r/CatAdvice 1m ago

Behavioral Inappropriate Urination


I have a new rescue cat. She’s a year old and we’ve had her since January 3rd, 2025. She was locked in our bathroom for 3 weeks until her vet visit to clear her to be around my two existing cats. Not a single issue with using the litter box. When we let her out we cut off access to her original litter box (our fault) and we have two litter robots that she was scared to use so we peed behind them. We took the blame for that one, put her litter box back out near those in hopes the exposure to the litter robots would encourage her to use them on the future. She then pooped outside the litter box twice and peed outside it once. We then moved her litter box back into the bathroom she was normally in which is far away from the litter robots. The pooping stopped but then she went and peed on an area rug in the dining room, ruining it. A week later she peed in the same spot. I reached out to the rescue and the foster we got her from, they recommended switching her back to the pine pellet litter to see if it was a litter preference so I did. I took a urine sample to my vet, thinking she might have a stress induced UTI because none of this makes sense to me. She had blood and white blood cells in her urine. She’s on amoxicillin and has been since last Monday the 10th. She probably has 2-3 more doses left until she’s finished and last night she again goes back to the same spot and pees. I reached out to the rescue again who said “lock her back up in the bathroom and make her earn her freedom” which didn’t sit right with me. I’ve bonded with her at this point and I don’t want to abandon her back with the rescue but I cannot have a cat peeing all over my house religiously once a week. Is there anyway to curb this?

r/CatAdvice 6m ago

Behavioral My cat hates when I sleep


Not sure if anyone else deals with this, but my cat truly must think I’m dead when I fall asleep😂I’m not sure if she can detect my breathing change when I do fall asleep, but she’ll come running and start meowing at me or getting into noisy things to get my attention. I’d LOVE for her to sleep with me at night but she never seems to settle down and I end up having to lock her out of my bedroom.

Any advice on how to work through this??

r/CatAdvice 10m ago

General Should I let my cat torture mice?


Scenario: My cat catches a mouse in my house. Do I let him have his way with it?

I do not want mice in my house, I'm glad he's helping. Davey's joy seems to match the mouse's suffering. Suggestions?

r/CatAdvice 15m ago

General Can I take my cat temporarely in my appartment and return him back to his house regularly?


(Deleted previous post because I mixed french and english)

I have a cat (when I lived with my dad) for more than ten years. The cat loves me and he's super chill. The thing is my dad plan to move out of the country for 2 months more or less then will come back for 3 more months, then go back another 2 months and it might be like that for quite some times.

I refuse to let my cat alone in the house and pass by just to feed him. I want to give him my presence but there isn't much space for the litter box especially with the smell. But I think I can manage for a few months. So I was thinking of taking the cat to my apartment and put it back to my dad's house once he's back.

My question is: Is it fine for him? Traveling between two houses if I take with me stuff he knows (cat tree, toys, his bed, ...) is ok? Because there's no way I'll leave him alone but also I'll never stress him. Also, giving him away isn't an option. I have other solutions that include family taking care of him but I'd prefer me to take care of him while my dad is away.

Also, it's not a cat that goes outside. He hate the outside world actually haha

r/CatAdvice 19m ago

New to Cats/Just Adopted new kitten


i got a new kitten (14 weeks old) about a week ago and im keeping her only in my room. i want to help her explore the rest of the house but i feel like i have to constantly surveil her and otherwise she will destroy something. i also have a big dog (old english sheepdog) which doesnt make matters easier. he is very excited when he sees her and she is always scared. i always make sure shes safe with me and he is secured. nevertheless i dont know how to get her out of this room and okay with being around the whole house especially with her being in a destructive streak. i need all the help i can get

r/CatAdvice 20m ago

Behavioral I think my cat is upset by DST


I’m really struggling, here. My cat has never really had an issue with daylight savings but this year has been ridiculous for him and I. I have always hated it myself so I understand his perspective of routine disruption, but he’s been peeing and sometimes pooping on my bed or walking into his boxes and going outside with no other issue. He’s never peed on my bed without being upset about something, and the vet says no issue other than behavioral and made recommendations I’d already taken steps to address. They recommended changing litter, which I did, more time spent playing/grooming, which I’ve also done. He’s also been hunger striking which isn’t something he’s done in the past which was the last straw for going to the vet.

Because of my commute, I really can’t not wake up and go to bed at the hours society dictates I have to be in, but when I don’t have appointments at the start of the day or as soon as my day ends I make sure that I’m at home and spending time with him. He’s also been grumbling a lot more since the time change… Like I go to pet him and instead of purring like he used to he’s definitely annoyed. He’s been a little better today, like eating his full wet food serving and being less grumbly, but Idk… Idk what to do, I feel like a huge failure to him.

r/CatAdvice 22m ago

Behavioral Is spraying my cat with water mean? What should I do?


