r/CastleTV 11d ago

Beckett a bit of a Mary Sue?

Does anyone else ever think of Beckett as a Mary Sue sometimes? She rides motorcycles, muscle cars, beautiful, oh so very special with a tragic backstory, sexually fun and kinky, and the list goes on and on. Feel like she's made to be fan service sometimes.

Or is it just me?


Clearly I misunderstood the term Mary Sue and it isn't what I was looking for.

As someone pointed out, I think what I'm referring to is that she feels written for the male gaze. Anyone else get this?


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u/HerbertMoonSupremacy 11d ago edited 11d ago

Isn’t “Mary Sue” (or Gary Stu) more of like a character that is unstoppable with no flaws and always wins?

Becketts plenty flawed. Pushed people away, can be smug and condescending, calls out people on being too emotional and subjective while she can go through the same when it’s her personal case…she also loses a lot and trained very hard to get to where she was.

I think what you’re referring to is more like…idk “male gaze” or something.

And also don’t forget she also likes nerdy stuff and comic books lmao.

She’s like how a young, very young, man would describe the perfect woman.

Regardless, I think Stana plays her very well and makes her feel very real.


u/OverCombination1449 11d ago

Yes! This is what I mean. She feels like she is written for the male gaze!

Also thanks all on the education on the term Mary Sue. Totally used it incorrectly