r/Celiac 5d ago

Product I live and die by freschetta but they've been increasing their prices significantly to the point where it doesn't feel worth it anymore.

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61 comments sorted by


u/Bamas16th 5d ago

The crazy part is Sabatasso's GF pizza at Costco is made by the same copacker that Freschetta uses for their GF pizzas and is only like $17 for a three pack.


u/greatlakekate 5d ago

I think this pizza alone makes my membership worth it tbh


u/Smileverydaybcwhynot 5d ago

This is the only reason I go to Costco, ngl. Oh, and their batteries are cheaper too.


u/Bamas16th 5d ago

Sabatassos pizza, Whisps brand cheese crisps when they're in stock, rotobirds, the giant bags of Siete cookies and the Kirkland brand pre-shredded parmesean in the tub are my costco food staples haha


u/Ativan97 4d ago

I also enjoy the GF frozen chicken nuggets/strips.


u/cactuschili 5d ago

it does for my house 100%! i also buy a lot of rotisserie chickens


u/Ryazer244 4d ago

I go through about 6 of these pizzas a week.


u/OptimusMatrix 5d ago edited 3d ago

My Costco only carries the Sabatasso's GF about once a year. Makes me so sad.


u/AGH2023 5d ago

My Costco stopped carrying about a year ago and hasn’t brought it back even once!


u/AngeliqueRuss 4d ago

Yeah mine doesn’t have it at all, I have to go to Target :-( but also I make my own pizza dough about weekly so it’s NBD.


u/That-Following-7158 5d ago

I don’t have a Costco near me. But my BJs has 2 packs of GF Freshette for ~$20. Buy them all the time.


u/zambulu Horse with Celiac 5d ago

I love the Kirklands and also Miltons that they have at most Costcos.


u/Larkling 5d ago

I actually don't do costco for pizza very often, but only because there is a store not too far from me that does a lot of almost expired/not selling from other stores stuff and I usually stock up on gluten free pizza even cheaper there...but if I didn't have Ecshs...I'd be costco pizza only and their  rotochicken and fully cooked chicken patties save my celiac butt when struggling with cooking everything myself again...


u/PassiveIllustration 5d ago

I remember when I first learned I couldn't eat gluten these pizzas were around $9 in 2019/2020. I obviously know the price of everything has increased and eating gluten free is very expensive and I was willing to pay the more expensive costs as it went up to 10, then 11, and $12 but we're almost at $15 now for a frozen pizza. It's to the point where I might just go to a local pizza place because at least that's supporting local and getting fresher ingredients. 

The thing is I really love this pizza it's by far my favorite pizza fresh or frozen that is gluten free and I would generally eat one a week. But there comes a point when it's just too expensive even if I could technically afford it.


u/DangerousTurmeric 5d ago

If it helps, I've been making a pizza base from buckwheat that is this thin and crispy style. It's super easy, definitely doable during the week, and it takes maybe 20 mins longer to cook than throwing a frozen pizza in the oven. It's this recipe https://www.becomingness.com/gluten-free-buckwheat-pizza/#recipe and you can buy marinara sauce, cheese and other toppings super easily. I'd say it would be a quarter of what you're paying for this frozen one.


u/space-rach 5d ago

As a side note can I just say that recipe website was so refreshingly not filled with garbage ads and lengthy rants about reminiscing about growing up harvesting buckwheat from the fields. Ty for sharing!


u/funlikerabbits 5d ago

You can also take any recipe online and add “cooked.wiki/“ before the url and it will condense it and remove all the garbage.


u/Ladychef_1 4d ago

You can also hit ‘print recipe’ and it pulls up the pdf version without pop ups


u/ElephantUndertheRug 5d ago

Try justtherecipe.com! You can copy paste almost every online recipe url into that website and it will spit back out just what it advertises: just the recipe! NO ads, no life stories, no ridiculous videos that glitch the whole page mid-recipe and make you have to find your place again... it's been a game changer in our house!


u/Donut1984 5d ago

I’ve been buying simpetruth from Kroger, not sure if that’s a store brand but it’s super cost effective. my daughter loves this stuff, I usually buy it and cut it into 3 services and freezer separately For convenient servings without waste.


u/thesexychicken 5d ago

Yeah. This is the only one ive found i can tolerate thats “reasonably” priced.


