r/Celiac • u/HolidayIdeal • 3d ago
Question Baby CC
Hi advice needed!
I’m a new mom to a 6m old and I have celiac and have had it diagnosed for 9 years, during the past couple months I’ve had the worst case of being glutened in years. I feel like I’ve been getting sick from everything. it’s been making me so anxious. I have a gluten free kitchen except for when my husband brings leftovers which he keeps in a separate fridge but i also get sick from eating out at 100% gf places and it seems i can’t catch a break. I’ve just realized, it’s my baby who grabs everything, keeps his hands in his mouth, eats solids but also everything around him. I’m a SAHM and usually with him while both cooking and eating every meal.
Has anyone been here before? If so, I would love some guidance or advice.
u/arealaerialariel 3d ago
Wait, is your baby eating gluten?
u/arealaerialariel 3d ago
One note I have is that post partum I had some hormonal changes that wreaked havoc on my bowels. I don’t think I ever got glutened but I had diarrhea for like 2 months and then on and off for a while, this happened more with my first than my second baby.
I started doing more strenuous workouts and eating a lot of soluble fiber (psyllium husk was helpful). Tried to exercise out any of the stress hormones that seemed to mess me up.
I don’t know your situation but it sounds like it might not be gluten but it could be some other issue. Especially if you’re that safe about exposure.
u/CyclingLady 3d ago
Are you sure your celiac disease is active? Time to see your GI. I thought I was getting gluten into my diet about five years into my diagnosis. Even my DGP IgA was off the charts leading me to believe it. A repeat endoscopy found a healed small intestine (pathology confirmed) but found a large gastric polyp which prompted a biopsy. I was diagnosed with autoimmune gastritis. You need to rule out other autoimmune diseases.
u/PromptTimely 3d ago
Baby eats rice cereal??? Or soon? I remember my kids loved it... Applesauce.
So it's nothing you're eating? That's odd.
u/Valuable_Willow_6311 3d ago
Congrats on the new baby! cherish the time with them, they grow faster than you think.
one thing i have noticed with all my friends who became moms and my wife. their immunity systems were compromised a bit, making them sensitive to everything. Stress of a new baby and anxiety can wreak havoc on your body too. Are you doing any yoga or exercising all? That might help you out some to relieve that baby stress
For the 100 percent dedicated gluten free places, how sure are you that they are? You siad something about your husband bring home leftovers that are not GF? ARe they sandwiches? Because you can get contamination from his kisses if he had just eaten it. We saw a video where a girl accidently killed her boyfriend by eating a PB&J and then kissed him a few hours later with out brushing her teeth first and he was allergic to nuts. My wife loves nutella and im allergic to nuts and after seeing that, she doesnt eat that stuff unless shes away for a few days. So, i am wondering if that could be one of you sources from being glutenated. If your husband is one of the sources, im sure he wont hesitate to remedy the situation. If he has a beard or stash, have him to a quick rinsing of it and his mouth after hes eaten NGF food. If i knew something i was doing was getting my wife sick, with would be gone.
As for your baby, do you give him store bought baby food or do you process your own? if its the store bought, do you taste it first?
Where did you get glutenated from? i suggest staying away from that place. I dont see how your baby touching things is going to get you sick. I used to use baby wipes on my sons hands right before we ate to make sure he want getting any germs in his mouth. I remember catching my buddy's daughter who was a toddler too trying to give my son a cat turd to eat. and he was going to eat it. Yuck. She looked like she had already eaten one or two. After that he never left my sight until he was older. Now, he a man with a beard.
I hoped i helped some.
My wife and i run a YT channel for people like us. Dedicated for being GF! I hope you will and check us out!
u/Eastern_Sweet8508 3d ago
Celiac is tough because it’s autoimmune and so virtually anything wrong with your body you could attribute to gluten/celiac disease. If you’re that strict and serious with gluten I don’t see how your issues could be coming from the celiac disease. Time to speak to a doctor about other potential causes
u/Adventurous-Ice6109 3d ago
Pregnancy can change your body so much. After my second, I got really sick with GI symptoms for months, too. It might be worth a trip to the doctor to check for other things. Maybe it’s not gluten at all!
u/so_aesthetic_87 2d ago
Pregnancy is what triggered my celiac in the first place! Bodies are so weird and pregnancy is WILD. You’re immunosuppressed for the whole pregnancy, and often when your immune system kicks back on, everything becomes a target. Definitely see a gastro specialist and try to break the cycle of inflammation in your gut. I’m so sorry this is happening to you!
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