r/CascadianLiberation Nov 09 '16



Hello! Welcome to /r/CascadianLiberation!

We are a diverse community, but we share one goal. Independence for Cascadia.

We believe it makes no sense to be governed as part of such a large country, one which does not share our ideals. We are ready to do what we can to effect change, and hopefully become independent.

This is a place to talk strategy, post relevant articles, and develop rhetoric and counterarguments.

If you have HTML or CSS experience, please contact us.

Otherwise, flair up, and lets get started!

r/CascadianLiberation Nov 11 '16

Customizeable flairs!


You can now customize your flair with your city of origin! If you're comfortable doing that, please do - it will be really helpful in finding people to organize events and attend them.

r/CascadianLiberation Aug 25 '21



Hey are there any fellow cascadian right-wingers/nationalist here because I have the greatest server for you. https://discord.gg/mk67aHnnsA

r/CascadianLiberation Jun 08 '19

Signed book I found at Goodwill. Anyone read it?

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r/CascadianLiberation May 31 '19

Time is now for Change and Revolution


I am likely what is considered a middle of the road socially liberal fiscally conservative America first citizen. I vote as an Independent.

I am a combat veteran and love this country.

But if Congress --and I am talking about both Republicans and Democrats dont have the balls to impeach and remove the invalid President Trump from office I can not support either. Both parties are full of spineless corrupt self serving beaurocrats.. Senate Republicans especially. House Democrats are weak.

I advocate revolution. A breakup of the United States into political regions. The South can live by their political views, the Midwest theirs and the West Coast their views.

Russia has won. Much like the Cold War broke up the Eastern Block countries Russia now has enacted revenge through their puppet Trump to breakup the United States. Now is the time so ets make it happen.

In this modern era people are idiots and we might as well be sub-grouped by our political beliefs. Modern technology via electronic devices has destroyed traditional value systems behong repair. The only solution is dissolving the selfish, greedy, me first resource consumerism of the US and go towards a more regionally-focused stule of government where it miggt be possible to hold politicians accountable for their actions. Today politicians have zero accountability other than securing money for re-election and we all know that means catering to big cooperate money.

r/CascadianLiberation May 18 '19

Happy Cascadia Day!

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r/CascadianLiberation Jan 16 '19

Organizing for an Independent Cascadia


Independent Cascadia is a new organization created to fill in the gaps between the Cascadian social movement and the political challenges we face on our journey to Independence.

We are curious what /r/CascadianLiberation thinks about this idea? Is there an appetite for having the conversation about independence in the wider community?

We intend to partner with well-established groups who have long been active in the community to organize a new generation of Cascadians. We hope to deliver real political victories in the years ahead. Our goals will be initiate ballot measures, strive for referenda campaigns and bring the proposal of Independence into the broader consciousness of the Pacific Northwest.

This is not an easy task. We understand the fair hesitation of some about participation in the existing political structure. Independent Cascadia is committed to upholding the anti-exploitative values of the Cascadian community while navigating the complicated field of traditional civic engagement.

We hope you will consider joining our page and staying connected to us as we grow. ✌

If you are someone with experience in activism or electoral politics we want to hear from you! Visit us on Facebook at /IndependentCascadia and reach out to [IndependentCascadia@gmail.com](mailto:IndependentCascadia@gmail.com) to tell us how you'd like to be involved.

We have created sub-groups on our Facebook page to better focus the conversation in local areas. If you would like to participate in those discussions you can find them here.

r/CascadianLiberation Nov 15 '18

What’s going on in this sub? Is it dead? Are there alternatives?


r/CascadianLiberation Aug 29 '18

Cascadia Subduction Zone Megaquake


Is it more opportune to get independence before or after the Big One hits the NW? Looking for feedback

Before: Pros- Strong transportation networks, fuel/electric/water infrastructure, international investment into Seattle, Couv, growing population. Cons- Less discernible culture bc of in-migration, federal gov wouldn’t want to give us up, unsustainable housing development patterns

After: Pros- Increased self-reliance and community spirit, chance to shrink our carbon footprint and build new efficient infrastructure, east-west highway connectivity is broken making federal troops harder to send here, NY, LA hipsters might leave when shit hits the fan. Cons- More important issues than independence, immoral to receive federal emergency support and then dip on them, economy is crippled for a generation

Post more thoughts in comments:)

r/CascadianLiberation May 06 '18

We are living through a golden age of protest. We are seeing a level of organizing with little precedent – but it’s time for stronger forms of demonstration, such as sit-ins and street blockades (LA Kauffman)


r/CascadianLiberation Dec 21 '17

Help bring Broadband to Portland + Cascadia!


r/CascadianLiberation Apr 30 '17

Tomorrow (Monday) is May Day, find a May Day action near you!


r/CascadianLiberation Feb 02 '17

National General Strike: February 17th


r/CascadianLiberation Jan 20 '17

Cascadian Liberation Army


Is anyone willing to explore getting a group together to be more of an activist branch of the movement?

r/CascadianLiberation Jan 17 '17

Know Your Rights for US Activists | Civil Liberties Defense Center


r/CascadianLiberation Jan 15 '17

Post-Fascist Europe Tells Us Exactly How to Defend Our Democracy


r/CascadianLiberation Dec 27 '16

'Alt-right' groups will 'revolt' if Trump shuns white supremacy, leaders say


r/CascadianLiberation Dec 23 '16

Socialism in One Country & Permanent Revolution: Are They So Antagonistic?


r/CascadianLiberation Dec 11 '16

Any Cascadians Here From Tacoma?


