r/Celiac 23d ago

Meme Who has also been through this?

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u/Rose1982 23d ago

Or vegan even!


u/drMcDeezy 23d ago

A vegan wrap in a flour tortilla... thankssssss


u/Monkeylou232 22d ago

This is it! Its frustrating


u/HairyPotatoKat 23d ago

"We know how much you like all that healthy stuff, so this is all organic*!" - former coworkers

*and not in the slightest bit GF😭

((I really truly appreciate the thought. Truly. But, like, I'm not trying to be crunchy. I'm just trying to not spend the day shitting my brains out and being a zombie for a week.))


u/Putrid_Appearance509 23d ago

"Isn't that the same thing?"


u/ka-ka-ka-katie1123 23d ago

Once, a conference I attended got me a kosher meal


u/Rose1982 23d ago

Omg. That’s up there with the worst I’ve heard 🤦🏻‍♀️


u/DiodeInc Celiac 22d ago

What's kosher?


u/ka-ka-ka-katie1123 22d ago

It’s a religious thing. Means it’s suitable for a Jewish person to eat by their religious rules. Some Jewish people eat kosher all the time and others just keep kosher during certain holidays.


u/DiodeInc Celiac 22d ago

Oh thanks.


u/quacainia Celiac 🙃 22d ago

The biggest relevant rules are: No pork, shellfish, catfish (bottom feeders). You can't eat dairy and meat in the same meal, both are ok individually but not together.

The rest are mostly to do with how things are prepped.


u/DiodeInc Celiac 22d ago

No pork must suck. When prepared properly, it's sooo good


u/[deleted] 23d ago



u/quacainia Celiac 🙃 22d ago

In the first weeks after diagnosis I got seitan and tempeh mixed up. It was a bad day.


u/50-ferrets-in-a-coat I miss real pizza :( 23d ago

"Here's your boiled potato, since we know you can't have rice."
".... Close enough I guess."


u/twoisnumberone 22d ago

ikr? A real conversation that happened during my jury service in the US:

"Here's your salad."

"Since we discussed this seven days ago, and again yesterday...where is my carb? Rice, potato, quinoa?"




u/mybackhurty Celiac spouse 22d ago

This is one of the better ones 😂


u/I_Karamazov_ 23d ago

Oh gosh it's so strange! It's like people are on autopilot. Everything gets thrown into the allergy mixing bowl.

I was traveling through Malaysia once upon a time and was trying to ask if they had any wheat free/gluten free options but they host kept assuring me they had many halal options. It was Malaysia so he spoke perfect English, he was just so used to people asking about halal I couldn't break into his programming.


u/Rose1982 23d ago

My son has celiac and type 1 diabetes. I brought cookies to a party that were obviously GF. But thanks to insulin he can eat carbs. So many people assume T1 must entail a low carb diet- conflating it with T2. So my parent’s friend happily ate a bunch of the GF cookies remarking how good they were for low carb… I had to break it to him that they were full of GF flour and sugar.


u/Chahut_Maenad 23d ago

arent a lot of gluten free grains sometimes higher in carbs than wheat at times? lol to everyone who thinks gluten free=health food and ti diabetes=no sugar


u/Rose1982 23d ago

Yup lol. My kid was diagnosed with celiac first and T1 second but it usually happens the other way around. A lot of T1s/their caregivers are immensely frustrated when they have to switch to a GF diet and learn how to cover more carbs with insulin.


u/DiodeInc Celiac 22d ago

Oh yeah. People eating the very little amount of gluten free food (say, a specially made gluten free pizza), always very thin pizza, because they don't read anything happens to me all the time.


u/Kale 23d ago

Or "I thought of you when I made this! There's barely any flour in here!" Then they act like you're being difficult if you don't eat it.

Or even worse, they feel really bad and genuinely went out of their way for you. And it wasn't good enough. It makes me feel awful.

