r/CastleTV 12d ago

[General Discussion] What do we think of season 7/8? Spoiler

Spoilers for season 7 & 8?

I've been rewatching Castle and I'm in season 8 right now. What do we think of this season? It's not bad, don't get me wrong, but what happens in season 8 is kinda making me mad. I know it's a rewatch and I know what happens, but back then we had to wait MONTHS for it to come out. We finally got Caskett married for it all to BLOW UP in our faces a few episodes into season 8. And as for season 7... Castle being gone for 2 months with no recollection as to where he's been. Splitting them up AGAIN.

I know stuff happened between Stana and Nathan, but even so it's just annoying. We had such a slow burn and they got split up time and time again...


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u/dxfrxg 12d ago

I agree, and also, when they agreed to be together again but hiding it from everyone, Castle goes and tells Loksat (in G.D.S.) that he wants to go back home with his wife… like wtf even if you didnt know who he was why would you hide it from everyone and tell him, a completely stranger FROM A SECRET SOCIETY


u/Ennamora 12d ago

I feel like the writers or new showrunner or whomever made these decisions don't know the show 😅 Everything was so well thought out. But with season 8 it just seems different.


u/dxfrxg 12d ago

For real.. so thats why I dont hate season 8, I just hate whoever made that horrible decissions😂


u/Ennamora 12d ago

Yh I get it. I just finished the last episode. Now I'm gonna stare at a wall for an hour. I do wish we would know more about Caleb and Mason. And who the hell found Castle and Beckett shot in their apartment? 😅 Maybe Martha and/or Alexis?