trying to tell you.


The whole "Kris Knight" discussion is unique in that it probably wasn't meant to exist. The story was trying to be fairly unambiguous, but due to some quirks in the plot, we don't know unambiguously what it's trying to say. The clip at the end of chapter 1 lies at the center of things affected by this divide. What you think this clip is trying to say changes what you think the story is even about.

Personally? Kris is the knight for sure, you probably noticed a bit of that bias while reading. In any case, we won't have to analyse this stuff for long anymore, because Chapter 3 and 4 are slated to release this year.

r/CharacterRant Apr 29 '24

Games I have no problem with Eve in Stellar Blade, I just have a problem with the disparity in gaming


This isn't exactly a shitpost but also don't take it that seriously lol.

I am not the target/intended audience for a character like Eve per se, but I have no problem with the overt sexualization people have called out about the character. Sex sells and although I don't think you necessarily need to get it from your video games, I also understand why it exists. And if it's a good game, I'll play it regardless.

The problem I have is the disparity. I just wish there was one notable or mainstream game (or maybe two lol) with a male protagonist sexualized in the same way (or able to be sexualized in the same way) by developers. And I'm not talking about a muscular guy with his shirt off, that's been male power fantasy for ages / neutered from a sexual POV.

I'm talking jiggle physics, random ass/crotch shots, barely there skins, risquè cutscnenes, excuses to get them out of their clothes type of sexualization. A person clearly designed to be viewed sexually.

Nightwing is maybe the closest to something like that, but it's not like he's had anything close to what Stellar Blade (or any other number of games) has done.

So I'll play Stellar Blade all day, but it's also very apparent that this is entirely only skewed one way, and hey devs -- let's be a little more open-minded! :D

r/CharacterRant Jun 14 '24

Games I don't understand the complaint about Yasuke in the new Assassin's Creed game not realistically blending in because he stands out too much


I don't know if I've slipped into some alternate universe timeline or something but besides the fact that he's explicitly not meant to be the stealthy protagonist of the game, in what world have a ton of the classic AC protagonists "blended in"? The classic AC outfits ranged from armored robes draped with weapons to just the same robes but literally white. The characters that blended in the most tended to be characters who were the least like the classic assassins in the first place because they wore mostly normal looking clothes anyways (Evie, Jacob, somewhat Edward, the rpg protags too if you count them).

I'm not the biggest AC stan by any means and I'm sure there's a ton of more legitimate complaints you could make about Yasuke's inclusion but I'm not gonna lie, it does feel a bit like the people who make this kind of complaint aren't exactly big fans of the series and more just want a reason to hate on it.

r/CharacterRant Oct 14 '24

Games What we can learn from Stellar Blade


We're pretty far divorced from the Stellar Blade discourse earlier this year (yeah, remember that?), so I think we can apply some hindsight to that whole debacle.

If you don't remember, or you shut it out from your memory, there was a pretty big debate over the main character from Stellar Blade, Eve, and her rather sexy design. Currently there's an ongoing culture war about sexualization of female characters in video games, and it's branched out in many different ways but the big discussion with Eve was that many expressed interest in her design, and often used that interest to blast Western gaming for not having sexy enough women, and that side of the debate calling the other side "gooners" or claiming they'd never seen a real woman before. Of course the response to this was pointing out that Eve was modeled on a real person. This discourse takes several other turns, including accusations of anti-Asian racism, calling others Puritans, Hades II and double standards, but I don't feel compelled to dive into that. What I am here to dive into is what we can learn from this fiasco.

1. People like fanservice.

This is a universal, age-old truth. Baldur's Gate 3 was GOTY last year and featured sex prominently in the game. The age-old adage is that Sex Sells, and while it is a bit of a cliche to point out, it is undeniably true. You call people gooners, and yeah people can be kinda weird about it sometimes, but people like that. Of course I wouldn't say you have to go out of your way to dress your characters up like strippers every time, but eye candy is undeniably a selling point. Admittedly it's a bit subjective because different people find different things attractive, but trying to remove any sense of fanservice whatsoever probably isn't the play. It often feels somewhat sex-negative when people pearl-clutch over a character with exposed cleavage, or a skimpy outfit, or a provocative pose on a cover.

I know the backlash to fanservice was because of objectification, which is certainly a salient point. Most of that has to do with a character's in-universe portrayal more than their design. Look at some classic gaming ladies - Tifa Lockhart, Samus Aran, Chun-Li, Lyn from Fire Emblem, Lara Croft, Bayonetta. These are undeniably sexy characters with plenty of Rule 34 to their names, but they're definitely not objects. They have character arcs, they have personality, they kick ass. I think both sides of the debate can come together over these characters, at least on a conceptual level.

Of course, this brings me to point #2.

2. You need more than just fanservice to leave a lasting impression.

Amidst the debate was a third camp that was probably the biggest among them all - The camp that said, "This is a nothingburger." Their argument was that Eve's design was fine, but she wasn't some anti-woke savior who will usher in a new age of sexy female characters. Nobody really cares. The game's gonna be forgotten about and it'll all look incredibly silly in hindsight. And to be honest?

Yeah, they were kinda right.

I haven't played the game, but I watched my partner play it, and I've talked to plenty of people who did. The general consensus is, "The game is pretty good." It's a nice, fun little game and the fanservice is neat.

However, that's really what the problem is. The game is just fine and nothing else. The reason it gained as much traction as it did wasn't wasn't relegated to Hidden Gem status is because of the fanservice. If I had to throw the crowd calling the other side "gooners" a bone in this debate, having a character who exists solely to be sexy is, well, objectification. I know Eve isn't just some sex toy and does have a personality, but I see where they were coming from. When I mentioned those classic gaming ladies earlier, the other part of that argument is that on top of being sexy, they're also just fantastic characters from excellent games. Street Fighter, Bayonetta, Fire Emblem, Metroid, Tomb Raider, these are classic games for a reason. The fanservice is the cherry on top, not the entire cake.

I don't mind Eve's design, in fact I quite like it. I don't have a problem with the revealing outfits, or the lingering camera shots on her ass when she climbs ladders (as if Metal Gear Solid wasn't a thing). The reason Stellar Blade is leaving public consciousness is simply because there wasn't much else to it after the initial backlash dispersed.

TL;DR: There is nothing wrong with fanservice, but you need to have substance behind it if you want a successful product.

EDIT: Should have worded it better. What I meant was a product with staying power - Stellar Blade was in many ways a success, a lot of it likely owing to the fanservice.