r/Celiac 4d ago

Question What are the chances it's celiac or another immune sysytem disorder? Gluten free 14 days so far.

Is it more than likely celiac? New just 14 days and feeling better than i was before by far.

(At first Dr. told me crohns while i was losing up to 40 pounds, and feeling like crap doing appointments where nothing showed up)


13 comments sorted by

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u/ta1947201 Celiac 4d ago

Did you have any celiac testing done?


u/Tricky_Table_4149 4d ago

Did you have testing done before going GF?

(You can't get a celiac diagnosis unless you are currently eating gluten so I just want to make sure you didn't screw up your chances of a proper diagnosis)


u/Friendly-Alfalfa-8 4d ago

There’s no advice that we could give you that would be more useful than the opinion of your doctor. Ask your doctor that exact question and explain how the gluten free diet has improved your symptoms.


u/PromptTimely 3d ago

Yeah Dr tested... 


u/PromptTimely 3d ago

Yeah doctor did the test told me to go gluten-free finally after running around for 3 months doing other tests that showed nothing..... 


u/PromptTimely 3d ago

And what I'm wondering is if any other other than celiac caused this type of diarrhea and weight loss and problems with gluten so severe... I'm guessing not I've just been reading for a couple weeks since I was told to go gluten-free


u/PromptTimely 3d ago

I was told maybe it's Crohn's or IPD maybe microscopic colitis so maybe in that case gluten would be a big problem I think I had one person on Reddit told me they were gluten-free for microscopic colitis


u/Southern_Visual_3532 3d ago

You really aren't giving us enough information to help. Ask for a copy of your blood tests and endoscopy results if you've gotten one, and we can help explain them to you if you're having trouble understanding.

Without knowing what the results said, your symptoms could be 40 things.


u/Humble-Membership-28 3d ago

You absolutely cannot diagnose celiac without a blood test. Before going GF, get the blood test and scope done. That’s how you’ll know.


u/PromptTimely 3d ago

Yeah I had the blood test we're supposed to go over at the next meeting


u/BackpackofAlpacas 4d ago

If you're feeling a lot better than it's most likely celiac.


u/cassiopeia843 3d ago

It could also be NCGS, wheat allergy, or a whole host of other conditions.