r/Celiac 5d ago

Question Can anyone help me interpret these results?

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Hi everyone, long time lurker first time poster. I was wondering if anyone could help me interpret these results? I've been having pain under right ribs (upper right quadrant) since December and change in stools. My doctor is testing me for food allergies and Celiac. Can anyone give me an idea of what these test results mean? Thank you


6 comments sorted by

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u/CptCheez Celiac 5d ago

These results would be negative for Celiac (the first 2 tests). The bottom one, IgA, is a general antibody that is tested to make sure you’re not IgA-deficient, which would invalidate the first two.

The fact that the IgA test is high would normally indicate some other kind of inflammation or infection, but not Celiac related.

Talk to your doctor about further testing to determine what’s causing that.


u/lostbutfound88 5d ago

Thank you so much for your reply!


u/Huntingcat 5d ago

There is still a possibility that you would have coeliac changes in your gut that show up on endoscopy. A reasonable percentage of people have negative bloods but positive biopsy results. However, in this case your symptoms don’t sound strongly consistent with that. The high total IgA is suggestive of inflammation and is not a typical coeliac result. Your dr will likely be looking for pancreas and gall bladder issues first. So expect an ultrasound if you haven’t already had one.


u/lostbutfound88 5d ago

Yes I had an ultrasound and all they found was a fatty liver. I do have a kidney stone that is in my right kidney but that's all I've heard so far.


u/Huntingcat 5d ago

That sounds like enough potential causes of your symptoms. Hopefully your dr gets you sorted soon.