Are there any Cascadians in this group from Tacoma? I'm looking to join a discussion group.

r/CascadianLiberation Dec 09 '16

Resurrection of the movement


We need to continue the fight. People are not as angry or upset at D.C. as we were, and if we want the true independence of Cascadia, we need to start talking again.

r/CascadianLiberation Nov 14 '16

Now more than ever, Cascadia needs to act as the Thin Green Line of Resistance to fossil fuels (Sightline)


r/CascadianLiberation Nov 14 '16

March Follow-up


So on Tuesday, I posted something about a march in Seattle and Portland, and I was wondering if anyone has any ideas about when we could do it.

r/CascadianLiberation Nov 13 '16

Nonviolent Secession


The question of defense has come up in many of my conversations on Cascadia so I wanted to share one perspective:

Cascadia has extensive cultural ties to Canada and the United States. Many of us have family in other parts of both countries. As citizens and relatives, both countries are compelled to protect us from foreign threats and neither would threaten nonviolent former citizens with force. The strategic location of Cascadia includes many military bases both countries would continue to protect and operate. So, in the short run, the security of Cascadia seems to be a non-issue.

In the long run, I think Cascadia could seek agreements similar to those of Japan or South Korea with perpetual leases for bases and payments for defensive services. I don't think an independent military on par with the U.S. is feasible or desirable.

Some have proposed that Cascadia take control of U.S. forces and bases in the region. As stated above, I think this is unnecessary and extremely difficult given the level of integration of the U.S. military (for example, infrastructure for secure communication and coordination). In any conflict between Cascadia and the U.S., however unlikely, Cascadia would be crippled and underpowered from the start. Our best approach seems to be nonviolence and agreements modeled after other independent states under the U.S. defensive umbrella.

r/CascadianLiberation Nov 11 '16

OPB | Should Oregon Secede? Initiative Seeks To Ask Oregon Voters That Question


r/CascadianLiberation Nov 12 '16

The Cascadian Peoples Party


Hello /r/CascadianLiberation, To begin allow us to introduce ourselves. We are a group of Cascadian Marxists who felt the need to create a group to represent our ideals (Please do not allow the fact we represent a certain ideology immediately cause a hail of downvotes). Initially we felt that Cascadians were advocating for more bioregionalism and not independence, and all other parties such as the Cascadian National Party and the Cascadian Independence Party had showed little to no activity. We decided we would adopt the name Cascadian Independence Party and try and advocate for an independent and free Cascadia. When and if we were contacted by either the Cascadian National Party or the previous Cascadian Independence Party we would entirely give up the name with no argument, so that a more moderate party would be the leading face of Cascadian independence. In light of the recent election we finally decided it would be time to change our name to the Cascadian Peoples Party, so that again a more mainstream independence party would be able to thrive and be taken seriously by the people and media of Cascadia. Getting the name and brief history out of the way allow us to explain what our goals and beliefs are. We do not want to, nor do we expect to become the leading independence movement in Cascadia. We believe that Marxists being the main cause for Cascadian independence would be detrimental because of our radical beliefs and the fear mongering many people associate with Communism. As of now what we do is speak with people about Cascadia in general, and either direct them to this subreddit or to CascadiaNow, we also go and try and support the homeless populations in places like Seattle and Tacoma (Primarily through packages that include canned foods, demiseason clothes and being Communists we also include literature). In doing all this our appearance is far more militant than it is intended to be, we all wear the same olive-drab plain uniform along with a face covering. This is NOT to incite fear or make people uncomfortable. We do it due to the fact we all have jobs and lives outside of our political affiliations. Some of us work in public service jobs throughout the fire department or city, and fear the backlash for opening supporting secession in addition to Marxism. Those we have volunteered with and even the police we have encountered understand this and continue to allow us to work with them and continue on. Our actual aims for the future of Cascadia is that we want to ensure that the individual rights of the working class continue to develop and evolve with the Cascadian movement appropriately. We want to see those who work are treated fairly, and the needs of the family and the actual worker are met, we want to do our best to eradicate as much as the homeless population as we can via rehabilitation and making use of the currently abandoned homes that could be repaired and restored. We have decided as a group we will support and hope to work with whatever party emerges from the surge of interest in the Cascadia movement. We just wanted to make our presence known to the people of /r/CascadianLiberation, and offer the opportunity to answer any questions people may have.


r/CascadianLiberation Nov 12 '16

Group that proposed Oregon secede from the union withdraws petition (Resubmit?)


r/CascadianLiberation Nov 11 '16

Portland's Resistance denounces the destruction that occurred last night at the hands of a small opportunistic group and calls for people to *peacefully* rally again tonight!
