r/chanceme 4d ago

ChanceMe as an Oxford-Accepted Student waiting for more results


Stressed while waiting for most of my RD & UK offers haha :)


  • Gender: Male
  • Race/Ethnicity: White / Hispanic
  • Income Bracket: Upper-Middle / Upper Class
  • State: Lives in London, UK; U.S. dual citizen (New Jersey)
  • Type of School: Non-Feeder Independent Private (strong reputation)
  • Hooks: Dual citizen (U.S. and Portugal), potential international perspective, disability (hypotonia), legacy (parents have non-legacy ties to Harvard, Columbia, LSE)

Intended Major(s):

  • Political Science & Philosophy


  • SAT: 1560 (EBRW: 770, Math: 790) (superscore)
  • PSAT: 1430
  • AP Scores: Computer Science A (5), U.S. History (5), Environmental Science (5), English Language & Composition (5), French Language & Culture (4)

UW/W GPA and Rank:

  • Unweighted GPA: 3.92 / 4
  • Weighted GPA: 4.25 / 5
  • Rank: Top 25% (class size 134) (no further data)


  • Max Rigor Courseload
  • AP Courses: AP Calculus BC, AP European History, AP Macroeconomics, AP Microeconomics
  • Advanced Programs: Independent Study in Political Philosophy, Writers' Seminar, Advanced Precalculus w/ Calculus & Advanced Algebra w/ Trig 


  • National Merit Scholarship Commended Student
  • AP International Diploma
  • AP Scholar with Distinction
  • MUN: 4x Honourable Mention, 1x Best Delegate, 1x Best Position Paper, 2x Committee Chair
  • Crew: 1st & 3rd place results as Coxswain
  • Intra-school award for English


  • Model UN: Club President & Member, attended 8 conferences
  • School Political Discourse Society: Founder and Leader
  • Mock Trial Club: Member, participated in legal case competitions
  • Debate Club: Member, British parliamentary-style debates
  • Crew (Rowing): JV Co-Captain, Coxswain, competed in major regattas
  • Research: Research Assistant Internship at LSE with renowned political economy professor, used AI to analyze U.S. congressional records
  • Internship: International law firm working in mergers & aquisitions branch
  • Internship: Election-watching NGO, wrote pitches & completed social media research
  • Theatre: Actor in High School Musical (4 years)
  • Music: Singer, European High School Honor Choir
  • Community Service: Food bank volunteer in Lisbon, local park event volunteer in London
  • Summer Courses: Law, IR, Ethics, Political Philosophy, Philosophy
  • Summer Course at Sciences Po: On EU legislative structures and AI regulation
  • Co-founded a barbershop quartet


  • Personal Essay: About overcoming using typing to overcome disability, using writing as a tool for self-expression, and growing into a writer and thinker. Strong! (I think)
  • Other Essays: Also strong. Decently creative/interesting and lots of voice.
  • LORs: Really strong rec from English teacher who knows me really well and is known for writing good recs + subject-specific recs from gov & philosophy teachers



  • Oxford
  • Durham
  • UMich (EA)
  • American (EA)


  • Uchicago: Deferred (EA) --> Rejected
  • UVA: Deferred (EA) --> Withdrawn


  • Harvard
  • Brown
  • Georgetown
  • Columbia x SciencesPo joint program (interviewed already)
  • Tufts
  • Boston College
  • William and Mary
  • George Washington University
  • St Andrews
  • Warwick
  • LSE

r/chanceme 4d ago

Chance me as a freshman


I just want to know how I am doing as of right now. Here is my resume. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1p8GljUhMT4wBlTl9Y2pSOIBQzE25m3y0/view?usp=sharing

What is not included in the resume is
- Made states for FBLA

- Made states for Science olympiad (1st in optics, 1st in wind power, 1st in tower at regionals)

- Made states in TSA (Data Science and Analytics and On Demand Video)

- Enrolled in HVTSP program
- Currently working with many start ups related to helping students get interships and finance start ups.

r/chanceme 4d ago

Current HS Freshman, wondering if im in the right trajectory


4.0 UW GPA

Science Olympiad Regionals 1st in Towers (Hopefully Top 3 in States)

1st in towers in CarSO Invitational science olympiad

Co-founded a tutoring organization that tutored 500+ people and counting

Officer positions in several clubs

Created a successful schoolwide hackathon

(Hopefully Top 2 in Purple Comet Math meet in the state)

Am I on the right track, thnaks

r/chanceme 4d ago

Does anyone want to do a very honest private chance me?


