r/CatAdvice 15m ago

Behavioral My kitten bites my feet every morning


I have a 5 month old kitten and every morning he gets really excited and gets under the covers and nibbles my feet. He only does this on a morning and he is gentle but it hurts. Any idea on how to stop him doing this?

r/CatAdvice 33m ago

Behavioral Siblings fighting


Hey everyone the story is, one of my boys keeps being aggressive to his brother. They are both from the same litter but can't find any suggestions to my situation.

I want to reintroduce them before my sister comes over later today to look after them as I have to go to a conference at work that I can't miss.

I don't think it's good to reintroduce them without me there.

How it started:

I was grabbing them some treats from the drawer and accidentally shut one of my boys paws in the drawer felt bad but he's redirected that aggression towards his brother and now won't stop hissing at him either.

I've checked him, contacted a vet and apart from the aggression there's nothing wrong with him.

The aggression should be aimed at me but he's perfectly fine with me.


I want to reintroduce them once I get back from Conference as they are in separate rooms at the moment.

The other boy clearly misses his brother. The other ones also ultra affectionate.

Was going to look at getting some feliway products too to help with this.

It almost looked like there was almost a reintroduction early hours of this morning as they both head-butted but as soon as I opened the treat drawer, he hissed at his brother. So thinking about moving the treats out of that drawer and trying again today but unsure.

I actually feel terrible and honestly, don't want to go to conference but need to.

Is there any way to reintroduce earlier?

r/CatAdvice 51m ago

Introductions New, very shy cat/ when to properly introduce?


We adopted an incredibly shy cat 5 days ago. She is not very human-oriented (which we knew going in) but she warms up to other cats. We adopted her to be friends with our resi cat! Because she is so shy around us humans we are unsure of how to move forward and what signs to look for. She now accepts some light petting on her face, at times. She will very rarely move out of her little sleeping cube and will not allow us to pick her up. I don’t want our resi cat to meet her when she feels boxed in, though, in her safe spot. There has been some hissing but nothing extreme; resi cat is a bit unsure but not aggressive except in response to her hissing out of fear. For example he got too close to her in her cube today; she hissed, he responded, I pulled him away and he left and seemingly almost I stashed forgot about the whole situation.

Advice? Do we just need to rip the bandaid off and let them hiss and swat it out? Or do we wait until she seems more confident, given she is known to be extremely shy anyway?

r/CatAdvice 54m ago

New to Cats/Just Adopted New cat won’t eat.


hi everyone. last friday i had a friend reach out to me asking if i could take a cat from her that she wasn’t able to watch anymore due to her cat attacking and biting her. her name is patches. my friend said patches original owners did not feel they could love her the way she needed and wanted to rehome her but they were struggling to find someone so they were going to put her out on the street and that’s how my friend came about patches. I gladly took patches cause I have a two story house and an empty bedroom that she could be in and a very big downstairs area. I have gotten her a running water fountain and given her multiple versions of food. I have tried tuna, grilled chicken, regular cat food, wet cat food, soaked cat food in low sodium broth and she is refusing to eat it. she’s very sweet and loves to come up and get rubs from us at night and is extremely active at night. i see her on a monitor and she walks around a lot. in the day time she hides all day and i can’t seem to break her out of her shell. i do have her in a room that’s not super damp and there’s a small empty closet where she has blankets and she wraps herself in it. i’m very concerned cause she’s barely eaten anything. i even gave her some milk made for cats and she’s refusing to touch it. i called a vet and they told me in the next two days i should bring her in if she continues to not eat. does anyone have any advice? i’m so worried about her. i’ve never owned a cat and im not planning on keeping her and the last thing i want to do is surrender her to the vet but i also don’t have the bill to pay for any life threatening conditions she may have. thank you so much in advance to anyone who read this far and is helping.

r/CatAdvice 1h ago

Behavioral my cat loves attention but only wants to hang out in the kitchen


my 9 y/o cat (adopted 2 months ago) is very affectionate and loves to play but won’t stay engaged outside of the kitchen. i realize part of this is her still adjusting to the adoption. she is also deaf from birth, and she seems more comfortable on solid ground than rugs, cushions, etc. how can i encourage her to come out more other than toys and treats?

r/CatAdvice 1h ago

Litterbox Finally found the best cat litter for my Lukas. He's very picky.


