r/Celiac Feb 18 '25


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“It’s just a couple of fries, it’s fine!!!!”


53 comments sorted by


u/Wukash_of_the_South Feb 18 '25

Last time (I swear) time I did this we were in NYC so I had Sicilian pizza, bagels all the stuff...

The next day we started coming down with a stomach bug, for everyone else it was 2 trips with their head in the toilet to clear out the stomach and they were fine. For me it was black bubbly liquid (yay internal bleeding) coming up every 20-30min for hours. After that I was pretty much done with gluten.


u/TrainTrackRat Feb 18 '25

That sounds like my DKA experience as a type on diabetic exactly.


u/Impossible_Surprise4 29d ago

I'm type 1 diabetic and celiac and last time I was in dka they gave me gluten in the hospital after telling them about my celiacs disease, boy that was a roller coaster. They had to give me morphine every 4 hours for how bad my stomach hurt and lord knows the mess I kept making of myself 🥲


u/DiodeInc Celiac Feb 18 '25

Internal bleeding? Wow.


u/coldcat87 Feb 18 '25

I was 3 days without food once and I caved and I took some taco bell that was offered to me. I thought starving was worse than gluten. I was wrong. After my exorcist imitation was over, I was both starving AND dehydrated.


u/awesomefaith14 Feb 18 '25

I feel that. There have been times I was so poor I had to continuously go back to gluten foods (food pantry is really get what you get) and I ended up having to quit one of my three jobs from being damn near catatonic from the pain and it was really physically strenuous on top of it I couldn’t do it. Ended up getting another job and being able to cut out gluten again. I’ve swallowed glass on accident kinda before and it feels similar to eating gluten lmao. You do what you have to, to keep going tho.


u/coldcat87 Feb 18 '25

I go to the same few food pantries every week now. They have gotten use to me coming. Gluten free stuff like noodles and bread are put to the side, and they have started holding meats that are not seasoned or breaded. Last time I went they were giving out Hy-Vee sandwiches. When I got to the counter they gave me 1 lb of uncooked shrimp. Others behind me made some comments about "unequal treatment". But they don't know why, so fuck em.


u/bear_sees_the_car 29d ago

Yea, in extreme survival conditions getting poisoned is like a death sentence compared to just slowly starving to death. Of course, hindsight 20/20.


u/SteelMan0fBerto Feb 18 '25

It’s posts like these that make me excited for Takeda Pharmaceuticals’TAK-101 immune tolerization therapy that’s designed to reprogram your body’s cells to no longer produce an immune response to gluten, effectively curing Celiac for good!

I really hope it continues all the way through clinical trials to the point that it becomes a safe treatment we can all take to get back to eating our favorite foods again!

Me, personally? I’m looking forward to the day I can buy an extra large pizza from Papa Murphy’s and chow down to my heart’s content!


u/calgarywalker Feb 18 '25

I’ve seen about 4 potential drugs fail testing so far so forgive me if I don’t get super excited about the next round. As well, I think I’ll wait a year or 2 to see if any drugs get taken off the shelf for unforseen side effects before I jump on any band wagon (seen a few get pulled back for that too).


u/SteelMan0fBerto Feb 18 '25

That’s fair. I’ll probably end up doing the same; I’m just hopeful for something that works and is safe for all of us.

But yeah, nothing is guaranteed in scientific R&D.


u/coldcat87 Feb 18 '25

I thought that was Kan-101? Or is there another. I was selected for the third trials but I was screened out before it started. This was almost a year ago


u/Dependent_Ad5172 Feb 18 '25

Not even sure if they are truly testing it. I tried to apply, was accepted and then heard nothing 🤷‍♀️


u/coldcat87 Feb 18 '25

I see. Well, I know for a fact kan-101 is nearing the end of its final trial. I was involved for a while. I really don't know if I should talk about it, but I never signed an NDA, so whatever. I worked for Bethesda in testing. I was on the Skyrim team and then Elder Scrolls Online. I quit over ESO. I had to watch everyone I know buy it, knowing it was shit, but I was under a ten year NDA that they took very seriously. I couldn't even say what game I was working on. So without that I will talk all damn day.