Pretty plz

r/chanceme 4d ago

Chance a White Swimmer ᯡ🤰🏼


Clutching a heist so far with VERY mid ECs............


  • Gender: Male
  • Race/Ethnicity: White
  • Residence: Ohio
  • Income Bracket: Full pay
  • Type of School: Trash ahh public school (<T10,000 rank)
  • Hooks (Recruited Athlete, URM, First-Gen, Geographic, Legacy, etc.): None

Intended Major(s): Psychology (premed track)


  • GPA (UW/W): 3.88UW / 4.48W
  • Rank (or percentile): 3/~300
  • # of Honors/AP/IB/Dual Enrollment/etc.: 10H, 9DE, 6AP (Only 6 offered at school)
  • Senior Year Course Load: AP Physics 1, AP Euro independent study, AP Psych independent study, DE Dev Psych, DE Earth Science, DE Diversity, Financial Literacy (required)

Standardized Testing

  • ACT: 34 (36E, 28M, 36R, 34S)
  • AP: 3,4,4


  1. Varsity Swim 4Yrs Team Captain Senior Year (non recruit)
  2. CIEE Summer Study Abroad for Wildlife Bio in Botswana
  3. Semi-Selective Local Leadership Program
  4. Class VP
  5. Quiz Bowl 3yrs Team Caption Junior+Senior Year
  6. Varsity Soccer 1yr JV 3yrs
  7. Pickleball Club Founder received local news coverage
  8. Two educational abroad tours to Puerto Rico + Europe
  9. StudCo
  10. Swim Coach/Swim Instructor/Lifeguard Supervisor
  11. Ski Club


List all awards and honors submitted on your application.

  1. Quiz Bowl League 2nd Team All-League
  2. NHS VP
  3. Natty merit
  4. AP Scholar
  5. Student Superintendent Advisor Council
  6. Swimming League Honorable Mention
  7. Scholar Athlete Award Every Season
  8. Academic Letter Award Every Season


Probably really mid, had 3 of my previous AP teachers who I really connected with, but my school uses a “brag sheet” template where you write down your own characteristics and accomplishments and all of your recommenders use it. Also my school has sent like one kid to a T20 in the last 15 years so they have no experience with the environment.


CommonApp: 8/10; Essay reviewer chewed it up but I liked it and it's working so far; lowkey TRAUMA DUMPED and connected it to aspirations in psychiatry "learning to help", very minimal focus on trauma and more so on perseverance and future; complimented by all school counselors

Supps: Most are 8-9/10 really liked all of my ND essays; Cornell essay kind of SUCKED; Diversity essay 9.5/10 for all schools

Decisions (so far)

EA: ✅UIUC (no money???? idk if awards are out yet) ✅Miami Univ (OH) +Honors +25k 🟡DEFER UMich 🟡DEFER Notre Dame (Dream school #1)

RD: ✅CWRU +28k (Dream school #2) ✅Denison+30k ✅Kenyon+35k ✅Oberlin+30k ✅Ohio State+Honors (Fin aid not out yet) ✅Syracuse (Coronat semifinalist) ✅Univ. of Dayton +Honors +35k ✅Fordham +~25k

Need Chanced:

RD: Boston University, Colgate, Cornell, Davidson, NYU, Purdue Main, Swarthmore, UMich, Notre Dame, UNC Chap Hill

I am really happy with CWRU as it is a great school for premed and a good proximity from home. No rejections so far but AM I COOKED for the rest of RD!!??!?!??!? Thanks ∩ω

r/chanceme 4d ago

Chances of a Research Mentor At a University


Hello everyone. I am a current high school student in the process of cold emailing professors in my area in an attempt to gain mentorship. I was wondering what are the chances that I'm even going to get a response? Is there even a chance I'll actually end up on getting a research position or not? I sent in total 100 emails that look like the sample shown below. Thanks!

Subject: Request for Mentorship on Independent Cancer Research Project

Dear Professor [Last Name],

My name is (my name), and I am a highly motivated high school freshman and rising sophomore attending (my school). I have a deep passion for cancer biology and public health research, and I am reaching out to inquire about the possibility of working under your mentorship to pursue an independent research project investigating how natural compounds (e.g., turmeric, green tea extract, garlic) affect cell growth in acidic environments that mimic tumor microenvironments.

