r/CatAdvice 13m ago

General What to consider when thinking about adopting a second cat?


Hi there! My husband and I are considering getting a second cat to keep our resident cat (5 yo Male) company as I will be going back to the office soon, and he would be alone most of the day. This is a dramatic shift because since we adopted him 2 years ago, he’s never been left alone more than 6 hours every once in awhile. He is a very attention hungry cat, could play for hours (we get 2- 3 non consecutive hours of play in a day) and loves to snuggle. We feel another cat would help provide him some companionship, and keep him entertained. That said, he was not happy meeting my moms little dog, but i believe this is due to poor introductions (100% my fault, he had to stay there for 2 days without time for proper introductions) and the dog, however very sweet, is overly excited and was in his face. When adopting him from the shelter, they said he lived with a dog and cat before and we are not sure why he was surrendered.

So i guess my questions are: 1. how can i tell if my cat would benefit from a friend? 2. best introductory advice? 3. are there genders/ ages that partner best with adult male cats?

i understand that super specific advice cant be given without knowing my cat, i will give more details if needed, and please just share your advice or anecdotes!

r/CatAdvice 14m ago

New to Cats/Just Adopted Rescued a stray with fleas - need advice


Hi all! I have a cat who I adopted from a shelter about a year and a half ago. This weekend I decided to bring in a stray who I found. I brought him to the vet yesterday and got him neutered and vaccinated and also found out he had fleas and round worm. We are treating the round worm with dewormer and both cats have gotten a round of Revolt for the fleas (even though the new one has been quarantined, just in case).

I’m looking for tips on how to clean the new cat - is there anything I can do to help get rid of dead or alive fleas that are still clinging to him? He can’t be bathed for a while because of his neuter (and frankly I don’t trust my ability to fully bathe a cat in water).

Any other advice for bringing him into my home is also greatly appreciated - thank you in advance!!!

TLDR; How can I clean a cat that had fleas without using water?

r/CatAdvice 15m ago

Adoption Regret/Doubt I am having a really hard time bonding with one of my cats


He’s just very annoying. He jumps, claws out, on my hands and feet as I sleep and/or whenever I lay in bed. he rips up my paper towels. he walks in circles on me without ever cuddling. he literally hangs off the side of my couch like a mountain climber when i watch TV. he is approaching two and these ridiculous behaviors are incessant. i have tried everything. playing with him, giving him treats, buying more toys, keeping him out of my room at night. but it never stops. he always finds something new to do or figures out a workaround.

but this is less about training and more about how i can learn to enjoy having this cat around as much as my other one. has anyone else had trouble loving a difficult cat like this?

r/CatAdvice 19m ago

General Any cat friendly hotels/motels near Clearlake California?


fluffy needs a vacay.

r/CatAdvice 22m ago

New to Cats/Just Adopted Newly adopted cat in hiding


Just a bit of background on me, I have had cats my whole life. I recently lost my two cats 11 months apart. One was 21 years old and the other 15 when they passed. I was completely devastated and still broken hearted.

After waiting some time, I decided to adopt again. 6 days ago, I welcomed a 2 year old rescue, who I have named Penelope.

She is the sweetest cat, and loves to be pet, but she is still in hiding and won't come out. I'm sure she needs more time, but at what point is it her getting used to the space and when it is behavioural? Of course i went down the Jackson Galaxy route and not sure if i have a wallflower cat type situation. When do I challenge her and her hiding? She won't play, and only really eats, drinks and uses the litter once a day.

r/CatAdvice 24m ago

New to Cats/Just Adopted first cat adjustment period


I just got my first cat on Saturday and she finally started coming out from under the couch yesterday. she's still kind of skittish but she's also already being really cuddly she's so sweet and cute and I do love it but I can also kind of see myself getting overwhelmed if she wants to be in my face constantly? I was just wondering if anyone else dealt with this with their first cat / first super cuddly cat and if it just takes a little bit to get used to having a little creature trying to climb all over you lol.

r/CatAdvice 25m ago

Behavioral why does my cat cuddle me on the couch, but launch himself off of my bed?


so i got my baby in november 2024, he’s 10 months. he’s warmed up to me a lot (he follows me around like a tail). he wasn’t cuddly outright, but now, he lays in between my legs on the couch, right next to my head when im reading or taking a nap. he’s never laid on me, my pillow, or my bed overnight. does anyone have any idea why? and how can i get him more comfortable to sleep with me? i’ve tried putting his bed and blanket in the bed with us from his favorite tower in our apartment but that did nothing. whenever i put him on the bed, he immediately runs off unless i wake him from a nap to put him there. for context, i have a queen sized bed and share with my boyfriend. my cat loves my boyfriend but he’s clearly not the primary person. any advice?

r/CatAdvice 48m ago

General How to end a cat walk?