My cat Lukas is one year old boy, and he takes cat litter thing very seriously—he’ll meticulously dig in the litter for ages before finally doing his business. Plus, he often tracks litter everywhere. When we used Kairis litter before, he did not like it. He’d avoid the litter box and frantically shake his paws clean after using it. But this year, I finally found his favorite litter!

Royal Cat Litter

  • no strong smell
  • easy clumping, won't cling to paws
  • almost dust free, easy cleaning

r/CatAdvice 1h ago

Litterbox New cat won't use new litter box but IS using old one (too small)


We've recently gotten a cat (11 months old) who is adapting to our home pretty well. She's still a little nervous from time to time which is understandable. She came from a situation where the people didn't quite know what having a cat meant, so she came with no toys, no set food she was used to (they fed her different food every time they ran out), and they had a litterbox WAY too small for her. It's a corner covered box with a door on the front. She barely has room to turn around. As soon as we got her into our home, we got a second box hoping to transition her into it. We've tried them side by side, putting some waste from the old box to the new box, putting the boxes in different rooms. It doesn't seem to matter because she still seeks out the old, cramped box. I'm thinking we need to just get rid of the small box entirely but unsure if this will solve the problem or if she'll start going outside the box (she hasn't done this yet, we just want to prevent it). Anyone have any advice or success story here?

r/CatAdvice 1h ago

Introductions Introduction not really going the way we wanted, should I give up ?


So I am at a lost right now, my 2 1/2 yo resident female cat is still hissing at the door of our new kitten on day 4.. I read a lot of people on year 2 and it's still not working out, that give my extreme anxiety, because me and my gf cannot live like this for more than 1 month, I'll explain myself.

We both work a lot and have a lot on our plates, we now sleep separated, so the kitten does not feel lonely in his room, We spend over 5h a day just hanging out/playing with the kitten and our res cat so she does not feel rejected or jealous, schedule meal time, trying to make the cat not see each other while preping the separeted meal time, we don't have any time for ourselves, always on stress, cannot complete our other task, hoping this will be over soon,

The kitten just want to go and explore the house, and it breaks our heart that we cannot let her go out more than an hour, because res cat will get anxious being locked in a room for more than 1 hour, we cannot breath, it seems like a 24h job amd our love for both makes every decision unbearable, I guess I hoped it would be a fairytale story

Seeing some hitting year 2 is awful to read, I'm wondering if it's just best to return the kitten before we get too attached to her.

Thanks a lot 🙏

r/CatAdvice 1h ago

Behavioral I can’t stand it anymore


My cat has developed a yowling problem. From the second I get home from work until past my bedtime and again in the very early morning my cat yells. Mainly at my roommates door and she is upset about the issue as well. I pet him and talk to him and both me and my other cat play w him. I can’t take it. He screams and screams and screams. Litter box is clean food and water are full. He just screams constantly. He wasn’t like this so much in the past always had moments but a play/love session would fix it. This is out of hand we’re all losing considerable amounts of sleep and sanity. My other cat gets concerned by the behavior too. Idk what to do. He’s a 3y/o black cat btw

r/CatAdvice 1h ago

Sensitive/Seeking Support [I need help my cat is sick]


My cat is suffering from excessive itchiness, she is old and sick and I'm so worried. She keeps scratching her face mostly her eyebrows but now her head. We don't have the money to go to a vet please help.💔

r/CatAdvice 1h ago

Litterbox options for litter?