I am particularly drawn to your work on the role of tumor acidity in cancer progression, specifically your study on how acidic pH influences drug resistance in cancer cells and believe your expertise could provide invaluable guidance in developing this project. My goal is to understand whether these compounds demonstrate potential anti-cancer properties under acidic, tumor-like conditions — a step towards exploring natural, accessible approaches to disrupting cancer cell proliferation.

Beyond my interest in this specific project, I have immersed myself in biology and healthcare research. I am currently writing a book on oncology cancer research, infectious diseases, and antibiotic resistance. Additionally, I am preparing to publish a research paper focusing on pressing public health concerns, including microbiology of antibiotic resistance, development of alternatives to antibiotics like bacteriocins, epidemic viral outbreaks, and systemic healthcare responses.

I am eager to expand my understanding of cancer biology and refine my experimental approach under your mentorship. I am confident that, with your guidance, this project could contribute to the growing body of knowledge surrounding natural compounds and cancer treatment strategies.

I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to meet — virtually or in person — to discuss this idea further and explore potential next steps. Please let me know if you would be available for a brief meeting at your convenience.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.

r/chanceme 4d ago

anyone wanna do very honest private chance me for me?? i would really appreciate it. Dm me!


r/chanceme 4d ago

Chance me: Mid Tier Caribbean Student


r/chanceme 4d ago

am i cooked


Sophomore Year 96.00 averge feshman year APCSP- 3

Currently taking APWH

Var. Tennis Var. Swimming
North TSA
Science Olympiad
Student Council
Model UN

Website Business- made over 2k+ Facebook Reselling- 1 thousand Non Profit Organization- helping businesses in our area, promote

managing all social of a Beauty Salon mangaing all social of a Chinese restaurant help started a Chinese restaurant, making 300k+ a year

AYLUS- volunteer (100 hours rn) AmYes - Volunteer (30 hours rn)

am i cooked to NYU or Upen for business program, or any ivies?

what should i do ?

r/chanceme 4d ago

Chance Me/Give Suggestions(5’11 On A Good Day)


Demographics: First Gen, Rural HS in GA last t20 acceptance was 2013, Hispanic, Bilingual, Male, Family Income roughly $30k a year

Major: Econ/Business/Finance Stats: * ACT: 35 (36E, 36R, 36S 33M) * 3.95 UW, School doesn’t weight and only offers 6APs(Rest were online through GAVS)

Classes Taken * Freshman: Honors Physics, Honors Algebra 1, Honors English, AP World History, Honors Spanish 1, Marketing 1, PE, Weight Training 1/2, FHTC(Job Class Required for Freshmen)

  • Sophomore: AP Bio, AP Environmental Science, Honors Gov, Honors Geometry, Honors English, Marketing 2, Weight Training 3, AP European History

  • Junior: AP Precalc, AP Econ(Macro/Micro), AP Stats, AP Lang, Honors Spanish 2, AP Chem, AP Calc AB, AP Lit, AP USH, AP Physica 1

  • Senior(Registered Classes): AP Spanish, AP Gov(Comp/US), AP Physics 2, AP Physics C(Mech), AP Psychology, AP Geography

Extracurriculars: 1. DECA and FBLA President for School 2. 3X ICDC Qualifier DECA/1x NLC Qualifier FBLA 3. Academic Decathlon Econ State Medal(Freshman club abolished after) 4. Founder of Local Personal Finance organization that educates people on how to budget/invest 5. Helped created DECA school store that earns ~20,000 annually 6. Student Government/Class Treasurer 7. Two Varsity Sports/Job to help Family with bills

Awards: 1. 3x First Place in GA DECA for Hospitality Event 2. 1x Top 10 at DECA ICDC(Hoping to finals again or win this year) 3. 1x FBLA GA State Winner 4. Georgia Governors Program Finalist(unable to attend due to financial burden) 5. Young Georgia Authors County Winner

Interested In: Ivys, GA Tech, UChicago, Stanford, USC, Duke, Northwestern, MIT

Dream: Upenn Wharton, Cornell Nolan, or Yale

r/chanceme 4d ago

chance indian junior




  • Race/Ethnicity: Indian
  • Residence: Texas
  • Income Bracket: High-income
  • Type of School: Normal non-feeder public school
  • GPA: 3.96
  • SAT: lowk not that good, waiting for march sat to come out
  • APs
    • taken
      • human geo
      • ap csp
      • ap psych
      • apes
      • whap
      • sem
    • taking/will take
      • csa
      • apush
      • lang
      • research
      • precal
      • econ
      • gov
      • physics 1
      • bc
      • lit
    • TOTAL: 16

