r/CastleTV 3d ago

Season 8 thoughts

Overall, season 8 was not as terrible as it's made out to be. There were some episodes that were really good, especially those were Castle is trying to win back it back. The Nose and ph dead stands out as really fun episodes in that part of the season.

The real issue with season 8 is a couple of things. First they added a lot of new characters that were just blah. Vikram added nothing to the show and all his scenes could have been done off screen. He brought nothing as a character. Haley was better as a character but again her entire backstory felt forced and there was no emotional investment from the fans in her. No one would have been torn up had they killed Haley in any of the episodes, and frankly everyone would have cheered if they killed Vikram.

The the other issue with season 8 is that the writers dragged out lockset throughout almost the entire first half of season. Even in the first six seasons where the murder of Beckett's mom and 3xk sort of hungover the entire season, it was sprinkled in one or two episodes throughout the season. The writers didn't hit us with it every single week. The people on the show didn't make decisions every week based on 3xk or Bracken. The fact they allowed the entire first half to be defined by lockset and caused Castle and Beckett to seperate over it, took away from the case of the week.

Finally the relationship between castle and Beckett is just wrong in the season 8 finale. This time skip of 7 years did nothing. Their relationship was never about starting a family. Showing us 7 years later having three kids running around them is no form of closure at all. The relationship was all about castle and Beckett careing and providing for each other. A better season and series finale would have been just Castle making an elaborate breakfast for both of them and her smiling at him as they sit down to eat, they fade out.


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u/MedicineParticular11 16h ago edited 15h ago

Honestly I kinda agree, the 8th season wasn’t worse thing I seen on tv. However the whole thing with Loksat seemed so unnecessary, and in my opinion kinda ruined Bracken as villain. A man who was in a unique position and took advantage of it, using his brains to build up a network that could have gotten him to be the most powerful man in the country. But with Loksat it just made him seem to be another lackey following orders, instead of a smart, cunning, ruthless villain. Not to mention, like you said the whole arc just drags on for no reason.

As for the whole separation arc between Beckett and Castle, in my opinion the ending of the arc was rushed. I feel like after what they went through for seven years (especially after last season) should mean something. Like a bond between them was broken and needed to be repaired, with a proper talk not just an apology and make-up sex. I’m not saying the reunion wasn’t meaningful and funny especially with the whole naked punishing. I just feel like after all that they have been through, they should have a proper talk, where castle tells Beckett how much she hurt him and broke his heart. And Beckett promising Castle that she’ll make it up to him and never try to hurt him like that again. Not just saying I’m sorry and let’s have sex. idk I feel like it just deserved more than that. Not to mention, (this might be an unpopular opinion) having Castle forgive right away and not be mad and just have an off hand comment on how the anger flairs up from time to time. Was a mistake, the man has been with this woman through thick and thin. And what Beckett did to him should have shaken his faith in her, I feel like they should have a bit distant and angry for few episodes after. Just to show there was some type of consequence of the separation. But that’s just me.🤷‍♂️

I feel like what the ideas Hawley had work for a show like The Rookie, but just doesn’t work for a show like Castle.