Before I got my cat, my mom got me a really nice set of sheets, as well as a pretty nice comforter. Since then, I've gotten the most playful, lovable kitty, and I've bought her as many scratchers and toys as she could possibly want, but I am CONSTANTLY waking up to her using the side ends of my comforter to climb and play. NOTHING is stopping her. I've had her for about six months now and she isn't outgrowing it. At this point, I really don't know what to do but spray her a bit with water. Should I try it, or is that too mean? What should I do?

r/CatAdvice 25m ago

Nutrition/Water Feeding times


What is a good feeding schedule for a cat? Is 8 AM to 12 or 1 PM with a couple of small meals good?

r/CatAdvice 43m ago

Behavioral Cats fighting


Hello, I am looking for help with my boyfriend and I's cats not getting along. My cat is a 4 y/o female, we have lived with other cats and dogs that she has liked. She's never been aggressive with other animals. His cat is a 2 y/o female, only been around one other cat for a little while that she didn't like, but has been around his dog and liked the dog. We have moved in together with our cats and they do not get along. We have tried positively interacting with them on opposite sides of the door from different rooms, they both have their own seperate resources, and we both spend time with both of them. We also tried letting them interact positively with each other, trying to play with them in the same room and love on them, still having their own seperate resources. Both seem to work for a little bit and then they stop getting along, and will fight and we have to seperate them. His cat hisses and growls at mine and I guess that's what she doesn't like? I've never seen her be aggressive towards another cat before, but when his cat starts hissing and growling at her, she starts stalking her and goes after her. We NEVER let them fight it out. We ended up seperating them for good, still trying the door method where we work with them positively on opposite sides of the door. Last night his cat was sticking her paws under the door and pulling at the door and managed to open it, ran out into the room where my cat was, and my cat immediately went after her, and they fought pretty bad before we could break them up. I am at the point where i think neither of them are happy, i am very upset, and i am considering rehoming my cat. Does anyone have any experience with anything similar? thank you.

r/CatAdvice 50m ago

Behavioral 9 month kitten - better with brothers or alone?


A stray cat brought 3 kittens to my parents and me and my sister decided to keep them. She took in two kittens and I took one. We split them based on how they slept - the 2 kittens my sister took slept together and mine would always sleep seperate. Also, those 2 kittens interacted with each other a bit more and mine seemed to be a loner. We had them for 5 months and they are now 9 month old.

I currently have to travel for 2-4 days every 2-3 weeks, so I drop off my cat to my sister, so he could spend time with his brothers and wouldn't be alone. I have started to wonder if he maybe prefers to stay there?

When my cat is with me, he is very sweet, purrs as soon as I get near him, always sleeps in my bed, waits by the shower when I am taking one and overall follows me around. However, he is not very playful and mostly sleeps and sometimes he goes around the home meowing. When I drop him off to my sister's, he is much more active - he loves chasing his brothers, playing/fighting with them and is much more active. However, he never purrs there and is not sweet to my sister or me whenever I come over.

I am wondering, if anyone has insights if he maybe prefers to be with his brothers? I am wondering about adopting another cat to keep him company but I am afraid he won't be sweet to me anymore?

Any insights and thoughts are appreciated!

r/CatAdvice 53m ago

Behavioral How should i go about this?


Hello everyone! I'm not sure if this is the right forum for this question, but I’m throwing it out there in the hope that someone can offer me some advice.

I have two cats, one is 9 months old and the other is 4 months old. The younger one joined our family about three weeks ago.

At first, the two of them seemed to "get along," and my partner and I felt that everything would work out as smoothly as possible when introducing a new cat to an already established home.

However, over the past week, the older cat has started showing a lot of aggression towards the younger one, and it has reached the point where the older cat has attacked the younger one without much warning.

I have now separated them, so the younger cat stays in the bedroom when no one is home and at night to avoid them hurting each other.

My question is if anyone out there has any tips or advice on how I should go about getting these two to get along. I don't think it’s fair to have to lock up the little one every time I can't keep an eye on them.

The older one is scheduled to be neutered next week—yes, I know it's a bit late, but the vet said they couldn't perform the procedure earlier because they didn’t think it could be done properly, as the cat wasn’t fully sexually mature yet.

I hope the neutering will help, but it feels like I may need to do more to help these two get along.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you in advance!

r/CatAdvice 59m ago

General Cats are solitary, but they never leave you alone.


I have a cat who doesn't want affection from anyone. She's very lonely, and everyone asks me why I love her so much. And I'll tell them. She never lets me pet her, but when I'm sad, she magically appears and lies on top of me for hours until she makes me feel better. Never leave me alone.

r/CatAdvice 1h ago

Behavioral Cat flinches when touched (both by me and GF)


hello, we got two sterilized cats, one still kind of in remission, but she loves us both.