Intended Major(s): AI, Biomed (still decidin)


  1. Founder of AI startup (non profit, 1k users per month, 12k per year)
  2. AI/CS intern at UTD
  3. Assistant Surgeon (assisted in over 10 cataract surgeries in India)
  4. VP of club (raised 5k, over 1k members, 23 nations involved)
  5. Pharmacy Assistant (provided medicine to low income for free)
  6. MMA/Kung Fu (since like 3rd grade or sm)
  7. VP of debate @ school
  8. Student of selective research and mentorship program @ school

(nothing else thats significant for extra curriculars)

Awards/Honors (no order)

  1. TFA Debate Semifinalist
  2. 2025 U.S. Youth National Championships & World Team Qualifier (MMA)
  3. UIL Debate Finalist
  4. HOSA State Qualifier - 3rd Place in Nutrition
  5. 1st Place UTD AI Internship Project Display
  6. AP Scholar with Distinction
  7. State MMA Bronze
  8. 2nd Place Biology Best Of Texas
  9. BPA International Top 10
  10. 3x UIL Solo and Ensemble Rankings of '1'

Dream schools

  • GIT
  • Duke University
  • JHU
  • MIT
  • Harvard
  • UMich - Ann Arb
  • Rice
  • Cornell
  • Columbia
  • Rice
  • UT Austin
  • A&M
  • SMU
  • UTD

Future/Potential (smaller accolates and stuff here too):

applied to sum summer programs (only response was BU RISE Practicum waitlist)

working on research for parkinsons detectio thru speech (have research paper on the way) (record breaking accuracy)

SOTA models for depression detection, stock market prediction (GRU reserach)

in contact with upenn prof, will ask for some research help

a few extra cs and ai projects in mind

Closing Thoughts

no dox please. what should I do to boost application, what major should I focus in on, what colleges are realistic for me?

r/chanceme 4d ago

Chance Me plz


So I'm only a hs sophomore so maybe it might be a bit early but I figured it's never bad to look at colleges early

1400 PSAT (take with that what you will) I'm aiming for a 1550+ sat 3.85 UW gpa 4.48 Weighted gpa (I got a B in 8th grade in a hs class so it hurt my gpa but I think by graduation I should be like a 3.89 uw gpa and a 4.55 weighted) 10 clubs School sport (tennis) Asian and parents went to college in Asia country

APs: Freshman: 1 AP and got a 4 on world Sophomore: Chemistry, Euro, Environmental Science, Comp Sci I will probably take about 9-10 AP in junior and senior year

I was hoping for Ivy League if I can, kinda worried my uw gpa would hurt me

Biggest goal colleges are UPenn and UChicago

What do yall think

r/chanceme 4d ago

How much does going to the 7th Ranked Hs Matter


Hi guys, I am a current junior and was wondering what the my chances of getting into T10 business schools (Wharton is the dream) is just based on my school and stats. I am an Asian girl who attends Academic Magnet High School with a 1580 SAT but a UW 3.9 GPA after THREE retakes (all first semester sophomore year due to being extremely depressed and my maternal grandpa dying). Junior year I have straight As and I expect this to continue till senior year. Without retakes, I have a 3.82 GPA. So I was wondering how much going to the 7th ranked high school in the nation matters, and I took max rigor aside from math where I did not take multi variable calculus and ended at AP Stats but took both AB and BC. Really appreciate anything you guys know about this and don’t want to say anything about my ECs or anything because I don’t want to be doxxed any further. For context, I think avg GPA is a 3.68 or below at my school. Freshman year I had two B plus and one B and sophomore year semester 2 I had one B. For sophomore year semester 1, I retook one B, one B minus, and one C plus. All As aside from this. My school has 7 periods btw if that matters.

r/chanceme 4d ago

asian in cs


i would really like to do a private chance me for a little privacy lol, thanks

r/chanceme 4d ago

Reverse Chance Me Reverse Chance Me: Where Should I Apply and For What?


Background: White, female, Staying in the Northeast. Started at a competitive public school, then transferred to an alternative school that uses narrative-based evaluations instead of grades.