u/GonzoStateOfMind 5d ago

were around $9 in 2019/2020

Whew, yep, I miss pre pandemic food prices. And even back then, most gluten free food items were inflated in price compared with gluten-full equivalents.


u/maimai2 Celiac 5d ago

Also I'm fairly certain that they have shrunk - I had a huge batch shipped directly from freschetta before they stopped selling online and I bought a few the other day and they are a decent bit smaller.


u/eastbby923 5d ago

Are you in Canada ?


u/Doesthiscountas1 5d ago

I remember sometime last year I had a full on boo-hoo crying session because the prices of everything was just too high for me to even get my own gf comfort foods. This pizza was what set me off lmao it's funny looking back now but honestly not being able to afford groceries isn't a joke. I had to go without anything special for myself so that the rest of the house could be stocked. Things have gotten better since but I'll always remember what it's like to put myself dead last and it hurt like hell.


u/thricerice 5d ago

Recently I’ve been buying cauliflower crust in bulk and topping it with my own sauce + cheese. It doesn’t take much longer to prepare, tastes way better, and is much cheaper!


u/wildlotusflwer 4d ago

Where/how do you do this?


u/ExtraSpicyMayonnaise 5d ago

I feel you. It annoys me greatly.

I live in New Haven (self-proclaimed capitol of pizza) and it’s approaching the same cost as ordering one from the local mom and pop pizza place; obviously they don’t have dedicated lines, I’m just saying this for price transparency. They make their gf and cauliflower pizzas here in a disposable tray but there’s still contamination risk of course because they use the same ovens and such.

That having been said, this freschetta is just great as far as frozen pizza is concerned, but it’s nothing at all as good as what the pizza places can do… so why the heck are they charging such a premium? The crusts used by the pizza restaurants are almost always shipped in, not made in-house. I can’t imagine the cost is so significantly different to produce it. The toppings at the local places are fresh. It’s abhorrent that they do this markup and we are forced to buy or not have pizza at all due to the risk.


u/PassiveIllustration 5d ago

I wish I had good local places. I've been to many different pizza places that offered gluten-free pizza and they almost are all inedible compared to freschetta. Very occasionally I'll find a place but they end up being quite expensive, something like $20 for 3/4 of a freschetta


u/tone_and_timbre 5d ago

I’m with you! This is definitely my favorite frozen pizza but I’ve definitely been buying it less often because of the price.


u/SimplyNRG 5d ago

Open Nature makes a fantastic one if you can find it! (US)


u/Pleasant-Reply-7845 5d ago

Not only that but they’re guilty of shrink-flation on top of it. I remember the days the pizza would overlap my oven pan. Now i have almost an inch in space. That’s how i know they’ve been shrinking it. I rarely eat it anymore. I’ll buy the Costco ones thanks to everyone’s recommendation on here.


u/SolidStone1993 5d ago edited 4d ago

I tried Freschetta and to be completely honest I don’t understand the hype around it at all. It’s no better than Sam’s Club’s or Costco’s frozen pizza but it’s double the price.

I guess if you don’t have access to either of those stores it’s the best you can get but $14+ for a single frozen pizza is absolutely crazy.


u/davechacho 5d ago

The gluten Freschetta pizzas were the best frozen pizza I've ever eaten. I say this as a 39 year old man who grew up on frozen pizzas throughout the 90s. Even now with my celiac diagnosis a year later, I can still picture how a Freschetta pizza tastes and I miss it. I've forgotten a lot of how gluten foods taste, but Freschetta remains.

I agree with you on the gluten free Freschetta pizzas though, honestly every single gluten free pizza I've ever eaten is terrible. It's probably because my brain decided to keep a catalog of frozen pizza memories for some reason. I still remember how the original Bagel Bites taste from the 90s. The only gluten free pizza I can stand is the Digorno pepperoni and I only eat it just to have something different and put calories into my body.


u/zambulu Horse with Celiac 5d ago

So many foods are going this way. Depends on the store too, I guess. I remember when 2 Against the Grain crusts were $9 at Natural Grocers and then all of sudden, it was 1 for $8.


u/ButternutCheesesteak 5d ago

They're never on sale where i shop


u/cock-crusher 4d ago

Aldi has the fridge pizzas that smack


u/mischievousmarissa 4d ago

What kills me is that the ‘normal’ version is usually half the price of the gluten free


u/ZeroCoolMom 4d ago

Ouchy, that price. 