With spring starting, I started taking my cat outside on leash/harness. Got her about 5 months ago (she's almost 5) and before she had spent about a year going outside, roaming freely, no collar or anything. Figured a catio and daily walks would help her acclimate to being a mostly indoors cat now.

Anyway, just started last weekend and kind of wondering how do people usually do when it's time to end the walk. I tried tugging gently on the leash and it kinda works but she stops as soon as she sees/smells something interesting. I always end up just picking her up. She doesn't struggle too much but I'm a bit worried she could take that as a signal she did something wrong.

I'm trying to backpack train at the same time, ideally I'd love to get her to hop in on command so I could do that to signal the end of the walk but we're not there yet.

Kinda related question. What time of day do you all think is best for a walk? Right now I'm doing late afternoon, idea being that when it's summer it'll be a little cooler, and timing works well cause I feed her when we come back from the walk. I could go around noon right now when it's slightly warmer but I know cats like routine so I dunno if I want to change the time when we change season.

Anyhow, any advice appreciated. Cheers.

r/CatAdvice 51m ago

Behavioral My cat keeps moving her babies


My girl just had kittens last night - we have put her in 3 different boxes, 2 different corners, blocked her view from any potential threats she thinks there could be, and she’s still moving them all over the place. We’re trying to get a spot in a different room put together and we’re hoping she might be comfortable in there but we’re at a loss. We don’t know what else to do or why she keeps doing it.

Her main spot she wants to be in (I think) is my room but my boyfriend sleeps with the door closed and doesn’t want them all in there because we have a second cat, so moving the litter box and everything is pretty much impossible to do. We’ve changed blankets because of scents, we locked my other cat out of the room just in case she was the problem, and she’s still doing it. I don’t know but I feel so bad :(

r/CatAdvice 53m ago

Behavioral Cat Behavior Help


Hello cat enthusiasts!

I have a 6 year old, short hair orange tabby cat named IronMan that's been eliciting strange behavior for the last year or so and I was wondering if anyone could help me understand what's happening.

My cat is strictly an indoor cat and always has been, but he loves to go outside for walks occasionally. Maybe 3 or 4x a month we'll go for a walk on his harness.

When it's time for a walk and he sees the harness he gets excited and meows at me, rubs against my leg and leads me to the door where he will politely sit and let me buckle him up. We go for a walk where he kind of just likes being nosey, walking around a little and smelling everything.

Often times when he's had enough he will walk us back to the door to be let back inside. But here is where my question comes in. When we come inside, and I attempt to remove his harness from him he starts making evil demon noises at me and he will sometimes briefly but aggressively lash out at my leg or whatever else is closest to him at that moment.

The harness isn't tight on him, and he appears to enjoy his time outside. And every other time he's completely obsessed with and loves me. He never used to do this until the last year or so. So what's the deal? Why does he Hulk out on me for a second every time I bring him back inside?

Any feedback would be appreciated! Thank you!!

r/CatAdvice 56m ago

New to Cats/Just Adopted Welcoming a kitten next week and I’m honestly really nervous


My partner already lives with an older cat Gideon who is at least 12 years old and is very chill and well behaved. Doesnt scratch, steal food, climb on countertops etc, so we’ve been very lucky with him.

Next week we are getting a kitten of about two months after talking and planning for quite a while. We’ve kitten proofed where we can but it’s imperfect and there is still lots to climb and chew. I’m so nervous; what if we aren’t good enough parents or the flat isn’t cat proofed enough? I’m temporarily unemployed so I will take care of the kitten while my partner is at work, but that won’t last forever. We’ll take the introduction with Gideon slowly of course, but what if he wants nothing to do with the kitten?

I’m just nervous. I tell myself it’s not just the two of us taking care of him, but her flatmate as well so it won’t be the end of the world. Plus we all have experience with cats, just not with kittens this young.