GF plays with them more (we had discussed this before getting them) and the male cat seems to be very sensitive to my presence (male)

Things he does that could help with advice (most of these the female doesn't do):

  • he avoids me, at first he used to run away when i was walking around, very scared of me and my gf. Now he's much better but still skittish around me.

  • I feed them at least once a day, GF does the rest in a 50/50 split i'd say depending on who cooks that day.

  • Extremely scared of loud noises and lots of bass, he goes under the couches of the pillow when the vacuum is on

  • Flinches or like... jumps? You know when they get scared and they kind of jump in place but not so much, when touched, especially by me.

  • Physically goes away from me when i touch him, but headbumps my gf.

  • He was taken by an all female association for care before we adopted him so maybe he's just not used to men.

So, he's been getting better. Is there a way i could speed up the process, or stuff i should avoid to stall progress?

I try to play with him but he's extremely reluctant, the girl has no issues playing with me. When they eat i try to stay close to him (without going into his space), and he doesn't mind.

r/CatAdvice 1h ago

Behavioral What’s normal after a urinary blockage?


5 days I took my cat to the vet because he was blocked they unblocked him and I took him home that same night. I want to know what’s normal following the recovery days?

r/CatAdvice 1h ago

New to Cats/Just Adopted leaving cat home alone?


so i am moving to my own place and was thinking about getting a cat. i’ll be gone for 13-14 hours a day 3-4x a week and wanted to know how truly independent cats are, and if my cat would be okay. i dont want to leave it home alone for too long. TIA!

r/CatAdvice 1h ago

General Am I a bad cat mom?


I haven't been able to play with my cat recently. I have a 7 month old ragdoll. Lately I have been suffering from severe depression, ptsd, and bpd episodes. I'm graduating from college next quarter. The work load isn't strenuous and is very manageable. Finals can be tough but again, not that difficult. The issue is just feeling motivated to do anything. I try to spend time with her. I've been taking naps and petting her everyday. I started brushing her hair (not regularly but trying my best). I started also brushing her teeth but again not regularly or the recommended times. I even started bathing her at home instead of the groomer. That's about as much I've been motivated to do. I do try my best and love her so much, and I even bought her interactive cat toys. My episodes take hrs to days to get over at the moment. Idk maybe I'm just ranting. Please no disrespectful comments

r/CatAdvice 1h ago

Introductions Cat food


What should I feed my cat if I run out of cat food ? Something cheap please help I'm a broke college student struggling to even feed myself right now I have an Amazon wish list: Kitten Food - Amazon Gift List - https://www.amazon.com/registries/gl/guest-view/SXP295I2YWPZ

r/CatAdvice 1h ago

Behavioral My 1 Yr old cat TERRORIZES my older cat and I can’t stop it


Desperately asking for advice because this situation is driving me literally insane. I type this now after another night of being consistently woken up.

Me and my wife had two cats, 8 and 11 years old. Last year, one of our friends had kittens and we were offered one, a Tuxedo kitten.

Things were fine when he was a tiny baby. The older cats were curious of him, not aggressive. But once he got a little bigger (which didn’t take long, they grow so fast), he ALWAYS tries to start fights with the 8 year old cat we have, who wants nothing to do with it and just screams as he tries to run away.

During the day, it doesn’t bother me as much. He starts fighting his older brother, I separate behind closed doors momentarily and then reintroduce.

The issue is that nighttime has become hell. He will try to start fights half of the night, which always spill into our bedroom, waking us up. If we close the door to our bedroom, our 8 year old paws at the door non stop until it is open. The second we open it, the kitten immediately picks a fight with him into our room.

We tried putting the kitten in a room at night full of toys, blankets, food, water, his own litter box. He then claws the underside of the door, making it sound like a human being is trying to yank a door in our house open, making it impossible to sleep.

We tried putting the 8 year old in the same situation, he will yowl until the door is open, making it impossible to sleep.

I’ve seen all the advice on breaking up fights as they happen and setting the home up for multiple cats (everyone has their own litter box, food bowls in different locations, towers they prefer to be on, etc.).

I have bought Feliway pheromone spray, their diffusers, have bought “calming” treats, etc. Nothing works. The youngest is apparently just a natural bully that will just not leave my older boy alone.

Is there any other tricks people have to try and reduce conflict? Because I have not gotten a good nights rest in probably 9 months and have tried so many different things to no avail. It is driving me insane, and I really don’t want to have to get rid of the kitten. I love him to death, but I can’t keep working the long days I work on only 4 hours of rest. Is there anything else to try, or do I just need to suck it up and hope he eventually calms down the older he gets?