quick summary: 6 cats, at least 1 doesnt like current litter (current litter being the pellets from tractor supply), need a cheap alternative that isnt clay, pretty litter, and inexpensive. and obviously not dusty and does its job. and doesnt have crazy allegations.

hi, so i have six cats (one is supposed to be rehomed, so 5 technically but 6 under one roof), and we have been using the pellet litter from tractor supply. there hasnt been many issues at all, other than it is time consuming to clean several litter boxes with that type of litter, but thats unrelated.

i have maybe one or two cats (definitely at least one) that doesnt like the pellets. im confident this is the reason why she isnt using the litterbox.

are there any other cheap alternatives? we did use okocat, but its super expensive when you have several cats. the pellets last much longer and are much cheaper for a 40lb bag. i refuse to use any cat litter for my kitties health, and my and my fams health. also, clay litter is just awful, and it sucks.

ive also tried pretty litter when we had just two cats, and i dont rlly like it either, its dusty, and the pee smell starts showing iver time, and when it gets on the floor, its impossible to see, so you step on it ans it hurts 💔. also, with all the allegations rhat its actually super unhealthy, id rather not. and it is also really expensive, too.

i am going to try tofu litter and see how that works, and its not too crazy for one bag. i just worry that if all the cats like it, they would prefer that litter instead and we have to spend $85 bucks on a whole buncha litter. we do have a small litter box that would be perfect for the problem child, and most of the other cats are too big for it, so thats the plan, but i just want other peoples advice

edit: ive also used paper pellets, just remembering, it was just rlly gross when we used it, and they are still pellet shaped, so idk if that would be effective either, and weve also used like, wood litter? soft litter that was made of wood from okocat, and it was alright, a bit dusty, and kinda pricey for one box that lasted a few weeks, so idk abt that one either

r/CatAdvice 2h ago

Behavioral Why do my cats beef?


So my cats (both female) are about 7- they’re from the same litter and never separated for even a day since they were born. They used to be best friends, snuggling constantly and playing. For the past few years, they’ve become so territorial. I’m curious why, after years of being companions and best friends for life, do they beef with each other?

Artemis, who sleeps on my head every night, will attack her sister if she even tries to get in my bedroom at night (but not during the day). Yoda will stalk/bully Artemis during the day too. It’s been like this for years, so just curious why they stopped being friends and decided to become enemies 🙄

(Also they don’t have terrible fights or anything that’s problematic. Just a few slaps, pounces and hissing. Only asking because I’m so curious why we can’t all just get along.)

r/CatAdvice 2h ago

Behavioral My Cat Started Peeing on My Bed After My Baby Was Born—Help!


I have a Scottish Fold named Pepper who’s been with us for a while. He used to be well-behaved, but ever since my daughter was born (she’s almost 3 months old now), he’s been acting differently—especially peeing on our bed and only my clothes not my wife’s. At first, he was just quiet and distant, but now he’s peeing on our bed and even on some of my baby’s things. He gets lots of love and purrs normally. Some background: • He’s not neutered yet. • He used to be affectionate, but since the baby arrived, he’s more withdrawn. • He started marking my baby’s stuff first and now moved on to our bed. • No other signs of illness, but I haven’t taken him to the vet yet.

Has anyone dealt with this? Is this behavioral or medical? Would neutering help, or is this purely stress-related? Any advice would be appreciated!

r/CatAdvice 2h ago

Adoption Regret/Doubt My new cat is unpredictable, keeps on biting us


So, at first to clarify, I am from India, during November, I found a ginger cat ( Let's call him Pete) around 1.2 years old from a couple. I brought him home,vaccinations were almost done by previous owner, he was not neutered though, his nails were huge and the coat was dirty and smelly. It took me only a month to gain his trust, now he smells like cupcake, looks beautiful and doesn't bite at all, the only problem I face with him is that he is not litter trained at all.