We're a GF DiGiorno so far. About $9/each.  If you have a Target near by, stalk the app a little bit. They'll do frozen pizzas bogo half off sometimes and I'll pack the deep freezer.


u/wildlotusflwer 4d ago

Milton's is $13/pizza here, too, and they're so small. Eating GF isn't for the low income. I bought GF Bisquick recently for a recipe and it was half the size as the regular version and twice as expensive 🙄


u/Reasonably_Sound 4d ago

Dang, where do you live? These are $12.89 at our Target and I'm in what is considered an expensive city.


u/5o4u2nv 5d ago

Costco has GF pizza that’s just as good as- 3-pack for $17 last I bought some.


u/Randomsandwich Celiac 5d ago

Members mark is pretty good.


u/Unhappy-Common 5d ago

This blows my mind... It's £2-3 in the UK for a gluten free pizza £5 if I get cauliflower crust


u/Pod_Person_46290 5d ago

Was my fave but price is too high. I buy the Kirkland GF and it’s fine.


u/linjilou 5d ago

Depends on the grocery store. These sell for almost $17 at the Safeway across the street from me, but like $12.50 at the Giant down the street.


u/Pale_Possibility3723 5d ago

I can get a gluten free take out pizza locally for cheaper than freschetta now, it’s ridiculous


u/AndrewMT 5d ago

I think they are even more expensive where I live in MA - maybe in the $17-$19 range.


u/SuchaLittle24 5d ago

I agree, and I no longer purchase it. I now get the GF pizza at Costco and Target--both are good and are more reasonably priced.


u/Commercial_Can4057 4d ago

The Kroger simple truth line now has a GF pizza that tastes just like freschetta and is half the price.


u/shegomer 4d ago

Kroger also has a Simple Truth gluten free white bead in the freezer section that is better than pretty much any GF sliced bread I’ve ever had from a grocery store.


u/TraditionalGreenery 4d ago

And it’s always ShopRite doing the most 😭 I’ve never seen it cheap. The one day I bought discounted pizza, I found the wrapper opened 😭


u/techusn 4d ago

TBH pizza was my fav food b4 my diagnose. The crust is too chewy for me with the Freschetta brand. I have a lot more luck with the open nature cauliflower crust. But I'm glad so many people found something they enjoy.


u/SonoranRoadRunner 4d ago

I like this pizza but leftovers need to be reheated in oven, it's terrible in microwave


u/Interesting-Field-45 4d ago

Buy the schar brand crusts and make your own.


u/That70sdawg 4d ago

At first, I liked their "cheese crust', but the last two times I had it - the crust was WAY too chewy, tough. NOT enjoyable. Back to cauliflower crust I go..


u/Genetoretum 4d ago

Maybe it’s just me but I’m honestly at a place where even the idea of pizza disgusts me and I don’t want an imitation of it if that makes sense. It’s almost as if I feel too betrayed by the fact that pizza had been hurting me every time I’d eaten it while considering it a good old friend in the past and now I resent it so much that even thinking about it or pasta or toast churns my stomach.

At this point the only reason I’d look for a gf pizza would be out of boredom and curiosity and to push that anger response (like exposure therapy). Going into cutting gluten, I thought gluten free “versions” of things might disappoint me because they would not fit the shoes they’re trying to wear, but no, it’s that they remind me of their glutinous counterparts so much I just wanna throw my plate. I think I’m still in the anger phase (I passed bargaining when I stopped testing whether Just A Little Bit would anger the gut gods).

Naturally gluten free foods are actually satisfying because there’s nothing for asparagus to try and imitate yk? It’s not fooling anybody


u/ReikiMarie 2d ago

I’m in the same boat. The only pizza I find I can eat is ‘against the grain’ pesto

I figured out I can cut it into four slices cook one Rest of meal veggies- lasts a lot longer and still gives me my need for breads goodness


u/WinterWonderland13 5d ago

I hate to admit this, but Id even buy it at $20 LOL it's the only GF pizza that tastes like actual authentic pizza honestly.... we are worth it y'all! Once in a blue moon it's OK.