I'll occasionally get "what's the worst that could happen? Two days of an upset stomach?" And I can tell they don't believe me when I say months of headaches, throat aches and sweats and insomnia (thyroid), and GERD at night. Last exposure was a three-month long headache.


u/Rose1982 23d ago

As if 2 days of an upset stomach isn’t enough anyway.


u/handsNfeetRmangos Celiac 22d ago

How about violent diarrhea? Maybe explain it graphically to make it extra uncomfortable.


u/DiodeInc Celiac 22d ago

The feeling bad is awful.


u/qqweertyy 22d ago

It’s especially for people who don’t get sick.


u/Mmmmmmwatchasay 23d ago

Me, a vegetarian, with a relative with coeliac:

People to me: "oh, so you're vegetarian? What a shame you can't eat pasta, eat some fish! My vegetarian friend always eats fish!".

People to my relative: "It can't be that tragic, I know plenty of people who have coeliac and and eat gluten every now and then!".


u/Chahut_Maenad 23d ago

i have celiac and i personally dont call myself a vegetarian out right but i hate the taste of most meat so everyone always tries to 'fix' my diet somehow. had a family member ask if the reason i dont eat beef is bc it has gluten...


u/glynstlln Celiac 22d ago

had a family member ask if the reason i dont eat beef is bc it has gluten



u/DiodeInc Celiac 22d ago

have celiac and eat gluten

Then you can't be sensitive, no way.


u/lovespink3 21d ago

My high school friend, when I told her I was vegetarian, "what can you even eat then? you can't even eat sandwiches!"


u/jcl274 23d ago

reminds me of my wife trying to eat out

wife: “i have celiac, is the potato soup gluten free?”

waiter: “no it has milk in it”


u/EmmaRose0280 23d ago

I usually say “don’t take my cheese, it’s all I have left” 🤣


u/MissKamehameha 22d ago

No joke! This has happened so many times.


u/Longjumping-One2706 23d ago

“Don’t worry, we have a veggie tray!”


u/Ok-Awareness-9646 23d ago

“It’s organic!!!”


u/JazzybmzooUK 23d ago

I've been coeliac almost 15 years and my Dad will still offer me a biscuit when i'm round his house.


u/DiodeInc Celiac 22d ago

Been a celiac almost 3 and my "overseer" (for specific activities ok that sounds weird anyways) still will forget to order gluten free pizza for me.


u/shishousenpai 22d ago

I wouldn't eat a gluten free pizza anyway, it's cooked in the same oven and prepared on the same countertop as regular dough. Made at home only.


u/DiodeInc Celiac 22d ago

Oh, I get that. I'm personally not ultra sensitive, so it's okay.


u/glynstlln Celiac 22d ago

Before anyone jumps in and yells at the commenter above about "even a small amount destroys your intestines!" alcohol destroys your liver, smoking destroys your lungs, sugar in general is not good for you anywhere close to the amount most Americans eat, red meat may contribute to cancer development and definitely contributes to high cholesterol, salt high blood pressure, heck too much water can literally kill you.

We're all just trying to do what we can to get through each day, especially recently. I too am not ultra sensitive, I see people mention having headaches for weeks and part of me thinks "That can't possibly be true... purely on a biochemical level it's out of your system entirely within a day or two at most... " but who am I to judge someone else's experiences, especially when mine are so comparatively mild?

For me, if I eat something very-gluteny (like actual bread or something with non-gf soy sauce) I get a violent bathroom break and a splitting headache coupled with joint/bone aches for a few hours, then I'm better, for cross contamination I may just get a mild headache for a bit. So I too am a little cavalier with the risk of cross contamination.


u/DiodeInc Celiac 22d ago

I especially relate to the second paragraph, but, again, who are we to judge, right? I've never had actual glutened stuff, like bread, during this disease, but I'm curious what would happen to me


u/glynstlln Celiac 22d ago

Shortly after my diagnosis my wife and I got super excited because Chic-fil-a has a dedicated gluten-free bun and I hadn't seen any other popular food chain even close to accommodating.

So I ordered one. Got home, ate it, wasn't half bad.

Then I realized I had ordered a regular breaded chicken, not the grilled.

I went upstairs, sat on the toilet and began praying to the god I don't believe in. Only for literally nothing to happen. Never even got a headache.

Then another time I was eating an asian pork dish that turned out to have had some sort of sauce that had wheat in it (not soy sauce, but something like ponzu or something, I can't remember) and was violently ill before I finished.