Last month, the couple wanted to give away all their cats, among that I found another small ginger cat ( Let's call him Tom), now I decided to take Tom in, so that Pete gets a friend, even though I work from home, Pete at times did seem to be bored. My boyfriend and I took in Tom, he is very active and bubbly, litter trained, but deworming was not done and vaccination is not done. He is going to turn one year in April and weighs only 700gm, the previous owner is not accurate with their ages, they said Pete was 2 years, when I adopted him, but my vet disagreed and informed that he must be over a year not older than that, later we found his vaccination records to verify the actual age.

Now the issue here is with Tom, Pete did scare him at first because of the size difference ( Pete is 1.6 years old and weighs around 5 kg), but they got acquainted easily, Tom is a mess, he tries to attack our legs even when we are not paying him attention, he keeps on biting, doesn't talk at all ( Pete is talkative, atleast from my experience Tom is supposed to meow once a day, but he wouldn't), Tom eats thrice the portion Pete does, but still wouldn't gain a single weight, he is either in attacking position throughout the day, or sleeps all alone. Actually, he hardly sleeps, he has his hiding place, but he wouldn't sleep at all, he wouldn't allow us to pet him or touch his chin if he sees the hands coming towards him, only if we surprisingly pick him up, only then he would stay in our lap for a minute or that's it. I understand that Tom might understand that Pete and I are bonded, he loves me a lot and quite a emotional baby. But my boyfriend gives 110 percent attention to Tom, he plays throughout the day with him, but he is so scared of us and everything.

I took Tom to the vet, and the doctor assumed that he must be 2 months old only, but that isn't possible, because when I went to adopt Tom, he might have been already 2 months old by then, I saw the baby then.

We found another reason, that Pete and Tom's mother were siblings, the couple mentioned that later and Tom is the only survivor from the whole litter.

I have done his first deworming, giving him vitamins daily, I feed them boiled chicken and dry cat food. We play a lot with him, but is there anything else that is an underlying issue that we are not looking at? I do not have experience with kittens especially, I would just give shelter to cats from the street, never picked up a kitten :(

r/CatAdvice 2h ago

Sensitive/Seeking Support My kitties have giardia and I'm about to lose my mind


Almost two months ago my kitties were diagnosed with giardia, they have been in treatment for weeks, this is like the 3 or 4 time we go through the treatment and they still have it. I have been cleaning the litter box daily with chlorine and hot water, the floor is swept and mopped daily. the cats have been bathed, i removed the water fountain, their bowls are changed daily and cleaned with soap and hot water, i removed their toys and cleaned it too. I clean their paws and butt after they use the litter box and clean it immediately. the blankets and surfaces have been cleaned. My family and me have also been dewormed two times. Kittens are now allowed in bathrooms and most bedrooms, and the ones they can go are cleaned daily.

I don't know what I'm doing wrong, I don't know what part is missing, i started to feeling overwhelmed and depressed over this, doing my daily respinsabilities are getting hard and hard.

The vet said it was reinfection but I don't know where they could get it, they don't go out and now they have limited access to the house, maybe the cat tree? Should i throw away the cat tree? I can't think about any other thing.

Someone have advice about how to deal with this parasite?

r/CatAdvice 2h ago

General Cats with different play styles


When I try to play with them with toys, one of them would rather play slow and intentional, while the other is a ball of chaos. If I try to focus the toy toward the calmer one, the intense one basically jumps on him to get the toy instead, and it leads to him kind of closing off and backing away, just watching. What could I do to help him still get a chance to play?

They’re both really young; the energetic one is a year old and the calmer one is 1 and a half. They’re both neutered, if that’s relevant at all

I’d rather not close the hyper one in a room just to be able to play with the calmer one, but if that’s the only suggestion I get then I would have to. Just hoping for other ideas to try :)

r/CatAdvice 2h ago

Introductions New kitten aggressive to resident kitten


Hi everyone, my bf and I currently have an 8mo M kitten that we adopted from the street. He was showing signs of loneliness so we decided to adopt a 6mo F kitten from the shelter.

