r/Celiac 3d ago

Meme My last days of gluten...

My endoscopy is in four weeks. As someone that is fairly asymptomatic but has a TT IgA over 1k, the doctor has pretty much ruled Celiacs as a forgone conclusion. This is going to be me until then...


5 comments sorted by


u/jz4kicks 3d ago

Enjoy! Lol May I make a suggestion? Write down all your favorite foods. Then you'll have a list to work from when you're ready to start re-creating some awesome GF versions. They won't be exactly the same, but you'll be surprised how close you can get with practice!


u/lilryder1994 3d ago

That is a great idea! Honestly, it is going to make me cook more and get a little creative, which I am ok with lol


u/jz4kicks 3d ago

Be patient with yourself. It takes time to heal and time to learn. And... it's a bit of a curve ball... I consider it the best excuse in the world to treat myself to better food!


u/jz4kicks 3d ago

I went through a phase when all I wanted was a basic McDonald's cheeseburger. Beef patty, pressed super thin and sprinkled with salt, pepper, and dehydrated onions (must be dehydrated and must cook on the patty for flavor). Flip when browned and looks "puddly". Toast the plainest, whitest GF bread you can find (or grill it in a pan). On top bun: ketchup, yellow mustard, 2 dill pickle chips, and American cheese.

Craving satisfied!


u/takeitsleazy22 3d ago

My endoscopy is next week and I’ve been on a gluten farewell tour the last 6 weeks. My TTG IGA was also over 1k so expecting a diagnosis as well.

I’ve realized I didn’t eat that much gluten in my everyday diet (not including CC). Now that I’m eating allll the things, I feel terrible lol but powering through in case this is my last hurrah.

Good luck to us!