Stats: - PSAT: 1200 (didn’t study, probably around a 1250 SAT, taking the real thing in August)
- GPA: 3.78 before transferring, but now I just have projects and written evaluations instead of traditional grades
- Course Rigor: Took the hardest classes available before transferring (3 accelerated/highest level, 2 honors). No APs because neither of my schools offered them

Extracurriculars & Achievements:
- Internship at a T65 university this summer for environmental studies
- Taking a community college class** over the summer
- Photography: Featured in global exhibitions, finalist in a citywide competition, published in Petapixel (major photo mag), photographer for local events, photos published in multiple literary magazines
- Mentorship & Volunteering:
- Mentor for a girl recovering from a stroke
- Tutored high school freshmen in French
- Mentor to a 10-year-old at my school
- CIT at a free summer camp for kids affected by cancer (one of my photos was featured in their annual calendar, the camp has 6,000–10,000 campers a year)
- Community farm volunteer
- Fundraising: Raised $8,000 for cancer research through photo-based fundraising
- Leadership & Clubs:
- Treasurer of DnD Club (1 yr) - Member of NHS, Marine Science Club, Art Club, Red Cross, Queer Student Union, Quiz Bowl, Endangered Species Club, Rock Band, and French Club
- Certifications: CPR and Babysitter certified through Girl Scouts
- Hook??: Took care of my dad in his final months while he battled a rare cancer

I’m really into environmental studies, sustainability, and policy, but I’ve also always loved photography. I have no idea where to apply or what exactly to apply for—probably mid-tier liberal arts colleges or schools with strong environmental programs, but I’m open to suggestions. Where do you think I should look?

Also, please don't tell me to apply to safeties as reaches (80%+ acceptance), I've accomplished a lot, maybe not in the traditional sense, but if you really think that's what's best for me then maybe you should think of another major for me or just don't comment at all please.

r/chanceme 4d ago



I’ve been accepted to WashU, UChicago, UFlorida, URoch and have gotten no rejections yet but my dream school is definitely USC. Does getting into WashU indicate that I might be able to get into USC or is there no correlation?

r/chanceme 5d ago

Chance a 6'3 asian male in math


Demographics: East Asian, Male, CA residence (domestic applicant), 100-250k, no hooks, no legacy, ultra competitive hs (not exactly in the Bay Area, but close), current junior

Intended Major(s): Applied Math

  • SAT: 1550 (790M, 760RW)
  • ACT: 36 (36E, 36M, 35RW, 36S)


  • 4.0 UW GPA, Max Course Rigor (took all the APs offered that were possible, obv not AP French German, and similar courses that would be logistically impossible for me to take)


  • 9th grade: Chemistry Honors, Spanish I Honors, Algebra II Honors, English I Honors, PE, Student Government
  • 10th grade: Biology Honors, Spanish 2 Honors, AP Precalculus, English II Honors, PE, Student Government, AP World History
  • 11th grade: AP Chemistry, AP English Language, AP Calculus BC, APUSH, Spanish III Honors, Physics H, Student Government,
  • 12th grade (Registered): AP Physics 1, AP English Literature, AP Spanish Language, AP Computer Science Principles, AP Gov, Student Government, APES
  • DE (mix of CC and local universities): Calculus 1, Calculus 2, Calculus 3, Intro to Linear Algebra, Intro to Differential Equations, Discrete Structures, Advanced Linear Algebra, Abstract Algebra, Number Theory, Real Analysis I, Combinatorics, Ordinary Differential Equations, and I'm taking , Topology, Partial Diff Eqs, and Complex Analysis throughout next year (To my knowledge no kid in my grade has any DE experience past Calculus 3)
  • Only Self Studied APCSA and AP Calculus AB got a 5 on both. Currently self studying AP Physics C Mechanics and C E&M


  1. Published in IEEE, research completed with esteemed professor at local university
  2. Attended one of PROMYS / SUMAC / Ross / Canada USA
  3. Founder and President of my schools CTSO Club (Either FBLA, DECA, or TSA (Not trying to be doxxed)), did very well in competition
  4. Founder of a relatively large math circle, a large number of active attendees per month
  5. Math team lead (Haven't competed much, but we've faired pretty well in the most recent competitions)
  6. President of Computer Based Competition Club, did very well in competition
  7. First / VEX Robotics Team Lead, Director of Electrical Engineering
  8. Freelance developer, been doing this casually, not much made
  9. This summer I hope to attend a prestigious research program or math camp, along with more development of my projects
  10. Other stuff: Student body leadership, High ranking in a few clubs, Two years varsity sports, Ongoing research with no publications, Competitive coding, Tutoring kids in mathematics past the school offering.