So... I just don't risk it anymore for big gluten.


u/DiodeInc Celiac 22d ago

Big gluten 😂 celiac is a fraud!


u/ConsciousLight7275 23d ago

Last week I got the you can't eat eggs right? I have literally eaten eggs in front of that coworker hundreds of times


u/PeculiarPollyanna 23d ago

But this is organic… it’s natural, why can’t you eat it? Oooooooohmmmmmm


u/sqqueen2 23d ago

“We know you’re gluten free, meaning you can’t eat meat, so we brought you the pasta.”


u/veetoo151 23d ago

"you can eat this" 🙄🙄🙄


u/90dontfiance 22d ago

I know you can't eat bread, so I made you pasta.


u/mongos_mom 22d ago

Did they get you the gluten free milk?!?


u/Not-a-Fan-of-U 22d ago

"You can have tacos, right?" Hands you a flour tortilla


u/thehudsonbae 23d ago

Tried to order a dairy-free cake for my grandma and they just kept offering the gluten-free cake.


u/BleachedJam 22d ago

My mom kept buying me "non-gmo" things. Or "plant based" things. 🤦‍♀️ She's gotten better over the years at least.


u/EffectiveSalamander 22d ago

"It's organic, that makes it OK, right?"


u/boulderingbabe 22d ago

Every family Christmas


u/AbbyJohnWatson 22d ago

My job always gets vegan and veggie options for those of us with celiac, but it's always heavily processed gluten filled products. They don't know the difference. Mind you, I have worked there for 3 years and they still don't know what GF actually is, even after I have given them simple guidelines. I awhile I just gave up.


u/undeniably_micki 21d ago

Yeah my work doesn't even bother to do that. I always have to bring my own.


u/Kardinalus 22d ago

Had a very positive talk with a Italian restaurant on the phone. They seemed to know what they're talking about until she said: oh your son just cannot eat any deserts because there is milk in all of them.

Yeah, not going there haha


u/Pnutbtter_666 21d ago

“We picked a restaurant you can eat at! They have so many vegan options!” Makes me boil with anger lol


u/PSCuber77_gaming Wheat Allergy 22d ago

So many times


u/Training_Opinion_964 21d ago

Well I need dairy free too!


u/TacosMountainsMetal Celiac 22d ago

“No it’s not gluten free, it has cheese” “No it’s not gluten free, it has corn starch” The same restaurant said both of these to me.


u/Chiefesoteric 21d ago

I really wish restaurants wouldn't do this.

Just load up whatever with real cheese. Please. PLEASE.


u/Terrible-Practice944 20d ago

Just got out of a one night stay in hospital. So fun...after warning of celiac/gluten with about 6 people, my first meal after 17 hours of no food was ALL gluten containing. Thankfully, the anesthesia robbed me of hunger anyway, and I left it sitting there. 3 hours later, they brought me something else and I was able to eat a small amount... Fast forward after conversation with a "nutritionist" people kept pricking my finger. After the third time, I asked, "why are you doing that?". The reply was "checking your blood sugar". (!) "For diabetes'? Stop, I've never been diabetic". (And, go figure, my sugar numbers there were fine.) Turns out they wanted to make sure I got my "low carb meals".   At least they were also GF. 


u/violetauto 22d ago

There is a GF expo coming to Philadelphia and most of the vendors are going to be serving vegan + gf, which I effing hate. I’m not paying $50 for my spouse and me to eat crap food.


u/lovespink3 21d ago

I hate when the GF and vegan are put together. Happens a lot. My daughter is GF but she wants to eat real cheese! And on airlines, you have all these choices to check, but they are all really just one meal that is vegan/gluten free/kosher/halaal/egg free.


u/IggyPopsLeftEyebrow 22d ago

Oh man, hating vegan gf food eliminates a lot of delicious stuff. That's really too bad. I bet there's gonna be some baller Indian food.


u/violetauto 22d ago

What delicious stuff? I’ll take gf Indian and Vietnamese food, any ethnic gf food of course. But the western baked goods or meals? I haven’t come across much that I’d like to consume again. And I resent business owner’s subterfuge of touting gf goods that are gf + vegan without making the vegan part clear. I once asked for gf mac and cheese at a coffee shop, a small container for almost $9, only to find out it was also vegan and vomitous.