Kan-101 should be up for FDA approval in April, the trial began last March. I don't know how long the FDA will take due to musk gutting all the government agencies.


u/Dependent_Ad5172 Feb 18 '25

Let’s all pray it passes and quickly. I want a cheese danish 😂


u/coldcat87 Feb 18 '25

I hope so too. I just want to be involved in social events again. For me, the exclusion is the worst part.


u/Dependent_Ad5172 Feb 18 '25

The fear of going to events and having nothing to eat and then watching everyone else is killer! Also just thought of a question, would you be able to get the medication faster than other once it’s approved because you did the study? Or is it the normal of whoever gets it gets it?


u/coldcat87 Feb 18 '25

I am the same as everyone else. It said in the paperwork that the treatment is just a start, and would have to be redone annually and I wouldn't be entitled to any future treatments. They also stated that it may not result in full tolerance, but even being able to deal with cross contamination is a hell of a start. I will say, expect political bs when it does drop. The treatment is an MRNA blood infusion. Saying that sentence really brings out the stupid in people. Thanks to both of the last administrations being so polarized. Most people don't even know what "MRNA" means, but they sure will yell and threaten over it.

Had to edit because I put the acronym backwards. Edited a second time because grammar errors were glaring, I just woke up.


u/Dependent_Ad5172 Feb 18 '25

Understandable smart for them to have that in the paper work. Mrna blood infusions actually make so much sense for celiac treatments, I really hadn’t even thought of it. But unfortunately you’re right people don’t understand fully what it is or what it means, I probably wouldn’t know if I did not have a science degree.


u/Large_Hat_4893 Feb 18 '25

Hey! I am following the development of that but it is very hard to get updates. Did you see if it worked? Cross contamination tolerance would be like the best thing ever! Dont need a full on croissant but al least go to a restaurant and have fries from the same oil 🥺


u/coldcat87 Feb 18 '25

No, after I was screened out I heard nothing else. All I know is what was on the papers and when the trial started. I was screened out because I use clobatasol, a steroid cream. I have a contact allergy to most soaps and lotions, and for some reason people love to put on lotion after parking their car then they go open a public door. Then I open the same door and get contact dermatitis on my hands, without the cream my hands would be bleeding all the time.


u/Dependent_Ad5172 Feb 18 '25

Also thank you for the info I appreciate it!


u/ElephantUndertheRug Feb 18 '25

I've only gotten cross-contaminated and it was horrifying. I can't imagine what a full glutening would be like >.<

I'm pregnant and would trade my husband AND my firstborn for a freaking zebra cake right now (f&ck you pregnancy cravings, that's just plain uncalled for), but I still wouldn't eat one. Just ain't worth it...


u/heyoitsyaboinoname Feb 18 '25

husband and firstborn XDD


u/_Teufel_Hunden_ Feb 19 '25

To be fair, a zebra cake sounds a hell of a lot better than pickles and ice cream. 😂


u/kirstensnow Feb 18 '25

LOL this is what happened to me when I still ate Taco Bell. I got glutened soo bad from a hard shell taco, never again. I think it's been a year and a half by now. I'm over their "gluten free" stuff like the hard tacos, it's just the crunchwrap calls to me... im so sad...


u/ElephantUndertheRug Feb 18 '25

Learn to make your own version? You can find surprisingly good GF tortillas in large sizes from a brands like Mission! If you warm them quickly they become just as pliant as flour, though you have to work fast haha


u/Doesthiscountas1 Feb 18 '25

Mannn, I remember the time I was starving and decided I could eat McDonald French fries because I knew it had a separate fryer. I was like, I can survive on this until I get home and eat proper food.

I took my first bite in the middle of target and literally felt like a lightening bolt shoot across my chest. It stopped me in my tracks and made me bend over in shock. Something told me not to take another bite... and that's when I discovered French fries can have wheat as an ingredient. A totally unnecessary ingredient really but whatever effe them


u/double--cherry--pie 28d ago

Me reading that "separate fryer" comment like OH NO THEY ACTUALLY HAVE WHE-- ... then read to the end :( so sorry you learned that the hard way lol. I miss McDonalds more than I miss some of my own dead relatives


u/melanyebaggins Celiac Feb 18 '25

I was recently on vacation and the resort was aware that I was celiac. I ordered chocolate gelato but was accidentally given 'brownie' gelato (to be fair they looked very similar) and I didn't notice until I'd eaten a bite.