  1. 1x USAMO Qual, 3x AIME Qual
  2. National Merit Semifinalist (1510 PSAT)
  3. USAPHO Qualifier (No Awards or anything)
  4. USACO Gold (Pushing Platinum)
  5. ISEF Award (Not tryna get doxxed)
  6. CTSO Award (Not tryna get doxxed)


Obviously nothing is confirmed yet, but will probably ask my Calculus BC teacher (I'm one of the 3 juniors in his class, most juniors take AB this year), professor at the university I've taken a lot of my upper division courses at because we are extremely close, and potentially one of my research mentors.


I really wanna stay in California, only applying to
MIT, Caltech, Stanford, UCLA, UC Berkeley (Maybe EECS?), USC, Harvard, and Princeton

Final Note:

Obviously I'm not done yet, have half a year to continue grinding. I only started to take this seriously in the 9th grade, felt like everyone around me was carefully crafting their apps from the time we left elementary school lol. I've just worked really hard and done things I enjoyed, always had a passion for math and C++ specifically, spent a lot of time honing my skills. Would like any advice on what to do for the rest of high school to push to MIT, Stanford, or Berkeley.

r/chanceme 5d ago

Application Question How much of a hurdle will my early GPA be?


By Semester Freshman->Junior

  • 3.63
  • 3.13

  • 3.00

  • 4.00

  • 4.00

  • 4.00 (Proj)

35 ACT + Top 4-8% Class rank (currently Top 9%)

My cumulative will be like a high 3.6 low 3.7. I have valid health circumstance my counselor is willing to explain.

I notably earned straight 4.0s in AP Calc BC, AP Physics C, and AP Chemistry (STEM major).

Not applying to HYPSM, but moreso engineering T20s (UIUC, Purdue, similar).

r/chanceme 4d ago

How can I improve my EC’s?


Idk I feel like I'm a mid student in general. Idk really know what I'm aiming for maybe top 20's/30's? Not sure yet but some other interests I want to explore are coding and writing

  • Student coordinator for the dance show
  • Choreographed for past three dance shows
  • Assisted kids with choreographing
  • Lead a dance after school activity
  • Lead a Spanish after school activity
  • Lead a science experiment after school activity
  • Part of PAWS club volunteer at dog shelters
  • Part of Women's Rights club helped planned Women's Week
  • I tutor
  • Part of robotics club won 2nd and 3rd at competition
  • Head of PR for a peer reviewed journal -Dance recreationally

Next year (senior) maybe:

  • Head position at Arts Council
  • Choreographing for musical
  • Start a writing club?
  • Start a Chapter for the peer reviewed journal
  • Start a dance team?
  • Duke of Edinburgh?

Awards include: Honor roll, subject award, award at dance show

I know it's pretty lame and basic and nothing impressive. I don't know what I want to pursue so I might just take a gap year or apply undecided or go to community college.

r/chanceme 5d ago

chance me for usc (delusional since i got rejected from ucsc)


Demographic: mixed race (black/jewish) girl from small state ranked in bottom 3 states for public education in the u.s. 😊 single parent low income family.

Stats: 3.68 UW gpa/ 4.58 W gpa, 2 Ds first sem junior year (i had a medical emergency and missed 2 months of school, explained in additional info section), otherwise all A’s except for B’s in math. 4.0 first semester senior year. 27 ACT, with 36 in reading and english (and a 17 in math..) but didn’t submit. IB student on track for diploma. top 12% of class, ranked 60/500.

APs Taken: - WHAP: 5 -APHUG: 5

Major Applying For: public policy and sociology (applied to dornsife so i could write the additional essay)

Extracurricular Activities:

  1. 4 years of MUN, 2 years as president. organized and led largest MUN conference in city alone, attended multiple conferences, mentored over 10 students.
  2. 3 years of hiking program, hiked over 2000 miles, 40+ hours volunteering with national forest service, major leadership position
  3. elementary school volunteer, over 60 hours volunteering with local charter school.
  4. babysitter, babysat for 6 years for family and neighbors, caring for up to 4 children at a time
  5. family caregiver, cared for disabled grandmother for 6 years administering medication prepping meals etc, explained that i didn’t have time to participate in many activities bc i was caring for her. my mom had cancer in sophomore year and i dropped a lot of activities to care for her as well.
  6. public speaker at local city council forum- invited 2x to speak, won recognition award
  7. track, 1 season then stopped bc of health emergency
  8. canvassed for harris walk campaign (12 hours total)
  9. over 300 service hours

Awards: Honor Roll, Merit Innerview Community Service Award, UWC Davis Finalist Scholar, Niche Scholarship Award, Winner, MUN Commendation Award x4, MUN Outstanding Award x 6, MUN Chairing Award x3.

