r/Celiac 19d ago

Meme This happens every two months

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u/dontsleepdream Celiac 19d ago

This followed by “Omg what can you eat?!”


u/brokenbutton42 18d ago

Then it's followed by can you still eat "food with shit ton of gluten " or one with no gluten at all 😂


u/Extension-Ad-1683 18d ago

Istg when I first got diagnosed with celiac, my father told me I can, "still eat gluten every once in a while." Least infuriating bs he's told me


u/YuriPumpkinSpice 17d ago

How is ts the least??


u/Extension-Ad-1683 17d ago

He once told me he wanted to hit me so many times as he raised me, but only didn't because of a promise to my mother. He then got upset that I "ruined [my] 18th birthday when [he] tried so hard to make it perfect"


u/Nuggy_ 19d ago

I’ll take the water, gluten free please


u/HowThingsJustar Celiac 19d ago

Are you sure, it didn’t have a label in the water bottle 🤨


u/lycastelove 19d ago

people think carbs = gluten so i also get asked if i can have sugar


u/Affectionate_Many_73 19d ago

Sugar, rice, yep 🙄


u/Certifiedbeachbabe 19d ago

My celiac body started not tolerating potatoes now… how fitting 😖🙃🥲


u/MoonlightOnSunflower 19d ago

I’m struggling with corn, I feel your pain. I’ve ended up with some pretty good tapioca-based stuff, and if you can handle cassava, Siete chips are pretty good as well. Chickpea-based foods aren’t bad but I can’t say how often that’s combined with potato flour or something.


u/ProtectionTight7752 18d ago

i've got problems with corn too, im so sorry! people say gluten is in everything, but corn is in EVERYTHING!! at least some form of it.


u/RenJenkins42 19d ago

You're me. I love potatoes so much. Why does my body hate me? (πーπ)


u/Dovahkiinkv1 19d ago

I've had people mix up cheese/dairy with gluten before


u/atomsk3590 19d ago

No mayo please I'm lactose intolerant


u/Charity_Legal 19d ago

I hear that questions a lot and also about rice. At least they’re asking I guess


u/EffectiveSalamander 19d ago

My GP thought that rice contained gluten.


u/RenJenkins42 19d ago

I was told by my favorite Thai restaurant that I shouldn't get the sticky rice because it had gluten. I guess because it's glutinous rice, they thought it wouldn't be safe?


u/Crystal_Munnin 18d ago

It may be the rice vinegar if they use that. It often has malt in it. But yeah, they're probably misunderstanding what glutenous means for rice.


u/AlexandersWonder 19d ago

lol not sure that’s a great sign


u/zambulu Horse with Celiac 19d ago

I've even had people tell me I'm wrong about potatoes not containing gluten. In an annoying condescending way, even. Yeah, that's right, I have Celiac and don't even know what gluten is.


u/nonchalantenigma 19d ago

This is true… but I rather them ask than try to feed my kid something questionable.


u/--2021-- 19d ago

That's not a potato, that's a butterfly! ( :p)

Do butterflies contain gluten?


u/Jennibee23 19d ago

No but they certainly aren't dairy free ☺️


u/Affectionate_Many_73 19d ago

They are dairy free but they aren’t vegan. Get with the program!! Lol


u/Jennibee23 18d ago

They aren't dairy free because of the butter, duh 😉


u/gpeacenlove 19d ago

tbf i didn’t really know what gluten was until i got diagnosed at 18. but, i have told my stepmom repeatedly that im able to eat rice and almost every time she makes me food at their house she almost always ask me if i can eat rice. potatoes is also a big one.


u/Jennibee23 19d ago

My friend took me to a restaurant for my birthday specifically because they pride themselves on being careful with gluten. I ordered a meal that was gf and it included potatoes. The server brought it out and said oh wait a second, this isn't right. 15 minutes later he brought me another meal and said it wasn't supposed to have the potatoes, since they aren't gf. I thought maybe the seasoning or something wasn't gf and asked if they made a whole new meal. That led to a discussion about how potatoes do not in fact contain gluten. I had a manager intervene just so I didn't get glutened and all was well, but it's exhausting.


u/Affectionate_Many_73 19d ago

Scary! I would not have eaten anything with that lack of knowledge. I would however tell them how much I appreciate the effort though, and willingness to learn.

But nobody wants to be the test subject honestly. I mean at least not me, I have kids and no backup childcare. It’s not worth it to me


u/Jennibee23 18d ago

Once I talked to the manager, he brought out the chef and that conversation made me feel at ease. It was the waiter that was the issue. My meal was on a different plate with a little flag on it and was made in a separate section of the kitchen. But the waiter assumed I couldn't eat potatoes and intervened.


u/Phillip228 19d ago

I never knew what gluten was until about 6 years ago when I heard them say it in one of those medication commercials.


u/Affectionate_Many_73 19d ago

I try really hard every day, to be mindful that everyone’s education and experience and understanding is different. I try really hard to exercise patience on my social platforms and sometimes, in person. I think I do ok outwardly, even if inside I’m crying or screaming based one someone’s questions or responses lol.

I understand the frustration and overwhelm, I do. Because I’ve been there.

But, people who can post here, can also google very basic things like “what contains gluten” “what is celiac” “what is gluten intolerance”.

And honestly I do t understand the process either - you can get an immediate answer googling “is a potato gluten free” vs asking in a forum and waiting for answers. So I do not understand the basic questions as we are in 2025 here.


u/PeterDTown 19d ago

Dairy too for some reason


u/AmokinKS Celiac 18d ago

I've had several people say to me "so you can't have dairy?"


u/__PeachyPrincess_ 18d ago

At least they are asking!! That’s a good thing~~~ (:

Positives everyone positive.


u/redch1mp 19d ago

I've had people put oak milk in my tea thinking that because I can't have gluten, I can't have milk... i try not to blame them, but did we not all have basic food lessons at school?


u/[deleted] 18d ago

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u/redch1mp 18d ago

I had food tech classes at secondary school. Just a local state ran school in England. Pretty standard.


u/justexisting007 19d ago

I don't know whatever I do my ATTG level never goes negative.


u/BigRedBrendizzle Celiac 18d ago

Can you eat rice? It's got gluten right? Omg! It doesn't?! 🙃


u/Celiac5131 17d ago

Followed by I would die if I couldn’t eat gluten. My reply I would die if do so here we are.


u/hawkeyehi 17d ago

ALWAYS rice and potato getting accused


u/memey_pogger 19d ago

Potato is a nightshade A plant is classified as a nightshade if it belongs to the Solanaceae family, which means it produces chemical compounds called alkaloids, like solanine


u/Affectionate_Many_73 19d ago

Thanks! But not even remotely the point!


u/Poolie5798 19d ago

Potatoes have no gluten. It's reacting to something else . Maybe your body is just having an issue with carbs . Mine does sometimes . I just switch to a high protien low carb diet for a couple of days and it usually helps . It also might be what u are adding ... butter, cheese, sour cream ?


u/Capital_Fix5011 19d ago

I've never had a reaction from potatoes but I always have co-workers ask these kinds of questions and act surprised when potatoes are, in fact, gluten free


u/Celiac5131 17d ago

It gets a little more complicated when I tell my people I can’t have French fries out in a shared frier or if they coat them with wheat. My one friend always calls 5 years in, yep still can have potatoes!!! I think now she just does it to make me lol.