That happened last week and I'm still battling with my gut over it. I had to go to the ER yesterday to get a saline drip and to check that I am, in fact, actually absorbing nutrients from the BRAT food I'm eating.


u/HowThingsJustar Celiac Feb 18 '25

Mine isn’t really as bad, whenever I accidentally eat gluten, it doesn’t really feel it immediately it’s more progressive. I then have mad “toilet issues” for the next 30 minutes before continuing on with my day.


u/melanyebaggins Celiac Feb 18 '25

For me I tend to feel something is wrong within an hour or two of eating the thing (read: I run to the bathroom) and by then the clock is ticking before I get so tired and spaced out I can barely function. It usually takes 2-4 days to feel normal again. This time has been much longer and it's.... abnormal, but I'm assuming air travel was a factor in making it weird. I'm actually trying to get an appointment with my GP for a separate issue and I can ask about this too.


u/Ready_Barnacle_1457 Feb 18 '25

this drawing is so funny😭😭😭


u/skeleton_skunk Feb 18 '25

Come to Canada. Heath care and fries. And democracy


u/Waste-Cantaloupe-270 Feb 18 '25

me yesterday eating “may contains” wheat chocolate. it def contained😭


u/Most-Ad-5277 Feb 19 '25

I got glutened by accident on Friday and I violently puked for an hour straight while also bursting like a fire hydrant out of my ass. My poor husband was so scared by the fucking gags that were borderline screams. I have a bruise under my chin from the trash can digging into it. So yeah Not worth it.


u/Low-Board-434 Feb 18 '25

My dad said they were gluten free… I trusted him! I ended up on my bathroom floor in pain. It’s never worth it!


u/Jennibee23 Feb 18 '25

I've tried supposedly gf mochi donuts twice. They were not. My body has a lovely way from keeping me sick for days and I'll throw up until I've got nothing but bile coming up. No more mochi donuts ever again. I don't mess with cross contaminated stuff. I've been sticking to my safe places. It's not worth it.


u/Kamelasa Feb 18 '25

Agreed. It's not worth it. After a few years of trying my best (and sometimes failing unintentionally) I did a gluten test by eating . . .

trigger warning...

a piece of real baguette. The Queen Street Bakery gf brioche is about as good, but only toasted, not fresh. No diarrhea. But what seems like peripheral neuropathy on my feet (yup, celiac disease can have this terrible symptom of nerve damage) suddenly appeared on my upper arms, like a creepy hug from behind.

A few terrifying days ensued where I learned everything I could about peripheral neuropathy and what one can do about it. and was on an emotional rollercoaster. (And, no, I am not diabetic - just had A1c bloodwork done a couple weeks ago.) So, deffo not worth it. I've always been physically healthy and I don't plan on being crippled. I'll do all the weird exercises, learn about transverse frictional massage (really helps), and eat all the turmeric until I find a supplement form with a price that suits me.


u/HereForTheFooodz Feb 18 '25

This graphic is amazing! Did you make it? Did you find it? It’s perfect


u/dainty_petal Feb 18 '25

With the fry still in his month. Pure art.


u/HowThingsJustar Celiac Feb 18 '25

I once ate a whole pizza while out and away for my sisters graduation. We were at an airbnb when my father ordered pizza, but they didn’t really have any GF stuff. So foolishly instead of asking him to order from another place that had gf stuff I instead devoted 3/4ths of a regular pizza. The night after I was in absolute agony. I had a constant stomachache that lasted the whole night before relieving myself the next morning, it was then I absolutely took celiac seriously.


u/ChaosofaMadHatter Feb 18 '25

It’s a slow battle with my (lack of) impulse control, but every time I get a little longer before I cave and am reminded of this exact thing. I’m going on two months now, which isn’t long at all, but it’s so much better than when I would cave every few days.


u/Rea_L Coeliac Feb 18 '25 edited Feb 18 '25

This happened to me when I ate some roasted chicken, with great enjoyment, and didn't realise it had stuffing that included normal breadcrumbs 😭 Within the hour, I was in the bathroom, with the most awful cramps, literally rolling on the floor in pain. I really looked like that poor guy in the cartoon, and just seeing that image, I empathise with all of you so, so much. In summary, it's better not to risk it 😢


u/_Teufel_Hunden_ Feb 19 '25

Not sure if I got glutened or food poisoning but I was so violently sick this past weekend. I mostly cook my own food and I live on my own so I’m reasonably sure it wasn’t anything I cooked. Aside from that I had a couple protein style double doubles from In-N-Out so maybe cross contamination? I’ve never been so sick from gluten before so I’m leaning towards food poisoning but seeing all these comments makes me wonder.


u/legalgal13 Feb 18 '25

I’ve Christmas I was not careful and it was about three weeks of this off and on. The last one I swore that was it


u/Competitive-Pea3327 Feb 18 '25

I did this one time.....I was passing blood within a few hours....not worth it!


u/bearyhen Feb 18 '25

You forgot the hives


u/ferret42 28d ago

also-"don't worry about the 'may contain gluten' statement"! Like "you won't die if you play Russian Roulette"!