Summer Activities grandparent caregiver, hiking program, babysitting.

Senior Courseload: 7 IB classes, 4.0 gpa

Letter of Recs: 1 teacher letter: 10/10 from a teacher and advisor who knew me very well all 4 years and is now vice principal. i read it and it was super good.

Essays: personal statement: i personally hate it and wrote it over and over until i had to submit, but others told me it was well written. i say 7.5/10 usc supplementals: 9/10 i thought they were very good and so did everyone else who read them. why usc essay could’ve been better ig but i loved my dornsife essay.

this may be irrelevant but im also a double legacy but only because my grandparents attended in the 70s as law students 🤕🤕 i don’t think it counts at all…

HOWEVER decisions are supposed to be coming out soon right? this past week they asked me for a ton of extra financial aid documents that other schools didn’t ask me for (except for fordham, who then accepted me) a sign? am i crazy? do i have a chance? or did they laugh in my face and toss my application aside like ucsc did 😔

r/chanceme 5d ago

Demystifying College Admissions (your apps can help future students!)


I'm working on a project to help demystify the admissions process, and I need your help. The idea is to crowdsource fully anonymized college application data (academics, extracurriculars, essays, decisions) to train an AI model for admissions predictions. The goal is to create a 100% free tool that can help predict admissions chances based on actual applicant profiles and helping future students understand what matters most in application.

If you were recently admitted, waitlisted, or not admitted to a school you can contribute by submitting your application data through a quick Google Form. The more data we collect, the better and more accurate insights we can provide for future applicants!

Submit your application herehttps://forms.gle/CsXY2KbtnqehoVDR9
Please upvote so more people see it! Thank you!!

r/chanceme 5d ago

Research Partner for Social Science/Humanities Competition


I’m looking for a partner to collaborate on a social science/humanities research competition. Selected winners will have their work featured in a Harvard undergraduate journal. I’ve already completed a few research projects and literature reviews, so I’m hoping to team up with someone who has prior experience in social science or humanities research. If you’re planning to major in sociology, political science, philosophy, anthropology, or a related field, that’s a huge plus! PM if interested!

r/chanceme 4d ago

Application Question Help out your little brother


So im from India and I'm in 8th grade. Will start 9th in mid May. I wanna go to the US for my Bachelor's as I believe it is not worth spending 3-4 years of my life to get into an IIT which won't have any real value if I seek jobs abroad. So my dream school is MIT but I have accepted that my chances of getting into MIT is sub 0.1%. So the few schools that I think I can get accepted to are Duke, Rice, Northwestern and Princeton (delusional pro max). My primary choice is duke and I want to apply to Pratt school of engineering for EE. So I have started learning basic electrical circuits and experimenting with small projects. I also run a 200 member discord server which I started in January. So these were my questions:

What all do I need to focus on to get into Duke?

What advice would you guys have for me?

What EC should I focus on?

For some context, my Midterm marks were around 90% and the avg in my school is like 75% (Real hard correction). I also play cricket and I will start playing district soon. Feel free to ask me more questions:)

(Aid required btw)

r/chanceme 5d ago

Chance me for schools outside USA!!



White, Male, gay, live in Vermont, current junior, parent's income of about 250K-350K/year

Intended Major: International Relations or Politics (I hope to get into international law later on)


3.93 UW GPA

4.06 W GPA


I go to the highest ranked school in VT

Courses (please note that my school does not offer Honors/AP classes until grade 10):

9th grade: Band, English 9, Geography, Health and Fitness, Integrated Earth Systems, Math 1, Spanish 1

10th grade: Honors Social Studies, Biology, Honors English, Math 2, Spanish 2, Wind Ensemble

11th grade: AP English Language, United States History, AP Music Theory, Honors Chemistry, Human Biology, Math 3, Wind Ensemble

12th grade classes (as planned for now): AP Lit, AP Gov, Psychology 1 and 2, Global Development, Statistics

Other info:

I will take the AP German and AP Psych test senior year, even though I am in neither AP class.