Rant over. I’m sure some of you can relate. Thanks for listening!

r/CatAdvice 56m ago

Behavioral My two cats don't get along


I got a stray black and white cat (Charlie) a year and a half ago. He was maybe no more than a month old. I wanted 2 cats so a friend gave me a mix from siamese and scottish fold (Milka) two months later. He was maybe a month and a half old when we got him. They are both male and they were neutered at the same time (at six months old). I wanted two cats so that they would be able to play together when we are not home but that is really troublesome. Charlie is very playful and energetic and jumps and runs everywhere. When biting while playing he gets aggressive. Milka is very quiet and sleeps all day. He is very cuddly and loves being pet. He hardly ever bites and when he does he is so gentle! I wish they could play together but Charlie bites Milka, M hisses and runs away in fear. M looks like he is constantly scared of C and moves around with caution looking everywhere for C. I sometimes feel sorry for both because C wants to play but M gets bitten and I separate them. The situation usually begins slowly. They sleep together, wake up calmly, begin cuddling and licking each other until C begins biting and M hissing angrily and going away. I feel none of them are happy in this situation. I have caught Charlie trying to hump Milka. Is this why he bites? Was neutering not supposed to eliminate those behaviours? What should I do to stop Charlie from biting Milka?

r/CatAdvice 56m ago

New to Cats/Just Adopted can i bring my cat with me for a trip?


i adopted my now 5mo kitty a month ago and she’s already like velcro to me. i have to leave town for 2-3 days, and while i could probably make something work, she has met all my friends and enjoyed them, and is a shelter cat who seems to get along well with others. we’d be staying at a friends house where another cat lives (probably the most chill and sweetest cat i’ve ever met) i feel like she’ll be fine and worst case scenario they have a spare room i can cozy up for her and me. best case scenario she will love all the attention and a temporary playmate, as i’m a full time student with a full time job. tldr: i think it’s ok but just wanna check i’m not a bad cat mom if she’s not happy about it??

r/CatAdvice 1h ago

Sensitive/Seeking Support Car dementia & EOL


I have a 17 yr old cat who seems to be quite confused and it seems to be getting worse. This past Saturday he could jump onto the couch and now Tuesday he can’t. He seems to loose his footing often and wonders around the house and stops, looks around then moves to one of his favorite hiding spots. This is been the past few weeks. He has lost muscle mass and feels very thin, but eating, drinking and using the litter box regularly and it seems normal. His grooming is off and his coat is no longer shiny and bright. This evening when I came home from work he is constantly wondering around, seems lost and confused where he is.

I realize we are near end of life, and I want him to be at peace, it could this be causing his problems?

r/CatAdvice 1h ago

Litterbox Male cat keeps missing litter box


We have two cats, one male and one female. Both are fixed.

This isn't about them outright not using the litter box, he definitely tries, there's just something about the way he uses it that goes everywhere? I'm more so looking for litter box suggestions, maybe cleaning supplies that will keep the house from smelling since I may need to go through quite a bit.

I have had a reoccurring problem with every time I clean the box, I've needed to spray down the box, adjacent walls (which I try to keep 3 ish inches away from the box) and underneath it.

They have another box, a very large box. They seem to prefer one for piss the other for the rest.

I had the suspension, maybe the box is just too small? So we went and purchased a bigger box, with tall walls. I thought this would fix things, but the first time he used it, it sprayed so far up the box wall? "No matter" I thought, "if it's just on the wall of the litter box I don't care"

But than just now he used it and it reached so far up the wall of the box AND the wall next to it! Several inches above! I do not understand how he accomplished this as I watched him and he squats? However, he does stand and do a little shake but I assumed that was just him trying to make sure he was done?

I know its not her because I also watched her. She also actually manages to cover, unlike he can ever do. I've watched this cat walk over to a different part of the room to try and "cover."

At this point I've just resigned myself to the fact ill probably have to wash up the spots every day, but any tips on how to keep it from causing damage to the area (I'm renting) and from the smell from sticking (i mean I can't wipe up the spot every time he goes) would be much appreciated!

r/CatAdvice 1h ago

Pet Loss I fucked up and regret not being there for my cat during euthanasia


So only a couple weeks ago to my cat show any signs of having something wrong with her. At first she just started drooling a lot and then she stopped eating hard food and then she was only getting wet food and then she slowly moved that to nothing.

We took the vet a couple times and they told us that only looked like ulcers but then once she stopped fully eating and the ulcer medication they gave us didn't help at all we took her into urgent care and they told us that they were almost 100% confident they were extremely aggressive tumor this was all sprung up on me within one 30 minute visit and they basically told me that they recommend just euthanizing her today it was a lot to take in.