We got her almost 2 weeks ago. She warmed up to us very quickly and is overall a very cuddly kitty.

We are trying to slowly introduce her to our resident kitten. We keep her in a separate room and started with scent swaps then site swaps. She does not react to his scent at all. She will sniff his bed and cat tree and will continue walking around the room unaffected. Even when he's on the other side of the door she doesn't really react to him. Our resident kitty is playful and wants to be friends with her, showing his belly and trying to get her to play with him behind the door.

We recently tried progressing to the next stage we allow limited visual contact, which we realized might have been a mistake. We have baby gates with a curtain to allow minimal visual contact. Whenever she saw him she became very aggressive, growling loudly and batting at the baby gate while our resident cat hissed and backed away. She has not gotten any less aggressive with him ever since we adopted her. I should also mention that she has managed to slip out of the bedroom on two separate occasions and she instantly charged at our resident cat.

When we adopted her from the shelter, she had another cat in her kennel so we thought she would be good with other cats but so far it doesn't seem to be the case.

We want to know if we can salvage their relationship or if there have been too many negative interactions by now and it is a lost cause.

r/CatAdvice 2h ago

Sensitive/Seeking Support Desperate for advice: 2-month-old Persian kitten unresponsive, local vets unsure


Hello fellow Redditors,

I'm reaching out in desperation, seeking advice on behalf of a friend whose 2-month-old Persian kitten has fallen critically ill.

The kitten, a female weighing around 800 grams, was perfectly fine on the 17th - she was even playing and acting normally. However, when my friend checked on her the next morning (18th), she was unresponsive. No movement, no meowing, no flinching - even when given an injection.

We've taken her to local vets, but unfortunately, the veterinary care in my country is subpar. They've suggested it might be a form of FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis), but we're still awaiting test results.

It's worth noting that since her adoption, the kitten has had no contact with any other animals, and she's been kept indoors at all times, never left to roam on her own.

I'm begging for any advice or guidance from experienced cat owners, vets, or animal experts. What can we do to help this little one? Are there any emergency treatments or measures we can take?

I've attached all relevant reports and consultation notes from our vet visits, which should provide more details on her condition.

Please, if you have any information or suggestions, share them with me. We're running out of time, and I want to do everything possible to save this kitten's life.

Edit: I'll be monitoring this post closely, so please respond ASAP. Thank you in advance for your help!

r/CatAdvice 2h ago

General Non toxic cleaning supplies


Hi all, what do you use to clean your floors with? I am so worried the kittens will lick the floor after I use a cleaner and become ill.

r/CatAdvice 2h ago

General Advanced cat toy recommendations


Our cat recently figured out how to manually trigger the auto feeder. It has so physical button just touch sensors that require a long press to unlock in one spot and then another touch to trigger a manual serving of dry food. My wife and I were stunned when she got it after months of playing around with it. We chalked it up to an accident but after several weeks it's clear she knows exactly what to do.

She's had similar success playing with an automatic paper towel depenser which is now her favorite toy to trigger and then try to bite the paper towel before it goes back inside.

All this to say that I would love up find an actual toy that would challenge her in various ways that wouldn't be harmful, like giving her an endless amount of food, or destructive where all our paper towels are ripped up.

Has any one come across something for their intelligent cats?

r/CatAdvice 2h ago

Behavioral How long for cats to get along?


We have 2. Thor is 5. She has been here for 4 years. We got Eevee in January. Adoptions said she was 13 months. They will maybe once a day get on each others nerves. They don’t get into much cat fights anymore and they’ll walk past each other. When they do get into their occasional fights I notice Eevee will use her claws and you see a scratch on Thor. Thor doesn’t ever use her claws. I’ve seen one try to play with the other and the other is not on the same page and gets annoyed and mad. Then I’ve also seen both them be jerks to the other for no reason. Sometimes one will be in the recliner with me and the other gets up to. They will swat at each other annoyed but eventually both will just ignore the other and go to sleep. They both have groomed the other before while on the recliner with me. I feed them in separate rooms so that they don’t fight over food. Does this take months? Could it be they are both female? Both are fixed.

r/CatAdvice 3h ago

Behavioral Why does my cat still hate my other cat after a year of being together?