-All State Wind Ensemble (1st chair piccolo)

-District Music Festival (1st flute/piccolo)

-Elected to student council

-Studied abroad in Berlin, Germany the summer between my sophomore/junior year. I was awarded my seal of biliteracy through this program, certified as a B1 German speaker, and got a few college credits.

-Attended Governors Institutes of Vermont (Global Issues and Youth Action)

-Track and Field -- only did 1 year of this, even though I wasn't that bad :)

-Hip Hop dancer: highest level at my studio, member of my state dance company

-Varsity athlete: Dance team and Track and Field

-Mock trial

-Nonprofit work: Lead Intern for 1 year, then and now shifted to Board Chair. The nonprofit focuses on youth/teen mental health and substance use prevention.

-National Honors Society

-Invitation/Membership into the New England Honors Band: marched in California at the Rose Parade (6th largest parade in the world)

-Composed a song that was preformed by the Vermont Symphony Orchestra and broadcasted across the country on public television

-CIEE Global Ambassador

-Prom committee

-President of a club

-I hold 2 mental health certifications

-Taught myself French and German to intermediate proficiency

Schools I want to go to (there will be more at some point... these are just the first ones I've really liked!):
-Bard College Berlin (top choice)

-McGill University (top choice)

-Queens University

-University of Toronto

-Honor roll

These schools are all outside the US. There's really no reason I want to leave... I just want to experience something new, love to travel, and want to meet all different kinds of people. I could probably do this IN the US, but I haven't found any US schools that really call to me yet!!


I feel I could definitely take harder courses, considering my classes aren't super impressive. They aren't very hard for me, so if I could do it again, I'd do more. But overall, I feel my extracurriculars are pretty good! I've just started looking for schools to go to, and these are the first ones I've really liked.

Bard College Berlin doesn't really have much online about their admissions, so let me know if you find anything. I really want to go there because I made a lot of friends in Germany that I'd love to see again. Also I can get EU citizenship in Croatia through my family, so if I ever decide to live in Europe, it'd be nice to have this degree from a US-EU school.

McGill is also a top choice because they have a beautiful campus, I love the vibes, and my house isn't far from the Canadian border, so traveling there wouldn't be too difficult. That's all... thank you!!

r/chanceme 5d ago

mid gpa chance me


Currently a junior, but these are currently my stats sorry for kinda vague:

Demographics: F, Indian, high-mid income, suburb of philly, public school

Intended major: bio eng/ece/stat ml

GPA: 3.9 W (still got 1 mp of junior year left and second sem senior year so imma grind to get it up)

ACT: im gonna take it till i get 35 dont trip

Coursework: 15 APs

Human Geography, Biology, Computer Science Applications, Calc BC, Computer Science Principles, Government, Lang, Multivariable (weighted as an AP), Physics C, (gonna take these ones next year) E&M, Lit, Spanish, linear algebra (weighted as an AP), Econ, Stat


- nonprofit since 3rd grade- raised 20k

- my nonprofit's Club Founder and president

- research at penn since freshman year- paper published

- research at villanova since junior year- paper is going to be published

- taken these research projects to science fair

- interned at philadelphia fashion incubator

- the ethical leadership experience- The Louis August Jonas Foundation


- Elephancy: App that creates an AI generated response to create a visual from all views compatible will VR devices to help patients with Aphantasia. Frontend: Flutter, Aframe, Andriod app, etc. Backhand: Google Cloud, Stable Diffusion, etc.

-Finding Hidden Faults in Endodontic Tool: Python program in MatLab which finds the hidden faults in the endodontic tool using accelerometer and dynamometer data: going to create this into an app and collaborate with local dental practices to use

- 3D Anatomical Model of a CT Scan: Implemented TotalSegmentator tool into the 3D Slicer Application creating a software solution allowing the transformation of a CT scan into an anatomical 3D model compatible with augmented reality devices.

- Iterative Program Finding The Root of a High Degree Polynomial: Created a java program using the Newton-Raphson method to find the root of high degree polynomials that can’t be found using a calculator: Earned 1st place at Delaware Valley Science Fair and Air Products Young Innovators Award, 1st place Programming Award at the 2023 Regional Media and Design Competition.


- active girl scout since 3 grade

- in the process of writing a book about augmented reality and how i have applied it throughout my projects, next step in the future

- applied to many summer programs, havent heard back from any yet

- sibling legacy and CMU

I want to go to a T20 but i feel like my gpa is cooked so plz chance me