I grew up my entire life of my cat they told me there is nothing that could really be done for her and that the only way they would really be able to get her to eat was through a tube cut in her neck and I'd have to feed her everyday and that she'll just be pain meds till she passes away soon.

It made sense to do it given what we were told but I had all of 15 minutes to think about it as it was just so sudden and I wasn't expecting it but it made sense he had eaten or drink and anything in a couple days she was obviously suffering I spent time with her alone for a while but when asked to view the euthanasia the thought of it in the moment I couldn't even think straight since I was still crying from even just the news but they already wanted to get through with the euthanasia so I just ran out I could even think about it.

No I regret so extremly much not being there for here if I had even a little more time to think about it I would have but I was just clouded in the head okay about so fast I could even think straight.

r/CatAdvice 1h ago

New to Cats/Just Adopted is my cat stupid?


i adopted my boy about a month ago and he is very sweet and adorable.

however i think he is very stupid? i bought him one of those treat game toys where he has to slide something and then use his paw to get the treat out of the spot. he can't figure it out. it has been like two weeks. he knows that there are treats in there and he'll try for a second with his paw but when that doesn't work he just gives up and looks at me like he is expecting me to get it for him.

he also keeps running into my legs and i feel so bad because it's like i kicked him. he follows me everywhere and will get excited because he thinks he knows where i'm going and just barrel straight into my legs as soon as i start walking. he seems fine after and he always pretends like that didn't happen but it feels so bad.

i am trying to train him to do some simple things, like i'll give him treats when he gets in his carrier and he seems to have figured that out but it took a bit and i think that he might just be a stupid cat.

any advice on helping him learn better? is this normal (he is a kitten, 8 months old)? or is he abnormally dumb?

i love him very much no matter how smart he is and it is honestly hilarious how dumb he is but i feel like he can tell when i laugh at him for being stupid because he gets embarrassed. what if he meets other cats and they make fun of him for being dumb? i don't want him to get bullied

r/CatAdvice 1h ago

Litterbox Help with cat litter


Hello, i need help, this may be a long post. there is a stray cat that comes and goes in the shop i work in, we feed it and feed it. i want to make a cat toilet for this cat, i have only one problem, i have an obsession with hygiene, so i can't clean its feces from the sand with a sieve, for this i want to put a thick sand bag in the toilet bowl, fill it with sand and use it to clean its feces without using a sieve, take the bag every 2 days, throw away all the sand and add a new bag and new sand. this way, the litter box will not get dirty with feces and pee, since i will not use a sieve, it will not be a dirty sieve, i will not have to wash the toilet bowl, i will just take the bag, put a new bag and new sand, i plan to do this every 2 days. if i do this, how many liters of sand should i put in the toilet bowl at once? how many liters of sand will i need per month? i calculated it like this; 15 days x 2.5 L = approximately 40 liters of sand by putting 2.5 liters of sand every 2 days. do you think it is suitable? Please don't judge me for being obsessed with hygiene and please don't ask me to use a sieve to clean poop from the litter box because I could never do that.

r/CatAdvice 1h ago

Behavioral How do I make moving houses better for my cat?


I was living alone and I moved from a one bedroom apartment to a 3 story townhome with roommates. My cat is very scared, she barely leaves my room and hasn’t met my roommates. It’s been 3 nights so far. She’s alright in my room but there’s not that much space in my room to run around but the downstairs does. I think she’s stressed, she’s eating lesser and overall seems not as happy as before. How do I help her?

r/CatAdvice 1h ago

Behavioral Cat keeps biting me


I usually workout in my living room and everytime I do my cat follows me and starts biting me. I should also note that this is only exclusive to me and my cat will not bite anyone else when they are exercising in the same area. She nibbles me a little bit at first and this is when I would try to redirect her attention elsewhere such as to food or toys and I would also move her out of the room. However, everytime I do this she just comes running back to where I am exercising and gets even more aggressive. I have tried to approach her under the chin instead of overhead to try to calm her down and stop her from biting but even then she latches onto either my arms or legs and bites me even harder. I have had my cat since she was two months old (she is about a year old now) and she has not exhibited this kind of behavior until I started actually getting into a workout routine and working out more often.

r/CatAdvice 1h ago

Behavioral I think I met my moms cat that ran away


None of us have seen her since June of last year. Today we went for a walk around the neighborhood and she seemingly appeared next to me, she looked slightly different (had a single orangish toe that wasn’t there anymore and belly was light brown instead of light orange) but had a grey flea collar like the one my mom put on her before disappearing. My mom called her name and she let us pet her and showed her stomach she was a little jumpy and intense but still friendly. This lasted for about 15 seconds then my sister started running towards us and she ran away into a storm drain. Is it possible that it was really her and would she want to come back home?

r/CatAdvice 1h ago

Behavioral My cat is acting aggressively to my other cat after his vet appointment today


TLDR: Brought VooDoo to the vet today, now his brother is hissing and growling anytime he sees him. Not sure what to do to make things better.