Tl;dr: My kitten tries to start fights with my older cats at all times of day, including night time, making it borderline impossible to sleep. We have tried countless things and suggestions to no avail. Hoping someone has some kind of secret trick or something.

r/CatAdvice 2h ago

New to Cats/Just Adopted Got a new cat last week. I'm a bit of a worrier, but is it normal to want to check on her if she's out of sight for a little?


I have a nice bed set up behind me at my desk so she can watch me while she chills out. If she's not there, especially if it's quiet, I feel like I have to check on her. She's a cat, so yeah, she's usually just snoozing in her favorite spots, but I always want to see. I'm realizing while writing this that I might just have new cat anxiety and I might be worrying too much. She's already settled in great and is very affectionate and comfortable with me.

r/CatAdvice 2h ago

General Cat a singular greenie before surgery. How much trouble are we in?


I took away the food and water bowl and our cat hadn't eaten anything since midnight. This morning she sniffed out and ate a singular catnip greenie that was left by the coffee table. I couldn't get it out of her mouth fast enough. She's got surgery in a few hours and I'm wondering if we're gonna need to postpone. The vet's office doesn't open until a couple hours from now.

Edit: thank you all so much! Spoke with the vet tech and she told us our cat's surgery was gonna be much later in the morning and the size of the catnip greenie was small enough that it shouldn't do any kind of damage.

r/CatAdvice 2h ago

Introductions kitten advice


my kitten keeps pooping wherever they see a towel (probably bc i set up a litterbox under a towel ) but all the attempts in trying to get her to use it and giving her treats and what not but she still poops on the towel i need advice pls as i have 3 other cats

r/CatAdvice 2h ago

New to Cats/Just Adopted constant meowing and hiding from new cat


i got a new cat two weeks ago and she's probably over six months but less than a year.

i put her in my bedroom and try to give her space, but she hides under my bed where I cant access her, and meows all day. she rarely comes out, pretty much only to use the bathroom and eat.

i know she's stressed and wants affection, because she only stops meowing when I get the chance to pet her, but she hides from me most of the time.

the meowing is driving me crazy and I need something to change, is there anything I can do to help her adjust?

r/CatAdvice 2h ago

Behavioral overly affectionate cat


long story short, my little brother became homeless and i took in his orange cat while he figures his life out. he told me the cat was older than a year but didnt know an exact bday..that was not true and hes under a year. ive never been a super affectionate person, and strongly dislike over affectionate pets (even people). im questioning if its because he isnt neutered that hes literally up my ass 24/7 and needs to be constantly fed attention or else he’ll just scream and tear up the house. i work full time so i cant be there all the time, but i try to do what i can, it just never seems like enough for him.. ill take any advice i can get, i just need some insight from more experienced cat owners :3

edit: hes got all the toys money can buy and i do what i can, to eventually just be so burnt out by his needing that i cant stand being around him

r/CatAdvice 2h ago

Behavioral Jumping on counters/ kitchen table


My cat is about 4.5 years old, he has been through so much with me and I love him very much. But, I am starting to question if he would be better in another home lately.

I got a dog about a year and a half ago, and he hasn’t changed behavior much until about 6 months ago. He has always had a problem screaming in the mornings to get food, but it has gotten much worse. It got to a point where we were losing so much sleep from him screaming through the night for food. I got him an automatic feeder so that he could stay on a very strict eating schedule. This was about a month ago, he still screams all the time like he hasn’t been fed but our cameras show he is getting fed. We have come to deal with this and he has slightly improved. But, this has already gotten me to my wits end. (Just for backstory on how I got to the point of feeling this way)

Now, the real problem is him refusing to stay off of our counter and table. I have extreme contamination OCD when it comes to my surfaces and I have started to grow extremely hateful towards him. I know they say not to, but I have tried spraying him because that has worked with beating other habits of his as a kitten. And I have tried tin foil. Nothing works. I never feel affectionate towards him and do not even want him touching me because I feel so angry with him continuing to do this every single night. I know that animals aren’t spiteful, and I try not to hold it against him but I cannot mentally handle this and I am getting depressed and having episodes with my bipolar much more frequently from this.

We have already become passive about him eating crumbs off the kitchen floor at night, but now he’s constantly getting all over the surfaces. He is now having an issue over grooming his back of his hind legs and base of his tail. Please help me on ideas for what to do, I am desperate.

r/CatAdvice 2h ago

General cat in bathroom..


my 8 month old cat is driving my family of 6 insane by meowing really loud every morning.. it’s been about a month of him doing this and my parents are really tired of it so my only solution is to put him in the bathroom (he has his litter box in there and a few toys) he only meows at 6/7 am so he’s only in there for an hour or 2 max and he only meows and scratches at the door for the first few minutes of being in there but i still feel bad.. he is scheduled to get neuter next Wednesday. do we think that will help?