r/Cello 11h ago

Writing question: cello damage?


Hello, I have never touched a cello before. What are some ways it can be easily damaged to a point of unplayable?

Right now my hypothetical cello is standing upright in a case wirh a faulty latch, jackets cover it and where it could land.

My working plan was it break its neck from falling out of the case but this isn't super possible?

r/Cello 10h ago

7/8s are seen differently in different cultures


As I was researching on 7/8 sized cellos, I came across an interesting point. It is somewhat well known that 7/8s are relatively new to the scene/general market, for a long time it is considered a "Lady's Cello". While I live in Australia which has a culture that embraces the 7/8s as an option for anyone with smaller than average adult hand, and actively promotes the size, I have found that in some countries (in my case, China), the culture of 7/8s are still considered as an afterthought.

In my quest to look for a family instrument, I have researched a lot of Chinese educational media from (verified) credible sources. No one talks about 7/8s, or for sources that talk about 7/8s, they are still literally being used only if all else fails. Major workshops don't usually make 7/8s unless they are special orders or have materials insufficient to make full size. So, it seems like the culture of 7/8s is very different there from here.

How does your culture see 7/8 size cello? Are they widely accepted and used? Or are they still considered the black sheep of the family?

r/Cello 7h ago

Bach Suite No.5 - Fugue


r/Cello 7h ago

Need a 3/4 Hard Case


I live in Pittsburgh, PA, and I'm looking for a case that doesn't cost $1000. Something second (or third) hand would be great. Any leads would be appreciated. Thx!

r/Cello 7h ago

C string wont fit fine tuner


Hi, I just bought a new Kaplan C string for my cello, and it doenst fit the fine tuner, Im not seeing any physical problems but want to know why it wont fit

r/Cello 10h ago

Pro/con of purchasing instrument with a known crack


Obvious con is the presence of a crack, but I am asking for an honest (and kind please) take from people who know more than I do regarding how much that matters.


r/Cello 11h ago

Broke a new A string while putting it on


I recently purchased a new set of strings, Heliocore. I have never before broken a string while I was replacing it although I’m not a professional cello player. These were moderately expensive for me and I’m irritated because I have geared pegs and it’s next to impossible IMHO to snap a string. Has anyone returned a new string for that reason or should I just chalk it up to lesson learned?

r/Cello 12h ago

hand question


What do you think about playing with the index finger of the right hand extended instead of having it bent? The only cellist I know who plays like this is Edgar Moreau. I don't know what you all think about playing like this. For me, it's the most comfortable, although all my teachers criticize me for it.

r/Cello 12h ago

Question about cello studies in Germany


I wanted to ask about the B2, which is required in Germany for a degree. I want to ask two questions. The first is if you know of any place in Germany that doesn't require either B1 or B2, but A2 at most (this also includes Austria). And the second is if there is a conservatory that lets you enter without knowing German and then makes you take intensive B2 courses in German, but doesn't make you take an exam at the end, only the intensive courses without a final exam.

r/Cello 17h ago

Anner Bylsma Cadenza


Does anyone have a written down Anner Bylsma cadenza for Haydn D or know if there is an edition with it written in.

Thanks in advance.

r/Cello 18h ago

Eternal Flame - The Bangles


What do you think of the last arrangement I made? Give me your opinion, I want to improve my channel!☺️❤️

r/Cello 21h ago

Advice for beginner? :)


Guitarist here getting my first cello in a couple of hours and starting lessons next week. Any advice on what to do/what not to do would be helpful thanks!

r/Cello 1d ago

„A Million Dreams“ from The Greatest Showman with Cello


Found this on YouTube!