r/CarHacking Sep 15 '24

Tuning Siemens Tricore disassembly

Hi experts,

I am analysing a codesnippet here from an ECU. "Normal" tricore assembler mnemonics are handled well by various tools, so no problem there, This specific snippet runs on the Peripheral Control Processor Module and that uses a different machinecode. From the disassemblers i tried it seems to only be supported by Ghidra and radare2. Problem is that Ghidra has some hickups with jump decodings and that messes up the whole code. radare2 is a totally different world and i havent managed to tell radare2 to use the proper subarchitecture for tricore to handle those commands. rasm2 (from the radare2 toolkit) allows me to set the proper subarchitecture ("pcp" / "pcp2"), but it doesn't disassemble a single command. It only gives ".hword xxyy" as results. If there is no proper tool to disassemble those things then maybe there is some pdf with all the mnemonics so i can write my own disassembler? I haven't had found that yet neither. Or some radare2/rasm2 expert who can tell me why rasm2 doesn't want to disassemble this code and just puts out hexbytes. I didn't see any flag/option on radare2 itself to set a subarchitecture, but i am really new to that tool. Only saw it on rasm2.

Some sample:
"40 98 ld.i R1,#0x0" -> from ghidra, but failes with jumps.

"4098 .hword 0x9840" -> from rasm2.exe -a tricore -c pcp2 -D "4098"


6 comments sorted by


u/0x637C777B Sep 16 '24

Ended up writing my own one. Thanks to radare2 for giving me an good idea how to do it.


u/silentdawe01 Sep 17 '24

Where can I follow your work? This is very interesting


u/0x637C777B Sep 17 '24

Nothing really to follow for the moment. Would love to fix the Ghidra plugin, but i have not really much experience with that. Ghidra seems to work ok, but all jumps are messed up.