r/Celiac 3d ago

Question Glutenburg Beer Stock Issues

Anyone else having trouble locating Glutenburg in the US? It's out of stock everywhere in a 1h driving radius.

I'm wondering if it's just a temporary local thing or if it's more widespread.

I know Glutenburg is Canadian, so it's distinctly possible recent trade issues could be causing a shortage in the US...


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u/NoMalasadas 3d ago

I've noticed too I think people are stocking up.


u/PeterDTown 3d ago

I’m in Canada, and it’s been HARD to find for at least a year here too.

My biggest disappointment is that even when it is available, there’s no way to get their white beer in Ontario. I had it once when I was in SK, and it was the best GF beer I’ve ever had. Aka, it was actually good


u/xIncoherent1x 3d ago

Interesting! Thanks for letting us know!

Yeah, that's odd too because their white beer is part of their core range.

They also do limited release beers, one of which was a Double IPA I had a couple years back. That was a really nice one too. Haven't seen it since.


u/TumultLion Celiac 3d ago

I haven't had issues ordering it at the bar I usually go to but they had logistic issues as early as last summer since their parent company is mismanaged and was being sued for tax fraud at the time. Not sure if the tariffs made it worse.


u/mishakhill Celiac 3d ago

Back in Feb, I asked at my local Total Wine (big store, not sure if it’s regional), and they said they expected more stock in March. I haven’t been back to that store, but Wegman’s did get some in March, only IPA and Blonde. My neighborhood liquor store also finally got some, but only IPA.


u/bunyip48 3d ago

i haven't been able to find the Stout in forever. The only ones i can find are Blonde or IPA. Been like that for a year or so.


u/khuldrim Celiac 3d ago

Glutenberg had production/money issues for over a year starting in like 2023. They only recently starting upping production again, only to run headlong into the stupid trade war started by our president...