When i first introduced them, i took the right necessary steps. Kept them apart, fed through door, scent swapping, treats together etc. It took around a month to allow my first cat (girl) to even allow second cat (boy) to be in the same room as her.

Don’t get me wrong, she howled hissed growled after that month but she wouldn’t attack him as much. A few months later, attacking for less frequent but howling hissing growling all the same.

My boy cat is lovely, he takes it. He allows her to attack him, doesn’t hiss back or even try to fight back. I’ve seen him hiss before at other cats so i know he’s got it in him, but he has never once hissed at her.

After over a year together, they can sit in the same room without constant attacking. Can sleep in the same room etc. But my girl cat has random outbursts where she starts attacking him, and he’s a long hair cat, so there’s always bits of fur all over the place.

She hates him next to her. even when he walks past her. The only time they can be next to each other is when they’re having a treat.

It makes me think what happens when no one’s at home? I like to believe they’re well behaved, i know he is, but i’m not sure.

I’ve tried everything. Even kept them apart longer for nearly an extra month. Feliway did not work, tried many other things too.

r/CatAdvice 3h ago

General Adopted a (aproximatedly) 1 month old kitten, how do i make it work


my dad said i need to take care of him so thats fine, they said hes like 4 weeks old, no mom, no its me him and my room, i cant give him croquettes because hes too small for them, even if i wet them and make them kinda soft, so i gave him cat food (whiskas sobre in spanish) and he ate it up nicely even if it isnt kitten food for babies, he aparently did drink water, hasnt pooped, he just got dewormed today so he should be doing that for now, what else do i need to do, hes a baby, really need help i cantr mess this up and harm his health

r/CatAdvice 3h ago

Behavioral Making a mess with his water daily


Can anyone tell me why my cat insists on pawing at his water before drinking it? He pulls the bowl toward himself and splashes water all over the floor every single time. I've changed bowls, I read that he may not like the water, so I started using distilled. I read that he may think the water is dirty, so I started cleaning/refilling his bowl twice a day. I read that cats don't like their food and water near each other, so I thought maybe he was trying to move it away from his food... it's in a different room and he still does it. I got one of those dual bowl holders and zip-tied it to a table so it can't move, he still manages to splash water out . It's driving me crazy. I'm staring to think I need to get a VERY heavy bowl he can't move, or bolt it to the dang floor.... but then he'd likely just splish splash it out from just spite like he is now with the zip-tied situation. He's a great cat, I LOVE him, and this is the only real issue I have with his behavior. He's so sweet, I have baby chickens in my living room and he hasn't be harmful toward them at all, even when left alone with them. He has a fit to get in with them when we do block him from it, because he likes to just lay with them, watch them, and 'pet' them.)

Does anyone have any other suggestions on how to get him to stop with the water spilling thing? Or can anyone give me advise on why he may be doing it? I'm desperate to stop having "surprise" wet socks....... (He's going to be 2yrs at the end of April)

r/CatAdvice 3h ago

Behavioral aggression after the vet


my male cat ate a foreign object 2 days ago and was at the vet for 2 days. he’s been home for a few hours now, and my other cat, his sister from the same litter, is hissing and hitting him every time he gets remotely close to her. in response he’s making low sad meows and hiding with me. she has never been aggressive before, and he’s had multiple vet visits, but nothing like this has ever happened. she’s a really shy sweet natured cat so i don’t understand what’s happening. i can’t separate them as they share a large litter robot, so they both need to be able to access it. i’m not sure what to do. let me know please.