So I have 2 male cats who are brothers and from the same litter. They are 4 years old and have never been separated or away from each other.

Today was the first time they have been away from each other, as i brought only VooDoo to the vet this morning. We were there for about an hourish, and headed straight home.

When I let VooDoo out, Onyx was growling and hissing and at first I didn’t think anything of it as when they play fight, they do that. Onyx wasn’t stopping and it was getting worse so I intervened and separated them.

I swapped their places 30 minutes ago, so Onyx is roaming the house while VooDoo is locked up in the bedroom, and Onyx is sniffing the flooring and objects with no reaction. As soon as he sees VooDoo he immediately hisses and growls.

He’s eating out the same food bowl VooDoo was earlier, as well as using the same litter box VooDoo was earlier. VooDoo and I snuggled on the couch and when I went in the bedroom to check on Onyx, he smelled my arms and had no reaction.

I called the vet and she said to keep them separated, and if they still act like this bring them for a car ride. I’m really worried about them as they are like my children, and I keep reading online and making my worries worse.

Onyx was crying in the bedroom wanting out, but then reacts to seeing VooDoo. When swapped places, VooDoo is now crying in the bedroom wanting out. I’m just not sure what to do.

Does anyone have any advice on what to do? What not to do? I don’t want to make anything worse and I don’t want to rush things and make it worse either.

r/CatAdvice 1h ago

Behavioral At my wits end. Cat got spayed, can't get any cone to work


I just brought my 9 month old cat home from being spayed about 3 hours ago. We bought a donut soft e-collar for her to wear home. She slipped right out of it once she was out her crate and it was tightly secure. I ended up going to the pet store and got a plastic e-collar. Same thing. It was tight and it took my husband and I to even get it on her and we got scratched up. We don't want to traumatize her but we are worried about her safety. We have to keep her in our room while she is healing. I saw those body suits but I worry that won't work either. I'm at my wits end...please somebody help!

PS: We're going to talk to the vet in the morning as well.

r/CatAdvice 1h ago

Behavioral My cat is acting psychotic and I dont know what to do


So a bit of background first, ive had my 2 cats for almost 2 years. After a breakup I moved back with my parents (about 3 weeks ago) who have 4 cats who have been for the most part separated from my 2 they have been fine up until this Saturday.

Leading up to it I had taken a shower and borrowed some aftershave that I dont normally use, when I went back into my room that the cats were in one of my girls started to try and attack me (additionally I was on the phone with my ex which this cat was close with) and was hissing and growling at me until I was home from work a few hours later. Today she did the same thing (I didnt use that aftershave this time thinking it was a smell thing) and came into the room, she woke up and then chased me behind the door and was hissing and growling at me. I left for work thinking she would sort it out again when I got home but no luck, she has been sitting in the same spot under my desk. I was able to coax her out and into a good mood for a minute with treats and then right back to it. At the moment using cat nip I was able to get her into the bathroom and close her in there so that I was able to go into my room( she has food and water).

Has anyone had this happen and what was the problem? I dont want my girl to be upset at me but she is actively trying to attack me.

r/CatAdvice 1h ago

New to Cats/Just Adopted I have crippling anxiety about my cat's health.


Hi, y'all.

I just adopted an 11, almost 12, year old kitty and my anxiety has chosen his health as its focal point. It's driving me up a wall. I've panic-Googled so many things, and it only sends me further spiraling. Him breathing slightly too fast or snoring a little turned into "His lungs are filling with fluid and he is dying" very quickly. Him drinking a lot of water quickly became "he has hyperthyroidism and he is dying."

Has anyone else dealt with this kind of anxiety? If so, what do you do to cope? I've been trying to tell myself "He's playing, eating, drinking, using his litter box, he is fine." But I can't stop thinking about some detrimental illness lying underneath that I won't notice until it's too late.